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package io.takamaka.wallet;
import io.takamaka.crypto.tkmsecurityprovider.util.adaptor.r2.QTR2KeyPairGenerator;
import io.takamaka.wallet.beans.KeyBean;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.HashAlgorithmNotFoundException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.HashEncodeException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.HashProviderNotFoundException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.InvalidWalletIndexException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.PublicKeySerializzationException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.UnlockWalletException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.WalletBurnedException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.WalletEmptySeedException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.exceptions.WalletException;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.DefaultInitParameters;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.FileHelper;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.KeyContexts;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.SeedGenerator;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.SeededRandom;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.TkmTextUtils;
import io.takamaka.wallet.utils.WalletHelper;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastlePQCProvider;
* @author Giovanni Antino [email protected]
public class InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2 implements InstanceWalletKeystoreInterface {
private Map signKeys;
private Map hexPublicKeys;
private Map bytePublicKeys;
private String seed;
private String currentWalletName;
private boolean isInitialized; //default to false
private final static KeyContexts.WalletCypher walletCypher = KeyContexts.WalletCypher.BCQTESLA_PS_1_R2;
private final Object constructorLock = new Object();
private final Object getKeyPairAtIndexLock = new Object();
private final Object getPublicKeyAtIndexHexLock = new Object();
private final Object getPublicKeyAtIndexByteLock = new Object();
* Method to get the cypher used in the current wallet.
* @return the cypher used in the wallet
public KeyContexts.WalletCypher getWalletCypher() {
return walletCypher;
* Constructor for InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2.
* It initializes the collections for key pairs and public keys, and calls
* initWallet method to initialize or load an existing wallet using a
* default hardcoded password
* @param walletName the name of the wallet file
* @throws UnlockWalletException if there is an error with unlocking the
* wallet
* @throws WalletException
public InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2(String walletName) throws UnlockWalletException, WalletException {
synchronized (constructorLock) {
if (!isInitialized) {
try {
currentWalletName = walletName + DefaultInitParameters.WALLET_EXTENSION;
signKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
hexPublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
bytePublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
} catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | HashEncodeException | InvalidKeySpecException | HashAlgorithmNotFoundException | HashProviderNotFoundException ex) {
log.error("instance error name", ex);
throw new UnlockWalletException("instance error name", ex);
isInitialized = true;
* Constructor for InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2.
* It initializes the collections for key pairs and public keys, and calls
* initWallet method to initialize or load an existing wallet
* @param walletName the name of the wallet file
* @param password the password used to encrypt the keyfile
* @throws UnlockWalletException if there is an error with unlocking the
* wallet
* @throws WalletException
public InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2(String walletName, String password) throws UnlockWalletException, WalletException {
synchronized (constructorLock) {
if (!isInitialized) {
try {
currentWalletName = walletName + DefaultInitParameters.WALLET_EXTENSION;
signKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
hexPublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
bytePublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
} catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | HashEncodeException | InvalidKeySpecException | HashAlgorithmNotFoundException | HashProviderNotFoundException ex) {
log.error("instance error name password", ex);
throw new UnlockWalletException("instance error name password", ex);
isInitialized = true;
* Constructor for InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2.
