haskell-http-client.Core.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Module : {{baseModule}}.Core
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
module {{baseModule}}.Core where
import {{baseModule}}.MimeTypes
import {{baseModule}}.Logging
import qualified Control.Arrow as P (left)
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as NF
import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as E
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as BL64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BCL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Data as P (Data, Typeable, TypeRep, typeRep)
import qualified Data.Foldable as P
import qualified Data.Ix as P
import qualified Data.Maybe as P
import qualified Data.Proxy as P (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Time as TI
import qualified Data.Time.ISO8601 as TI
import qualified GHC.Base as P (Alternative)
import qualified Lens.Micro as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as NH
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as NH
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded as WH
import qualified Web.HttpApiData as WH
import qualified Text.Printf as T
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Foldable(foldlM)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude (($), (.), (<$>), (<*>), Maybe(..), Bool(..), Char, String, fmap, mempty, pure, return, show, IO, Monad, Functor)
-- * {{configType}}
-- |
data {{configType}} = {{configType}}
{ configHost :: BCL.ByteString -- ^ host supplied in the Request
, configUserAgent :: Text -- ^ user-agent supplied in the Request
, configLogExecWithContext :: LogExecWithContext -- ^ Run a block using a Logger instance
, configLogContext :: LogContext -- ^ Configures the logger
, configAuthMethods :: [AnyAuthMethod] -- ^ List of configured auth methods
, configValidateAuthMethods :: Bool -- ^ throw exceptions if auth methods are not configured
-- | display the config
instance P.Show {{configType}} where
show c =
"{ configHost = %v, configUserAgent = %v, ..}"
(show (configHost c))
(show (configUserAgent c))
-- | constructs a default {{configType}}
-- configHost:
-- @{{basePath}}@
-- configUserAgent:
-- @"{{#httpUserAgent}}{{{.}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}{{^httpUserAgent}}{{{cabalName}}}/{{{cabalVersion}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}"@
newConfig :: IO {{configType}}
newConfig = do
logCxt <- initLogContext
return $ {{configType}}
{ configHost = "{{{basePath}}}"
, configUserAgent = "{{#httpUserAgent}}{{{.}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}{{^httpUserAgent}}{{{cabalName}}}/{{{cabalVersion}}}{{/httpUserAgent}}"
, configLogExecWithContext = runDefaultLogExecWithContext
, configLogContext = logCxt
, configAuthMethods = []
, configValidateAuthMethods = True
-- | updates config use AuthMethod on matching requests
addAuthMethod :: AuthMethod auth => {{configType}} -> auth -> {{configType}}
addAuthMethod config@{{configType}} {configAuthMethods = as} a =
config { configAuthMethods = AnyAuthMethod a : as}
-- | updates the config to use stdout logging
withStdoutLogging :: {{configType}} -> IO {{configType}}
withStdoutLogging p = do
logCxt <- stdoutLoggingContext (configLogContext p)
return $ p { configLogExecWithContext = stdoutLoggingExec, configLogContext = logCxt }
-- | updates the config to use stderr logging
withStderrLogging :: {{configType}} -> IO {{configType}}
withStderrLogging p = do
logCxt <- stderrLoggingContext (configLogContext p)
return $ p { configLogExecWithContext = stderrLoggingExec, configLogContext = logCxt }
-- | updates the config to disable logging
withNoLogging :: {{configType}} -> {{configType}}
withNoLogging p = p { configLogExecWithContext = runNullLogExec}
-- * {{requestType}}
-- | Represents a request.
