swaydb.core.CoreInitializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2020 Simer JS Plaha ([email protected] - @simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with SwayDB. If not, see .
* Additional permission under the GNU Affero GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program or any covered work, only by linking or combining
* it with separate works, the licensors of this Program grant you additional
* permission to convey the resulting work.
package swaydb.core
import java.util.function.Supplier
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import swaydb.Error.Level.ExceptionHandler
import swaydb.core.actor.ByteBufferSweeper.ByteBufferSweeperActor
import swaydb.core.actor.{ByteBufferSweeper, FileSweeper, MemorySweeper}
import swaydb.core.build.{Build, BuildValidator}
import swaydb.core.function.FunctionStore
import swaydb.core.io.file.Effect._
import swaydb.core.io.file.{BlockCache, ForceSaveApplier}
import swaydb.core.level.compaction._
import swaydb.core.level.compaction.throttle.{ThrottleCompactor, ThrottleState}
import swaydb.core.level.zero.LevelZero
import swaydb.core.level.{Level, LevelCloser, NextLevel, TrashLevel}
import swaydb.core.segment.ThreadReadState
import swaydb.core.segment.format.a.block
import swaydb.core.segment.format.a.block.bloomfilter.BloomFilterBlock
import swaydb.core.segment.format.a.block.segment.SegmentBlock
import swaydb.core.segment.format.a.block.sortedindex.SortedIndexBlock
import swaydb.core.segment.format.a.block.values.ValuesBlock
import swaydb.data.compaction.CompactionExecutionContext
import swaydb.data.config._
import swaydb.data.order.{KeyOrder, TimeOrder}
import swaydb.data.sequencer.Sequencer
import swaydb.data.slice.Slice
import swaydb.data.storage.{AppendixStorage, Level0Storage, LevelStorage}
import swaydb.data.{Atomic, NonEmptyList, OptimiseWrites}
import swaydb.{ActorRef, ActorWire, Bag, Error, Glass, IO}
import scala.sys.ShutdownHookThread
* Creates all configured Levels via [[ConfigWizard]] instances and starts compaction.
private[core] object CoreInitializer extends LazyLogging {
* Based on the configuration returns execution context for the Level.
def executionContext(levelConfig: LevelConfig): Option[CompactionExecutionContext] =
levelConfig match {
case TrashLevelConfig =>
case config: MemoryLevelConfig =>
case config: PersistentLevelConfig =>
def executionContexts(config: SwayDBConfig): List[CompactionExecutionContext] =
List(config.level0.compactionExecutionContext) ++
executionContext(config.level1).toList ++
* Boots up compaction Actor and start listening to changes in levels.
def initialiseCompaction(zero: LevelZero,
executionContexts: List[CompactionExecutionContext])(implicit compactionStrategy: Compactor[ThrottleState]): IO[Error.Level, NonEmptyList[ActorWire[Compactor[ThrottleState], ThrottleState]]] =
zero = zero,
executionContexts = executionContexts
def sendInitialWakeUp(compactor: ActorWire[Compactor[ThrottleState], ThrottleState]): Unit =
compactor send {
(impl, state, self) =>
state = state,
forwardCopyOnAllLevels = true,
self = self
def addShutdownHook[BAG[_]](core: Core[BAG]): ShutdownHookThread =
sys.addShutdownHook {
if (core.state != CoreState.Closed)
* Initialises Core/Levels. To see full documentation for each input parameter see the website - http://swaydb.io/configurations/.
* @param config configuration used for initialisations which is created via [[ConfigWizard]]
* @param enableTimer if true initialises the timer folder. This is only required if the database has functions enabled.
* @param cacheKeyValueIds if true, will cache the 3000+ key-values in-memory instead of performing binary search for each search key-value id.
* Set this to true to boost performance and reduce IOps.
* @param fileCache Controls when files are closed & deleted. See the configuration documentation - http://swaydb.io/configurations/fileCache/
* @param threadStateCache Each thread is assigned a small cache to boost read performance. This can be optionally enabled. See
* http://swaydb.io/configurations/threadStateCache/
* @param memoryCache Configures how in-memory caches should process read bytes and parsed key-values. See - http://swaydb.io/configurations/memoryCache/
* @param keyOrder Defines the sort order for keys. See documentation on website.
* @param timeOrder Defines the order in which a single key-value's updates are applied.
* @param functionStore Stores all registered functions.