* It initializes the collections for key pairs and public keys, and calls
* initWallet method to initialize or load an existing wallet
* @param walletName the name of the wallet file
* @param nCharSeed the number of characters for the seed
* @throws UnlockWalletException if there is an error with unlocking the
* wallet
* @throws WalletEmptySeedException if the seed is empty
* @throws WalletBurnedException if the seed is "burned"
public InstanceWalletKeyStoreBCQTESLAPSSC1Round2(String walletName, int nCharSeed) throws UnlockWalletException, WalletBurnedException, WalletEmptySeedException {
synchronized (constructorLock) {
if (!isInitialized) {
try {
currentWalletName = walletName + DefaultInitParameters.WALLET_EXTENSION;
signKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
hexPublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
bytePublicKeys = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
} catch (WalletException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | HashEncodeException | InvalidKeySpecException | HashAlgorithmNotFoundException | HashProviderNotFoundException ex) {
log.error("instance error seed", ex);
throw new UnlockWalletException("instance error seed", ex);
isInitialized = true;
* Initializes a new wallet or loads an existing one
* If the wallet directory does not exist, it will be created If the wallet
* file does not exist, a new seed of alphabetic characters will be
* generated, and the seed will be written to the wallet file If the wallet
* file exists, the seed is read from the file If the seed is "burned",
* WalletBurnedException is thrown If the seed is empty,
* WalletEmptySeedException is thrown
* @param nCharSeed number of characters for the seed
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading or writing to the file
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm specified is not
* available
* @throws HashEncodeException if an error occurs while encoding
* @throws InvalidKeySpecException if an error occurs while generating the
* key
* @throws HashAlgorithmNotFoundException if an error occurs while
* generating the key
* @throws HashProviderNotFoundException if an error occurs while generating
* the key
* @throws WalletBurnedException if the seed is "burned"
* @throws WalletEmptySeed
private void initWallet(int nCharSeed) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, HashEncodeException, InvalidKeySpecException, HashAlgorithmNotFoundException, HashProviderNotFoundException, UnlockWalletException, WalletBurnedException, WalletEmptySeedException, WalletException {
if (!FileHelper.walletDirExists()) {
if (!FileHelper.fileExists(Paths.get(FileHelper.getEphemeralWalletDirectoryPath().toString(), currentWalletName))) {
seed = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(nCharSeed);
FileHelper.writeStringToFile(FileHelper.getEphemeralWalletDirectoryPath(), currentWalletName, seed, false);
Path currentWalletPath = Paths.get(FileHelper.getEphemeralWalletDirectoryPath().toString(), currentWalletName);
if (FileHelper.fileExists(currentWalletPath)) {
seed = FileHelper.readStringFromFile(Paths.get(FileHelper.getEphemeralWalletDirectoryPath().toString(), currentWalletName));
if ("burned".equals(seed)) {
throw new WalletBurnedException("WALLET IS BURNED");
if (TkmTextUtils.isNullOrBlank(seed)) {
throw new WalletEmptySeedException("WALLET SEED IS EMPTY");
* Initializes a new wallet or loads an existing one
* If the wallet directory does not exist, it will be created If the wallet
* file does not exist, a new seed and words will be generated using the
* SeedGenerator and the seed will be written to the wallet file using the
* WalletHelper If the wallet file exists, the seed is read from the file
* using the WalletHelper
* @param password The password to be used for encrypting the keyfile
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading or writing to the file
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm specified is not
* available
* @throws HashEncodeException if an error occurs while encoding
* @throws InvalidKeySpecException if an error occurs while generating the
* key
* @throws HashAlgorithmNotFoundException if an error occurs while
* generating the key
* @throws HashProviderNotFoundException if an error occurs while generating
* the key
* @throws UnlockWalletException if there is an error with unlocking the
* wallet
* @throws NoSuchProviderException if the provider specified is not
* available
private void initWallet(String password) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, HashEncodeException, InvalidKeySpecException, HashAlgorithmNotFoundException, HashProviderNotFoundException, UnlockWalletException, WalletException {
if (!FileHelper.walletDirExists()) {
if (!FileHelper.fileExists(Paths.get(FileHelper.getDefaultWalletDirectoryPath().toString(), currentWalletName))) {
List words = SeedGenerator.generateWords();
seed = SeedGenerator.generateSeedPWH(words);
String concat = words.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < words.size(); i++) {
concat += " " + words.get(i);
KeyBean kb = new KeyBean("POWSEED", KeyContexts.WalletCypher.BCQTESLA_PS_1_R2, seed, concat);
try {
WalletHelper.writeKeyFile(FileHelper.getDefaultWalletDirectoryPath(), currentWalletName, kb, password);
} catch (NoSuchProviderException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidKeyException | IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException ex) {
log.error("instance error password", ex);
throw new WalletException("instance error password", ex);
Path currentWalletPath = Paths.get(FileHelper.getDefaultWalletDirectoryPath().toString(), currentWalletName);
if (FileHelper.fileExists(currentWalletPath)) {
try {
seed = WalletHelper.readKeyFile(currentWalletPath, password).getSeed();
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | FileNotFoundException | NoSuchProviderException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidKeyException ex) {
log.error("initWallet unreadable file?", ex);
throw new WalletException("initWallet unreadable file?", ex);
* Retrieve the keypair at a specific index in the wallet.