-- Type Variables:
-- * req - request operation
-- * contentType - 'MimeType' associated with request body
-- * res - response model
-- * accept - 'MimeType' associated with response body
data {{requestType}} req contentType res accept = {{requestType}}
{ rMethod :: NH.Method -- ^ Method of {{requestType}}
, rUrlPath :: [BCL.ByteString] -- ^ Endpoint of {{requestType}}
, rParams :: Params -- ^ params of {{requestType}}
, rAuthTypes :: [P.TypeRep] -- ^ types of auth methods
deriving (P.Show)
-- | 'rMethod' Lens
rMethodL :: Lens_' ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept) NH.Method
rMethodL f {{requestType}}{..} = (\rMethod -> {{requestType}} { rMethod, ..} ) <$> f rMethod
{-# INLINE rMethodL #-}
-- | 'rUrlPath' Lens
rUrlPathL :: Lens_' ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept) [BCL.ByteString]
rUrlPathL f {{requestType}}{..} = (\rUrlPath -> {{requestType}} { rUrlPath, ..} ) <$> f rUrlPath
{-# INLINE rUrlPathL #-}
-- | 'rParams' Lens
rParamsL :: Lens_' ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept) Params
rParamsL f {{requestType}}{..} = (\rParams -> {{requestType}} { rParams, ..} ) <$> f rParams
{-# INLINE rParamsL #-}
-- | 'rParams' Lens
rAuthTypesL :: Lens_' ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept) [P.TypeRep]
rAuthTypesL f {{requestType}}{..} = (\rAuthTypes -> {{requestType}} { rAuthTypes, ..} ) <$> f rAuthTypes
{-# INLINE rAuthTypesL #-}
-- * HasBodyParam
-- | Designates the body parameter of a request
class HasBodyParam req param where
setBodyParam :: forall contentType res accept. (Consumes req contentType, MimeRender contentType param) => {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> param -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
setBodyParam req xs =
req `_setBodyLBS` mimeRender (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy contentType) xs & _setContentTypeHeader
-- * HasOptionalParam
-- | Designates the optional parameters of a request
class HasOptionalParam req param where
{-# MINIMAL applyOptionalParam | (-&-) #-}
-- | Apply an optional parameter to a request
applyOptionalParam :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> param -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
applyOptionalParam = (-&-)
{-# INLINE applyOptionalParam #-}
-- | infix operator \/ alias for 'addOptionalParam'
(-&-) :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> param -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
(-&-) = applyOptionalParam
{-# INLINE (-&-) #-}
infixl 2 -&-
-- | Request Params
data Params = Params
{ paramsQuery :: NH.Query
, paramsHeaders :: NH.RequestHeaders
, paramsBody :: ParamBody
deriving (P.Show)
-- | 'paramsQuery' Lens
paramsQueryL :: Lens_' Params NH.Query
paramsQueryL f Params{..} = (\paramsQuery -> Params { paramsQuery, ..} ) <$> f paramsQuery
{-# INLINE paramsQueryL #-}
-- | 'paramsHeaders' Lens
paramsHeadersL :: Lens_' Params NH.RequestHeaders
paramsHeadersL f Params{..} = (\paramsHeaders -> Params { paramsHeaders, ..} ) <$> f paramsHeaders
{-# INLINE paramsHeadersL #-}
-- | 'paramsBody' Lens
paramsBodyL :: Lens_' Params ParamBody
paramsBodyL f Params{..} = (\paramsBody -> Params { paramsBody, ..} ) <$> f paramsBody
{-# INLINE paramsBodyL #-}
-- | Request Body
data ParamBody
= ParamBodyNone
| ParamBodyB B.ByteString
| ParamBodyBL BL.ByteString
| ParamBodyFormUrlEncoded WH.Form
| ParamBodyMultipartFormData [NH.Part]
deriving (P.Show)
-- ** {{requestType}} Utils
_mkRequest :: NH.Method -- ^ Method
-> [BCL.ByteString] -- ^ Endpoint
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -- ^ req: Request Type, res: Response Type
_mkRequest m u = {{requestType}} m u _mkParams []
_mkParams :: Params
_mkParams = Params [] [] ParamBodyNone
setHeader :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> [NH.Header] -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
setHeader req header =
req `removeHeader` P.fmap P.fst header &
L.over (rParamsL . paramsHeadersL) (header P.++)
removeHeader :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> [NH.HeaderName] -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
