swaydb.core.map.Maps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2020 Simer JS Plaha ([email protected] - @simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
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* permission to convey the resulting work.
package swaydb.core.map
import java.nio.file.Path
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import swaydb.Error.Map.ExceptionHandler
import swaydb.IO._
import swaydb.core.actor.ByteBufferSweeper.ByteBufferSweeperActor
import swaydb.core.actor.FileSweeper.FileSweeperActor
import swaydb.core.brake.BrakePedal
import swaydb.core.io.file.Effect._
import swaydb.core.io.file.{Effect, ForceSaveApplier}
import swaydb.core.map.serializer.{MapEntryReader, MapEntryWriter}
import swaydb.core.map.timer.Timer
import swaydb.core.util.DropIterator
import swaydb.core.util.queue.VolatileQueue
import swaydb.data.accelerate.{Accelerator, LevelZeroMeter}
import swaydb.data.config.{MMAP, RecoveryMode}
import swaydb.data.order.KeyOrder
import swaydb.{Error, IO}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
private[core] object Maps extends LazyLogging {
val closeErrorMessage = "Cannot perform write on a closed instance."
def memory[K, V, C <: MapCache[K, V]](fileSize: Long,
acceleration: LevelZeroMeter => Accelerator)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
fileSweeper: FileSweeperActor,
bufferCleaner: ByteBufferSweeperActor,
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
cacheBuilder: MapCacheBuilder[C],
timer: Timer,
forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier): Maps[K, V, C] = {
val map =
Map.memory[K, V, C](
fileSize = fileSize,
flushOnOverflow = false
new Maps[K, V, C](
queue = VolatileQueue[Map[K, V, C]](map),
fileSize = fileSize,
acceleration = acceleration,
currentMap = map
def persistent[K, V, C <: MapCache[K, V]](path: Path,
mmap: MMAP.Map,
fileSize: Long,
acceleration: LevelZeroMeter => Accelerator,
recovery: RecoveryMode)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
fileSweeper: FileSweeperActor,
bufferCleaner: ByteBufferSweeperActor,
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
reader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
cacheBuilder: MapCacheBuilder[C],
timer: Timer,
forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier): IO[swaydb.Error.Map, Maps[K, V, C]] = {
logger.debug("{}: Maps persistent started. Initialising recovery.", path)
//reverse to keep the newest maps at the top.
recover[K, V, C](
folder = path,
mmap = mmap,
fileSize = fileSize,
recovery = recovery
).map(_.reverse) flatMap {
recoveredMapsReversed =>
logger.info(s"{}: Recovered {} ${if (recoveredMapsReversed.isEmpty || recoveredMapsReversed.size > 1) "logs" else "log"}.", path, recoveredMapsReversed.size)
val nextMapId =
recoveredMapsReversed.headOption match {
case Some(lastMaps) =>
lastMaps match {
case PersistentMap(path, _, _, _, _, _) =>
case _ =>
case None =>
//delete maps that are empty.
val (emptyMaps, otherMaps) = recoveredMapsReversed.partition(_.cache.isEmpty)
if (emptyMaps.nonEmpty) logger.info(s"{}: Deleting empty {} maps {}.", path, emptyMaps.size, emptyMaps.flatMap(_.pathOption).map(_.toString).mkString(", "))
emptyMaps foreachIO (map => IO(map.delete)) match {
case Some(IO.Left(error)) =>
logger.error(s"{}: Failed to delete empty maps {}", path, emptyMaps.flatMap(_.pathOption).map(_.toString).mkString(", "))
case None =>
logger.debug(s"{}: Creating next map with ID {} maps.", path, nextMapId)
val queue = VolatileQueue[Map[K, V, C]](otherMaps)
IO {
Map.persistent[K, V, C](
folder = nextMapId,
mmap = mmap,
flushOnOverflow = false,
fileSize = fileSize,
dropCorruptedTailEntries = recovery.drop
} map {
nextMap =>
logger.debug(s"{}: Next map created with ID {}.", path, nextMapId)
new Maps[K, V, C](
queue = queue.addHead(nextMap.item),
fileSize = fileSize,
acceleration = acceleration,
currentMap = nextMap.item
private def recover[K, V, C <: MapCache[K, V]](folder: Path,
mmap: MMAP.Map,
fileSize: Long,
recovery: RecoveryMode)(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
fileSweeper: FileSweeperActor,
bufferCleaner: ByteBufferSweeperActor,
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
mapReader: MapEntryReader[MapEntry[K, V]],
cacheBuilder: MapCacheBuilder[C],
forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier): IO[swaydb.Error.Map, ListBuffer[Map[K, V, C]]] = {
* Performs corruption handling based on the the value set for [[RecoveryMode]].
def applyRecoveryMode(exception: Throwable,
mapPath: Path,
otherMapsPaths: List[Path],
recoveredMaps: ListBuffer[Map[K, V, C]]): IO[swaydb.Error.Map, ListBuffer[Map[K, V, C]]] =
exception match {
case exception: IllegalStateException =>
recovery match {
case RecoveryMode.ReportFailure =>
//return failure immediately without effecting the current state of Level0
case RecoveryMode.DropCorruptedTailEntries =>
//Ignore the corrupted file and jump to to the next Map.
