akka-scala.apiInvoker.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package {{invokerPackage}}
import java.io.File
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate
import javax.net.ssl._
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.io.IO
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JString
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import spray.can.Http
import spray.can.Http.HostConnectorSetup
import spray.client.pipelining
import spray.client.pipelining._
import spray.http.HttpEncodings._
import spray.http.HttpHeaders.{RawHeader, `Accept-Encoding`}
import spray.http.Uri.Query
import spray.http._
import spray.http.parser.HttpParser
import spray.httpx.encoding.{Deflate, Encoder, Gzip}
import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
import spray.io.ClientSSLEngineProvider
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object ApiInvoker {
def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem): ApiInvoker =
apply(DefaultFormats + DateTimeSerializer)
def apply(serializers: Traversable[Serializer[_]])(implicit system: ActorSystem): ApiInvoker =
apply(DefaultFormats + DateTimeSerializer ++ serializers)
def apply(formats: Formats)(implicit system: ActorSystem): ApiInvoker = new ApiInvoker(formats)
case class CustomStatusCode(value: Int, reason: String = "Application-defined status code", isSuccess: Boolean = true)
def addCustomStatusCode(code: CustomStatusCode): Unit = addCustomStatusCode(code.value, code.reason, code.isSuccess)
def addCustomStatusCode(code: Int, reason: String = "Application defined code", isSuccess: Boolean = true): Unit = {
StatusCodes.getForKey(code) foreach { _ =>
StatusCodes.registerCustom(code, reason, reason, isSuccess, allowsEntity = true)
* Allows request execution without calling apiInvoker.execute(request)
* request.response can be used to get a future of the ApiResponse generated.
* request.result can be used to get a future of the expected ApiResponse content. If content doesn't match, a
* Future will failed with a ClassCastException
* @param request the apiRequest to be executed
implicit class ApiRequestImprovements[T](request: ApiRequest[T]) {
def response(invoker: ApiInvoker)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem): Future[ApiResponse[T]] =
response(ec, system, invoker)
def response(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, invoker: ApiInvoker): Future[ApiResponse[T]] =
def result[U <: T](implicit c: ClassTag[U], ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, invoker: ApiInvoker): Future[U] =
* Allows transformation from ApiMethod to spray HttpMethods
* @param method the ApiMethod to be converted
implicit class ApiMethodExtensions(val method: ApiMethod) {
def toSprayMethod: HttpMethod = HttpMethods.getForKey(method.value).getOrElse(HttpMethods.GET)
case object DateTimeSerializer extends CustomSerializer[DateTime](format => ( {
case JString(s) =>
}, {
case d: DateTime =>
class ApiInvoker(formats: Formats)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends UntrustedSslContext with CustomContentTypes {
import io.swagger.client.core.ApiInvoker._
import io.swagger.client.core.ParametersMap._
implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
implicit val jsonFormats: Formats = formats
def settings = ApiSettings(system)
import spray.http.MessagePredicate._
val CompressionFilter: MessagePredicate= MessagePredicate({ _ => settings.compressionEnabled}) &&
Encoder.DefaultFilter && minEntitySize(settings.compressionSizeThreshold)
private def addAuthentication(credentialsSeq: Seq[Credentials]): pipelining.RequestTransformer =
request =>
credentialsSeq.foldLeft(request) {
case (req, BasicCredentials(login, password)) =>
req ~> addCredentials(BasicHttpCredentials(login, password))
case (req, ApiKeyCredentials(keyValue, keyName, ApiKeyLocations.HEADER)) =>
req ~> addHeader(RawHeader(keyName, keyValue.value))
case (req, _) => req
private def addHeaders(headers: Map[String, Any]): pipelining.RequestTransformer = { request =>
val rawHeaders = for {
(name, value) <- headers.asFormattedParams
header = RawHeader(name, String.valueOf(value))
} yield header
private def bodyPart(name: String, value: Any): BodyPart = {
value match {
case f: File =>
BodyPart(f, name)
case v: String =>
case NumericValue(v) =>
case m: ApiModel =>
private def formDataContent(request: ApiRequest[_]) = {
val params = request.formParams.asFormattedParams
if (params.isEmpty)
normalizedContentType(request.contentType).mediaType match {
case MediaTypes.`multipart/form-data` =>
MultipartFormData(params.map { case (name, value) => (name, bodyPart(name, value))})
case MediaTypes.`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` =>
case m: MediaType => // Default : application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
private def bodyContent(request: ApiRequest[_]): Option[Any] = {