* @return
def apply(config: SwayDBConfig,
enableTimer: Boolean,
cacheKeyValueIds: Boolean,
fileCache: FileCache.On,
threadStateCache: ThreadStateCache,
memoryCache: MemoryCache)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]],
timeOrder: TimeOrder[Slice[Byte]],
functionStore: FunctionStore,
buildValidator: BuildValidator): IO[swaydb.Error.Boot, Core[Glass]] = {
val validationResult =
config.level0.storage match {
case Level0Storage.Memory =>
case Level0Storage.Persistent(_, dir, _) =>
validationResult match {
case IO.Right(_) =>
implicit val fileSweeper: ActorRef[FileSweeper.Command, Unit] =
val memorySweeper: Option[MemorySweeper.On] =
implicit val blockCache: Option[BlockCache.State] =
memorySweeper flatMap BlockCache.init
implicit val keyValueMemorySweeper: Option[MemorySweeper.KeyValue] =
memorySweeper flatMap {
enabled: MemorySweeper.On =>
enabled match {
case sweeper: MemorySweeper.All =>
case sweeper: MemorySweeper.KeyValueSweeper =>
case _: MemorySweeper.BlockSweeper =>
implicit val compactionStrategy: Compactor[ThrottleState] =
implicit val bufferSweeper: ByteBufferSweeperActor =
val contexts = executionContexts(config)
lazy val memoryLevelPath = MemoryPathGenerator.next()
def createLevel(id: Long,
nextLevel: Option[NextLevel],
config: LevelConfig): IO[swaydb.Error.Level, NextLevel] =
config match {
case config: MemoryLevelConfig =>
implicit val forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier = ForceSaveApplier.Off
bloomFilterConfig = BloomFilterBlock.Config.disabled,
hashIndexConfig = block.hashindex.HashIndexBlock.Config.disabled,
binarySearchIndexConfig = block.binarysearch.BinarySearchIndexBlock.Config.disabled,
sortedIndexConfig = SortedIndexBlock.Config.disabled,
valuesConfig = ValuesBlock.Config.disabled,
segmentConfig =
fileOpenIOStrategy = IOStrategy.AsyncIO(false),
blockIOStrategy = _ => IOStrategy.ConcurrentIO(false),
cacheBlocksOnCreate = false,
minSize = config.minSegmentSize,
maxCount = config.maxKeyValuesPerSegment,
pushForward = config.copyForward,
mmap = MMAP.Off(ForceSave.Off),
deleteEventually = config.deleteSegmentsEventually,
compressions = _ => Seq.empty
levelStorage = LevelStorage.Memory(dir = memoryLevelPath.resolve(id.toString)),
appendixStorage = AppendixStorage.Memory,
nextLevel = nextLevel,
throttle = config.throttle
case config: PersistentLevelConfig =>
implicit val forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier = ForceSaveApplier.On
bloomFilterConfig = BloomFilterBlock.Config(config = config.mightContainIndex),
hashIndexConfig = block.hashindex.HashIndexBlock.Config(config = config.randomSearchIndex),
binarySearchIndexConfig = block.binarysearch.BinarySearchIndexBlock.Config(config = config.binarySearchIndex),
sortedIndexConfig = SortedIndexBlock.Config(config.sortedKeyIndex),
valuesConfig = ValuesBlock.Config(config.valuesConfig),
segmentConfig = SegmentBlock.Config(config.segmentConfig),
levelStorage =
dir = config.dir.resolve(id.toString),
otherDirs = config.otherDirs.map(dir => dir.copy(path = dir.path.resolve(id.toString)))
appendixStorage = AppendixStorage.Persistent(config.mmapAppendix, config.appendixFlushCheckpointSize),
nextLevel = nextLevel,
throttle = config.throttle
case TrashLevelConfig =>
def createLevels(levelConfigs: List[LevelConfig],
previousLowerLevel: Option[NextLevel]): IO[swaydb.Error.Level, Core[Glass]] =
levelConfigs match {
case Nil =>
implicit val forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier = ForceSaveApplier.On
id = 1,
nextLevel = previousLowerLevel,
config = config.level1
) flatMap {
level1 =>
val coreState = CoreState()
implicit val optimiseWrites: OptimiseWrites = config.level0.optimiseWrites
implicit val atomic: Atomic = config.level0.atomic
mapSize = config.level0.mapSize,
appliedFunctionsMapSize = config.level0.appliedFunctionsMapSize,
clearAppliedFunctionsOnBoot = config.level0.clearAppliedFunctionsOnBoot,
storage = config.level0.storage,
enableTimer = enableTimer,
cacheKeyValueIds = cacheKeyValueIds,
coreState = coreState,
nextLevel = Some(level1),
acceleration = config.level0.acceleration,
throttle = config.level0.throttle
) flatMap {
zero: LevelZero =>
zero = zero,
executionContexts = contexts
) map {
implicit compactor =>
//trigger initial wakeUp.
val readStates: ThreadLocal[ThreadReadState] =
ThreadLocal.withInitial[ThreadReadState] {
new Supplier[ThreadReadState] {
override def get(): ThreadReadState =
threadStateCache match {
case ThreadStateCache.Limit(hashMapMaxSize, maxProbe) =>
maxSize = hashMapMaxSize,
probe = maxProbe
case ThreadStateCache.NoLimit =>
case ThreadStateCache.Off =>
maxSize = 0,
probe = 0
val core =
new Core[Glass](
zero = zero,
coreState = coreState,
threadStateCache = threadStateCache,
sequencer = Sequencer.synchronised(Bag.glass),
readStates = readStates
addShutdownHook(core = core)
case lowestLevelConfig :: upperLevelConfigs =>
val levelNumber: Long =
.flatMap(_.pathDistributor.headOption.map(_.path.folderId - 1))
.getOrElse(levelConfigs.size + 1)
createLevel(levelNumber, previousLowerLevel, lowestLevelConfig) flatMap {
newLowerLevel =>
createLevels(upperLevelConfigs, Some(newLowerLevel))
logger.info(s"Booting ${config.otherLevels.size + 2} Levels.")
* Convert [[swaydb.Error.Level]] to [[swaydb.Error]]
createLevels(config.otherLevels.reverse, None) match {
case IO.Right(core) =>
IO[swaydb.Error.Boot, Core[Glass]](core)
case IO.Left(createError) =>
IO(LevelCloser.close[Glass]()) match {
case IO.Right(_) =>
IO.failed[swaydb.Error.Boot, Core[Glass]](createError.exception)
case IO.Left(closeError) =>
val createException = createError.exception
logger.error("Failed to create", createException)
logger.error("Failed to close", closeError.exception)
IO.failed[swaydb.Error.Boot, Core[Glass]](createException)
case IO.Left(error) =>
IO.failed[swaydb.Error.Boot, Core[Glass]](error.exception)
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