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* Copyright (c) 2020 Simer JS Plaha ([email protected] - @simerplaha)
* This file is a part of SwayDB.
* SwayDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SwayDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with SwayDB. If not, see .
* Additional permission under the GNU Affero GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program or any covered work, only by linking or
* combining it with separate works, the licensors of this Program grant
* you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
package swaydb.persistent
import java.nio.file.Path
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import{Accelerator, LevelZeroMeter}
import{LevelMeter, Throttle}
import swaydb.serializers.Serializer
import swaydb.{Apply, KeyOrderConverter, MultiMap, MultiMapKey, PureFunction}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object MultiMap extends LazyLogging {
* MultiMap is not a new Core type but is just a wrapper implementation on [[swaydb.Map]] type
* with custom key-ordering to support nested Map.
* @tparam M Map's key type.
* @tparam K Key-values key type
* @tparam V Values type
* @tparam F Function type
* @tparam BAG Effect type
def apply[M, K, V, F, BAG[_]](dir: Path,
mapSize: Int = 4.mb,
mmapMaps: Boolean = true,
recoveryMode: RecoveryMode = RecoveryMode.ReportFailure,
mmapAppendix: Boolean = true,
appendixFlushCheckpointSize: Int = 2.mb,
otherDirs: Seq[Dir] = Seq.empty,
cacheKeyValueIds: Boolean = true,
acceleration: LevelZeroMeter => Accelerator = Accelerator.noBrakes(),
threadStateCache: ThreadStateCache = ThreadStateCache.Limit(hashMapMaxSize = 100, maxProbe = 10),
sortedKeyIndex: SortedKeyIndex = DefaultConfigs.sortedKeyIndex(),
randomKeyIndex: RandomKeyIndex = DefaultConfigs.randomKeyIndex(),
binarySearchIndex: BinarySearchIndex = DefaultConfigs.binarySearchIndex(),
mightContainKeyIndex: MightContainIndex = DefaultConfigs.mightContainKeyIndex(),
valuesConfig: ValuesConfig = DefaultConfigs.valuesConfig(),
segmentConfig: SegmentConfig = DefaultConfigs.segmentConfig(),
fileCache: FileCache.Enable = DefaultConfigs.fileCache(),
memoryCache: MemoryCache = DefaultConfigs.memoryCache(),
levelZeroThrottle: LevelZeroMeter => FiniteDuration = DefaultConfigs.levelZeroThrottle,
levelOneThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelOneThrottle,
levelTwoThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelTwoThrottle,
levelThreeThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelThreeThrottle,
levelFourThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelFourThrottle,
levelFiveThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelFiveThrottle,
levelSixThrottle: LevelMeter => Throttle = DefaultConfigs.levelSixThrottle)(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K],
tableSerializer: Serializer[M],
valueSerializer: Serializer[V],
functionClassTag: ClassTag[F],
bag: swaydb.Bag[BAG],
functions: swaydb.MultiMap.Functions[M, K, V, F],
byteKeyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]] = null,
typedKeyOrder: KeyOrder[K] = null): BAG[MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG]] =
bag.suspend {
implicit val mapKeySerializer: Serializer[MultiMapKey[M, K]] = MultiMapKey.serializer(keySerializer, tableSerializer)
implicit val optionValueSerializer: Serializer[Option[V]] = Serializer.toNestedOption(valueSerializer)
val keyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]] = KeyOrderConverter.typedToBytesNullCheck(byteKeyOrder, typedKeyOrder)
val internalKeyOrder: KeyOrder[Slice[Byte]] = MultiMapKey.ordering(keyOrder)
//the inner map with custom keyOrder and custom key-value types to support nested Maps.
val map =
swaydb.persistent.Map[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]], BAG](
dir = dir,
mapSize = mapSize,
mmapMaps = mmapMaps,
recoveryMode = recoveryMode,
mmapAppendix = mmapAppendix,
appendixFlushCheckpointSize = appendixFlushCheckpointSize,
otherDirs = otherDirs,
cacheKeyValueIds = cacheKeyValueIds,
acceleration = acceleration,
threadStateCache = threadStateCache,
sortedKeyIndex = sortedKeyIndex,
randomKeyIndex = randomKeyIndex,
binarySearchIndex = binarySearchIndex,
mightContainKeyIndex = mightContainKeyIndex,
valuesConfig = valuesConfig,
segmentConfig = segmentConfig,
fileCache = fileCache,
memoryCache = memoryCache,
levelZeroThrottle = levelZeroThrottle,
levelOneThrottle = levelOneThrottle,
levelTwoThrottle = levelTwoThrottle,
levelThreeThrottle = levelThreeThrottle,
levelFourThrottle = levelFourThrottle,
levelFiveThrottle = levelFiveThrottle,
levelSixThrottle = levelSixThrottle
)(keySerializer = mapKeySerializer,
valueSerializer = optionValueSerializer,
functionClassTag = functionClassTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[PureFunction[MultiMapKey[M, K], Option[V], Apply.Map[Option[V]]]]],
bag = bag,
functions = functions.innerFunctions,
byteKeyOrder = internalKeyOrder
bag.flatMap(map) {
map =>
swaydb.MultiMap[M, K, V, F, BAG](map)