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package io.trino.sql.analyzer;
import io.trino.Session;
import io.trino.metadata.Metadata;
import io.trino.metadata.OperatorNotFoundException;
import io.trino.spi.TrinoException;
import io.trino.spi.function.BoundSignature;
import io.trino.spi.function.OperatorType;
import io.trino.spi.type.Type;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.PathNodeRef;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.PathParser;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.PathParser.Location;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.AbsMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ArithmeticBinary;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ArithmeticUnary;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ArrayAccessor;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ArrayAccessor.Subscript;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.CeilingMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ComparisonPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ConjunctionPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ContextVariable;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.DatetimeMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.DescendantMemberAccessor;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.DisjunctionPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.DoubleMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ExistsPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.Filter;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.FloorMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.IsUnknownPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.JsonNullLiteral;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.JsonPath;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.JsonPathTreeVisitor;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.KeyValueMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.LastIndexVariable;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.LikeRegexPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.MemberAccessor;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.NamedVariable;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.NegationPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.PathNode;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.PredicateCurrentItemVariable;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.SizeMethod;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.SqlValueLiteral;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.StartsWithPredicate;
import io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.TypeMethod;
import io.trino.sql.tree.Node;
import io.trino.sql.tree.StringLiteral;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static io.trino.spi.StandardErrorCode.INVALID_PATH;
import static io.trino.spi.StandardErrorCode.NOT_SUPPORTED;
import static io.trino.spi.function.OperatorType.NEGATION;
import static io.trino.spi.type.BooleanType.BOOLEAN;
import static io.trino.spi.type.DoubleType.DOUBLE;
import static io.trino.spi.type.IntegerType.INTEGER;
import static io.trino.spi.type.VarcharType.createVarcharType;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.ExpressionAnalyzer.isCharacterStringType;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.ExpressionAnalyzer.isNumericType;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.ExpressionAnalyzer.isStringType;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.ExpressionTreeUtils.extractLocation;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.SemanticExceptions.semanticException;
import static io.trino.sql.analyzer.TypeSignatureProvider.fromTypes;
import static io.trino.sql.jsonpath.tree.ArithmeticUnary.Sign.PLUS;
import static io.trino.type.Json2016Type.JSON_2016;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public class JsonPathAnalyzer
// the type() method returns a textual description of type as determined by the SQL standard, of length lower or equal to 27
private static final Type TYPE_METHOD_RESULT_TYPE = createVarcharType(27);
private final Metadata metadata;
private final Session session;
private final ExpressionAnalyzer literalAnalyzer;
private final Map, Type> types = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Set> jsonParameters = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public JsonPathAnalyzer(Metadata metadata, Session session, ExpressionAnalyzer literalAnalyzer)
this.metadata = requireNonNull(metadata, "metadata is null");
this.session = requireNonNull(session, "session is null");
this.literalAnalyzer = requireNonNull(literalAnalyzer, "literalAnalyzer is null");
public JsonPathAnalysis analyzeJsonPath(StringLiteral path, Map parameterTypes)
Location pathStart = extractLocation(path)
.map(location -> new Location(location.getLineNumber(), location.getColumnNumber()))
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("missing NodeLocation in path"));
PathNode root = new PathParser(pathStart).parseJsonPath(path.getValue());
new Visitor(parameterTypes, path).process(root);
return new JsonPathAnalysis((JsonPath) root, types, jsonParameters);
* This visitor determines and validates output types of PathNodes, whenever they can be deduced and represented as SQL types.
* In some cases, the type of a PathNode can be determined without context. E.g., the `double()` method always returns DOUBLE.
* In some other cases, the type depends on child nodes. E.g. the return type of the `abs()` method is the same as input type.
* In some cases, the type cannot be represented as SQL type. E.g. the `keyValue()` method returns JSON objects.