removeHeader req header =
req &
(rParamsL . paramsHeadersL)
(P.filter (\h -> cifst h `P.notElem` P.fmap CI.mk header))
cifst = CI.mk . P.fst
_setContentTypeHeader :: forall req contentType res accept. MimeType contentType => {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_setContentTypeHeader req =
case mimeType (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy contentType) of
Just m -> req `setHeader` [("content-type", BC.pack $ P.show m)]
Nothing -> req `removeHeader` ["content-type"]
_setAcceptHeader :: forall req contentType res accept. MimeType accept => {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_setAcceptHeader req =
case mimeType (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy accept) of
Just m -> req `setHeader` [("accept", BC.pack $ P.show m)]
Nothing -> req `removeHeader` ["accept"]
setQuery :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> [NH.QueryItem] -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
setQuery req query =
req &
(rParamsL . paramsQueryL)
((query P.++) . P.filter (\q -> cifst q `P.notElem` P.fmap cifst query))
cifst = CI.mk . P.fst
addForm :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> WH.Form -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
addForm req newform =
let form = case paramsBody (rParams req) of
ParamBodyFormUrlEncoded _form -> _form
_ -> mempty
in req & L.set (rParamsL . paramsBodyL) (ParamBodyFormUrlEncoded (newform <> form))
_addMultiFormPart :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> NH.Part -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_addMultiFormPart req newpart =
let parts = case paramsBody (rParams req) of
ParamBodyMultipartFormData _parts -> _parts
_ -> []
in req & L.set (rParamsL . paramsBodyL) (ParamBodyMultipartFormData (newpart : parts))
_setBodyBS :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> B.ByteString -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_setBodyBS req body =
req & L.set (rParamsL . paramsBodyL) (ParamBodyB body)
_setBodyLBS :: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> BL.ByteString -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_setBodyLBS req body =
req & L.set (rParamsL . paramsBodyL) (ParamBodyBL body)
_hasAuthType :: AuthMethod authMethod => {{requestType}} req contentType res accept -> P.Proxy authMethod -> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
_hasAuthType req proxy =
req & L.over rAuthTypesL (P.typeRep proxy :)
-- ** Params Utils
:: WH.ToHttpApiData a
=> a -> BCL.ByteString
toPath = BB.toLazyByteString . WH.toEncodedUrlPiece
toHeader :: WH.ToHttpApiData a => (NH.HeaderName, a) -> [NH.Header]
toHeader x = [fmap WH.toHeader x]
toForm :: WH.ToHttpApiData v => (BC.ByteString, v) -> WH.Form
toForm (k,v) = WH.toForm [(BC.unpack k,v)]
toQuery :: WH.ToHttpApiData a => (BC.ByteString, Maybe a) -> [NH.QueryItem]
toQuery x = [(fmap . fmap) toQueryParam x]
where toQueryParam = T.encodeUtf8 . WH.toQueryParam
-- *** Swagger `CollectionFormat` Utils
-- | Determines the format of the array if type array is used.
data CollectionFormat
= CommaSeparated -- ^ CSV format for multiple parameters.
| SpaceSeparated -- ^ Also called "SSV"
| TabSeparated -- ^ Also called "TSV"
| PipeSeparated -- ^ `value1|value2|value2`
| MultiParamArray -- ^ Using multiple GET parameters, e.g. `foo=bar&foo=baz`. This is valid only for parameters in "query" ('NH.Query') or "formData" ('WH.Form')
toHeaderColl :: WH.ToHttpApiData a => CollectionFormat -> (NH.HeaderName, [a]) -> [NH.Header]
toHeaderColl c xs = _toColl c toHeader xs
toFormColl :: WH.ToHttpApiData v => CollectionFormat -> (BC.ByteString, [v]) -> WH.Form
toFormColl c xs = WH.toForm $ fmap unpack $ _toColl c toHeader $ pack xs
pack (k,v) = (CI.mk k, v)
unpack (k,v) = (BC.unpack (CI.original k), BC.unpack v)
toQueryColl :: WH.ToHttpApiData a => CollectionFormat -> (BC.ByteString, Maybe [a]) -> NH.Query
toQueryColl c xs = _toCollA c toQuery xs
_toColl :: P.Traversable f => CollectionFormat -> (f a -> [(b, BC.ByteString)]) -> f [a] -> [(b, BC.ByteString)]
_toColl c encode xs = fmap (fmap P.fromJust) (_toCollA' c fencode BC.singleton (fmap Just xs))
