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yamlconfig.YAMLConfigParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) Telicent Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package yamlconfig;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static yamlconfig.ConfigConstants.*;
/** Contains all the logic necessary to parse Yaml config files to ConfigStruct objects, called by {@link #runYAMLParser(String)} . */
public class YAMLConfigParser {
/** Takes the path to the YAML config file and returns a ConfigStruct object. Throws a RuntimeException.*/
public ConfigStruct runYAMLParser(String path) throws RuntimeException{
try {
Map map = parseYAMLConfigToMap(path);
ConfigStruct config = mapToConfigStruct(map);
return config;
catch (UncheckedIOException | IllegalArgumentException | ClassCastException | NullPointerException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
/** Parse a YAML config file to a map using SnakeYaml. */
public Map parseYAMLConfigToMap(String path) throws UncheckedIOException {
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
try ( InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(path) ) {
return yaml.load(inputStream);
} catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); }
/** Parse the map created from the YAML config file to a ConfigStruct. */
public ConfigStruct mapToConfigStruct(Map map) {
ConfigStruct configStruct = new ConfigStruct();
if (map.containsKey(version)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'version' field is missing");
parsePrefixes(map, configStruct);
parseServer(map, configStruct);
parseDatabases(map, configStruct);
parseConnectors(map, configStruct);
return configStruct;
public void parsePrefixes(Map map, ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (map.containsKey(prefixes)) {
Object prefixesObj = map.get(prefixes);
List prefixesList = castToList("Prefixes", prefixesObj);
Map prefixesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Object entry : prefixesList) {
Map prefixMap = castToMapObject("PrefixPair", entry);
if(findString(prefixMap, "prefix", null) == null || findString(prefixMap, "prefix", null).isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The namespace " + findString(prefixMap, "namespace", "") + " has no prefix assigned.");
if(findString(prefixMap, "namespace", null) == null || findString(prefixMap, "namespace", null).isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The prefix " + findString(prefixMap, "prefix", "") + " has no namespace assigned.");
if(!prefixesMap.containsKey(findString(prefixMap, "prefix", "")))
prefixesMap.put(findString(prefixMap, "prefix", ""), findString(prefixMap, "namespace", ""));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The prefix " + findString(prefixMap, "prefix", "") + " is already assigned to a different uri.");
public void parseServer(Map map, ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (map.containsKey(server)) {
Object serverObj = map.get(server);
Map serverMap = castToMapObject("Server", serverObj);
String name = findString(serverMap,, "");
Map settings = findMapString(serverMap, ConfigConstants.settings, emptyMap());
// name - required, settings - optional
if(name == null || name.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name for server");
Server server = new Server(name, settings);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'server' field is missing");
public void parseEndpoints(Map.Entry field, List endpoints, String name) {
List endpointsList = castToList("Endpoints", field.getValue());
if (endpointsList == null) {
log.warn("No endpoints for service {}", name);
else {
for (Object endpoint : endpointsList) {
Map endpointMap = castToMapObject("Endpoint", endpoint);
String endpointName = findString(endpointMap,, "");
String operation = findString(endpointMap, ConfigConstants.operation, "");
Map settings = findMapString(endpointMap, ConfigConstants.settings, emptyMap());
// name - optional, operation - required, settings - optional
if (operation == null || operation.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No operation defined for endpoint " + endpointName);
Endpoint tempEndpoint = new Endpoint(endpointName, operation, settings);
public void parseServices(Map map, ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (map.containsKey(services)) {
Object servicesObj = map.get(services);
if (servicesObj == null) {
log.warn("No services defined");
else {
List servicesList = castToList("Services", servicesObj);
List services = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object entry : servicesList) {
Map serviceMap = castToMapObject("Service", entry);
String name = findString(serviceMap,, "");
List endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry field : serviceMap.entrySet()) {
if (field.getKey().equals(ConfigConstants.endpoints))
parseEndpoints(field, endpoints, name);
String database = findString(serviceMap, ConfigConstants.database, "");
// name required, endpoints required, but can be empty, database required
if (name == null || name.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name defined for service");
if (database == null || database.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database for service " + name);
Service serviceTemp = new Service(name, endpoints, database);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'services' field is missing");
public void parseDatabases(Map map, ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (map.containsKey(databases)) {
List databases = new ArrayList<>();
Object databasesObj = map.get(ConfigConstants.databases);
List databasesList = castToList("Databases", databasesObj);
if (databasesList == null || databasesList.isEmpty())
throw new NullPointerException("No databases defined");
for (Object database : databasesList) {
Map databaseMap = castToMapObject("Database", database);
String databaseName = findString(databaseMap, name, "");
String dbtype = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.dbtype, "");
String attributes = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.attributes, "");
String attributesURL = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.attributesURL, "");
String labels = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.labels, "");
String labelsStore = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.labelsStore, "");
String tripleDefaultLabels = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.tdl, "");
String data = findString(databaseMap,, "");
String location = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.location, "");
String dataset = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.dataset, "");
String cache = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.cache, "false");
String attributeCacheSize = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.attributeCacheSize, "");
String attributeCacheExpiryTime = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.attributeCacheExpiryTime, "");
String hierarchiesURL = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.hierarchiesURL, "");
String hierarchyCacheSize = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.hierarchyCacheSize, "");
