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io.trino.plugin.geospatial.BingTileFunctions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.trino.plugin.geospatial;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Envelope;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Point;
import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCGeometry;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.FormatMethod;
import io.airlift.slice.Slice;
import io.trino.spi.TrinoException;
import io.trino.spi.block.Block;
import io.trino.spi.block.BlockBuilder;
import io.trino.spi.block.BufferedRowValueBuilder;
import io.trino.spi.block.SqlRow;
import io.trino.spi.function.Description;
import io.trino.spi.function.ScalarFunction;
import io.trino.spi.function.SqlType;
import io.trino.spi.type.RowType;
import io.trino.spi.type.StandardTypes;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify;
import static io.airlift.slice.Slices.utf8Slice;
import static io.trino.geospatial.GeometryUtils.contains;
import static io.trino.geospatial.GeometryUtils.disjoint;
import static io.trino.geospatial.GeometryUtils.getEnvelope;
import static io.trino.geospatial.GeometryUtils.getPointCount;
import static io.trino.geospatial.GeometryUtils.isPointOrRectangle;
import static io.trino.geospatial.serde.GeometrySerde.deserialize;
import static io.trino.geospatial.serde.GeometrySerde.serialize;
import static io.trino.plugin.geospatial.BingTile.MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL;
import static io.trino.plugin.geospatial.GeometryType.GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME;
import static io.trino.spi.StandardErrorCode.INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT;
import static io.trino.spi.type.BigintType.BIGINT;
import static io.trino.spi.type.IntegerType.INTEGER;
import static java.lang.Math.asin;
import static java.lang.Math.atan2;
import static java.lang.Math.clamp;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.multiplyExact;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.toDegrees;
import static java.lang.Math.toIntExact;
import static java.lang.Math.toRadians;
import static java.lang.String.format;
* A set of functions to convert between geometries and Bing tiles.
* @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx
* for the description of the Bing tiles.
public final class BingTileFunctions
private static final int TILE_PIXELS = 256;
private static final double MAX_LATITUDE = 85.05112878;
private static final double MIN_LATITUDE = -85.05112878;
private static final double MIN_LONGITUDE = -180;
private static final double MAX_LONGITUDE = 180;
private static final double EARTH_RADIUS_KM = 6371.01;
private static final int OPTIMIZED_TILING_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 10;
private static final Block EMPTY_TILE_ARRAY = BIGINT.createFixedSizeBlockBuilder(0).build();
private static final String LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Latitude must be between " + MIN_LATITUDE + " and " + MAX_LATITUDE;
private static final String LATITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE = format("Latitude span for the geometry must be in [%.2f, %.2f] range", MIN_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE);
private static final String LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Longitude must be between " + MIN_LONGITUDE + " and " + MAX_LONGITUDE;
private static final String LONGITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE = format("Longitude span for the geometry must be in [%.2f, %.2f] range", MIN_LONGITUDE, MAX_LONGITUDE);
private static final String QUAD_KEY_EMPTY = "QuadKey must not be empty string";
private static final String QUAD_KEY_TOO_LONG = "QuadKey must be " + MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL + " characters or less";
private static final String ZOOM_LEVEL_TOO_SMALL = "Zoom level must be > 0";
private static final String ZOOM_LEVEL_TOO_LARGE = "Zoom level must be <= " + MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL;
private BingTileFunctions() {}
@Description("Creates a Bing tile from XY coordinates and zoom level")
public static long toBingTile(@SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long tileX, @SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long tileY, @SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long zoomLevel)
checkCoordinate(tileX, zoomLevel);
checkCoordinate(tileY, zoomLevel);
return BingTile.fromCoordinates(toIntExact(tileX), toIntExact(tileY), toIntExact(zoomLevel)).encode();
@Description("Given a Bing tile, returns its QuadKey")
public static Slice toQuadKey(@SqlType(BingTileType.NAME) long input)
return utf8Slice(BingTile.decode(input).toQuadKey());
