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swaydb.MultiMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020 Simer JS Plaha ([email protected] - @simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with SwayDB. If not, see .
* Additional permission under the GNU Affero GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program or any covered work, only by linking or
* combining it with separate works, the licensors of this Program grant
* you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
package swaydb
import java.nio.file.Path
import swaydb.multimap.Transaction
import swaydb.MultiMapKey.{MapEntriesEnd, MapEntriesStart, MapEntry}
import swaydb.core.util.Times._
import swaydb.multimap.Schema
import swaydb.serializers.{Serializer, _}
import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Deadline, FiniteDuration}
object MultiMap {
* Given the inner [[swaydb.Map]] instance this creates a parent [[MultiMap]] instance.
private[swaydb] def apply[M, K, V, F, BAG[_]](rootMap: swaydb.Map[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]], BAG])(implicit bag: swaydb.Bag[BAG],
keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V]): BAG[MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG]] =
bag.flatMap(rootMap.isEmpty) {
isEmpty =>
val rootMapKey = Seq.empty[M]
def initialEntries: BAG[OK] =
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.MapStart(rootMapKey), None),
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.MapEntriesStart(rootMapKey), None),
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.MapEntriesEnd(rootMapKey), None),
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.SubMapsStart(rootMapKey), None),
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.SubMapsEnd(rootMapKey), None),
Prepare.Put(MultiMapKey.MapEnd(rootMapKey), None)
//RootMap has empty keys so if this database is new commit initial entries.
if (isEmpty)
bag.transform(initialEntries) {
_ =>
swaydb.MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG](
innerMap = rootMap,
thisMapKey = rootMapKey
swaydb.MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG](
innerMap = rootMap,
thisMapKey = rootMapKey
private[swaydb] def failure(expected: Class[_], actual: Class[_]) = throw new IllegalStateException(s"Internal error: ${expected.getName} expected but found ${actual.getName}.")
private[swaydb] def failure(expected: String, actual: String) = throw exception(expected, actual)
private[swaydb] def exception(expected: String, actual: String) = new IllegalStateException(s"Internal error: $expected expected but found $actual.")
implicit def nothing[T, K, V]: Functions[T, K, V, Nothing] =
new Functions[T, K, V, Nothing]()(null, null, null)
implicit def void[T, K, V]: Functions[T, K, V, Void] =
new Functions[T, K, V, Void]()(null, null, null)
object Functions {
def apply[M, K, V, F](functions: F*)(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V],
ev: F <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]) = {
val f = new Functions[M, K, V, F]()
def apply[M, K, V, F](functions: Iterable[F])(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V],
ev: F <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]) = {
val f = new Functions[M, K, V, F]()
* All registered function for a [[MultiMap]].
final case class Functions[M, K, V, F]()(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V]) {
private implicit val optionalSerialiser = Serializer.toNestedOption(valueSerializer)
private[swaydb] val innerFunctions = swaydb.Map.Functions[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], swaydb.PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]]()
def register[PF <: F](functions: PF*)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): Unit =
* Validates [[MultiMapKey]] supplied to the function. Only [[MultiMapKey.MapEntry]] is accepted
* since functions are applied to Map's key-values only.
@inline def validate[O](key: MultiMapKey[M, K])(f: K => O): O =
key match {
case MultiMapKey.MapEntry(_, dataKey) =>
case entry: MultiMapKey[_, _] =>
throw new Exception(s"MapEntry expected but got ${entry.getClass.getName}")
* User values for inner map cannot be None.
@inline def validate[O](value: Option[V])(f: V => O): O =
value match {
case Some(userValue) =>
case None =>
//UserEntries are never None for innertMap.
throw new Exception("Function applied to None user value")
* Vaidates both key and value before applying the function.