//The recovery itself should've read most of the non-corrupted head entries on best effort basis
//and added to the recoveredMaps.
doRecovery(otherMapsPaths, recoveredMaps)
case RecoveryMode.DropCorruptedTailEntriesAndMaps =>
//skip and delete all the files after the corruption file and return the successfully recovered maps
//if the files were deleted successfully.
logger.info(s"{}: Skipping files after corrupted file. Recovery mode: {}", mapPath, recovery.name)
otherMapsPaths foreachIO { //delete Maps after the corruption.
mapPath =>
IO(Effect.walkDelete(mapPath)) match {
case IO.Right(_) =>
logger.info(s"{}: Deleted file after corruption. Recovery mode: {}", mapPath, recovery.name)
case IO.Left(error) =>
logger.error(s"{}: IO.Left to delete file after corruption file. Recovery mode: {}", mapPath, recovery.name)
} match {
case Some(IO.Left(error)) =>
case None =>
case exception: Throwable =>
* Start recovery for all the input maps.
def doRecovery(maps: List[Path],
recoveredMaps: ListBuffer[Map[K, V, C]]): IO[swaydb.Error.Map, ListBuffer[Map[K, V, C]]] =
maps match {
case Nil =>
case mapPath :: otherMapsPaths =>
logger.debug(s"{}: Recovering.", mapPath)
IO {
Map.persistent[K, V, C](
folder = mapPath,
mmap = mmap,
flushOnOverflow = false,
fileSize = fileSize,
dropCorruptedTailEntries = recovery.drop
} match {
case IO.Right(recoveredMap) =>
//recovered immutable memory map's files should be closed after load as they are always read from in memory
// and does not require the files to be opened.
IO(recoveredMap.item.close()) match {
case IO.Right(_) =>
recoveredMaps += recoveredMap.item //recoveredMap.item can also be partially recovered file based on RecoveryMode set.
//if the recoveredMap's recovery result is a failure (partially recovered file),
//apply corruption handling based on the value set for RecoveryMode.
recoveredMap.result match {
case IO.Right(_) => //Recovery was successful. Recover next map.
maps = otherMapsPaths,
recoveredMaps = recoveredMaps
case IO.Left(error) =>
exception = error.exception,
mapPath = mapPath,
otherMapsPaths = otherMapsPaths,
recoveredMaps = recoveredMaps
case IO.Left(error) => //failed to close the file.
case IO.Left(error) =>
//if there was a full failure perform failure handling based on the value set for RecoveryMode.
exception = error.exception,
mapPath = mapPath,
otherMapsPaths = otherMapsPaths,
recoveredMaps = recoveredMaps
maps = folder.folders,
recoveredMaps = ListBuffer.empty
def nextMapUnsafe[K, V, C <: MapCache[K, V]](nextMapSize: Long,
currentMap: Map[K, V, C])(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
fileSweeper: FileSweeperActor,
bufferCleaner: ByteBufferSweeperActor,
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
skipListMerger: MapCacheBuilder[C],
forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier): Map[K, V, C] =
currentMap match {
case currentMap: PersistentMap[K, V, C] =>
Map.persistent[K, V, C](
folder = currentMap.path.incrementFolderId,
mmap = currentMap.mmap,
flushOnOverflow = false,
fileSize = nextMapSize
case _ =>
Map.memory[K, V, C](
fileSize = nextMapSize,
flushOnOverflow = false
private[core] class Maps[K, V, C <: MapCache[K, V]](private val queue: VolatileQueue[Map[K, V, C]],
fileSize: Long,
acceleration: LevelZeroMeter => Accelerator,
@volatile private var currentMap: Map[K, V, C])(implicit keyOrder: KeyOrder[K],
fileSweeper: FileSweeperActor,
val bufferCleaner: ByteBufferSweeperActor,
writer: MapEntryWriter[MapEntry.Put[K, V]],
cacheBuilder: MapCacheBuilder[C],
val timer: Timer,
forceSaveApplier: ForceSaveApplier) extends LazyLogging { self =>
@volatile private var closed: Boolean = false
//this listener is invoked when currentMap is full.