@Description("Given a Bing tile, returns XY coordinates of the tile")
public static final class BingTileCoordinatesFunction
private static final RowType BING_TILE_COORDINATES_ROW_TYPE = RowType.anonymous(ImmutableList.of(INTEGER, INTEGER));
private final BufferedRowValueBuilder rowValueBuilder;
public BingTileCoordinatesFunction()
rowValueBuilder = BufferedRowValueBuilder.createBuffered(BING_TILE_COORDINATES_ROW_TYPE);
@SqlType("row(x integer,y integer)")
public SqlRow bingTileCoordinates(@SqlType(BingTileType.NAME) long input)
BingTile tile = BingTile.decode(input);
return rowValueBuilder.build(fields -> {
INTEGER.writeLong(fields.get(0), tile.getX());
INTEGER.writeLong(fields.get(1), tile.getY());
@Description("Given a Bing tile, returns zoom level of the tile")
public static long bingTileZoomLevel(@SqlType(BingTileType.NAME) long input)
return BingTile.decode(input).getZoomLevel();
@Description("Creates a Bing tile from a QuadKey")
public static long toBingTile(@SqlType(StandardTypes.VARCHAR) Slice quadKey)
return BingTile.fromQuadKey(quadKey.toStringUtf8()).encode();
@Description("Given a (latitude, longitude) point, returns the containing Bing tile at the specified zoom level")
public static long bingTileAt(
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double latitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double longitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long zoomLevel)
checkLatitude(latitude, LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLongitude(longitude, LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
return latitudeLongitudeToTile(latitude, longitude, toIntExact(zoomLevel)).encode();
@Description("Given a (longitude, latitude) point, returns the surrounding Bing tiles at the specified zoom level")
@SqlType("array(" + BingTileType.NAME + ")")
public static Block bingTilesAround(
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double latitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double longitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long zoomLevel)
checkLatitude(latitude, LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLongitude(longitude, LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
long mapSize = mapSize(toIntExact(zoomLevel));
long maxTileIndex = (mapSize / TILE_PIXELS) - 1;
int tileX = longitudeToTileX(longitude, mapSize);
int tileY = longitudeToTileY(latitude, mapSize);
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = BIGINT.createFixedSizeBlockBuilder(9);
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
int x = tileX + i;
int y = tileY + j;
if (x >= 0 && x <= maxTileIndex && y >= 0 && y <= maxTileIndex) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, toIntExact(zoomLevel)).encode());
return blockBuilder.build();
@Description("Given a (latitude, longitude) point, a radius in kilometers and a zoom level, " +
"returns a minimum set of Bing tiles at specified zoom level that cover a circle of " +
"specified radius around the specified point.")
@SqlType("array(" + BingTileType.NAME + ")")
public static Block bingTilesAround(
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double latitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double longitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long zoomLevelAsLong,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double radiusInKm)
checkLatitude(latitude, LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLongitude(longitude, LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkCondition(radiusInKm >= 0, "Radius must be >= 0");
checkCondition(radiusInKm <= 1_000, "Radius must be <= 1,000 km");
int zoomLevel = toIntExact(zoomLevelAsLong);
long mapSize = mapSize(zoomLevel);
int maxTileIndex = (int) (mapSize / TILE_PIXELS) - 1;
int tileY = longitudeToTileY(latitude, mapSize);
int tileX = longitudeToTileX(longitude, mapSize);
// Find top, bottom, left and right tiles from center of circle
double topLatitude = addDistanceToLatitude(latitude, radiusInKm, 0);
BingTile topTile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(topLatitude, longitude, zoomLevel);
double bottomLatitude = addDistanceToLatitude(latitude, radiusInKm, 180);
BingTile bottomTile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(bottomLatitude, longitude, zoomLevel);
double leftLongitude = addDistanceToLongitude(latitude, longitude, radiusInKm, 270);
BingTile leftTile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(latitude, leftLongitude, zoomLevel);
double rightLongitude = addDistanceToLongitude(latitude, longitude, radiusInKm, 90);
BingTile rightTile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(latitude, rightLongitude, zoomLevel);
boolean wrapAroundX = rightTile.getX() < leftTile.getX();
int tileCountX = wrapAroundX ?
