![JAR search and dependency download from the Maven repository](/logo.png)
io.takari.maven.testing.executor.junit.MavenVersionResolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Takari, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package io.takari.maven.testing.executor.junit;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import io.takari.maven.testing.TestProperties;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.Authenticator;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorInputStream;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
abstract class MavenVersionResolver {
private static final XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
private static final DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory;
static {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
// settings.xml may have default xmlns, which may confuse xpath if not suppressed
documentBuilderFactory = factory;
private static class Credentials {
public final String username;
public final String password;
public Credentials(String username, String password) {
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
private static class Repository {
public final URL url;
public final Credentials credentials;
public Repository(URL url, Credentials credentials) {
this.url = url;
this.credentials = credentials;
public void resolve(String[] versions) throws Exception {
List repositories = null;
TestProperties properties = new TestProperties();
for (String version : versions) {
// refuse to test with SNAPSHOT maven version when build RELEASE plugins
if (isSnapshot(version) && !isSnapshot(properties.getPluginVersion())) {
String msg = String.format(
"Cannot test %s plugin release with %s maven", properties.getPluginVersion(), version);
error(version, new IllegalStateException(msg));
File basedir = new File("target/maven-installation").getCanonicalFile();
File mavenHome = new File(basedir, "apache-maven-" + version).getCanonicalFile();
if (!mavenHome.isDirectory()) {
if (repositories == null) {
repositories = getRepositories(properties);
Authenticator defaultAuthenticator = getDefaultAuthenticator();
try {
createMavenInstallation(repositories, version, properties.getLocalRepository(), basedir);
} catch (Exception e) {
error(version, e);
} finally {
if (mavenHome.isDirectory()) {
resolved(mavenHome, version);
private static Authenticator getDefaultAuthenticator() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
Method getDefault;
try {
getDefault = Authenticator.class.getMethod("getDefault");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// there is no API to query current default Authenticator before JDK 9
// assume that integration test jvm does not have any at this point
return null;
return (Authenticator) getDefault.invoke(null);
private boolean isSnapshot(String version) {
return version != null && version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT");
private void unarchive(File archive, File directory) throws IOException {
try (TarArchiveInputStream ais =
new TarArchiveInputStream(new GzipCompressorInputStream(new FileInputStream(archive)))) {
TarArchiveEntry entry;
while ((entry = ais.getNextTarEntry()) != null) {
if (entry.isFile()) {
String name = entry.getName();
File file = new File(directory, name);
try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) {
copy(ais, os);
int mode = entry.getMode();
if (mode != -1 && (mode & 0100) != 0) {
try {
Path path = file.toPath();
Set permissions = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(path);
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(path, permissions);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// must be windows, ignore
private List getRepositories(TestProperties properties) throws Exception {
Map credentials = getCredentials(properties);
List repositories = new ArrayList<>();
for (String property : properties.getRepositories()) {
InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader("" + property + " "));
Element repository = (Element) xpathFactory
.newXPath() //
.compile("/repository") //
.evaluate(is, XPathConstants.NODE);
String url = getChildValue(repository, "url");
if (url == null) {
continue; // malformed test.properties
if (!url.endsWith("/")) {
url = url + "/";
String id = getChildValue(repository, "id");
repositories.add(new Repository(new URL(url), credentials.get(id)));
return repositories;
private Map getCredentials(TestProperties properties) throws IOException {
File userSettings = properties.getUserSettings();
if (userSettings == null) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map result = new HashMap<>();
try {
Document document = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(userSettings);
NodeList servers = (NodeList) xpathFactory
.newXPath() //
.compile("//settings/servers/server") //
.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0; i < servers.getLength(); i++) {
Element server = (Element) servers.item(i);
String id = getChildValue(server, "id");
