io.trino.gateway.ha.router.TrinoQueueLengthRoutingTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.trino.gateway.ha.router;
import io.trino.gateway.ha.clustermonitor.ActiveClusterMonitor;
import io.trino.gateway.ha.config.ProxyBackendConfiguration;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* A Routing Manager that provides load distribution on to registered active backends based on
* its queue length. This manager listens to updates on cluster queue length as recorded by the
* {@link ActiveClusterMonitor}
* Ideally where ever a modification is made to the the list of backends(adding, removing) this
* routing manager should get notified & updated.
* Currently updates are made only on heart beats from
* {@link ActiveClusterMonitor} & during routing requests.
public class TrinoQueueLengthRoutingTable extends HaRoutingManager {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private static final int MIN_WT = 1;
private static final int MAX_WT = 100;
private final Object lockObject = new Object();
private ConcurrentHashMap routingGroupWeightSum;
private ConcurrentHashMap> clusterQueueLengthMap;
private ConcurrentHashMap> userClusterQueueLengthMap;
private Map> weightedDistributionRouting;
* A Routing Manager that distributes queries according to assigned weights based on
* Trino cluster queue length and falls back to Running Count if queue length are equal.
public TrinoQueueLengthRoutingTable(GatewayBackendManager gatewayBackendManager,
QueryHistoryManager queryHistoryManager) {
super(gatewayBackendManager, queryHistoryManager);
routingGroupWeightSum = new ConcurrentHashMap();
clusterQueueLengthMap = new ConcurrentHashMap>();
weightedDistributionRouting = new HashMap>();
userClusterQueueLengthMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* All wts are assigned as a fraction of maxQueueLn. Cluster with maxQueueLn should be
* given least weightage. What this value should be depends on the queueing on the rest of
* the clusters. since the list is sorted, the smallestQueueLn & lastButOneQueueLn give us
* the range. In an ideal situation all clusters should have equals distribution of
* queries, hence that is used as a threshold to check is a cluster queue is over
* provisioned or not.
private int getWeightForMaxQueueCluster(LinkedHashMap sortedByQueueLength) {
int queueSum = 0;
int numBuckets = 1;
int equalDistribution = 0;
int calculatedWtMaxQueue = 0;
numBuckets = sortedByQueueLength.size();
queueSum = sortedByQueueLength.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();
equalDistribution = queueSum / numBuckets;
Object[] queueLengths = sortedByQueueLength.values().toArray();
int smallestQueueLn = (Integer) queueLengths[0];
int maxQueueLn = (Integer) queueLengths[queueLengths.length - 1];
int lastButOneQueueLn = smallestQueueLn;
if (queueLengths.length > 2) {
lastButOneQueueLn = (Integer) queueLengths[queueLengths.length - 2];
if (maxQueueLn == 0) {
calculatedWtMaxQueue = MAX_WT;
} else if (lastButOneQueueLn == 0 || (lastButOneQueueLn == maxQueueLn)) {
calculatedWtMaxQueue = MIN_WT;
} else {
int lastButOneQueueWt =
(int) Math.ceil((MAX_WT - (lastButOneQueueLn * MAX_WT / (double) maxQueueLn)));
double fractionOfLastWt = (smallestQueueLn / (float) maxQueueLn);
calculatedWtMaxQueue = (int) Math.ceil(fractionOfLastWt * lastButOneQueueWt);
if (lastButOneQueueLn < equalDistribution
|| (lastButOneQueueLn > equalDistribution && smallestQueueLn <= equalDistribution)) {
calculatedWtMaxQueue = (smallestQueueLn == 0) ? MIN_WT :
(int) Math.ceil(fractionOfLastWt * fractionOfLastWt * lastButOneQueueWt);
return calculatedWtMaxQueue;
* Uses the queue length of a cluster to assign weights to all active clusters in a routing group.