(rightTile.getX() + maxTileIndex - leftTile.getX() + 2) :
(rightTile.getX() - leftTile.getX() + 1);
int tileCountY = bottomTile.getY() - topTile.getY() + 1;
int totalTileCount = tileCountX * tileCountY;
checkCondition(totalTileCount <= 1_000_000,
"The number of tiles covering input rectangle exceeds the limit of 1M. Number of tiles: %d. Radius: %.1f km. Zoom level: %d.",
totalTileCount, radiusInKm, zoomLevel);
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = BIGINT.createFixedSizeBlockBuilder(totalTileCount);
for (int i = 0; i < tileCountX; i++) {
int x = (leftTile.getX() + i) % (maxTileIndex + 1);
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, tileY, zoomLevel).encode());
for (int y = topTile.getY(); y <= bottomTile.getY(); y++) {
if (y != tileY) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, BingTile.fromCoordinates(tileX, y, zoomLevel).encode());
GreatCircleDistanceToPoint distanceToCenter = new GreatCircleDistanceToPoint(latitude, longitude);
// Remove tiles from each corner if they are outside the radius
for (int x = rightTile.getX(); x != tileX; x = (x == 0) ? maxTileIndex : x - 1) {
// Top Right Corner
boolean include = false;
for (int y = topTile.getY(); y < tileY; y++) {
BingTile tile = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel);
if (include) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
else {
Point bottomLeftCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX(), tile.getY() + 1, tile.getZoomLevel());
if (withinDistance(distanceToCenter, radiusInKm, bottomLeftCorner)) {
include = true;
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
// Bottom Right Corner
include = false;
for (int y = bottomTile.getY(); y > tileY; y--) {
BingTile tile = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel);
if (include) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
else {
Point topLeftCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZoomLevel());
if (withinDistance(distanceToCenter, radiusInKm, topLeftCorner)) {
include = true;
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
for (int x = leftTile.getX(); x != tileX; x = (x + 1) % (maxTileIndex + 1)) {
// Top Left Corner
boolean include = false;
for (int y = topTile.getY(); y < tileY; y++) {
BingTile tile = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel);
if (include) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
else {
Point bottomRightCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX() + 1, tile.getY() + 1, tile.getZoomLevel());
if (withinDistance(distanceToCenter, radiusInKm, bottomRightCorner)) {
include = true;
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
// Bottom Left Corner
include = false;
for (int y = bottomTile.getY(); y > tileY; y--) {
BingTile tile = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel);
if (include) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
else {
Point topRightCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX() + 1, tile.getY(), tile.getZoomLevel());
if (withinDistance(distanceToCenter, radiusInKm, topRightCorner)) {
include = true;
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
return blockBuilder.build();
@Description("Given a Bing tile, returns the polygon representation of the tile")
public static Slice bingTilePolygon(@SqlType(BingTileType.NAME) long input)
BingTile tile = BingTile.decode(input);
return serialize(tileToEnvelope(tile));
@Description("Given a geometry and a zoom level, returns the minimum set of Bing tiles that fully covers that geometry")
@SqlType("array(" + BingTileType.NAME + ")")
public static Block geometryToBingTiles(@SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) Slice input, @SqlType(StandardTypes.INTEGER) long zoomLevelInput)
int zoomLevel = toIntExact(zoomLevelInput);
OGCGeometry ogcGeometry = deserialize(input);
if (ogcGeometry.isEmpty()) {
Envelope envelope = getEnvelope(ogcGeometry);
checkLatitude(envelope.getYMin(), LATITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLatitude(envelope.getYMax(), LATITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLongitude(envelope.getXMin(), LONGITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE);
checkLongitude(envelope.getXMax(), LONGITUDE_SPAN_OUT_OF_RANGE);
boolean pointOrRectangle = isPointOrRectangle(ogcGeometry, envelope);
BingTile leftUpperTile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(envelope.getYMax(), envelope.getXMin(), zoomLevel);
BingTile rightLowerTile = getTileCoveringLowerRightCorner(envelope, zoomLevel);
// XY coordinates start at (0,0) in the left upper corner and increase left to right and top to bottom
long tileCount = (long) (rightLowerTile.getX() - leftUpperTile.getX() + 1) * (rightLowerTile.getY() - leftUpperTile.getY() + 1);
checkGeometryToBingTilesLimits(ogcGeometry, envelope, pointOrRectangle, tileCount, zoomLevel);
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = BIGINT.createFixedSizeBlockBuilder(toIntExact(tileCount));
if (pointOrRectangle || zoomLevel <= OPTIMIZED_TILING_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) {
// Collect tiles covering the bounding box and check each tile for intersection with the geometry.
