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io.trino.metadata.Metadata Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.trino.metadata;
import io.airlift.slice.Slice;
import io.trino.Session;
import io.trino.spi.RefreshType;
import io.trino.spi.TrinoException;
import io.trino.spi.connector.AggregateFunction;
import io.trino.spi.connector.AggregationApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.BeginTableExecuteResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.CatalogHandle;
import io.trino.spi.connector.CatalogSchemaName;
import io.trino.spi.connector.CatalogSchemaTableName;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ColumnHandle;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ColumnMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ConnectorCapabilities;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ConnectorOutputMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ConnectorTableMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.connector.Constraint;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ConstraintApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.EntityKindAndName;
import io.trino.spi.connector.EntityPrivilege;
import io.trino.spi.connector.JoinApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.JoinStatistics;
import io.trino.spi.connector.JoinType;
import io.trino.spi.connector.LimitApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.MaterializedViewFreshness;
import io.trino.spi.connector.ProjectionApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.RelationCommentMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.connector.RelationType;
import io.trino.spi.connector.RowChangeParadigm;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SampleApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SampleType;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SaveMode;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SchemaTableName;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SortItem;
import io.trino.spi.connector.SystemTable;
import io.trino.spi.connector.TableColumnsMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.connector.TableFunctionApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.TableScanRedirectApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.TopNApplicationResult;
import io.trino.spi.connector.WriterScalingOptions;
import io.trino.spi.expression.ConnectorExpression;
import io.trino.spi.expression.Constant;
import io.trino.spi.function.AggregationFunctionMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.function.BoundSignature;
import io.trino.spi.function.CatalogSchemaFunctionName;
import io.trino.spi.function.FunctionDependencyDeclaration;
import io.trino.spi.function.FunctionId;
import io.trino.spi.function.FunctionMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.function.LanguageFunction;
import io.trino.spi.function.OperatorType;
import io.trino.spi.predicate.TupleDomain;
import io.trino.spi.statistics.ComputedStatistics;
import io.trino.spi.statistics.TableStatistics;
import io.trino.spi.statistics.TableStatisticsMetadata;
import io.trino.spi.type.Type;
import io.trino.sql.analyzer.TypeSignatureProvider;
import io.trino.sql.planner.PartitioningHandle;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import static io.trino.spi.function.OperatorType.CAST;
public interface Metadata
Set getConnectorCapabilities(Session session, CatalogHandle catalogHandle);
boolean catalogExists(Session session, String catalogName);
boolean schemaExists(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schema);
List listSchemaNames(Session session, String catalogName);
* Returns a table handle for the specified table name.
Optional getTableHandle(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName);
Optional getSystemTable(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName);
Optional getTableHandleForExecute(
Session session,
TableHandle tableHandle,
String procedureName,
Map executeProperties);
Optional getLayoutForTableExecute(Session session, TableExecuteHandle tableExecuteHandle);
BeginTableExecuteResult beginTableExecute(Session session, TableExecuteHandle handle, TableHandle updatedSourceTableHandle);
void finishTableExecute(Session session, TableExecuteHandle handle, Collection fragments, List tableExecuteState);
void executeTableExecute(Session session, TableExecuteHandle handle);
TableProperties getTableProperties(Session session, TableHandle handle);
* Return a table handle whose partitioning is converted to the provided partitioning handle,
* but otherwise identical to the provided table handle.
* The provided table handle must be one that the connector can transparently convert to from
* the original partitioning handle associated with the provided table handle,
* as promised by {@link #getCommonPartitioning}.
TableHandle makeCompatiblePartitioning(Session session, TableHandle table, PartitioningHandle partitioningHandle);
* Return a partitioning handle which the connector can transparently convert both {@code left} and {@code right} into.
Optional getCommonPartitioning(Session session, PartitioningHandle left, PartitioningHandle right);
Optional getInfo(Session session, TableHandle handle);
CatalogSchemaTableName getTableName(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Return table schema definition for the specified table handle.
