kotlin-client.infrastructure.ApiClient.kt.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package {{packageName}}.infrastructure
import okhttp3.*
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import java.util.regex.Pattern
open class ApiClient(val baseUrl: String) {
companion object {
protected val ContentType = "Content-Type"
protected val Accept = "Accept"
protected val JsonMediaType = "application/json"
protected val FormDataMediaType = "multipart/form-data"
protected val XmlMediaType = "application/xml"
val client by lazy {
val builder: OkHttpClient.Builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
var defaultHeaders: Map by ApplicationDelegates.setOnce(mapOf(ContentType to JsonMediaType, Accept to JsonMediaType))
val jsonHeaders: Map = mapOf(ContentType to JsonMediaType, Accept to JsonMediaType)
inline protected fun requestBody(content: T, mediaType: String = JsonMediaType): RequestBody {
if(content is File) {
return RequestBody.create(
MediaType.parse(mediaType), content
} else if(mediaType == FormDataMediaType) {
val requestBodyBuilder = MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM)
// content's type *must* be Map
(content as Map).forEach { key, value ->
if(value::class == File::class) {
val file = value as File
requestBodyBuilder.addFormDataPart(key, file.name, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream"), file))
} else {
val stringValue = value as String
requestBodyBuilder.addFormDataPart(key, stringValue)
TODO("Handle other types inside FormDataMediaType")
return requestBodyBuilder.build()
} else if(mediaType == JsonMediaType) {
return RequestBody.create(
MediaType.parse(mediaType), Serializer.moshi.adapter(T::class.java).toJson(content)
} else if (mediaType == XmlMediaType) {
TODO("xml not currently supported.")
// TODO: this should be extended with other serializers
TODO("requestBody currently only supports JSON body and File body.")
inline protected fun responseBody(response: Response, mediaType: String = JsonMediaType): T? {
if(response.body() == null) return null
if(T::class.java == java.io.File::class.java){
return downloadFileFromResponse(response) as T
} else if(T::class == kotlin.Unit::class) {
return kotlin.Unit as T
var contentType = response.headers().get("Content-Type")
if(contentType == null) {
contentType = JsonMediaType
return Serializer.moshi.adapter(T::class.java).fromJson(response.body()?.source())
} else if(contentType.equals(String.javaClass)){
return response.body().toString() as T
} else {
TODO("Fill in more types!")
fun isJsonMime(mime: String?): Boolean {
val jsonMime = "(?i)^(application/json|[^;/ \t]+/[^;/ \t]+[+]json)[ \t]*(;.*)?$"
return mime != null && (mime.matches(jsonMime.toRegex()) || mime == "*/*")
inline protected fun request(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body : Any? = null): ApiInfrastructureResponse {
val httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse(baseUrl) ?: throw IllegalStateException("baseUrl is invalid.")
var urlBuilder = httpUrl.newBuilder()
requestConfig.query.forEach { query ->
query.value.forEach { queryValue ->
urlBuilder = urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(query.key, queryValue)
val url = urlBuilder.build()
val headers = defaultHeaders + requestConfig.headers
if(headers[ContentType] ?: "" == "") {
throw kotlin.IllegalStateException("Missing Content-Type header. This is required.")
if(headers[Accept] ?: "" == "") {
throw kotlin.IllegalStateException("Missing Accept header. This is required.")
// TODO: support multiple contentType,accept options here.
val contentType = (headers[ContentType] as String).substringBefore(";").toLowerCase()
val accept = (headers[Accept] as String).substringBefore(";").toLowerCase()
var request : Request.Builder = when (requestConfig.method) {
RequestMethod.DELETE -> Request.Builder().url(url).delete()
RequestMethod.GET -> Request.Builder().url(url)
RequestMethod.HEAD -> Request.Builder().url(url).head()
RequestMethod.PATCH -> Request.Builder().url(url).patch(requestBody(body, contentType))
RequestMethod.PUT -> Request.Builder().url(url).put(requestBody(body, contentType))
RequestMethod.POST -> Request.Builder().url(url).post(requestBody(body, contentType))
RequestMethod.OPTIONS -> Request.Builder().url(url).method("OPTIONS", null)
headers.forEach { header -> request = request.addHeader(header.key, header.value) }
val realRequest = request.build()
val response = client.newCall(realRequest).execute()
// TODO: handle specific mapping types. e.g. Map>
when {
response.isRedirect -> return Redirection(
response.isInformational -> return Informational(
response.isSuccessful -> return Success(
responseBody(response, accept),
response.isClientError -> return ClientError(
else -> return ServerError(
fun downloadFileFromResponse(response: Response): File {
val file = prepareDownloadFile(response)
response.body()?.byteStream().use{ input ->
File(file.path).outputStream().use { input?.copyTo(it) }
return file
fun prepareDownloadFile(response: Response): File {
var filename: String? = null
var contentDisposition = response.headers().get("Content-Disposition")
if(contentDisposition != null && contentDisposition != ""){
val pattern = Pattern.compile("filename=['\"]?([^'\"\\s]+)['\"]?")
val matcher = pattern.matcher(contentDisposition)
if (matcher.find())
filename = matcher.group(1)
var prefix: String
var suffix: String? = null
if (filename == null) {
prefix = "download-"
suffix = ""
} else {
val pos = filename.lastIndexOf('.')
if (pos == -1) {
prefix = filename + "-";
} else {
prefix = filename.substring(0, pos) + "-"
suffix = filename.substring(pos)
// File.createTempFile requires the prefix to be at least three characters long
if (prefix.length < 3)
prefix = "download-"
return File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix);
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