* The weights assigned ensure a fair distribution of routing for queries such that clusters with
* the least queue length get assigned more queries.
private void computeWeightsBasedOnQueueLength(ConcurrentHashMap> queueLengthMap) {
synchronized (lockObject) {
int sum = 0;
int queueSum = 0;
int weight;
int numBuckets = 1;
int equalDistribution = 0;
int smallestQueueLn = 0;
int lastButOneQueueLn = 0;
int maxQueueLn = 0;
int calculatedWtMaxQueue = 0;
log.debug("Computing Weights for Queue Map :[{}] ", queueLengthMap.toString());
for (String routingGroup : queueLengthMap.keySet()) {
sum = 0;
TreeMap weightsMap = new TreeMap<>();
if (queueLengthMap.get(routingGroup).size() == 0) {
log.warn("No active clusters in routingGroup : [{}]. Continue to "
+ "process rest of routing table ", routingGroup);
} else if (queueLengthMap.get(routingGroup).size() == 1) {
log.debug("Routing Group: [{}] has only 1 active backend.", routingGroup);
weightedDistributionRouting.put(routingGroup, new TreeMap() {
put(MAX_WT, queueLengthMap.get(routingGroup).keys().nextElement());
routingGroupWeightSum.put(routingGroup, MAX_WT);
LinkedHashMap sortedByQueueLength = queueLengthMap.get(routingGroup)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
(e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new));
numBuckets = sortedByQueueLength.size();
queueSum = sortedByQueueLength.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();
Object[] queueLengths = sortedByQueueLength.values().toArray();
Object[] clusterNames = sortedByQueueLength.keySet().toArray();
maxQueueLn = (Integer) queueLengths[queueLengths.length - 1];
calculatedWtMaxQueue = getWeightForMaxQueueCluster(sortedByQueueLength);
for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets - 1; i++) {
// If all clusters have same queue length, assign same wt
weight = (maxQueueLn == (Integer) queueLengths[i]) ? calculatedWtMaxQueue :
(int) Math.ceil(MAX_WT
- (((Integer) queueLengths[i] * MAX_WT) / (double) maxQueueLn));
sum += weight;
weightsMap.put(sum, (String) clusterNames[i]);
sum += calculatedWtMaxQueue;
weightsMap.put(sum, (String) clusterNames[numBuckets - 1]);
weightedDistributionRouting.put(routingGroup, weightsMap);
routingGroupWeightSum.put(routingGroup, sum);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
for (String rg : weightedDistributionRouting.keySet()) {
log.debug("Routing Table for : [{}] is [{}]", rg,
* Update the Routing Table only if a previously known backend has been deactivated.
* Newly added backends are handled through
* {@link TrinoQueueLengthRoutingTable#updateRoutingTable(Map, Map, Map)}
* updateRoutingTable}
public void updateRoutingTable(String routingGroup, Set backends) {
synchronized (lockObject) {
if (clusterQueueLengthMap.containsKey(routingGroup)) {
log.debug("Update routing table for routing group : [{}]"
+ " with active backends : [{}]", routingGroup, backends.toString());
Collection knownBackends = new HashSet();
if (backends.containsAll(knownBackends)) {
} else {
if (knownBackends.removeAll(backends)) {
for (String inactiveBackend : knownBackends) {
* Update routing Table with new Queue Lengths.
public void updateRoutingTable(Map> updatedQueueLengthMap,
Map> updatedRunningLengthMap,
Map> updatedUserQueueLengthMap) {
synchronized (lockObject) {
log.debug("Update Routing table with new cluster queue lengths : [{}]",
if (updatedUserQueueLengthMap != null) {
for (String user : updatedUserQueueLengthMap.keySet()) {
ConcurrentHashMap clusterQueueMap =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(updatedUserQueueLengthMap.get(user));
userClusterQueueLengthMap.put(user, clusterQueueMap);
for (String grp : updatedQueueLengthMap.keySet()) {
if (grp == null) {
ConcurrentHashMap queueMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
int maxQueueLen = Collections.max(updatedQueueLengthMap.get(grp).values());
int minQueueLen = Collections.min(updatedQueueLengthMap.get(grp).values());
if (minQueueLen == maxQueueLen && updatedQueueLengthMap.get(grp).size() > 1
&& updatedRunningLengthMap.containsKey(grp)) {"Queue lengths equal: {} for all clusters in the group {}."
