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* Copyright (c) 2019 Simer Plaha (@simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with SwayDB. If not, see .
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.concurrent
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import swaydb.core.function.FunctionStore
import{DBFile, IOEffect}
import{MapCodec, MapEntryReader, MapEntryWriter}
import swaydb.core.queue.FileLimiter
import swaydb.core.util.Extension
import{KeyOrder, TimeOrder}
private[map] object PersistentMap extends LazyLogging {
private[map] def apply[K, V: ClassTag](folder: Path,
mmap: Boolean,
flushOnOverflow: Boolean,
fileSize: Long,
dropCorruptedTailEntries: Boolean)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
timeOrder: TimeOrder[Slice[Byte]],
functionStore: FunctionStore,
limiter: FileLimiter,
reader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
skipListMerger: SkipListMerger[K, V],
ec: ExecutionContext): IO[RecoveryResult[PersistentMap[K, V]]] = {
val skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V] = new ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V](keyOrder)
recover(folder, mmap, fileSize, skipList, dropCorruptedTailEntries) map {
case (fileRecoveryResult, hasRange) =>
item = new PersistentMap[K, V](folder, mmap, fileSize, flushOnOverflow, fileRecoveryResult.item, hasRangeInitial = hasRange)(skipList),
result = fileRecoveryResult.result
private[map] def apply[K, V: ClassTag](folder: Path,
mmap: Boolean,
flushOnOverflow: Boolean,
fileSize: Long)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
timeOrder: TimeOrder[Slice[Byte]],
limiter: FileLimiter,
functionStore: FunctionStore,
reader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
skipListMerger: SkipListMerger[K, V],
ec: ExecutionContext): IO[PersistentMap[K, V]] = {
val skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V] = new ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V](keyOrder)
firstFile(folder, mmap, fileSize) map {
file =>
new PersistentMap[K, V](folder, mmap, fileSize, flushOnOverflow, hasRangeInitial = false, currentFile = file)(skipList)
private[map] def firstFile(folder: Path, memoryMapped: Boolean, fileSize: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
limiter: FileLimiter): IO[DBFile] =
if (memoryMapped)
DBFile.mmapInit(folder.resolve(0.toLogFileId), fileSize, autoClose = false)
DBFile.channelWrite(folder.resolve(0.toLogFileId), autoClose = false)
private[map] def recover[K, V](folder: Path,
mmap: Boolean,
fileSize: Long,
skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V],
dropCorruptedTailEntries: Boolean)(implicit writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
mapReader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
skipListMerger: SkipListMerger[K, V],
keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
limiter: FileLimiter,
timeOrder: TimeOrder[Slice[Byte]],
functionStore: FunctionStore,
ec: ExecutionContext): IO[(RecoveryResult[DBFile], Boolean)] = {
//read all existing logs and populate skipList
var hasRange: Boolean = false
folder.files(Extension.Log) mapIO {
path =>"{}: Recovering with dropCorruptedTailEntries = {}.", path, dropCorruptedTailEntries)
DBFile.channelRead(path, autoClose = false) flatMap {
file =>
file.readAll flatMap {
bytes =>"{}: Reading file.", path)[K, V](bytes, dropCorruptedTailEntries) map {
recovery =>"{}: Recovered! Populating in-memory map with recovered key-values.", path)
val entriesRecovered =
recovery.item.foldLeft(0) {
case (size, entry) =>
//when populating skipList do the same checks a PersistentMap does when writing key-values to the skipList.
//Use the merger to write key-values to skipList if the there a range, update or remove(with deadline).
//else simply write the key-values to the skipList. This logic should be abstracted out to a common function.
//See MapSpec for tests.
if (entry.hasRange) {
skipListMerger.insert(entry, skipList)
hasRange = true
} else if (hasRange || entry.hasUpdate || entry.hasRemoveDeadline) {
skipListMerger.insert(entry, skipList)
} else {
entry applyTo skipList
size + entry.entriesCount
}"{}: Recovered {} ${if (entriesRecovered > 1) "entries" else "entry"}.", path, entriesRecovered)
RecoveryResult(file, recovery.result)
} flatMap {
recoveredFiles =>
nextFile(, mmap, fileSize, skipList) getOrElse firstFile(folder, mmap, fileSize) map {
file =>
//if there was a failure recovering any one of the files, return the recovery with the failure result.
item = file,
result = recoveredFiles.find(_.result.isFailure).map(_.result) getOrElse IO.unit
* Creates nextFile by persisting the entries in skipList to the new file. This function does not
* re-read oldFiles to apply the existing entries to skipList, skipList should already be populated with new entries.
* This is to ensure that before deleting any of the old entries, a new file is successful created.
