haskell-http-client.Client.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Module : {{title}}.Client
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module {{title}}.Client where
import {{title}}.Core
import {{title}}.Logging
import {{title}}.MimeTypes
import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as E
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as P
import qualified Control.Monad as P
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BCL
import qualified Data.Proxy as P (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as NH
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as NH
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as NH
import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded as WH
import qualified Web.HttpApiData as WH
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Exts (IsString(..))
-- * Dispatch
-- ** Lbs
-- | send a request returning the raw http response
:: (Produces req accept, MimeType contentType)
=> NH.Manager -- ^ http-client Connection manager
-> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ request
-> IO (NH.Response BCL.ByteString) -- ^ response
dispatchLbs manager config request = do
initReq <- _toInitRequest config request
dispatchInitUnsafe manager config initReq
-- ** Mime
-- | pair of decoded http body and http response
data MimeResult res =
MimeResult { mimeResult :: Either MimeError res -- ^ decoded http body
, mimeResultResponse :: NH.Response BCL.ByteString -- ^ http response
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | pair of unrender/parser error and http response
data MimeError =
MimeError {
mimeError :: String -- ^ unrender/parser error
, mimeErrorResponse :: NH.Response BCL.ByteString -- ^ http response
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | send a request returning the 'MimeResult'
:: forall req contentType res accept. (Produces req accept, MimeUnrender accept res, MimeType contentType)
=> NH.Manager -- ^ http-client Connection manager
-> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ request
-> IO (MimeResult res) -- ^ response
dispatchMime manager config request = do
httpResponse <- dispatchLbs manager config request
let statusCode = NH.statusCode . NH.responseStatus $ httpResponse
parsedResult <-
runConfigLogWithExceptions "Client" config $
do if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 600)
then do
let s = "error statusCode: " ++ show statusCode
_log "Client" levelError (T.pack s)
pure (Left (MimeError s httpResponse))
else case mimeUnrender (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy accept) (NH.responseBody httpResponse) of
Left s -> do
_log "Client" levelError (T.pack s)
pure (Left (MimeError s httpResponse))
Right r -> pure (Right r)
return (MimeResult parsedResult httpResponse)
-- | like 'dispatchMime', but only returns the decoded http body
:: (Produces req accept, MimeUnrender accept res, MimeType contentType)
=> NH.Manager -- ^ http-client Connection manager
-> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ request
-> IO (Either MimeError res) -- ^ response
dispatchMime' manager config request = do
MimeResult parsedResult _ <- dispatchMime manager config request
return parsedResult
-- ** Unsafe
-- | like 'dispatchReqLbs', but does not validate the operation is a 'Producer' of the "accept" 'MimeType'. (Useful if the server's response is undocumented)
:: (MimeType accept, MimeType contentType)
=> NH.Manager -- ^ http-client Connection manager
-> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ request
-> IO (NH.Response BCL.ByteString) -- ^ response
dispatchLbsUnsafe manager config request = do
initReq <- _toInitRequest config request
dispatchInitUnsafe manager config initReq
-- | dispatch an InitRequest
:: NH.Manager -- ^ http-client Connection manager
-> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> InitRequest req contentType res accept -- ^ init request
-> IO (NH.Response BCL.ByteString) -- ^ response
dispatchInitUnsafe manager config (InitRequest req) = do
runConfigLogWithExceptions src config $
do _log src levelInfo requestLogMsg
_log src levelDebug requestDbgLogMsg
res <- P.liftIO $ NH.httpLbs req manager
_log src levelInfo (responseLogMsg res)
_log src levelDebug ((T.pack . show) res)
return res
src = "Client"
endpoint =
T.pack $
BC.unpack $
NH.method req <> " " <> NH.host req <> NH.path req <> NH.queryString req
requestLogMsg = "REQ:" <> endpoint
requestDbgLogMsg =
"Headers=" <> (T.pack . show) (NH.requestHeaders req) <> " Body=" <>
(case NH.requestBody req of
NH.RequestBodyLBS xs -> T.decodeUtf8 (BL.toStrict xs)
_ -> "")
responseStatusCode = (T.pack . show) . NH.statusCode . NH.responseStatus
responseLogMsg res =
"RES:statusCode=" <> responseStatusCode res <> " (" <> endpoint <> ")"
-- * InitRequest
-- | wraps an http-client 'Request' with request/response type parameters
newtype InitRequest req contentType res accept = InitRequest
{ unInitRequest :: NH.Request
} deriving (Show)
-- | Build an http-client 'Request' record from the supplied config and request
:: (MimeType accept, MimeType contentType)
=> {{configType}} -- ^ config
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ request
-> IO (InitRequest req contentType res accept) -- ^ initialized request
_toInitRequest config req0 =
runConfigLogWithExceptions "Client" config $ do
parsedReq <- P.liftIO $ NH.parseRequest $ BCL.unpack $ BCL.append (configHost config) (BCL.concat (rUrlPath req0))
req1 <- P.liftIO $ _applyAuthMethods req0 config
(configValidateAuthMethods config && (not . null . rAuthTypes) req1)
(E.throw $ AuthMethodException $ "AuthMethod not configured: " <> (show . head . rAuthTypes) req1)
let req2 = req1 & _setContentTypeHeader & _setAcceptHeader
reqHeaders = ("User-Agent", WH.toHeader (configUserAgent config)) : paramsHeaders (rParams req2)
reqQuery = NH.renderQuery True (paramsQuery (rParams req2))
pReq = parsedReq { NH.method = (rMethod req2)
, NH.requestHeaders = reqHeaders
, NH.queryString = reqQuery
outReq <- case paramsBody (rParams req2) of
ParamBodyNone -> pure (pReq { NH.requestBody = mempty })
ParamBodyB bs -> pure (pReq { NH.requestBody = NH.RequestBodyBS bs })
ParamBodyBL bl -> pure (pReq { NH.requestBody = NH.RequestBodyLBS bl })
ParamBodyFormUrlEncoded form -> pure (pReq { NH.requestBody = NH.RequestBodyLBS (WH.urlEncodeForm form) })
ParamBodyMultipartFormData parts -> NH.formDataBody parts pReq
pure (InitRequest outReq)
-- | modify the underlying Request
modifyInitRequest :: InitRequest req contentType res accept -> (NH.Request -> NH.Request) -> InitRequest req contentType res accept
modifyInitRequest (InitRequest req) f = InitRequest (f req)
-- | modify the underlying Request (monadic)
modifyInitRequestM :: Monad m => InitRequest req contentType res accept -> (NH.Request -> m NH.Request) -> m (InitRequest req contentType res accept)
modifyInitRequestM (InitRequest req) f = fmap InitRequest (f req)
-- ** Logging
-- | Run a block using the configured logger instance
:: P.MonadIO m
=> {{configType}} -> LogExec m
runConfigLog config = configLogExecWithContext config (configLogContext config)
-- | Run a block using the configured logger instance (logs exceptions)
:: (E.MonadCatch m, P.MonadIO m)
=> T.Text -> {{configType}} -> LogExec m
runConfigLogWithExceptions src config = runConfigLog config . logExceptions src
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