* Some PathNodes, including accessors, return objects whose types might or might not be representable as SQL types,
* but that cannot be determined upfront.
private class Visitor
extends JsonPathTreeVisitor
private final Map parameterTypes;
private final Node pathNode;
public Visitor(Map parameterTypes, Node pathNode)
this.parameterTypes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(requireNonNull(parameterTypes, "parameterTypes is null"));
this.pathNode = requireNonNull(pathNode, "pathNode is null");
protected Type visitPathNode(PathNode node, Void context)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported JSON path node: " + node.getClass().getSimpleName());
protected Type visitAbsMethod(AbsMethod node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null) {
Type resultType;
try {
resultType = metadata.resolveBuiltinFunction("abs", fromTypes(sourceType)).getSignature().getReturnType();
catch (TrinoException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "cannot perform JSON path abs() method with %s argument: %s", sourceType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), resultType);
return resultType;
return null;
protected Type visitArithmeticBinary(ArithmeticBinary node, Void context)
Type leftType = process(node.getLeft());
Type rightType = process(node.getRight());
if (leftType != null && rightType != null) {
BoundSignature signature;
try {
signature = metadata.resolveOperator(OperatorType.valueOf(node.getOperator().name()), ImmutableList.of(leftType, rightType)).getSignature();
catch (OperatorNotFoundException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "invalid operand types (%s and %s) in JSON path arithmetic binary expression: %s", leftType.getDisplayName(), rightType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
Type resultType = signature.getReturnType();
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), resultType);
return resultType;
return null;
protected Type visitArithmeticUnary(ArithmeticUnary node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null) {
if (node.getSign() == PLUS) {
if (!isNumericType(sourceType)) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, "Invalid operand type (%s) in JSON path arithmetic unary expression", sourceType.getDisplayName());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), sourceType);
return sourceType;
Type resultType;
try {
resultType = metadata.resolveOperator(NEGATION, ImmutableList.of(sourceType)).getSignature().getReturnType();
catch (OperatorNotFoundException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "invalid operand type (%s) in JSON path arithmetic unary expression: %s", sourceType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), resultType);
return resultType;
return null;
protected Type visitArrayAccessor(ArrayAccessor node, Void context)
for (Subscript subscript : node.getSubscripts()) {
return null;
protected Type visitCeilingMethod(CeilingMethod node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null) {
Type resultType;
try {
resultType = metadata.resolveBuiltinFunction("ceiling", fromTypes(sourceType)).getSignature().getReturnType();
catch (TrinoException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "cannot perform JSON path ceiling() method with %s argument: %s", sourceType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), resultType);
return resultType;
return null;
protected Type visitContextVariable(ContextVariable node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitDatetimeMethod(DatetimeMethod node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null && !isCharacterStringType(sourceType)) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, "JSON path datetime() method requires character string argument (found %s)", sourceType.getDisplayName());
// TODO process the format template, record the processed format, and deduce the returned type
throw semanticException(NOT_SUPPORTED, pathNode, "datetime method in JSON path is not yet supported");
protected Type visitDescendantMemberAccessor(DescendantMemberAccessor node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitDoubleMethod(DoubleMethod node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null) {
if (!isStringType(sourceType) && !isNumericType(sourceType)) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, "cannot perform JSON path double() method with %s argument", sourceType.getDisplayName());
try {
metadata.getCoercion(sourceType, DOUBLE);
catch (OperatorNotFoundException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "cannot perform JSON path double() method with %s argument: %s", sourceType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), DOUBLE);
return DOUBLE;
protected Type visitFilter(Filter node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
Type predicateType = process(node.getPredicate());
requireNonNull(predicateType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(predicateType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + predicateType.getDisplayName());
if (sourceType != null) {
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), sourceType);
return sourceType;
return null;
protected Type visitFloorMethod(FloorMethod node, Void context)
Type sourceType = process(node.getBase());
if (sourceType != null) {
Type resultType;
try {
resultType = metadata.resolveBuiltinFunction("floor", fromTypes(sourceType)).getSignature().getReturnType();
catch (TrinoException e) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, e, "cannot perform JSON path floor() method with %s argument: %s", sourceType.getDisplayName(), e.getMessage());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), resultType);
return resultType;
return null;
protected Type visitJsonNullLiteral(JsonNullLiteral node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitJsonPath(JsonPath node, Void context)
Type type = process(node.getRoot());
if (type != null) {
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), type);
return type;
protected Type visitKeyValueMethod(KeyValueMethod node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitLastIndexVariable(LastIndexVariable node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), INTEGER);
return INTEGER;
protected Type visitMemberAccessor(MemberAccessor node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitNamedVariable(NamedVariable node, Void context)
Type parameterType = parameterTypes.get(node.getName());
if (parameterType == null) {
// This condition might be caused by the unintuitive semantics:
// identifiers in JSON path are case-sensitive, while non-delimited identifiers in SQL are upper-cased.