* oldFiles get deleted after the recovery is successful. In case of a failure an error message is logged.
private[map] def nextFile[K, V](oldFiles: Iterable[DBFile],
mmap: Boolean,
fileSize: Long,
skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V])(implicit reader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
limiter: FileLimiter,
ec: ExecutionContext): Option[IO[DBFile]] =
oldFiles.lastOption map {
lastFile =>
nextFile(lastFile, mmap, fileSize, skipList) flatMap {
nextFile =>
//Next file successfully created. delete all old files without the last which gets deleted by nextFile.
oldFiles.dropRight(1).foreachIO(_.delete()) match {
case Some(failure) =>
"Recovery successful but failed to delete old log file. Delete this file manually and every other file except '{}' and reboot.",
case None =>"Recovery successful")
private[map] def nextFile[K, V](currentFile: DBFile,
mmap: Boolean,
size: Long,
skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V])(implicit writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
mapReader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
limiter: FileLimiter,
ec: ExecutionContext): IO[DBFile] =
currentFile.path.incrementFileId flatMap {
nextPath =>
val bytes = MapCodec.write(skipList)
val newFile =
if (mmap)
DBFile.mmapInit(path = nextPath, bufferSize = bytes.size + size, autoClose = false)
DBFile.channelWrite(nextPath, autoClose = false)
newFile flatMap {
newFile =>
newFile.append(bytes) flatMap {
_ =>
currentFile.delete() flatMap {
_ =>
private[map] case class PersistentMap[K, V: ClassTag](path: Path,
mmap: Boolean,
fileSize: Long,
flushOnOverflow: Boolean,
private var currentFile: DBFile,
private val hasRangeInitial: Boolean)(val skipList: ConcurrentSkipListMap[K, V])(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
timeOrder: TimeOrder[Slice[Byte]],
limiter: FileLimiter,
functionStore: FunctionStore,
reader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
skipListMerger: SkipListMerger[K, V],
ec: ExecutionContext) extends Map[K, V] with LazyLogging {
// actualSize of the file can be different to fileSize when the entry's size is > fileSize.
// In this case a file is created just to fit those bytes (for that one entry).
// For eg: if fileSize is 4.mb and the entry size is 5.mb, a new file is created with 5.mb for that one entry.
// all the subsequent entries get added to 4.mb files, if it fits, or else the size is extended again.
private var actualFileSize: Long = fileSize
// does not account of flushed entries.
private var bytesWritten: Long = 0
//_hasRange is not a case class input parameters because 2.11 throws compilation error 'values cannot be volatile'
@volatile private var _hasRange: Boolean = hasRangeInitial
@volatile private var writeCount: Long = 0L
override def hasRange: Boolean = _hasRange
def currentFilePath =
def stateID: Long =
override def write(mapEntry: MapEntry[K, V]): IO[Boolean] =
synchronized {
persist(mapEntry) onSuccessSideEffect {
_ =>
writeCount += 1
* Before writing the Entry, check to ensure if the current [[MapEntry]] requires a merge write or direct write.
* Merge write should be used when
* - The entry contains a [[Memory.Range]] key-value.
* - The entry contains a [[Memory.Update]] Update key-value.
* - The entry contains a [[Memory.Remove]] with deadline key-value. Removes without deadlines do not require merging.
* Note: These check are not required for Appendix writes because Appendix entries current do not use
* Range, Update or key-values with deadline.
private def persist(entry: MapEntry[K, V]): IO[Boolean] =
if ((bytesWritten + entry.totalByteSize) <= actualFileSize)
currentFile.append(MapCodec.write(entry)) map {
_ =>
//if this main contains range then use skipListMerge.
if (entry.hasRange) {
_hasRange = true //set hasRange to true before inserting so that reads start looking for floor key-values as the inserts are occurring.
skipListMerger.insert(entry, skipList)
} else if (entry.hasUpdate || entry.hasRemoveDeadline || _hasRange) {
skipListMerger.insert(entry, skipList)
} else {
entry applyTo skipList
bytesWritten += entry.totalByteSize
// println("bytesWritten: " + bytesWritten)
//flushOnOverflow is executed if the current file is empty, even if flushOnOverflow = false.
else if (!flushOnOverflow && bytesWritten != 0)
else {
val nextFilesSize = entry.totalByteSize.toLong max fileSize
PersistentMap.nextFile(currentFile, mmap, nextFilesSize, skipList) match {
case IO.Success(newFile) =>
currentFile = newFile
actualFileSize = nextFilesSize
bytesWritten = 0
case IO.Failure(error) =>
logger.error("{}: Failed to replace with new file", currentFile.path, error.exception)
override def close(): IO[Unit] =
override def exists =
override def delete: IO[Unit] =
currentFile.delete() flatMap {
_ =>
IOEffect.delete(path) map {
_ =>
override def asScala: concurrent.Map[K, V] =
override def pathOption: Option[Path] =
override def fileId: IO[Long] =