private def createRequest(uri: Uri, request: ApiRequest[_]): HttpRequest = {
val builder = new RequestBuilder(request.method.toSprayMethod)
val httpRequest = request.method.toSprayMethod match {
case HttpMethods.GET | HttpMethods.DELETE => builder.apply(uri)
case HttpMethods.POST | HttpMethods.PUT =>
formDataContent(request) orElse bodyContent(request) match {
case Some(c: FormData) =>
builder.apply(uri, c)
case Some(c: MultipartFormData) =>
builder.apply(uri, c)
case Some(c: String) =>
builder.apply(uri, HttpEntity(normalizedContentType(request.contentType), c))
case _ =>
builder.apply(uri, HttpEntity(normalizedContentType(request.contentType), " "))
case _ => builder.apply(uri)
httpRequest ~>
addHeaders(request.headerParams) ~>
addAuthentication(request.credentials) ~>
def makeQuery(r: ApiRequest[_]): Query = {
r.credentials.foldLeft(r.queryParams) {
case (params, ApiKeyCredentials(key, keyName, ApiKeyLocations.QUERY)) =>
params + (keyName -> key.value)
case (params, _) => params
.foldRight[Query](Uri.Query.Empty) {
case ((name, value), acc) => acc.+:(name, value)
def makeUri(r: ApiRequest[_]): Uri = {
val opPath = r.operationPath.replaceAll("\\{format\\}", "json")
val opPathWithParams = r.pathParams.asFormattedParams
.foldLeft(opPath) {
case (path, (name, value)) => path.replaceAll(s"\\{$name\\}", value)
val query = makeQuery(r)
Uri(r.basePath + opPathWithParams).withQuery(query)
def execute[T](r: ApiRequest[T]): Future[ApiResponse[T]] = {
try {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = settings.connectionTimeout
val uri = makeUri(r)
val connector = HostConnectorSetup(
sslEncryption = "https".equals(uri.scheme),
defaultHeaders = settings.defaultHeaders ++ List(`Accept-Encoding`(gzip, deflate)))
val request = createRequest(uri, r)
for {
Http.HostConnectorInfo(hostConnector, _) <- IO(Http) ? connector
response <- hostConnector.ask(request).mapTo[HttpResponse]
} yield {
response ~> decode(Deflate) ~> decode(Gzip) ~> unmarshallApiResponse(r)
catch {
case NonFatal(x) => Future.failed(x)
def unmarshallApiResponse[T](request: ApiRequest[T])(response: HttpResponse): ApiResponse[T] = {
request.responseForCode(response.status.intValue) match {
case Some( (manifest: Manifest[T], state: ResponseState) ) =>
entityUnmarshaller(manifest)(response.entity) match {
case Right(value) ⇒
state match {
case ResponseState.Success =>
ApiResponse(response.status.intValue, value, response.headers.map(header => (header.name, header.value)).toMap)
case ResponseState.Error =>
throw ApiError(response.status.intValue, "Error response received",
headers = response.headers.map(header => (header.name, header.value)).toMap)
case Left(MalformedContent(error, Some(cause))) ⇒
throw ApiError(response.status.intValue, s"Unable to unmarshall content to [$manifest]", Some(response.entity.toString), cause)
case Left(MalformedContent(error, None)) ⇒
throw ApiError(response.status.intValue, s"Unable to unmarshall content to [$manifest]", Some(response.entity.toString))
case Left(ContentExpected) ⇒
throw ApiError(response.status.intValue, s"Unable to unmarshall empty response to [$manifest]", Some(response.entity.toString))
case _ => throw ApiError(response.status.intValue, "Unexpected response code", Some(response.entity.toString))
def entityUnmarshaller[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): Unmarshaller[T] =
Unmarshaller[T](MediaTypes.`application/json`) {
case x: HttpEntity.NonEmpty ⇒
parse(x.asString(defaultCharset = HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`))
sealed trait CustomContentTypes {
def normalizedContentType(original: String): ContentType =
MediaTypes.forExtension(original) map (ContentType(_)) getOrElse parseContentType(original)
def parseContentType(contentType: String): ContentType = {
val contentTypeAsRawHeader = HttpHeaders.RawHeader("Content-Type", contentType)
val parsedContentTypeHeader = HttpParser.parseHeader(contentTypeAsRawHeader)
(parsedContentTypeHeader: @unchecked) match {
case Right(ct: HttpHeaders.`Content-Type`) =>
case Left(error: ErrorInfo) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Error converting '$contentType' to a ContentType header: '${error.summary}'")
sealed trait UntrustedSslContext {
this: ApiInvoker =>
implicit lazy val trustfulSslContext: SSLContext = {
settings.alwaysTrustCertificates match {
case false =>
case true =>
class IgnoreX509TrustManager extends X509TrustManager {
def checkClientTrusted(chain: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {}
def checkServerTrusted(chain: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {}
def getAcceptedIssuers = null
val context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
context.init(null, Array(new IgnoreX509TrustManager), null)
implicit val clientSSLEngineProvider =
ClientSSLEngineProvider {
_ =>
val engine = trustfulSslContext.createSSLEngine()
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