rust-server.lib.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#![allow(missing_docs, trivial_casts, unused_variables, unused_mut, unused_imports, unused_extern_crates, non_camel_case_types)]
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
{{#apiUsesUuid}}extern crate uuid;{{/apiUsesUuid}}
{{#usesXml}}extern crate serde_xml_rs;{{/usesXml}}
extern crate futures;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate log;
// Logically this should be in the client and server modules, but rust doesn't allow `macro_use` from a module.
#[cfg(any(feature = "client", feature = "server"))]
extern crate hyper;
extern crate swagger;
use futures::Stream;
use std::io::Error;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub use futures::Future;
#[cfg(any(feature = "client", feature = "server"))]
mod mimetypes;
pub use swagger::{ApiError, ContextWrapper};
pub const BASE_PATH: &'static str = "{{basePathWithoutHost}}";
pub const API_VERSION: &'static str = "{{appVersion}}";
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum {{operationId}}Response {
{{#message}} /// {{message}}{{/message}}
{{#vendorExtensions}}{{x-responseId}}{{/vendorExtensions}} {{#dataType}}{{^headers}}( {{{dataType}}} ) {{/headers}}{{#headers}}{{#-first}}{ body: {{{dataType}}}{{/-first}}{{/headers}}{{/dataType}}{{#headers}}{{#-first}}{{^dataType}} { {{/dataType}}{{#dataType}}, {{/dataType}}{{/-first}}{{^-first}}, {{/-first}}{{name}}: {{{datatype}}}{{#-last}} } {{/-last}}{{/headers}},
/// API
pub trait Api {
{{#summary}} /// {{{summary}}}{{/summary}}
fn {{#vendorExtensions}}{{operation_id}}{{/vendorExtensions}}(&self{{#allParams}}, {{paramName}}: {{^required}}{{#isFile}}Box{{#isFile}}, Error=Error> + Send>{{/isFile}}{{/required}}{{/allParams}}, context: &C) -> Box>;
/// API without a `Context`
pub trait ApiNoContext {
{{#summary}} /// {{{summary}}}{{/summary}}
fn {{#vendorExtensions}}{{operation_id}}{{/vendorExtensions}}(&self{{#allParams}}, {{paramName}}: {{^required}}{{#isFile}}Box{{#isFile}}, Error=Error> + Send>{{/isFile}}{{/required}}{{/allParams}}) -> Box>;
/// Trait to extend an API to make it easy to bind it to a context.
pub trait ContextWrapperExt<'a, C> where Self: Sized {
/// Binds this API to a context.
fn with_context(self: &'a Self, context: C) -> ContextWrapper<'a, Self, C>;
impl<'a, T: Api + Sized, C> ContextWrapperExt<'a, C> for T {
fn with_context(self: &'a T, context: C) -> ContextWrapper<'a, T, C> {
ContextWrapper::::new(self, context)
impl<'a, T: Api, C> ApiNoContext for ContextWrapper<'a, T, C> {
{{#summary}} /// {{{summary}}}{{/summary}}
fn {{#vendorExtensions}}{{operation_id}}{{/vendorExtensions}}(&self{{#allParams}}, {{paramName}}: {{^required}}{{#isFile}}Box{{#isFile}}, Error=Error> + Send>{{/isFile}}{{/required}}{{/allParams}}) -> Box> {
self.api().{{#vendorExtensions}}{{operation_id}}{{/vendorExtensions}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}, {{/allParams}}&self.context())
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod client;
// Re-export Client as a top-level name
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub use self::client::Client;
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub mod server;
// Re-export router() as a top-level name
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub use self::server::Service;
pub mod models;
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