@inline def validate[O](key: MultiMapKey[M, K], value: Option[V])(f: (K, V) => O): O =
validate(key) {
dataKey =>
validate(value) {
userValue =>
f(dataKey, userValue)
* Register the function converting it to [[MultiMap.innerMap]]'s function type.
def register[PF <: F](function: PF)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): Unit = {
val innerFunction =
(function: swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]) match {
//convert all MultiMap Functions to Map functions that register them since MultiMap is
//just a parent implementation over Map.
case function: swaydb.PureFunction.OnValue[V, Apply.Map[V]] =>
new swaydb.PureFunction.OnValue[Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]] {
override def apply(value: Option[V]): Apply.Map[Option[V]] =
validate(value) {
value =>
//use user function's functionId
override def id: String =
case function: swaydb.PureFunction.OnKey[K, V, Apply.Map[V]] =>
new swaydb.PureFunction.OnKey[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]] {
override def apply(key: MultiMapKey[M, K], deadline: Option[Deadline]): Apply.Map[Option[V]] =
validate(key) {
dataKey =>
Apply.Map.toOption(function.apply(dataKey, deadline))
//use user function's functionId
override def id: String =
case function: swaydb.PureFunction.OnKeyValue[K, V, Apply.Map[V]] =>
new swaydb.PureFunction.OnKeyValue[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]] {
override def apply(key: MultiMapKey[M, K], value: Option[V], deadline: Option[Deadline]): Apply.Map[Option[V]] =
validate(key, value) {
(dataKey, userValue) =>
Apply.Map.toOption(function.apply(dataKey, userValue, deadline))
//use user function's functionId
override def id: String =
* Converts [[Prepare]] statements of this [[MultiMap]] to inner [[Map]]'s statements.
def toInnerPrepare[M, K, V, F](prepare: Transaction[M, K, V, F]): Prepare[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]] =
toInnerPrepare(prepare.thisMapKey, prepare.defaultExpiration, prepare.prepare)
* Converts [[Prepare]] statements of this [[MultiMap]] to inner [[Map]]'s statements.
def toInnerPrepare[M, K, V, F](thisMapKey: Iterable[M], defaultExpiration: Option[Deadline], prepare: Prepare[K, V, F]): Prepare[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]] =
prepare match {
case Prepare.Put(key, value, deadline) =>
Prepare.Put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), deadline earlier defaultExpiration)
case Prepare.Remove(from, to, deadline) =>
to match {
case Some(to) =>
Prepare.Remove(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), Some(MapEntry(thisMapKey, to)), deadline earlier defaultExpiration)
case None =>
Prepare.Remove[MultiMapKey[M, K]](from = MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), to = None, deadline = deadline earlier defaultExpiration)
case Prepare.Update(from, to, value) =>
to match {
case Some(to) =>
Prepare.Update[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V]](MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), Some(MapEntry(thisMapKey, to)), value = Some(value))
case None =>
Prepare.Update[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V]](key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), value = Some(value))
case Prepare.ApplyFunction(from, to, function) =>
// Temporary solution: casted because the actual instance itself not used internally.
// Core only uses the String value of which is searched in functionStore to validate function.
val castedFunction = function.asInstanceOf[PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]]
to match {
case Some(to) =>
Prepare.ApplyFunction(from = MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), to = Some(MapEntry(thisMapKey, to)), function = castedFunction)
case None =>
Prepare.ApplyFunction(from = MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), to = None, function = castedFunction)
case Prepare.Add(elem, deadline) =>
Prepare.Put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, elem), None, deadline earlier defaultExpiration)
* [[MultiMap]] extends [[swaydb.Map]]'s API to allow storing multiple Maps withing a single Map.
* [[MultiMap]] is just a simple extension that uses custom data types ([[MultiMapKey]]) and
* KeyOrder ([[MultiMapKey.ordering]]) for it's API.
case class MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG[_]] private(private[swaydb] val innerMap: Map[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]], BAG],
thisMapKey: Iterable[M],
private val from: Option[From[MultiMapKey.MapEntry[M, K]]] = None,
private val reverseIteration: Boolean = false,
defaultExpiration: Option[Deadline] = None)(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V],
val bag: Bag[BAG]) extends MapT[K, V, F, BAG] { self =>
override def path: Path =
* APIs for managing child map of this [[MultiMap]].