String hierarchyCacheExpiryTime = findString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.hierarchyCacheExpiryTime, "");
Map settings = findMapString(databaseMap, ConfigConstants.settings, emptyMap());
// name - required, dbtype - required, data - optional, location - required if TDB2, settings - optional
if(databaseName == null || databaseName.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database name");
if(dbtype == null || dbtype.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database type for " + databaseName);
if((location == null || location.isEmpty()) && dbtype.equals(TDB2))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TDB2 database " + databaseName + " is missing location");
if(dbtype.equals(ABAC)) {
if(dataset == null || dataset.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ABAC database " + databaseName + " is missing dataset");
if(attributes == null || attributes.isEmpty()) {
if (attributesURL == null || attributesURL.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ABAC database " + databaseName + " is missing attribute store");
else if(attributesURL != null && !attributesURL.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both an in-memory and remote attribute store were specified for ABAC database \"" + databaseName + "\". Only one is permitted.");
if((labels != null && !labels.isEmpty()) && (labelsStore != null && !labelsStore.isEmpty()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both a labels file and a labels store were specified for ABAC database \"" + databaseName + "\". Only one is permitted.");
if(!cache.equals("true") && !cache.equals("false"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of \"cache\" on the database \"" + databaseName + "\" is \"" + cache + "\", which is not a boolean.");
if(!attributeCacheSize.isEmpty() && !XSDDatatype.XSDduration.isValid(attributeCacheExpiryTime))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of \"attributeCacheExpiryTime\" on the database \"" + databaseName + "\" is \"" + attributeCacheExpiryTime + "\", which is not a valid time.");
if(!hierarchyCacheSize.isEmpty() && !XSDDatatype.XSDduration.isValid(hierarchyCacheExpiryTime))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of \"hierarchyCacheExpiryTime\" is \"" + hierarchyCacheExpiryTime + "\" which is not a valid time.");
Database tempDatabase = new Database(databaseName, dbtype, attributes, attributesURL, labels, labelsStore, tripleDefaultLabels, data, location, dataset, cache, attributeCacheSize, attributeCacheExpiryTime, hierarchiesURL, hierarchyCacheSize, hierarchyCacheExpiryTime, settings);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'databases' field is missing");
public void parseConnectors(Map map, ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (map.containsKey(connectors)) {
List connectors = new ArrayList<>();
Object connectorsObj = map.get(ConfigConstants.connectors);
List connectorsList = castToList("Connectors", connectorsObj);
if (connectorsList != null && !connectorsList.isEmpty()) {
for (Object connector : connectorsList) {
Map connectorMap = castToMapObject("Connector", connector);
String fusekiServiceName = findString(connectorMap, fusekiService, "");
String topic = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.topic, "");
String bootstrapServers = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.bootstrapServers, "");
String stateFile = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.stateFile, "");
String groupId = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.groupId, "");
String replayTopic = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.replayTopic, "false");
String syncTopic = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.syncTopic, "false");
Map config = findMapString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.config, emptyMap());
String configFile = findString(connectorMap, ConfigConstants.configFile, "");
// fusekiServiceName - required, topic - required, bootstrapServers - required, stateFile - required
if (fusekiServiceName == null || fusekiServiceName.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No destination Fuseki service name.");
if (topic == null || topic.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing topic on the \"" + fusekiServiceName + "\" service connector.");
if (bootstrapServers == null || bootstrapServers.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The \"bootstrapSevers\" field is empty on the \"" + fusekiServiceName + "\" service connector.");
if (stateFile == null || stateFile.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The \"stateFile\" field is empty on the \"" + fusekiServiceName + "\" service connector.");
if(!replayTopic.equals("true") && !replayTopic.equals("false"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of \"replayTopic\" on the \"" + fusekiServiceName + "\" service connector is \"" + replayTopic + "\", which is not a boolean.");
if(!syncTopic.equals("true") && !syncTopic.equals("false"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value of \"syncTopic\" on the \"" + fusekiServiceName + "\" service connector is \"" + syncTopic + "\", which is not a boolean.");
Connector tempConnector = new Connector(fusekiServiceName, topic, bootstrapServers, stateFile, groupId, replayTopic, syncTopic, config, configFile);
public void validateConfigStruct(ConfigStruct configStruct) {
if (!configStruct.checkDatabaseMismatch())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatch between the databases referenced in services and the existing databases.");
if (!configStruct.checkConnectorMismatch())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatch between existing services and the destination services of the connectors.");
try {
catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.getMessage());
private ArrayList castToList(String name, Object object) {
ArrayList list;
try {
list = (ArrayList) object;
catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ClassCastException(name + " cannot be parsed to a List, found " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName());
return list;
private LinkedHashMap castToMapString(String name, Object object) {
LinkedHashMap map;
try {
map = (LinkedHashMap) object;
catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ClassCastException(name + " cannot be parsed to a Map, found " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName());
return map;
private LinkedHashMap castToMapObject(String name, Object object) {
LinkedHashMap map;
try {
map = (LinkedHashMap) object;
catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ClassCastException(name + " cannot be parsed to a Map, found " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName());
return map;
public String findString(Map map, String property, String defaultValue) {
if (map.containsKey(property)) {
Object rawValue = map.get(property);
return rawValue != null ? rawValue.toString() : defaultValue;
return defaultValue;
public Map findMapString(Map map, String property, Map defaultValue) {
if (map.containsKey(property)) {
Map rawValue = castToMapString(property, map.get(property));
return rawValue != null ? rawValue : defaultValue;
return defaultValue;