+ " Falling back to Running Counts : {}", maxQueueLen, grp,
} else {
clusterQueueLengthMap.put(grp, queueMap);
* A convenience method to peak into the weights used by the routing Manager.
public Map getInternalWeightedRoutingTable(String routingGroup) {
if (!weightedDistributionRouting.containsKey(routingGroup)) {
return null;
Map routingTable = new HashMap<>();
for (Integer wt : weightedDistributionRouting.get(routingGroup).keySet()) {
routingTable.put(weightedDistributionRouting.get(routingGroup).get(wt), wt);
return routingTable;
* A convienience method to get a peak into the state of the routing manager.
public Map getInternalClusterQueueLength(String routingGroup) {
if (!clusterQueueLengthMap.containsKey(routingGroup)) {
return null;
return clusterQueueLengthMap.get(routingGroup);
* Find the cluster with least user queue else fall back to overall cluster weight based routing.
public String getEligibleBackEnd(String routingGroup, String user) {
// Route to the least queued backend for the user out of all backends for that group
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user)) {
Map clusterQueueCountForUser = userClusterQueueLengthMap.get(user);
if (clusterQueueCountForUser != null && !clusterQueueCountForUser.isEmpty()) {
Set backends = clusterQueueLengthMap.get(routingGroup).keySet();
String leastQueuedCluster = null;
Integer minQueueCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Integer maxQueueCount = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (String b : backends) {
// If missing, we assume no queued queries for the user on that cluster.
Integer queueCount = clusterQueueCountForUser.getOrDefault(b, 0);
if (queueCount < minQueueCount) {
leastQueuedCluster = b;
minQueueCount = queueCount;
if (queueCount > maxQueueCount) {
maxQueueCount = queueCount;
// If all clusters have the same queue count, then fallback to the older weighted logic.
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(leastQueuedCluster) && minQueueCount != maxQueueCount) {
log.debug("{} routing to:{}. userQueueCount:{}", user, leastQueuedCluster, minQueueCount);
return leastQueuedCluster;
// Looks up the closest weight to random number generated for a given routing group.
if (routingGroupWeightSum.containsKey(routingGroup)
&& weightedDistributionRouting.containsKey(routingGroup)) {
int rnd = RANDOM.nextInt(routingGroupWeightSum.get(routingGroup));
return weightedDistributionRouting.get(routingGroup).higherEntry(rnd).getValue();
} else {
return null;
* Performs routing to a given cluster group. This falls back to an adhoc backend, if no scheduled
* backend is found.
public String provideBackendForRoutingGroup(String routingGroup, String user) {
List backends =
if (backends.isEmpty()) {
return provideAdhocBackend(user);
Map proxyMap = new HashMap<>();
for (ProxyBackendConfiguration backend : backends) {
proxyMap.put(backend.getName(), backend.getProxyTo());
updateRoutingTable(routingGroup, proxyMap.keySet());
String clusterId = getEligibleBackEnd(routingGroup, user);
log.debug("Routing to eligible backend : [{}] for routing group: [{}]",
clusterId, routingGroup);
if (clusterId != null) {
return proxyMap.get(clusterId);
} else {
log.debug("Falling back to random distribution");
int backendId = Math.abs(RANDOM.nextInt()) % backends.size();
return backends.get(backendId).getProxyTo();
* Performs routing to an adhoc backend based on computed weights.
* d.
public String provideAdhocBackend(String user) {
Map proxyMap = new HashMap<>();
List backends = getGatewayBackendManager().getActiveAdhocBackends();
if (backends.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Number of active backends found zero");
for (ProxyBackendConfiguration backend : backends) {
proxyMap.put(backend.getName(), backend.getProxyTo());
updateRoutingTable("adhoc", proxyMap.keySet());
String clusterId = getEligibleBackEnd("adhoc", user);
log.debug("Routing to eligible backend : " + clusterId + " for routing group: adhoc");
if (clusterId != null) {
return proxyMap.get(clusterId);
} else {
log.debug("Falling back to random distribution");
int backendId = Math.abs(RANDOM.nextInt()) % backends.size();
return backends.get(backendId).getProxyTo();