where fencode = fmap (fmap Just) . encode . fmap P.fromJust
{-# INLINE fencode #-}
_toCollA :: (P.Traversable f, P.Traversable t, P.Alternative t) => CollectionFormat -> (f (t a) -> [(b, t BC.ByteString)]) -> f (t [a]) -> [(b, t BC.ByteString)]
_toCollA c encode xs = _toCollA' c encode BC.singleton xs
_toCollA' :: (P.Monoid c, P.Traversable f, P.Traversable t, P.Alternative t) => CollectionFormat -> (f (t a) -> [(b, t c)]) -> (Char -> c) -> f (t [a]) -> [(b, t c)]
_toCollA' c encode one xs = case c of
CommaSeparated -> go (one ',')
SpaceSeparated -> go (one ' ')
TabSeparated -> go (one '\t')
PipeSeparated -> go (one '|')
MultiParamArray -> expandList
go sep =
[P.foldl1 (\(sk, sv) (_, v) -> (sk, (combine sep <$> sv <*> v) <|> sv <|> v)) expandList]
combine sep x y = x <> sep <> y
expandList = (P.concatMap encode . (P.traverse . P.traverse) P.toList) xs
{-# INLINE go #-}
{-# INLINE expandList #-}
{-# INLINE combine #-}
-- * AuthMethods
-- | Provides a method to apply auth methods to requests
class P.Typeable a =>
AuthMethod a where
:: {{configType}}
-> a
-> {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
-> IO ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept)
-- | An existential wrapper for any AuthMethod
data AnyAuthMethod = forall a. AuthMethod a => AnyAuthMethod a deriving (P.Typeable)
instance AuthMethod AnyAuthMethod where applyAuthMethod config (AnyAuthMethod a) req = applyAuthMethod config a req
-- | indicates exceptions related to AuthMethods
data AuthMethodException = AuthMethodException String deriving (P.Show, P.Typeable)
instance E.Exception AuthMethodException
-- | apply all matching AuthMethods in config to request
:: {{requestType}} req contentType res accept
-> {{configType}}
-> IO ({{requestType}} req contentType res accept)
_applyAuthMethods req config@({{configType}} {configAuthMethods = as}) =
foldlM go req as
go r (AnyAuthMethod a) = applyAuthMethod config a r
-- * Utils
-- | Removes Null fields. (OpenAPI-Specification 2.0 does not allow Null in JSON)
_omitNulls :: [(Text, A.Value)] -> A.Value
_omitNulls = A.object . P.filter notNull
notNull (_, A.Null) = False
notNull _ = True
-- | Encodes fields using WH.toQueryParam
_toFormItem :: (WH.ToHttpApiData a, Functor f) => t -> f a -> f (t, [Text])
_toFormItem name x = (name,) . (:[]) . WH.toQueryParam <$> x
-- | Collapse (Just "") to Nothing
_emptyToNothing :: Maybe String -> Maybe String
_emptyToNothing (Just "") = Nothing
_emptyToNothing x = x
{-# INLINE _emptyToNothing #-}
-- | Collapse (Just mempty) to Nothing
_memptyToNothing :: (P.Monoid a, P.Eq a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a
_memptyToNothing (Just x) | x P.== P.mempty = Nothing
_memptyToNothing x = x
{-# INLINE _memptyToNothing #-}
-- * DateTime Formatting
newtype DateTime = DateTime { unDateTime :: TI.UTCTime }
deriving (P.Eq,P.Data,P.Ord,P.Typeable,NF.NFData,TI.ParseTime,TI.FormatTime)
instance A.FromJSON DateTime where
parseJSON = A.withText "DateTime" (_readDateTime . T.unpack)
instance A.ToJSON DateTime where
toJSON (DateTime t) = A.toJSON (_showDateTime t)
instance WH.FromHttpApiData DateTime where
parseUrlPiece = P.left T.pack . _readDateTime . T.unpack
instance WH.ToHttpApiData DateTime where
toUrlPiece (DateTime t) = T.pack (_showDateTime t)
instance P.Show DateTime where
show (DateTime t) = _showDateTime t
instance MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData DateTime where
mimeRender _ = mimeRenderDefaultMultipartFormData
-- | @{{^dateTimeFormat}}_parseISO8601{{/dateTimeFormat}}{{#dateTimeFormat}}TI.parseTimeM True TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateTimeFormat}}}"{{/dateTimeFormat}}@
_readDateTime :: (TI.ParseTime t, Monad m, {{^dateTimeFormat}}Alternative m{{/dateTimeFormat}}) => String -> m t
_readDateTime =
{{^dateTimeFormat}}_parseISO8601{{/dateTimeFormat}}{{#dateTimeFormat}}TI.parseTimeM True TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateTimeFormat}}}"{{/dateTimeFormat}}
{-# INLINE _readDateTime #-}
-- | @{{^dateTimeFormat}}TI.formatISO8601Millis{{/dateTimeFormat}}{{#dateTimeFormat}}TI.formatTime TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateTimeFormat}}}"{{/dateTimeFormat}}@
