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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.trino.sql.planner;
import io.trino.Session;
import io.trino.sql.PlannerContext;
import io.trino.sql.analyzer.Analysis;
import io.trino.sql.analyzer.Scope;
import io.trino.sql.planner.plan.Assignments;
import io.trino.sql.planner.plan.PlanNode;
import io.trino.sql.planner.plan.ProjectNode;
import io.trino.sql.tree.Expression;
import io.trino.sql.tree.LambdaArgumentDeclaration;
import io.trino.sql.tree.NodeRef;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import static io.trino.sql.planner.ScopeAware.scopeAwareKey;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
class PlanBuilder
private final TranslationMap translations;
private final PlanNode root;
public PlanBuilder(TranslationMap translations, PlanNode root)
requireNonNull(translations, "translations is null");
requireNonNull(root, "root is null");
this.translations = translations;
this.root = root;
public static PlanBuilder newPlanBuilder(RelationPlan plan, Analysis analysis, Map, Symbol> lambdaArguments, Session session, PlannerContext plannerContext)
return newPlanBuilder(plan, analysis, lambdaArguments, ImmutableMap.of(), session, plannerContext);
public static PlanBuilder newPlanBuilder(RelationPlan plan, Analysis analysis, Map, Symbol> lambdaArguments, Map, Symbol> mappings, Session session, PlannerContext plannerContext)
return new PlanBuilder(
new TranslationMap(plan.getOuterContext(), plan.getScope(), analysis, lambdaArguments, plan.getFieldMappings(), mappings, session, plannerContext),
public PlanBuilder withNewRoot(PlanNode root)
return new PlanBuilder(translations, root);
public PlanBuilder withScope(Scope scope, List fields)
return new PlanBuilder(translations.withScope(scope, fields), root);
public PlanNode getRoot()
return root;
public boolean canTranslate(Expression expression)
return translations.canTranslate(expression);
public Symbol translate(Expression expression)
return Symbol.from(translations.rewrite(expression));
public Expression rewrite(Expression expression)
return translations.rewrite(expression);
public TranslationMap getTranslations()
return translations;
public Scope getScope()
return translations.getScope();
public PlanBuilder appendProjections(Iterable expressions, SymbolAllocator symbolAllocator, PlanNodeIdAllocator idAllocator)
return appendProjections(expressions, symbolAllocator, idAllocator, TranslationMap::rewrite, TranslationMap::canTranslate);
public PlanBuilder appendProjections(
Iterable expressions,
SymbolAllocator symbolAllocator,
PlanNodeIdAllocator idAllocator,
BiFunction rewriter,
BiPredicate alreadyHasTranslation)
Assignments.Builder projections = Assignments.builder();
// add an identity projection for underlying plan
Map, Symbol> mappings = new HashMap<>();
for (T expression : expressions) {
// Skip any expressions that have already been translated and recorded in the translation map, or that are duplicated in the list of exp
if (!mappings.containsKey(scopeAwareKey(expression, translations.getAnalysis(), translations.getScope())) && !alreadyHasTranslation.test(translations, expression)) {
Symbol symbol = symbolAllocator.newSymbol(expression, translations.getAnalysis().getType(expression));
projections.put(symbol, rewriter.apply(translations, expression));
mappings.put(scopeAwareKey(expression, translations.getAnalysis(), translations.getScope()), symbol);
return new PlanBuilder(
new ProjectNode(idAllocator.getNextId(), root,;