META-INF.syndesis.connector.api-provider.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy
"actions": [
"actionType": "connector",
"description": "Start a Syndesis integration from a provided API",
"descriptor": {
"componentScheme": "direct",
"connectorCustomizers": [
"inputDataShape": {
"kind": "none"
"outputDataShape": {
"kind": "any"
"propertyDefinitionSteps": [
"description": "API Provider Configuration",
"name": "configuration",
"properties": {
"name": {
"componentProperty": false,
"deprecated": false,
"description": "The operation ID as defined in the API spec",
"displayName": "Operation ID",
"javaType": "String",
"kind": "parameter",
"required": true,
"secret": false,
"type": "string"
"id": "io.syndesis:api-provider-start",
"name": "Provided API",
"pattern": "From",
"tags": [
"actionType": "connector",
"description": "End action of Syndesis integrations that start from a provided API",
"descriptor": {
"componentScheme": "bean",
"configuredProperties": {
"beanName": "io.syndesis.connector.apiprovider.NoOpBean",
"method": "process"
"connectorCustomizers": [
"inputDataShape": {
"kind": "any"
"outputDataShape": {
"kind": "none"
"propertyDefinitionSteps": [
"description": "API Provider Return Path Configuration",
"name": "configuration",
"properties": {
"httpResponseCode": {
"componentProperty": false,
"deprecated": false,
"description": "The return code to set in the HTTP response",
"displayName": "Return Code",
"enum": [
"label": "100 Continue",
"value": "100"
"label": "101 Switching Protocols",
"value": "101"
"label": "102 Processing",
"value": "102"
"label": "103 Early Hints",
"value": "103"
"label": "200 OK",
"value": "200"
"label": "201 Created",
"value": "201"
"label": "202 Accepted",
"value": "202"
"label": "203 Non-Authoritative Information",
"value": "203"
"label": "204 No Content",
"value": "204"
"label": "205 Reset Content",
"value": "205"
"label": "206 Partial Content",
"value": "206"
"label": "207 Multi-Status",
"value": "207"
"label": "208 Already Reported",
"value": "208"
"label": "226 IM Used",
"value": "226"
"label": "300 Multiple Choices",
"value": "300"
"label": "301 Moved Permanently",
"value": "301"
"label": "302 Found",
"value": "302"
"label": "303 See Other",
"value": "303"
"label": "304 Not Modified",
"value": "304"
"label": "305 Use Proxy",
"value": "305"
"label": "306 Switch Proxy",
"value": "306"
"label": "307 Temporary Redirect",
"value": "307"
"label": "308 Permanent Redirect",
"value": "308"
"label": "400 Bad Request",
"value": "400"
"label": "401 Unauthorized",
"value": "401"
"label": "402 Payment Required",
"value": "402"
"label": "403 Forbidden",
"value": "403"
"label": "404 Not Found",
"value": "404"
"label": "405 Method Not Allowed",
"value": "405"
"label": "406 Not Acceptable",
"value": "406"
"label": "407 Proxy Authentication Required",
"value": "407"
"label": "408 Request Timeout",
"value": "408"
"label": "409 Conflict",
"value": "409"
"label": "410 Gone",
"value": "410"
"label": "411 Length Required",
"value": "411"
"label": "412 Precondition Failed",
"value": "412"
"label": "413 Payload Too Large",
"value": "413"
"label": "414 URI Too Long",
"value": "414"
"label": "415 Unsupported Media Type",
"value": "415"
"label": "416 Range Not Satisfiable",
"value": "416"
"label": "417 Expectation Failed",
"value": "417"
"label": "418 I'm a teapot",
"value": "418"
"label": "421 Misdirected Request",
"value": "421"
"label": "422 Unprocessable Entity",
"value": "422"
"label": "423 Locked",
"value": "423"
"label": "424 Failed Dependency",
"value": "424"
"label": "426 Upgrade Required",
"value": "426"
"label": "428 Precondition Required",
"value": "428"
"label": "429 Too Many Requests",
"value": "429"
"label": "431 Request Header Fields Too Large",
"value": "431"
"label": "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
"value": "451"
"label": "500 Internal Server Error",
"value": "500"
"label": "501 Not Implemented",
"value": "501"
"label": "502 Bad Gateway",
"value": "502"
"label": "503 Service Unavailable",
"value": "503"
"label": "504 Gateway Timeout",
"value": "504"
"label": "505 HTTP Version Not Supported",
"value": "505"
"label": "506 Variant Also Negotiates",
"value": "506"
"label": "507 Insufficient Storage",
"value": "507"
"label": "508 Loop Detected",
"value": "508"
"label": "510 Not Extended",
"value": "510"
"label": "511 Network Authentication Required",
"value": "511"
"javaType": "String",
"kind": "parameter",
"required": true,
"secret": false,
"type": "string"
"id": "io.syndesis:api-provider-end",
"name": "Provided API Return Path",
"pattern": "To"
"dependencies": [
"id": "@project.groupId@:@project.artifactId@:@project.version@",
"type": "MAVEN"
"id": "org.apache.camel:camel-swagger-java:@camel.version@",
"type": "MAVEN"
"id": "org.apache.camel:camel-servlet-starter:@camel.version@",
"type": "MAVEN"
"description": "Expose Restful APIs",
"icon": "assets:api-provider.svg",
"id": "api-provider",
"metadata": {
"hide-from-connection-pages": true
"name": "API Provider"
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