// Skip intersection check if geometry is a point or rectangle. In these cases, by definition,
// all tiles covering the bounding box intersect the geometry.
for (int x = leftUpperTile.getX(); x <= rightLowerTile.getX(); x++) {
for (int y = leftUpperTile.getY(); y <= rightLowerTile.getY(); y++) {
BingTile tile = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel);
if (pointOrRectangle || !disjoint(tileToEnvelope(tile), ogcGeometry)) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
else {
// Intersection checks above are expensive. The logic below attempts to reduce the number
// of these checks. The idea is to identify large tiles which are fully covered by the
// geometry. For each such tile, we can cheaply compute all the containing tiles at
// the right zoom level and append them to results in bulk. This way we perform a single
// containment check instead of 2 to the power of level delta intersection checks, where
// level delta is the difference between the desired zoom level and level of the large
// tile covered by the geometry.
BingTile[] tiles = getTilesInBetween(leftUpperTile, rightLowerTile, OPTIMIZED_TILING_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL);
for (BingTile tile : tiles) {
appendIntersectingSubtiles(ogcGeometry, zoomLevel, tile, blockBuilder);
return blockBuilder.build();
private static BingTile getTileCoveringLowerRightCorner(Envelope envelope, int zoomLevel)
BingTile tile = latitudeLongitudeToTile(envelope.getYMin(), envelope.getXMax(), zoomLevel);
// If the tile covering the lower right corner of the envelope overlaps the envelope only
// at the border then return a tile shifted to the left and/or top
int deltaX = 0;
int deltaY = 0;
Point upperLeftCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZoomLevel());
if (upperLeftCorner.getX() == envelope.getXMax()) {
deltaX = -1;
if (upperLeftCorner.getY() == envelope.getYMin()) {
deltaY = -1;
if (deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0) {
return BingTile.fromCoordinates(tile.getX() + deltaX, tile.getY() + deltaY, tile.getZoomLevel());
return tile;
private static void checkGeometryToBingTilesLimits(OGCGeometry ogcGeometry, Envelope envelope, boolean pointOrRectangle, long tileCount, int zoomLevel)
if (pointOrRectangle) {
checkCondition(tileCount <= 1_000_000, "The number of tiles covering input rectangle exceeds the limit of 1M. " +
"Number of tiles: %d. Rectangle: xMin=%.2f, yMin=%.2f, xMax=%.2f, yMax=%.2f. Zoom level: %d.",
tileCount, envelope.getXMin(), envelope.getYMin(), envelope.getXMax(), envelope.getYMax(), zoomLevel);
else {
checkCondition((int) tileCount == tileCount, "The zoom level is too high to compute a set of covering Bing tiles.");
long complexity = 0;
try {
complexity = multiplyExact(tileCount, getPointCount(ogcGeometry));
catch (ArithmeticException e) {
checkCondition(false, "The zoom level is too high or the geometry is too complex to compute a set of covering Bing tiles. " +
"Please use a lower zoom level or convert the geometry to its bounding box using the ST_Envelope function.");
checkCondition(complexity <= 25_000_000, "The zoom level is too high or the geometry is too complex to compute a set of covering Bing tiles. " +
"Please use a lower zoom level or convert the geometry to its bounding box using the ST_Envelope function.");
private static double addDistanceToLongitude(
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double latitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double longitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double radiusInKm,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double bearing)
double latitudeInRadians = toRadians(latitude);
double longitudeInRadians = toRadians(longitude);
double bearingInRadians = toRadians(bearing);
double radiusRatio = radiusInKm / EARTH_RADIUS_KM;
// Haversine formula
double newLongitude = toDegrees(longitudeInRadians +
atan2(sin(bearingInRadians) * sin(radiusRatio) * cos(latitudeInRadians),
cos(radiusRatio) - sin(latitudeInRadians) * sin(latitudeInRadians)));
if (newLongitude > MAX_LONGITUDE) {
return MIN_LONGITUDE + (newLongitude - MAX_LONGITUDE);
if (newLongitude < MIN_LONGITUDE) {
return MAX_LONGITUDE + (newLongitude - MIN_LONGITUDE);
return newLongitude;
private static double addDistanceToLatitude(
