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package io.swagger.codegen.languages;
import io.swagger.codegen.*;
import io.swagger.models.ModelImpl;
import io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter;
import io.swagger.models.Model;
import io.swagger.models.Operation;
import io.swagger.models.Swagger;
import java.util.*;
public class HaskellServantCodegen extends DefaultCodegen implements CodegenConfig {
// source folder where to write the files
protected String sourceFolder = "src";
protected String apiVersion = "0.0.1";
* Configures the type of generator.
* @return the CodegenType for this generator
* @see io.swagger.codegen.CodegenType
public CodegenType getTag() {
return CodegenType.SERVER;
* Configures a friendly name for the generator. This will be used by the generator
* to select the library with the -l flag.
* @return the friendly name for the generator
public String getName() {
return "haskell";
* Returns human-friendly help for the generator. Provide the consumer with help
* tips, parameters here
* @return A string value for the help message
public String getHelp() {
return "Generates a Haskell server and client library.";
public HaskellServantCodegen() {
// override the mapping to keep the original mapping in Haskell
specialCharReplacements.put("-", "Dash");
specialCharReplacements.put(">", "GreaterThan");
specialCharReplacements.put("<", "LessThan");
// set the output folder here
outputFolder = "generated-code/haskell-servant";
* Template Location. This is the location which templates will be read from. The generator
* will use the resource stream to attempt to read the templates.
embeddedTemplateDir = templateDir = "haskell-servant";
* Api Package. Optional, if needed, this can be used in templates
apiPackage = "API";
* Model Package. Optional, if needed, this can be used in templates
modelPackage = "Types";
// Haskell keywords and reserved function names, taken mostly from
// Keywords
"as", "case", "of",
"class", "data", "family",
"default", "deriving",
"do", "forall", "foreign", "hiding",
"if", "then", "else",
"import", "infix", "infixl", "infixr",
"instance", "let", "in",
"mdo", "module", "newtype",
"proc", "qualified", "rec",
"type", "where"
* Additional Properties. These values can be passed to the templates and
* are available in models, apis, and supporting files
additionalProperties.put("apiVersion", apiVersion);
* Supporting Files. You can write single files for the generator with the
* entire object tree available. If the input file has a suffix of `.mustache
* it will be processed by the template engine. Otherwise, it will be copied
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("README.mustache", "", ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("stack.mustache", "", "stack.yaml"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("Setup.mustache", "", "Setup.hs"));
* Language Specific Primitives. These types will not trigger imports by
* the client generator
languageSpecificPrimitives = new HashSet(
typeMapping.put("array", "List");
typeMapping.put("set", "Set");
typeMapping.put("boolean", "Bool");
typeMapping.put("string", "Text");
typeMapping.put("int", "Int");
typeMapping.put("long", "Integer");
typeMapping.put("short", "Int");
typeMapping.put("char", "Char");
typeMapping.put("float", "Float");
typeMapping.put("double", "Double");
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "Integer");
typeMapping.put("file", "FilePath");
typeMapping.put("number", "Double");
typeMapping.put("integer", "Int");
typeMapping.put("any", "Value");
importMapping.put("Map", "qualified Data.Map as Map");
cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE, CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE_DESC));
cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE, CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE_DESC));
* Escapes a reserved word as defined in the `reservedWords` array. Handle escaping
* those terms here. This logic is only called if a variable matches the reseved words
* @return the escaped term
public String escapeReservedWord(String name) {
return name + "_";
public void preprocessSwagger(Swagger swagger) {
// From the title, compute a reasonable name for the package and the API
String title = swagger.getInfo().getTitle();
// Drop any API suffix
if(title == null) {
title = "Swagger";
} else {
title = title.trim();
if (title.toUpperCase().endsWith("API")) {
title = title.substring(0, title.length() - 3);
String[] words = title.split(" ");
// The package name is made by appending the lowercased words of the title interspersed with dashes
List wordsLower = new ArrayList();
for (String word : words) {
String cabalName = joinStrings("-", wordsLower);
// The API name is made by appending the capitalized words of the title
List wordsCaps = new ArrayList();
for (String word : words) {
wordsCaps.add(word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1));
String apiName = joinStrings("", wordsCaps);
// Set the filenames to write for the API
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("haskell-servant-codegen.mustache", "", cabalName + ".cabal"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("API.mustache", "lib/" + apiName, "API.hs"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("Types.mustache", "lib/" + apiName, "Types.hs"));
additionalProperties.put("title", apiName);
additionalProperties.put("titleLower", apiName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + apiName.substring(1));
additionalProperties.put("package", cabalName);
// Due to the way servant resolves types, we need a high context stack limit
additionalProperties.put("contextStackLimit", swagger.getPaths().size() * 2 + 300);