@volatile private var onNextMapListener: () => Unit = () => ()
// This is crucial for write performance use null instead of Option.
private var brakePedal: BrakePedal = _
@volatile private var totalMapsCount: Int = queue.size
val meter =
new LevelZeroMeter {
override def defaultMapSize: Long = fileSize
override def currentMapSize: Long = currentMap.fileSize
override def mapsCount: Int = self.queue.size
private[core] def onNextMapCallback(event: () => Unit): Unit =
onNextMapListener = event
def write(mapEntry: Timer => MapEntry[K, V]): Unit =
synchronized {
if (brakePedal != null && brakePedal.applyBrakes()) brakePedal = null
private def initNextMap(mapSize: Long) = {
val nextMap =
nextMapSize = mapSize,
currentMap = currentMap
queue addHead nextMap
currentMap = nextMap
totalMapsCount += 1
* @param entry entry to add
* @return IO.Right(true) when new map gets added to maps. This return value is currently used
* in LevelZero to determine if there is a map that should be converted Segment.
private def persist(entry: MapEntry[K, V]): Unit = {
val persisted =
currentMap writeNoSync entry
catch {
case exception: Throwable if self.closed =>
throw swaydb.Exception.InvalidAccessException(Maps.closeErrorMessage, exception)
case throwable: Throwable =>
//If there is a failure writing an Entry to the Map. Start a new Map immediately! This ensures that
//if the failure was due to a corruption in the current Map, all the new Entries do not value submitted
//to the same Map file. They SHOULD be added to a new Map file that is not already unreadable.
logger.error(s"FATAL: Failed to write Map entry of size ${entry.entryBytesSize}.byte(s). Initialising a new Map.", throwable)
throw throwable
val accelerate = acceleration(meter)
if (accelerate.brake.isEmpty) {
if (brakePedal != null && brakePedal.isReleased())
brakePedal = null
} else if (brakePedal == null) {
val brake = accelerate.brake.get
brakePedal =
new BrakePedal(
brakeFor = brake.brakeFor,
releaseRate = brake.releaseRate,
logAsWarning = brake.logAsWarning
if (!persisted) {
val nextMapSize = accelerate.nextMapSize max entry.totalByteSize
logger.debug(s"Map full. Initialising next map of size: $nextMapSize.bytes.")
@inline final private def findFirst[B](nullResult: B,
finder: Map[K, V, C] => B): B = {
val iterator = queue.iterator
@inline def getNext() = if (iterator.hasNext) iterator.next() else null
def find(next: Map[K, V, C]): B = {
val foundOrNullResult = finder(next)
if (foundOrNullResult == nullResult) {
val next = getNext()
if (next == null)
} else {
val next = getNext()
if (next == null)
@inline final def reduce[A >: Null, B](nullResult: B,
applier: Map[K, V, C] => B,
reducer: (B, B) => B): B = {
val iterator = queue.iterator
@inline def getNextOrNull() = if (iterator.hasNext) iterator.next() else null
def find(nextOrNull: Map[K, V, C],
previousResult: B): B =
if (nextOrNull == null) {
} else {
val nextResult = applier(nextOrNull)
if (nextResult == nullResult) {
find(getNextOrNull(), previousResult)
} else if (previousResult == nullResult) {
find(getNextOrNull(), nextResult)
} else {
val result = reducer(previousResult, nextResult)
find(getNextOrNull(), result)
find(getNextOrNull(), nullResult)
def find[B](nullResult: B,
matcher: Map[K, V, C] => B): B =
nullResult = nullResult,
finder = matcher
def nextJob(): Option[Map[K, V, C]] = {
val last = queue.lastOrNull()
if (last == null || queue.size == 1)
def removeLast(map: Map[K, V, C]): IO[Error.Map, Unit] =
.and {
IO(map.delete) match {
case IO.Right(_) =>
case IO.Left(error) =>
//failed to delete file. Add it back to the queue.
logger.error(s"Failed to delete map '${map.toString}'. Adding it back to the queue.", error.exception)
def keyValueCount: Int =
reduce[Integer, Int](
nullResult = 0,
applier = _.cache.maxKeyValueCount,
reducer = _ + _
def mapsCount =
def isEmpty: Boolean =
def map: Map[K, V, C] =
def close(): IO[swaydb.Error.Map, Unit] =
IO {
closed = true
}.onLeftSideEffect {
failure =>
logger.error("Failed to close timer file", failure.exception)
}.and {
.foreachIO(map => IO(map.close()), failFast = false)
def delete(): IO[Error.Map, Unit] =
.and {
.foreachIO(map => IO(map.delete))
def iterator: Iterator[Map[K, V, C]] =
def dropIterator: DropIterator.Single[Null, Map[K, V, C]] =
def mmap: MMAP =
def stateId: Long =
def isClosed =
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