// Hence, a function call like JSON_VALUE(x, 'lax $var.floor()` PASSING 2.5 AS var)
// is an error, since the variable name is "var", and the passed parameter name is "VAR".
// We try to identify such situation and produce an explanatory message.
Optional similarName = parameterTypes.keySet().stream()
.filter(name -> name.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getName()))
if (similarName.isPresent()) {
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, format("no value passed for parameter %s. Try quoting \"%s\" in the PASSING clause to match case", node.getName(), node.getName()));
throw semanticException(INVALID_PATH, pathNode, "no value passed for parameter " + node.getName());
if (parameterType.equals(JSON_2016)) {
return null;
// in case of a non-JSON named variable, the type cannot be recorded and used as the result type of the node
// this is because any incoming null value shall be transformed into a JSON null, which is out of the SQL type system.
// however, for any incoming non-null value, the type will be preserved.
return null;
protected Type visitPredicateCurrentItemVariable(PredicateCurrentItemVariable node, Void context)
return null;
protected Type visitSizeMethod(SizeMethod node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), INTEGER);
return INTEGER;
protected Type visitSqlValueLiteral(SqlValueLiteral node, Void context)
Type type = literalAnalyzer.analyze(node.getValue(), Scope.create());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), type);
return type;
protected Type visitTypeMethod(TypeMethod node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), type);
return type;
// predicate
protected Type visitComparisonPredicate(ComparisonPredicate node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitConjunctionPredicate(ConjunctionPredicate node, Void context)
Type leftType = process(node.getLeft());
requireNonNull(leftType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(leftType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + leftType.getDisplayName());
Type rightType = process(node.getRight());
requireNonNull(rightType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(rightType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + rightType.getDisplayName());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitDisjunctionPredicate(DisjunctionPredicate node, Void context)
Type leftType = process(node.getLeft());
requireNonNull(leftType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(leftType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + leftType.getDisplayName());
Type rightType = process(node.getRight());
requireNonNull(rightType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(rightType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + rightType.getDisplayName());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitExistsPredicate(ExistsPredicate node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitLikeRegexPredicate(LikeRegexPredicate node, Void context)
throw semanticException(NOT_SUPPORTED, pathNode, "like_regex predicate in JSON path is not yet supported");
// TODO when like_regex is supported, this method should do the following:
// process(node.getPath());
// types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
// return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitNegationPredicate(NegationPredicate node, Void context)
Type predicateType = process(node.getPredicate());
requireNonNull(predicateType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(predicateType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + predicateType.getDisplayName());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitStartsWithPredicate(StartsWithPredicate node, Void context)
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
protected Type visitIsUnknownPredicate(IsUnknownPredicate node, Void context)
Type predicateType = process(node.getPredicate());
requireNonNull(predicateType, "missing type of predicate expression");
checkState(predicateType.equals(BOOLEAN), "invalid type of predicate expression: " + predicateType.getDisplayName());
types.put(PathNodeRef.of(node), BOOLEAN);
return BOOLEAN;
public static class JsonPathAnalysis
private final JsonPath path;
private final Map, Type> types;
private final Set> jsonParameters;
public JsonPathAnalysis(JsonPath path, Map, Type> types, Set> jsonParameters)
this.path = requireNonNull(path, "path is null");
this.types = ImmutableMap.copyOf(requireNonNull(types, "types is null"));
this.jsonParameters = ImmutableSet.copyOf(requireNonNull(jsonParameters, "jsonParameters is null"));
public JsonPath getPath()
return path;
public Type getType(PathNode pathNode)
return types.get(PathNodeRef.of(pathNode));
public Map, Type> getTypes()
return types;
public Set> getJsonParameters()
return jsonParameters;