val schema: Schema[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
new Schema(
innerMap = innerMap,
thisMapKey = thisMapKey,
defaultExpiration = defaultExpiration
* Narrows this [[MultiMap]]'s map key type [[M]]
def narrow[M2](mapKey: Class[M2])(implicit evT: M2 <:< M): MultiMap[M2, K, V, F, BAG] =
this.asInstanceOf[MultiMap[M2, K, V, F, BAG]]
* Narrows this [[MultiMap]]'s map key type [[M]] and key-value key type [[K]]
def narrow[M2, K2](mapKey: Class[M2],
keyType: Class[K2])(implicit evT: M2 <:< M,
evK: K2 <:< K): MultiMap[M2, K2, V, F, BAG] =
this.asInstanceOf[MultiMap[M2, K2, V, F, BAG]]
* Narrows this [[MultiMap]]'s map key type [[M]], key-value key type [[K]] and value type [[V]]
def narrow[M2, K2, V2](mapKey: Class[M2],
keyType: Class[K2],
valueType: Class[V2])(implicit evT: M2 <:< M,
evK: K2 <:< K,
evV: V2 <:< V): MultiMap[M2, K2, V2, F, BAG] =
this.asInstanceOf[MultiMap[M2, K2, V2, F, BAG]]
* Narrows this [[MultiMap]]'s map key type [[M]], key-value key type [[K]], value type [[V]] and function type [[F]].
def narrow[M2, K2, V2, F2](mapKey: Class[M2],
keyType: Class[K2],
valueType: Class[V2],
functionType: Class[F2])(implicit evT: M2 <:< M,
evK: K2 <:< K,
evV: V2 <:< V,
evF: F2 <:< F): MultiMap[M2, K2, V2, F2, BAG] =
this.asInstanceOf[MultiMap[M2, K2, V2, F2, BAG]]
def put(key: K, value: V): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), defaultExpiration)
def put(key: K, value: V, expireAfter: FiniteDuration): BAG[OK] =
put(key, value, expireAfter.fromNow)
def put(key: K, value: V, expireAt: Deadline): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), defaultExpiration earlier expireAt)
override def put(keyValues: (K, V)*): BAG[OK] = {
val innerKeyValues =
keyValues map {
case (key, value) =>
Prepare.Put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), defaultExpiration)
override def put(keyValues: Stream[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] = {
val stream: Stream[Prepare[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]]] = {
case (key, value) =>
Prepare.Put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), defaultExpiration)
override def put(keyValues: Iterable[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] = {
val stream = {
case (key, value) =>
Prepare.Put(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value), defaultExpiration)
override def put(keyValues: Iterator[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] =
def remove(key: K): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.remove(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
def remove(from: K, to: K): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.remove(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), MapEntry(thisMapKey, to))
def remove(keys: K*): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.remove { => MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
def remove(keys: Stream[K]): BAG[OK] =
def remove(keys: Iterable[K]): BAG[OK] =
def remove(keys: Iterator[K]): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.remove( => MapEntry(thisMapKey, key)))
def expire(key: K, after: FiniteDuration): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.expire(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), defaultExpiration.earlier(after.fromNow))
def expire(key: K, at: Deadline): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.expire(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), defaultExpiration.earlier(at))
def expire(from: K, to: K, after: FiniteDuration): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.expire(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), MapEntry(thisMapKey, to), defaultExpiration.earlier(after.fromNow))
def expire(from: K, to: K, at: Deadline): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.expire(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), MapEntry(thisMapKey, to), defaultExpiration.earlier(at))
def expire(keys: (K, Deadline)*): BAG[OK] =
def expire(keys: Stream[(K, Deadline)]): BAG[OK] =
def expire(keys: Iterable[(K, Deadline)]): BAG[OK] =
def expire(keys: Iterator[(K, Deadline)]): BAG[OK] = {
val iterable: Iterable[Prepare[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]]] = {
case (key, deadline) =>
Prepare.Expire(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), deadline.earlier(defaultExpiration))
def update(key: K, value: V): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.update(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value))
def update(from: K, to: K, value: V): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.update(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from), MapEntry(thisMapKey, to), Some(value))
def update(keyValues: (K, V)*): BAG[OK] = {
val updates = {
case (key, value) =>
Prepare.Update(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value))
def update(keyValues: Stream[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] =
def update(keyValues: Iterable[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] = {
val updates = {
case (key, value) =>
Prepare.Update(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), Some(value))
def update(keyValues: Iterator[(K, V)]): BAG[OK] =
def clearKeyValues(): BAG[OK] = {
val entriesStart = MapEntriesStart(thisMapKey)
val entriesEnd = MapEntriesEnd(thisMapKey)
val entries =
Prepare.Remove(entriesStart, entriesEnd),
Prepare.Put(entriesStart, None),
Prepare.Put(entriesEnd, None)
* @note In other operations like [[expire]], [[remove]], [[put]] the input expiration value is compared with [[defaultExpiration]]
* to get the nearest expiration. But functions does not check if the custom logic within the function expires
* key-values earlier than [[defaultExpiration]].