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double latitude,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double radiusInKm,
@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double bearing)
double latitudeInRadians = toRadians(latitude);
double bearingInRadians = toRadians(bearing);
double radiusRatio = radiusInKm / EARTH_RADIUS_KM;
// Haversine formula
double newLatitude = toDegrees(asin(sin(latitudeInRadians) * cos(radiusRatio) +
cos(latitudeInRadians) * sin(radiusRatio) * cos(bearingInRadians)));
if (newLatitude > MAX_LATITUDE) {
if (newLatitude < MIN_LATITUDE) {
return newLatitude;
private static BingTile[] getTilesInBetween(BingTile leftUpperTile, BingTile rightLowerTile, int zoomLevel)
checkArgument(leftUpperTile.getZoomLevel() == rightLowerTile.getZoomLevel());
checkArgument(leftUpperTile.getZoomLevel() > zoomLevel);
int divisor = 1 << (leftUpperTile.getZoomLevel() - zoomLevel);
int minX = leftUpperTile.getX() / divisor;
int maxX = rightLowerTile.getX() / divisor;
int minY = leftUpperTile.getY() / divisor;
int maxY = rightLowerTile.getY() / divisor;
BingTile[] tiles = new BingTile[(maxX - minX + 1) * (maxY - minY + 1)];
int index = 0;
for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
tiles[index] = BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, OPTIMIZED_TILING_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL);
return tiles;
* Identifies a minimum set of tiles at specified zoom level that cover intersection of the
* specified geometry and a specified tile of the same or lower level. Adds tiles to provided
* BlockBuilder.
private static void appendIntersectingSubtiles(
OGCGeometry ogcGeometry,
int zoomLevel,
BingTile tile,
BlockBuilder blockBuilder)
int tileZoomLevel = tile.getZoomLevel();
checkArgument(tileZoomLevel <= zoomLevel);
Envelope tileEnvelope = tileToEnvelope(tile);
if (tileZoomLevel == zoomLevel) {
if (!disjoint(tileEnvelope, ogcGeometry)) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, tile.encode());
if (contains(ogcGeometry, tileEnvelope)) {
int subTileCount = 1 << (zoomLevel - tileZoomLevel);
int minX = subTileCount * tile.getX();
int minY = subTileCount * tile.getY();
for (int x = minX; x < minX + subTileCount; x++) {
for (int y = minY; y < minY + subTileCount; y++) {
BIGINT.writeLong(blockBuilder, BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, zoomLevel).encode());
if (disjoint(tileEnvelope, ogcGeometry)) {
int minX = 2 * tile.getX();
int minY = 2 * tile.getY();
int nextZoomLevel = tileZoomLevel + 1;
verify(nextZoomLevel <= MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL);
for (int x = minX; x < minX + 2; x++) {
for (int y = minY; y < minY + 2; y++) {
BingTile.fromCoordinates(x, y, nextZoomLevel),
private static Point tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(int tileX, int tileY, int zoomLevel)
long mapSize = mapSize(zoomLevel);
double x = (clamp((long) tileX * TILE_PIXELS, 0, mapSize) / (double) mapSize) - 0.5;
double y = 0.5 - (clamp((long) tileY * TILE_PIXELS, 0, mapSize) / (double) mapSize);
double latitude = 90 - 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-y * 2 * Math.PI)) / Math.PI;
double longitude = 360 * x;
return new Point(longitude, latitude);
* Returns a Bing tile at a given zoom level containing a point at a given latitude and longitude.
* Latitude must be within [-85.05112878, 85.05112878] range. Longitude must be within [-180, 180] range.
* Zoom levels from 1 to 23 are supported.
private static BingTile latitudeLongitudeToTile(double latitude, double longitude, int zoomLevel)
long mapSize = mapSize(zoomLevel);
int tileX = longitudeToTileX(longitude, mapSize);
int tileY = longitudeToTileY(latitude, mapSize);
return BingTile.fromCoordinates(tileX, tileY, zoomLevel);
* Given latitude and longitude in degrees, and the level of detail, the pixel XY coordinates can be calculated as follows:
* sinLatitude = sin(latitude * pi/180)
* pixelX = ((longitude + 180) / 360) * 256 * 2level
* pixelY = (0.5 – log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 – sinLatitude)) / (4 * pi)) * 256 * 2level
* The latitude and longitude are assumed to be on the WGS 84 datum. Even though Bing Maps uses a spherical projection,
* it’s important to convert all geographic coordinates into a common datum, and WGS 84 was chosen to be that datum.