_showDateTime :: ({{^dateTimeFormat}}t ~ TI.UTCTime, {{/dateTimeFormat}}TI.FormatTime t) => t -> String
_showDateTime =
{{^dateTimeFormat}}TI.formatISO8601Millis{{/dateTimeFormat}}{{#dateTimeFormat}}TI.formatTime TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateTimeFormat}}}"{{/dateTimeFormat}}
{-# INLINE _showDateTime #-}
-- | parse an ISO8601 date-time string
_parseISO8601 :: (TI.ParseTime t, Monad m, Alternative m) => String -> m t
_parseISO8601 t =
P.asum $
P.flip (TI.parseTimeM True TI.defaultTimeLocale) t <$>
["%FT%T%QZ", "%FT%T%Q%z", "%FT%T%Q%Z"]
{-# INLINE _parseISO8601 #-}
-- * Date Formatting
newtype Date = Date { unDate :: TI.Day }
deriving (P.Enum,P.Eq,P.Data,P.Ord,P.Ix,NF.NFData,TI.ParseTime,TI.FormatTime)
instance A.FromJSON Date where
parseJSON = A.withText "Date" (_readDate . T.unpack)
instance A.ToJSON Date where
toJSON (Date t) = A.toJSON (_showDate t)
instance WH.FromHttpApiData Date where
parseUrlPiece = P.left T.pack . _readDate . T.unpack
instance WH.ToHttpApiData Date where
toUrlPiece (Date t) = T.pack (_showDate t)
instance P.Show Date where
show (Date t) = _showDate t
instance MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData Date where
mimeRender _ = mimeRenderDefaultMultipartFormData
-- | @TI.parseTimeM True TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateFormat}}}"@
_readDate :: (TI.ParseTime t, Monad m) => String -> m t
_readDate =
TI.parseTimeM True TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateFormat}}}"
{-# INLINE _readDate #-}
-- | @TI.formatTime TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateFormat}}}"@
_showDate :: TI.FormatTime t => t -> String
_showDate =
TI.formatTime TI.defaultTimeLocale "{{{dateFormat}}}"
{-# INLINE _showDate #-}
-- * Byte/Binary Formatting
-- | base64 encoded characters
newtype ByteArray = ByteArray { unByteArray :: BL.ByteString }
deriving (P.Eq,P.Data,P.Ord,P.Typeable,NF.NFData)
instance A.FromJSON ByteArray where
parseJSON = A.withText "ByteArray" _readByteArray
instance A.ToJSON ByteArray where
toJSON = A.toJSON . _showByteArray
instance WH.FromHttpApiData ByteArray where
parseUrlPiece = P.left T.pack . _readByteArray
instance WH.ToHttpApiData ByteArray where
toUrlPiece = _showByteArray
instance P.Show ByteArray where
show = T.unpack . _showByteArray
instance MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData ByteArray where
mimeRender _ = mimeRenderDefaultMultipartFormData
-- | read base64 encoded characters
_readByteArray :: Monad m => Text -> m ByteArray
_readByteArray = P.either P.fail (pure . ByteArray) . BL64.decode . BL.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINE _readByteArray #-}
-- | show base64 encoded characters
_showByteArray :: ByteArray -> Text
_showByteArray = T.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . BL64.encode . unByteArray
{-# INLINE _showByteArray #-}
-- | any sequence of octets
newtype Binary = Binary { unBinary :: BL.ByteString }
deriving (P.Eq,P.Data,P.Ord,P.Typeable,NF.NFData)
instance A.FromJSON Binary where
parseJSON = A.withText "Binary" _readBinaryBase64
instance A.ToJSON Binary where
toJSON = A.toJSON . _showBinaryBase64
instance WH.FromHttpApiData Binary where
parseUrlPiece = P.left T.pack . _readBinaryBase64
instance WH.ToHttpApiData Binary where
toUrlPiece = _showBinaryBase64
instance P.Show Binary where
show = T.unpack . _showBinaryBase64
instance MimeRender MimeMultipartFormData Binary where
mimeRender _ = unBinary
_readBinaryBase64 :: Monad m => Text -> m Binary
_readBinaryBase64 = P.either P.fail (pure . Binary) . BL64.decode . BL.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINE _readBinaryBase64 #-}
_showBinaryBase64 :: Binary -> Text
_showBinaryBase64 = T.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . BL64.encode . unBinary
{-# INLINE _showBinaryBase64 #-}
-- * Lens Type Aliases
type Lens_' s a = Lens_ s s a a
type Lens_ s t a b = forall (f :: * -> *). Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
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