* Table schema definition is a set of information
* required by semantic analyzer to analyze the query.
* @throws RuntimeException if table handle is no longer valid
* @see #getTableMetadata(Session, TableHandle)
TableSchema getTableSchema(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Return the metadata for the specified table handle.
* @throws RuntimeException if table handle is no longer valid
* @see #getTableSchema(Session, TableHandle) a different method which is less expensive.
TableMetadata getTableMetadata(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Return statistics for specified table.
TableStatistics getTableStatistics(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Get the relation names that match the specified table prefix (never null).
* This includes all relations (e.g. tables, views, materialized views).
List listTables(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Get the relation names that match the specified table prefix (never null).
* This includes all relations (e.g. tables, views, materialized views).
Map getRelationTypes(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Gets all of the columns on the specified table, or an empty map if the columns cannot be enumerated.
* @throws RuntimeException if table handle is no longer valid
Map getColumnHandles(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Gets the metadata for the specified table column.
* @throws RuntimeException if table or column handles are no longer valid
ColumnMetadata getColumnMetadata(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, ColumnHandle columnHandle);
* Gets the columns metadata for all tables that match the specified prefix.
* TODO: consider returning a stream for more efficient processing
List listTableColumns(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix, UnaryOperator> relationFilter);
* Gets the comments metadata for all relations (tables, views, materialized views) that match the specified prefix.
* TODO: consider returning a stream for more efficient processing
List listRelationComments(Session session, String catalogName, Optional schemaName, UnaryOperator> relationFilter);
* Creates a schema.
* @param principal TODO
void createSchema(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schema, Map properties, TrinoPrincipal principal);
* Drops the specified schema.
void dropSchema(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schema, boolean cascade);
* Renames the specified schema.
void renameSchema(Session session, CatalogSchemaName source, String target);
* Set the specified schema's user/role.
void setSchemaAuthorization(Session session, CatalogSchemaName source, TrinoPrincipal principal);
* Creates a table using the specified table metadata.
* @throws TrinoException with {@code ALREADY_EXISTS} if the table already exists and {@code saveMode} is set to FAIL.
void createTable(Session session, String catalogName, ConnectorTableMetadata tableMetadata, SaveMode saveMode);
* Rename the specified table.
void renameTable(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, CatalogSchemaTableName currentTableName, QualifiedObjectName newTableName);
* Set properties to the specified table.
void setTableProperties(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, Map> properties);
* Comments to the specified table.
void setTableComment(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, Optional comment);
* Comments to the specified view.
void setViewComment(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName, Optional comment);
* Comments to the specified view column.
void setViewColumnComment(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName, String columnName, Optional comment);
* Comments to the specified column.
void setColumnComment(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, ColumnHandle column, Optional comment);
* Rename the specified column.
void renameColumn(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, CatalogSchemaTableName table, ColumnHandle source, String target);
* Rename the specified field.
void renameField(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, List fieldPath, String target);
* Add the specified column to the table.
void addColumn(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, CatalogSchemaTableName table, ColumnMetadata column);
* Add the specified field to the column.
void addField(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, List parentPath, String fieldName, Type type, boolean ignoreExisting);
* Set the specified type to the column.
void setColumnType(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, ColumnHandle column, Type type);
* Set the specified type to the field.
void setFieldType(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, List fieldPath, Type type);
* Drop a not null constraint on the specified column.
void dropNotNullConstraint(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, ColumnHandle column);
* Set the authorization (owner) of specified table's user/role
void setTableAuthorization(Session session, CatalogSchemaTableName table, TrinoPrincipal principal);
* Drop the specified column.
void dropColumn(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, CatalogSchemaTableName table, ColumnHandle column);
* Drop the specified field from the column.
void dropField(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, ColumnHandle column, List fieldPath);
* Drops the specified table
* @throws RuntimeException if the table cannot be dropped or table handle is no longer valid
void dropTable(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, CatalogSchemaTableName tableName);
* Truncates the specified table
void truncateTable(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
Optional getNewTableLayout(Session session, String catalogName, ConnectorTableMetadata tableMetadata);
* Return the effective {@link io.trino.spi.type.Type} that is supported by the connector for the given type, if {@link Optional#empty()} is returned, the type will be used as is during table creation which may or may not be supported by the connector.