* The longitude is assumed to range from -180 to +180 degrees, and the latitude must be clipped to range from -85.05112878 to 85.05112878.
* This avoids a singularity at the poles, and it causes the projected map to be square.
* reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx
private static int longitudeToTileX(double longitude, long mapSize)
double x = (longitude + 180) / 360;
return axisToCoordinates(x, mapSize);
private static int longitudeToTileY(double latitude, long mapSize)
double sinLatitude = Math.sin(latitude * Math.PI / 180);
double y = 0.5 - Math.log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / (4 * Math.PI);
return axisToCoordinates(y, mapSize);
* Take axis and convert it to Tile coordinates
private static int axisToCoordinates(double axis, long mapSize)
int tileAxis = (int) clamp(axis * mapSize, 0d, mapSize - 1);
return tileAxis / TILE_PIXELS;
private static Envelope tileToEnvelope(BingTile tile)
Point upperLeftCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZoomLevel());
Point lowerRightCorner = tileXYToLatitudeLongitude(tile.getX() + 1, tile.getY() + 1, tile.getZoomLevel());
return new Envelope(upperLeftCorner.getX(), lowerRightCorner.getY(), lowerRightCorner.getX(), upperLeftCorner.getY());
private static void checkZoomLevel(long zoomLevel)
checkCondition(zoomLevel > 0, ZOOM_LEVEL_TOO_SMALL);
checkCondition(zoomLevel <= MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL, ZOOM_LEVEL_TOO_LARGE);
private static void checkCoordinate(long coordinate, long zoomLevel)
checkCondition(coordinate >= 0 && coordinate < (1 << zoomLevel), "XY coordinates for a Bing tile at zoom level %s must be within [0, %s) range", zoomLevel, 1 << zoomLevel);
private static void checkQuadKey(@SqlType(StandardTypes.VARCHAR) Slice quadkey)
checkCondition(quadkey.length() > 0, QUAD_KEY_EMPTY);
checkCondition(quadkey.length() <= MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL, QUAD_KEY_TOO_LONG);
private static void checkLatitude(double latitude, String errorMessage)
checkCondition(latitude >= MIN_LATITUDE && latitude <= MAX_LATITUDE, errorMessage);
private static void checkLongitude(double longitude, String errorMessage)
checkCondition(longitude >= MIN_LONGITUDE && longitude <= MAX_LONGITUDE, errorMessage);
private static boolean withinDistance(GreatCircleDistanceToPoint distanceFunction, double maxDistance, Point point)
return distanceFunction.distance(point.getY(), point.getX()) <= maxDistance;
private static final class GreatCircleDistanceToPoint
private final double sinLatitude;
private final double cosLatitude;
private final double radianLongitude;
private GreatCircleDistanceToPoint(double latitude, double longitude)
double radianLatitude = toRadians(latitude);
this.sinLatitude = sin(radianLatitude);
this.cosLatitude = cos(radianLatitude);
this.radianLongitude = toRadians(longitude);
public double distance(double latitude2, double longitude2)
double radianLatitude2 = toRadians(latitude2);
double sin2 = sin(radianLatitude2);
double cos2 = cos(radianLatitude2);
double deltaLongitude = radianLongitude - toRadians(longitude2);
double cosDeltaLongitude = cos(deltaLongitude);
double t1 = cos2 * sin(deltaLongitude);
double t2 = cosLatitude * sin2 - sinLatitude * cos2 * cosDeltaLongitude;
double t3 = sinLatitude * sin2 + cosLatitude * cos2 * cosDeltaLongitude;
return atan2(sqrt(t1 * t1 + t2 * t2), t3) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM;
private static void checkCondition(boolean condition, String message)
checkCondition(condition, "%s", message);
private static void checkCondition(boolean condition, String formatString, Object... args)
if (!condition) {
throw new TrinoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format(formatString, args));
private static long mapSize(int zoomLevel)
return 256L << zoomLevel;