Ada.server-body.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
-- {{{appName}}}
-- {{{appDescription}}}
-- ------------ EDIT NOTE ------------
-- This file was generated with swagger-codegen. You can modify it to implement
-- the server. After you modify this file, you should add the following line
-- to the .swagger-codegen-ignore file:
-- src/{{packageName}}-servers.adb
-- Then, you can drop this edit note comment.
-- ------------ EDIT NOTE ------------
package body {{package}}.Servers is
-- {{summary}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-has-notes}}
-- {{#lambdaAdaComment}}{{unescapedNotes}}{{/lambdaAdaComment}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-has-notes}}
procedure {{operationId}}
(Server : in out Server_Type{{#hasParams}};{{/hasParams}}
{{#allParams}}{{paramName}} : in {{dataType}}{{#hasMore}};
Result : out {{returnType}}{{/returnType}};
Context : in out Swagger.Servers.Context_Type) is
end {{operationId}};
end {{package}}.Servers;