Optional getSupportedType(Session session, CatalogHandle catalogHandle, Map tableProperties, Type type);
* Begin the atomic creation of a table with data.
OutputTableHandle beginCreateTable(Session session, String catalogName, ConnectorTableMetadata tableMetadata, Optional layout, boolean replace);
* Finish a table creation with data after the data is written.
Optional finishCreateTable(Session session, OutputTableHandle tableHandle, Collection fragments, Collection computedStatistics);
Optional getInsertLayout(Session session, TableHandle target);
* Describes statistics that must be collected during a write.
TableStatisticsMetadata getStatisticsCollectionMetadataForWrite(Session session, CatalogHandle catalogHandle, ConnectorTableMetadata tableMetadata);
* Describe statistics that must be collected during a statistics collection
AnalyzeMetadata getStatisticsCollectionMetadata(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, Map analyzeProperties);
* Begin statistics collection
AnalyzeTableHandle beginStatisticsCollection(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Finish statistics collection
void finishStatisticsCollection(Session session, AnalyzeTableHandle tableHandle, Collection computedStatistics);
* Initialize before query begins
void beginQuery(Session session);
* Cleanup after a query. This is the very last notification after the query finishes, regardless if it succeeds or fails.
* An exception thrown in this method will not affect the result of the query.
void cleanupQuery(Session session);
* Begin insert query
InsertTableHandle beginInsert(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, List columns);
* @return whether connector handles missing columns during insert
boolean supportsMissingColumnsOnInsert(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Finish insert query
Optional finishInsert(Session session, InsertTableHandle tableHandle, List sourceTableHandles, Collection fragments, Collection computedStatistics);
* Returns true if materialized view refresh should be delegated to connector
boolean delegateMaterializedViewRefreshToConnector(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Refresh materialized view
ListenableFuture refreshMaterializedView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Begin refresh materialized view query
InsertTableHandle beginRefreshMaterializedView(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, List sourceTableHandles, RefreshType refreshType);
* Finish refresh materialized view query
Optional finishRefreshMaterializedView(
Session session,
TableHandle tableHandle,
InsertTableHandle insertTableHandle,
Collection fragments,
Collection computedStatistics,
List sourceTableHandles,
List sourceTableFunctions);
* Push update into connector
Optional applyUpdate(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, Map assignments);
* Execute update in connector
OptionalLong executeUpdate(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Push delete into connector
Optional applyDelete(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Execute delete in connector
OptionalLong executeDelete(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Return the row update paradigm supported by the connector on the table or throw
* an exception if row change is not supported.
RowChangeParadigm getRowChangeParadigm(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Get the column handle that will generate row IDs for the merge operation.
* These IDs will be passed to the {@code storeMergedRows()} method of the
* {@link io.trino.spi.connector.ConnectorMergeSink} that created them.
ColumnHandle getMergeRowIdColumnHandle(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Get the physical layout for updated or deleted rows of a MERGE operation.
Optional getUpdateLayout(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Begin merge query
MergeHandle beginMerge(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Finish merge query
void finishMerge(Session session, MergeHandle tableHandle, List sourceTableHandles, Collection fragments, Collection computedStatistics);
* Returns a catalog handle for the specified catalog name.
Optional getCatalogHandle(Session session, String catalogName);
* Gets all the loaded catalogs
List listCatalogs(Session session);
* Get the names that match the specified table prefix (never null).