def applyFunction[PF <: F](key: K, function: PF)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[OK] = {
val innerKey = innerMap.keySerializer.write(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
val functionId = Slice.writeString(
innerMap.core.function(innerKey, functionId)
* @note In other operations like [[expire]], [[remove]], [[put]] the input expiration value is compared with [[defaultExpiration]]
* to get the nearest expiration. But functions does not check if the custom logic within the function expires
* key-values earlier than [[defaultExpiration]].
def applyFunction[PF <: F](from: K, to: K, function: PF)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[OK] = {
val fromKey = innerMap.keySerializer.write(MapEntry(thisMapKey, from))
val toKey = innerMap.keySerializer.write(MapEntry(thisMapKey, to))
val functionId = Slice.writeString(
innerMap.core.function(fromKey, toKey, functionId)
* Converts [[Prepare]] statement for this map into [[Prepare]] statement for this Map's parent Map so that
* multiple [[MultiMap]] [[Prepare]] statements can be executed as a single transaction.
* @see [[MultiMap.commit]] to commit [[Transaction]]s.
def toTransaction[PF <: F](prepare: Prepare[K, V, PF]*)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): Seq[Transaction[M, K, V, PF]] = => new Transaction(thisMapKey, defaultExpiration, prepare))
* Converts [[Prepare]] statement for this map into [[Prepare]] statement for this Map's parent Map so that
* multiple [[MultiMap]] [[Prepare]] statements can be executed as a single transaction.
* @see [[MultiMap.commit]] to commit [[Transaction]]s.
def toTransaction[PF <: F](prepare: Stream[Prepare[K, V, PF]])(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[Iterable[Transaction[M, K, V, PF]]] =
bag.transform(prepare.materialize) {
prepares =>
* Converts [[Prepare]] statement for this map into [[Prepare]] statement for this Map's parent Map so that
* multiple [[MultiMap]] [[Prepare]] statements can be executed as a single transaction.
* @see [[MultiMap.commit]] to commit [[Transaction]]s.
def toTransaction[PF <: F](prepare: Iterable[Prepare[K, V, PF]])(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): Iterable[Transaction[M, K, V, PF]] = => new Transaction(thisMapKey, defaultExpiration, prepare))
* Commits transaction to global map.
def commit[M2, K2, V2, PF <: F](transaction: Iterable[Transaction[M, K, V, PF]])(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]],
evT: M2 <:< M,
evK: K2 <:< K,
evV: V2 <:< V): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.commit {
transaction map {
transaction =>
def commit[PF <: F](prepare: Prepare[K, V, PF]*)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.commit( => MultiMap.toInnerPrepare(thisMapKey, defaultExpiration, prepare)))
def commit[PF <: F](prepare: Stream[Prepare[K, V, PF]])(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[OK] =
bag.flatMap(prepare.materialize) {
prepares =>
def commit[PF <: F](prepare: Iterable[Prepare[K, V, PF]])(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[OK] =
innerMap.commit( => MultiMap.toInnerPrepare(thisMapKey, defaultExpiration, prepare)))
def get(key: K): BAG[Option[V]] =
bag.flatMap(innerMap.get(MultiMapKey.MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))) {
case Some(value) =>
value match {
case some @ Some(_) =>
case None =>
bag.failure(MultiMap.failure(classOf[MapEntry[_, _]], None.getClass))
case None =>
def getKey(key: K): BAG[Option[K]] =, key))) {
case Some(MapEntry(_, key)) =>
case Some(entry) =>
MultiMap.failure(MapEntry.getClass, entry.getClass)
case None =>
def getKeyValue(key: K): BAG[Option[(K, V)]] =, key))) {
case Some((MapEntry(_, key), Some(value))) =>
Some((key, value))
case Some((MapEntry(_, _), None)) =>
MultiMap.failure("Value", "None")
case Some(entry) =>
MultiMap.failure(MapEntry.getClass, entry.getClass)
case None =>
override def getKeyDeadline(key: K): BAG[Option[(K, Option[Deadline])]] =
getKeyDeadline(key, bag)
def getKeyDeadline[BAG[_]](key: K, bag: Bag[BAG]): BAG[Option[(K, Option[Deadline])]] =, key), bag)) {
case Some((MapEntry(_, key), deadline)) =>
Some((key, deadline))
case Some(entry) =>
MultiMap.failure(MapEntry.getClass, entry.getClass)
case None =>
def contains(key: K): BAG[Boolean] =
innerMap.contains(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
def mightContain(key: K): BAG[Boolean] =
innerMap.mightContain(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
def mightContainFunction[PF <: F](function: PF)(implicit ev: PF <:< swaydb.PureFunction[K, V, Apply.Map[V]]): BAG[Boolean] =
* TODO keys function.
