perl.Configuration.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
# Do not edit the class manually.
# Ref: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
package {{moduleName}}::Configuration;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Log::Any qw($log);
use Carp;
use constant VERSION => '{{moduleVersion}}';
=head1 Name
{{moduleName}}::Configuration - holds the configuration for all {{moduleName}} Modules
=head1 new(%parameters)
=over 4
=item http_timeout: (optional)
Integer. timeout for HTTP requests in seconds
default: 180
=item http_user_agent: (optional)
String. custom UserAgent header
default: {{#httpUserAgent}}{{{.}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}{{^httpUserAgent}}Swagger-Codegen/{{{moduleVersion}}}/perl{{/httpUserAgent}}
=item api_key: (optional)
Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens).
api_key => {
secretKey => 'aaaabbbbccccdddd',
anotherKey => '1111222233334444',
=item api_key_prefix: (optional)
Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens). Note not all api keys require a prefix.
api_key_prefix => {
secretKey => 'string',
anotherKey => 'same or some other string',
=item api_key_in: (optional)
=item username: (optional)
String. The username for basic auth.
=item password: (optional)
String. The password for basic auth.
=item access_token: (optional)
String. The OAuth access token.
=item base_url: (optional)
String. The base URL of the API
default: {{{basePath}}}
sub new {
my ($self, %p) = (shift,@_);
# class/static variables
$p{http_timeout} //= 180;
$p{http_user_agent} //= '{{#httpUserAgent}}{{{.}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}{{^httpUserAgent}}Swagger-Codegen/{{{moduleVersion}}}/perl{{/httpUserAgent}}';
# authentication setting
$p{api_key} //= {};
$p{api_key_prefix} //= {};
$p{api_key_in} //= {};
# username and password for HTTP basic authentication
$p{username} //= '';
$p{password} //= '';
# access token for OAuth
$p{access_token} //= '';
# base_url
$p{base_url} //= '{{{basePath}}}';
return bless \%p => $self;
sub get_tokens {
my $self = shift;
my $tokens = {};
$tokens->{username} = $self->{username} if $self->{username};
$tokens->{password} = $self->{password} if $self->{password};
$tokens->{access_token} = $self->{access_token} if $self->{access_token};
foreach my $token_name (keys %{ $self->{api_key} }) {
$tokens->{$token_name}->{token} = $self->{api_key}{$token_name};
$tokens->{$token_name}->{prefix} = $self->{api_key_prefix}{$token_name};
$tokens->{$token_name}->{in} = $self->{api_key_in}{$token_name};
return $tokens;
sub clear_tokens {
my $self = shift;
my %tokens = %{$self->get_tokens}; # copy
$self->{username} = '';
$self->{password} = '';
$self->{access_token} = '';
$self->{api_key} = {};
$self->{api_key_prefix} = {};
$self->{api_key_in} = {};
return \%tokens;
sub accept_tokens {
my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
foreach my $known_name (qw(username password access_token)) {
next unless $tokens->{$known_name};
$self->{$known_name} = delete $tokens->{$known_name};
foreach my $token_name (keys %$tokens) {
$self->{api_key}{$token_name} = $tokens->{$token_name}{token};
if ($tokens->{$token_name}{prefix}) {
$self->{api_key_prefix}{$token_name} = $tokens->{$token_name}{prefix};
my $in = $tokens->{$token_name}->{in} || 'head';
croak "Tokens can only go in 'head' or 'query' (not in '$in')" unless $in =~ /^(?:head|query)$/;
$self->{api_key_in}{$token_name} = $in;
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