String username = getChildValue(server, "username");
String password = getChildValue(server, "password");
if (id != null && username != null) {
result.put(id, new Credentials(username, password));
} catch (XPathExpressionException | SAXException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
// can't happen
return result;
private String getChildValue(Element server, String name) {
NodeList children = server.getElementsByTagName(name);
if (children.getLength() != 1) {
return null;
String value = ((Element) children.item(0)).getTextContent();
if (value != null) {
value = value.trim();
return !value.isEmpty() ? value : null;
private String getXPathString(InputSource is, String path) throws Exception {
String value = xpathFactory.newXPath().compile(path).evaluate(is);
if (value == null) {
return null;
value = value.trim();
return !value.isEmpty() ? value : null;
private void createMavenInstallation(List repositories, String version, File localrepo, File targetdir)
throws Exception {
String versionDir = "org/apache/maven/apache-maven/" + version + "/";
String filename = "apache-maven-" + version + "-bin.tar.gz";
File archive = new File(localrepo, versionDir + filename);
if (archive.canRead()) {
unarchive(archive, targetdir);
Exception cause = null;
for (Repository repository : repositories) {
String effectiveVersion;
if (isSnapshot(version)) {
try {
effectiveVersion = getQualifiedVersion(repository.url, versionDir);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
cause = e;
if (effectiveVersion == null) {
} else {
effectiveVersion = version;
filename = "apache-maven-" + effectiveVersion + "-bin.tar.gz";
archive = new File(localrepo, versionDir + filename);
if (archive.canRead()) {
unarchive(archive, targetdir);
URL resource = new URL(repository.url, versionDir + filename);
try (InputStream is = openStream(resource)) {
File tmpfile = File.createTempFile(filename, ".tmp", archive.getParentFile());
try {
copy(is, tmpfile);
unarchive(tmpfile, targetdir);
} finally {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// ignore the exception. this is expected to happen quite often and not a failure by iteself
} catch (IOException e) {
cause = e;
Exception exception = new FileNotFoundException(
"Could not download maven version " + version + " from any configured repository");
throw exception;
private void setHttpCredentials(final Credentials credentials) {
Authenticator authenticator = null;
if (credentials != null) {
authenticator = new Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication(credentials.username, credentials.password.toCharArray());
private String getQualifiedVersion(URL repository, String versionDir) throws Exception {
URL resource = new URL(repository, versionDir + "maven-metadata.xml");
try (InputStream is = openStream(resource)) {
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
copy(is, buf);
InputSource xml = new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toByteArray()));
String version = getXPathString(
xml, "//metadata/versioning/snapshotVersions/snapshotVersion[extension='tar.gz']/value");
if (version == null) {
return null;
version = version.trim();
return version.isEmpty() ? null : version;
private InputStream openStream(URL resource) throws IOException {
ArrayDeque resources = new ArrayDeque<>();
return openStream(resources);
private InputStream openStream(ArrayDeque resources) throws IOException {
if (resources.size() > 5) {
throw new IOException("Too many redirects: " + resources);
URL resource = requireNonNull(resources.peek(), "empty resources");
URLConnection connection = resource.openConnection();
if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
// for some reason, nexus version 2.11.1-01 returns partial maven-metadata.xml
// unless request User-Agent header is set to non-default value
connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "takari-plugin-testing");
int responseCode = ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == 301 || responseCode == 302 || responseCode == 307) {
resources.push(new URL(connection.getHeaderField("Location")));
return openStream(resources);
} else if (responseCode < 200 || responseCode > 299) {
String message = String.format(
"HTTP/%d %s", responseCode, ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getResponseMessage());
throw responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
? new FileNotFoundException(message)
: new IOException(message);
return connection.getInputStream();
private void copy(InputStream from, File to) throws IOException {
try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(to)) {
copy(from, out);
private void copy(InputStream from, OutputStream to) throws IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
int len;
while ((len = from.read(buf)) > 0) {
to.write(buf, 0, len);
protected abstract void error(String version, Exception e);
protected abstract void resolved(File mavenHome, String version) throws InitializationError;
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