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package io.trino.operator;
import io.trino.array.LongBigArray;
import static;
import static io.airlift.slice.SizeOf.instanceSize;
import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.bigArraySize;
import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.maxFill;
import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.mix;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Optimized hash table for streaming Top N peer group lookup operations.
// Note: this code was forked from fastutil ( Long2LongOpenCustomHashMap.
// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Sebastiano Vigna
public class TopNPeerGroupLookup
private static final int INSTANCE_SIZE = instanceSize(TopNPeerGroupLookup.class);
* The buffer containing key and value data.
private Buffer buffer;
* The mask for wrapping a position counter.
private long mask;
* The hash strategy.
private final RowIdHashStrategy strategy;
* The current allocated table size.
private long tableSize;
* Threshold after which we rehash.
private long maxFill;
* The acceptable load factor.
private final float fillFactor;
* Number of entries in the set.
private long entryCount;
* The value denoting unmapped group IDs. Since group IDs need to co-exist at all times with row IDs,
* we only need to use one of the two IDs to indicate that a slot is unused. Group IDs have been arbitrarily selected
* for that purpose.
private final long unmappedGroupId;
* The default return value for {@code get()}, {@code put()} and {@code remove()}.
private final long defaultReturnValue;
* Standard hash table parameters are expected. {@code unmappedGroupId} specifies the internal marker value for unmapped group IDs.
public TopNPeerGroupLookup(long expected, float fillFactor, RowIdHashStrategy strategy, long unmappedGroupId, long defaultReturnValue)
checkArgument(expected >= 0, "The expected number of elements must be nonnegative");
checkArgument(fillFactor > 0 && fillFactor <= 1, "Load factor must be greater than 0 and smaller than or equal to 1");
this.fillFactor = fillFactor;
this.strategy = requireNonNull(strategy, "strategy is null");
this.unmappedGroupId = unmappedGroupId;
this.defaultReturnValue = defaultReturnValue;
tableSize = bigArraySize(expected, fillFactor);
mask = tableSize - 1;
maxFill = maxFill(tableSize, fillFactor);
buffer = new Buffer(tableSize, unmappedGroupId);
public TopNPeerGroupLookup(long expected, RowIdHashStrategy strategy, long unmappedGroupId, long defaultReturnValue)
this(expected, 0.75f, strategy, unmappedGroupId, defaultReturnValue);
* Returns the size of this hash map in bytes.
public long sizeOf()
return INSTANCE_SIZE + buffer.sizeOf();
public long size()
return entryCount;
public boolean isEmpty()
return entryCount == 0;
public long get(long groupId, long rowId)
checkArgument(groupId != unmappedGroupId, "Group ID cannot be the unmapped group ID");
long hash = hash(groupId, rowId);
long index = hash & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return buffer.getValue(index);
// There's always an unused entry.
while (true) {
index = (index + 1) & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return buffer.getValue(index);
public long get(long groupId, RowReference rowReference)
checkArgument(groupId != unmappedGroupId, "Group ID cannot be the unmapped group ID");
long hash = hash(groupId, rowReference);
long index = hash & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowReference, index)) {
return buffer.getValue(index);
// There's always an unused entry.
while (true) {
index = (index + 1) & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowReference, index)) {
return buffer.getValue(index);
public long put(long groupId, long rowId, long value)
checkArgument(groupId != unmappedGroupId, "Group ID cannot be the unmapped group ID");
long hash = hash(groupId, rowId);
long index = find(groupId, rowId, hash);
if (index < 0) {
insert(twosComplement(index), groupId, rowId, hash, value);
return defaultReturnValue;
long oldValue = buffer.getValue(index);
buffer.setValue(index, value);
return oldValue;
private long hash(long groupId, long rowId)
return mix(groupId * 31 + strategy.hashCode(rowId));
private long hash(long groupId, RowReference rowReference)
return mix(groupId * 31 + rowReference.hash(strategy));
private boolean equals(long groupId, long rowId, long index)
return groupId == buffer.getGroupId(index) && strategy.equals(rowId, buffer.getRowId(index));
private boolean equals(long groupId, RowReference rowReference, long index)
return groupId == buffer.getGroupId(index) && rowReference.equals(strategy, buffer.getRowId(index));
private void insert(long index, long groupId, long rowId, long precomputedHash, long value)
buffer.set(index, groupId, rowId, precomputedHash, value);
if (entryCount > maxFill) {
rehash(bigArraySize(entryCount + 1, fillFactor));
* Locate the index for the specified {@code groupId} and {@code rowId} key pair. If the index is unpopulated,
* then return the index as the two's complement value (which will be negative).
