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* Copyright (c) 2019 Simer Plaha (@simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with SwayDB. If not, see .
package swaydb.core.segment
import{KeyValue, Memory}
import swaydb.core.queue.KeyValueLimiter
import swaydb.core.segment.merge.MergeList
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
private[core] object SegmentAssigner {
//keyValueLimiter for when reading a Group's inner key-values.
implicit val keyValueLimiter = KeyValueLimiter.none
def assignMinMaxOnlyForSegments(inputSegments: Iterable[Segment],
targetSegments: Iterable[Segment])(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]]): IO[Iterable[Segment]] =
SegmentAssigner.assign(Segment.tempMinMaxKeyValues(inputSegments), targetSegments).map(_.keys)
def assign(keyValues: Slice[KeyValue.ReadOnly],
segments: Iterable[Segment])(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]]): IO[mutable.Map[Segment, Slice[KeyValue.ReadOnly]]] = {
import keyOrder._
val assignmentsMap = mutable.Map.empty[Segment, Slice[KeyValue.ReadOnly]]
val segmentsIterator = segments.iterator
def getNextSegmentMayBe() = if (segmentsIterator.hasNext) Some( else None
def assignKeyValueToSegment(segment: Segment,
keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly,
remainingKeyValues: Int): Unit =
assignmentsMap.get(segment) match {
case Some(currentAssignments) =>
currentAssignments add keyValue
catch {
* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can occur when the size of an unopened Group's key-value was not accounted
* for at the time of Slice initialisation.
* This failure is not expected to occur often and it will be more efficient to extend the exiting assignments Slice
* whenever required.
case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
val initial = Slice.create[KeyValue.ReadOnly](currentAssignments.size + remainingKeyValues + 1)
initial addAll currentAssignments
initial add keyValue
assignmentsMap += (segment -> initial)
case ex: Throwable =>
throw ex
case None =>
//+1 for cases when a Range might extend to the next Segment.
val initial = Slice.create[KeyValue.ReadOnly](remainingKeyValues + 1)
initial add keyValue
assignmentsMap += (segment -> initial)
def assign(remainingKeyValues: MergeList[Memory.Range, KeyValue.ReadOnly],
thisSegmentMayBe: Option[Segment],
nextSegmentMayBe: Option[Segment]): IO[Unit] =
(remainingKeyValues.headOption, thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe) match {
//add this key-value if it is the new smallest key or if this key belong to this Segment or if there is no next Segment
case (Some(keyValue: KeyValue), Some(thisSegment), _) if keyValue.key <= thisSegment.minKey || Segment.belongsTo(keyValue, thisSegment) || nextSegmentMayBe.isEmpty =>
keyValue match {
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Fixed =>
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Range =>
nextSegmentMayBe match {
case Some(nextSegment) if keyValue.toKey > nextSegment.minKey =>
keyValue.fetchFromAndRangeValue match {
case IO.Success((fromValue, rangeValue)) =>
val thisSegmentsRange = Memory.Range(fromKey = keyValue.fromKey, toKey = nextSegment.minKey, fromValue = fromValue, rangeValue = rangeValue)
val nextSegmentsRange = Memory.Range(fromKey = nextSegment.minKey, toKey = keyValue.toKey, fromValue = None, rangeValue = rangeValue)
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, thisSegmentsRange, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropPrepend(nextSegmentsRange), Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case IO.Failure(error) =>
case _ =>
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Group =>
nextSegmentMayBe match {
case None =>
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
case Some(nextSegment) if keyValue.maxKey lessThan nextSegment.minKey =>
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
case _ =>
keyValue.segmentCache.getAll() match {
case IO.Success(groupsKeyValues) =>
MergeList[Memory.Range, KeyValue.ReadOnly](groupsKeyValues) append remainingKeyValues.dropHead(),
case IO.Failure(error) =>
// is this a gap key between thisSegment and the nextSegment
case (Some(keyValue: KeyValue), Some(thisSegment), Some(nextSegment)) if keyValue.key < nextSegment.minKey =>
keyValue match {
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Fixed =>
//ignore if a key-value is not already assigned to thisSegment. No point adding a single key-value to a Segment.
if (assignmentsMap.contains(thisSegment)) {
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
} else {
assign(remainingKeyValues, Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Range =>
nextSegmentMayBe match {
case Some(nextSegment) if keyValue.toKey > nextSegment.minKey =>
//if it's a gap Range key-value and it's flows onto the next Segment, just jump to the next Segment.
assign(remainingKeyValues, Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case _ =>
//ignore if a key-value is not already assigned to thisSegment. No point adding a single key-value to a Segment.
//same code as above, need to push it to a common function.
if (assignmentsMap.contains(thisSegment)) {
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
} else {
assign(remainingKeyValues, Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case keyValue: KeyValue.ReadOnly.Group =>
nextSegmentMayBe match {
case Some(nextSegment) if keyValue.maxKey lessThan nextSegment.minKey =>
//ignore if a key-value is not already assigned to thisSegment. No point adding a single key-value to a Segment.
//same code as above, need to push it to a common function.
if (assignmentsMap.contains(thisSegment)) {
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
} else {
assign(remainingKeyValues, Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case None =>
assignKeyValueToSegment(thisSegment, keyValue, remainingKeyValues.size)
assign(remainingKeyValues.dropHead(), thisSegmentMayBe, nextSegmentMayBe)
case _ =>
keyValue.segmentCache.getAll() match {
case IO.Success(groupsKeyValues) =>
MergeList[Memory.Range, KeyValue.ReadOnly](groupsKeyValues) append remainingKeyValues.dropHead(),
case IO.Failure(error) =>
case (Some(_), Some(_), Some(nextSegment)) =>
assign(remainingKeyValues, Some(nextSegment), getNextSegmentMayBe())
case (_, _, _) =>
if (segments.size == 1)
IO.Success(mutable.Map((segments.head, keyValues)))
else if (segmentsIterator.hasNext)
assign(MergeList(keyValues), Some(, getNextSegmentMayBe()) map {
_ =>
assignmentsMap map {
case (segment, keyValues) =>
(segment, keyValues.close())