// def keys: Set[K, F, BAG] =
// Set[K, F, BAG](
// core = map.core,
// from =
// from map {
// from =>
// from.copy(key = from.key.dataKey)
// },
// reverseIteration = reverseIteration
// )(keySerializer, bag)
private[swaydb] def keySet: mutable.Set[K] =
throw new NotImplementedError("KeySet function is not yet implemented. Please request for this on GitHub -")
def levelZeroMeter: LevelZeroMeter =
def levelMeter(levelNumber: Int): Option[LevelMeter] =
def sizeOfSegments: Long =
def keySize(key: K): Int =
(key: Slice[Byte]).size
def valueSize(value: V): Int =
(value: Slice[Byte]).size
def expiration(key: K): BAG[Option[Deadline]] =
innerMap.expiration(MapEntry(thisMapKey, key))
def timeLeft(key: K): BAG[Option[FiniteDuration]] =
def from(key: K): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(from = Some(From(key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), orBefore = false, orAfter = false, before = false, after = false)))
def before(key: K): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(from = Some(From(key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), orBefore = false, orAfter = false, before = true, after = false)))
def fromOrBefore(key: K): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(from = Some(From(key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), orBefore = true, orAfter = false, before = false, after = false)))
def after(key: K): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(from = Some(From(key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), orBefore = false, orAfter = false, before = false, after = true)))
def fromOrAfter(key: K): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(from = Some(From(key = MapEntry(thisMapKey, key), orBefore = false, orAfter = true, before = false, after = false)))
def headOption: BAG[Option[(K, V)]] =
def headOrNull: BAG[(K, V)] =
//restricts this Stream to fetch entries of this Map only.
private def boundStreamToMap(stream: Stream[(MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V])]): Stream[(K, V)] =
.takeWhile {
case (MapEntry(parent, _), _) =>
parent == thisMapKey
case _ =>
.collect {
case (MapEntry(_, key), Some(value)) =>
(key, value)
def stream: Stream[(K, V)] =
from match {
case Some(from) =>
val start =
if (from.before)
else if (from.after)
else if (from.orBefore)
else if (from.orAfter)
if (reverseIteration)
case None =>
if (reverseIteration)
boundStreamToMap {
boundStreamToMap {
def iterator[BAG[_]](implicit bag: Bag.Sync[BAG]): Iterator[BAG[(K, V)]] =
def sizeOfBloomFilterEntries: BAG[Int] =
def isEmpty: BAG[Boolean] =
def nonEmpty: BAG[Boolean] =
def lastOption: BAG[Option[(K, V)]] =
def reverse: MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG] =
copy(reverseIteration = true)
* Returns an Async API of type O where the [[Bag]] is known.
def toBag[X[_]](implicit bag: Bag[X]): MultiMap[M, K, V, F, X] =
MultiMap(innerMap.toBag[X], thisMapKey, from, reverseIteration, defaultExpiration)
def asScala: scala.collection.mutable.Map[K, V] =
ScalaMap[K, V, F](toBag[Bag.Less](Bag.less))
def close(): BAG[Unit] =
def delete(): BAG[Unit] =
override def toString(): String =
classOf[Map[_, _, _, BAG]].getClass.getSimpleName