private long find(long groupId, long rowId, long precomputedHash)
long index = precomputedHash & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return twosComplement(index);
if (precomputedHash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return index;
// There's always an unused entry.
while (true) {
index = (index + 1) & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return twosComplement(index);
if (precomputedHash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return index;
public long remove(long groupId, long rowId)
checkArgument(groupId != unmappedGroupId, "Group ID cannot be the unmapped group ID");
long hash = hash(groupId, rowId);
long index = hash & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return removeEntry(index);
while (true) {
index = (index + 1) & mask;
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
return defaultReturnValue;
if (hash == buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index) && equals(groupId, rowId, index)) {
return removeEntry(index);
private long removeEntry(long index)
long oldValue = buffer.getValue(index);
return oldValue;
* Shifts left entries with the specified hash code, starting at the specified
* index, and empties the resulting free entry.
* @param index a starting position.
private void shiftKeys(long index)
// Shift entries with the same hash.
while (true) {
long currentHash;
long initialIndex = index;
index = ((index) + 1) & mask;
while (true) {
if (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
currentHash = buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index);
long slot = currentHash & mask;
// Yes, this is dense logic. See fastutil Long2LongOpenCustomHashMap#shiftKeys implementation.
if (initialIndex <= index ? initialIndex >= slot || slot > index : initialIndex >= slot && slot > index) {
index = (index + 1) & mask;
buffer.set(initialIndex, buffer.getGroupId(index), buffer.getRowId(index), currentHash, buffer.getValue(index));
private void rehash(long newTableSize)
long newMask = newTableSize - 1; // Note that this is used by the hashing macro
Buffer newBuffer = new Buffer(newTableSize, unmappedGroupId);
long index = tableSize;
for (long i = entryCount; i > 0; i--) {
while (buffer.isEmptySlot(index)) {
long hash = buffer.getPrecomputedHash(index);
long newIndex = hash & newMask;
if (!newBuffer.isEmptySlot(newIndex)) {
newIndex = (newIndex + 1) & newMask;
while (!newBuffer.isEmptySlot(newIndex)) {
newIndex = (newIndex + 1) & newMask;
newBuffer.set(newIndex, buffer.getGroupId(index), buffer.getRowId(index), hash, buffer.getValue(index));
tableSize = newTableSize;
mask = newMask;
maxFill = maxFill(tableSize, fillFactor);
buffer = newBuffer;
private static long twosComplement(long value)
return -(value + 1);
private static class Buffer
private static final long INSTANCE_SIZE = instanceSize(Buffer.class);
private static final int POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY = 4;
private static final int ROW_ID_OFFSET = 1;
private static final int PRECOMPUTED_HASH_OFFSET = 2;
private static final int VALUE_OFFSET = 3;
* Memory layout:
* [LONG] groupId1, [LONG] rowId1, [LONG] precomputedHash1, [LONG] value1
* [LONG] groupId2, [LONG] rowId2, [LONG] precomputedHash2, [LONG] value2
* ...
private final LongBigArray buffer;
private final long unmappedGroupId;
public Buffer(long positions, long unmappedGroupId)
buffer = new LongBigArray(unmappedGroupId);
buffer.ensureCapacity(positions * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY);
this.unmappedGroupId = unmappedGroupId;
public void set(long index, long groupId, long rowId, long precomputedHash, long value)
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY, groupId);
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + ROW_ID_OFFSET, rowId);
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + PRECOMPUTED_HASH_OFFSET, precomputedHash);
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + VALUE_OFFSET, value);
public void clear(long index)
// Since all fields of an index are set/unset together as a unit, we only need to choose one field to serve
// as a marker for empty slots. Group IDs have been arbitrarily selected for that purpose.
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY, unmappedGroupId);
public boolean isEmptySlot(long index)
return getGroupId(index) == unmappedGroupId;
public long getGroupId(long index)
return buffer.get(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY);
public long getRowId(long index)
return buffer.get(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + ROW_ID_OFFSET);
public long getPrecomputedHash(long index)
public long getValue(long index)
return buffer.get(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + VALUE_OFFSET);
public void setValue(long index, long value)
buffer.set(index * POSITIONS_PER_ENTRY + VALUE_OFFSET, value);
public long sizeOf()
return INSTANCE_SIZE + buffer.sizeOf();