* If the keypair is not yet stored in the signKeys collection, it will be
* generated using BCQTESLAKeyPairGenerator, initialized with a seed and an
* index, then added to the signKeys collection
* @param i index of the keypair to be retrieved
* @return the keypair at the given index
* @throws InvalidWalletIndexException if the index is not valid
public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair getKeyPairAtIndex(int i) throws InvalidWalletIndexException {
if (Security.getProvider("BCPQC") == null) {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastlePQCProvider());
if (!signKeys.containsKey(i)) {
synchronized (getKeyPairAtIndexLock) {
if (i < 0 || i >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new InvalidWalletIndexException("index outside wallet range");
signKeys.put(i, QTR2KeyPairGenerator.getKeyPair(new SeededRandom(seed, KeyContexts.WALLET_KEY_CHAIN, i + 1)));
return signKeys.get(i);
* Retrieve the public key at a specific index in the wallet in URL-safe
* Base64 format.
* If the key is not yet stored in the hexPublicKeys collection, it will be
* retrieved from the keypair collection and encoded in URL-safe Base64
* format before being added to the hexPublicKeys collection
* @param i index of the key to be retrieved
* @return the public key at the given index in URL-safe Base64 format
* @throws InvalidWalletIndexException if the index is not valid
* @throws PublicKeySerializzationException if the key cannot be serialized
public String getPublicKeyAtIndexURL64(int i) throws InvalidWalletIndexException, PublicKeySerializzationException {
if (!hexPublicKeys.containsKey(i)) {
synchronized (getPublicKeyAtIndexHexLock) {
try {
hexPublicKeys.put(i, QTR2KeyPairGenerator.getStringPublicKey(getKeyPairAtIndex(i)));
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.error("Wallet can not serialize public key", ex);
throw new PublicKeySerializzationException(ex);
return hexPublicKeys.get(i);
* Retrieve the public key at a specific index in the wallet in byte format.
* If the key is not yet stored in the bytePublicKeys collection, it will be
* retrieved from the keypair collection and encoded in byte format before
* being added to the bytePublicKeys collection
* @param i index of the key to be retrieved
* @return the public key at the given index in byte format
* @throws InvalidWalletIndexException if the index is not valid
* @throws PublicKeySerializzationException if the key cannot be serialized
public byte[] getPublicKeyAtIndexByte(int i) throws InvalidWalletIndexException, PublicKeySerializzationException {
if (!bytePublicKeys.containsKey(i)) {
synchronized (getPublicKeyAtIndexByteLock) {
try {
bytePublicKeys.put(i, QTR2KeyPairGenerator.getBytePublicKey(getKeyPairAtIndex(i)));
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.error("Wallet can not serialize public key", ex);
throw new PublicKeySerializzationException(ex);
return bytePublicKeys.get(i);
* Method to get the identifier of the current wallet on system.
* @return the name of the wallet concatenated with the algorithm used.
public String getCurrentWalletID() {
return currentWalletName +;
* compare two wallet using their file system name
* @param t
public int compareTo(InstanceWalletKeystoreInterface t) {
return getCurrentWalletID().compareTo(t.getCurrentWalletID());