List listViews(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Get the view definitions that match the specified table prefix (never null).
Map getViews(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
boolean isView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Returns the view definition for the specified view name.
Optional getView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Returns the view definition for the specified view name.
Map getViewProperties(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Gets the schema properties for the specified schema.
Map getSchemaProperties(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schemaName);
* Gets the schema owner for the specified schema.
Optional getSchemaOwner(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schemaName);
* Creates the specified view with the specified view definition.
void createView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName, ViewDefinition definition, Map properties, boolean replace);
* Rename the specified view.
void renameView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName existingViewName, QualifiedObjectName newViewName);
* Set the authorization (owner) of specified view's user/role
void setViewAuthorization(Session session, CatalogSchemaTableName view, TrinoPrincipal principal);
* Drops the specified view.
void dropView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Try to locate a table index that can lookup results by indexableColumns and provide the requested outputColumns.
Optional resolveIndex(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle, Set indexableColumns, Set outputColumns, TupleDomain tupleDomain);
Optional> applyLimit(Session session, TableHandle table, long limit);
Optional> applyFilter(Session session, TableHandle table, Constraint constraint);
Optional> applyProjection(Session session, TableHandle table, List projections, Map assignments);
Optional> applySample(Session session, TableHandle table, SampleType sampleType, double sampleRatio);
Optional> applyAggregation(
Session session,
TableHandle table,
List aggregations,
Map assignments,
List> groupingSets);
Optional> applyJoin(
Session session,
JoinType joinType,
TableHandle left,
TableHandle right,
ConnectorExpression joinCondition,
Map leftAssignments,
Map rightAssignments,
JoinStatistics statistics);
Optional> applyTopN(
Session session,
TableHandle handle,
long topNCount,
List sortItems,
Map assignments);
Optional> applyTableFunction(Session session, TableFunctionHandle handle);
default void validateScan(Session session, TableHandle table) {}
// Roles and Grants
* Does the specified catalog manage security directly, or does it use system security management?
boolean isCatalogManagedSecurity(Session session, String catalog);
* Does the specified role exist.
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
boolean roleExists(Session session, String role, Optional catalog);
* Creates the specified role in the specified catalog.
* @param grantor represents the principal specified by WITH ADMIN statement
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
void createRole(Session session, String role, Optional grantor, Optional catalog);
* Drops the specified role in the specified catalog.
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
void dropRole(Session session, String role, Optional catalog);
* List available roles in specified catalog.
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
Set listRoles(Session session, Optional catalog);
* List roles grants in the specified catalog for a given principal, not recursively.
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
Set listRoleGrants(Session session, Optional catalog, TrinoPrincipal principal);
* Grants the specified roles to the specified grantees in the specified catalog
* @param grantor represents the principal specified by GRANTED BY statement
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
void grantRoles(Session session, Set roles, Set grantees, boolean adminOption, Optional grantor, Optional catalog);
* Revokes the specified roles from the specified grantees in the specified catalog
* @param grantor represents the principal specified by GRANTED BY statement
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
void revokeRoles(Session session, Set roles, Set grantees, boolean adminOption, Optional grantor, Optional catalog);
* List applicable roles, including the transitive grants, for the specified principal
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
Set listApplicableRoles(Session session, TrinoPrincipal principal, Optional catalog);
* List applicable system roles, including the transitive grants, for the given identity.
Set listEnabledRoles(Identity identity);
* List applicable roles, including the transitive grants, in given catalog
* @param catalog if present, the role catalog; otherwise the role is a system role
Set listEnabledRoles(Session session, String catalog);
* Grants the specified privilege to the specified user on the specified schema.
void grantSchemaPrivileges(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schemaName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption);
* Deny the specified privilege to the specified principal on the specified schema.
void denySchemaPrivileges(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schemaName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee);
* Revokes the specified privilege on the specified schema from the specified user.
void revokeSchemaPrivileges(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schemaName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption);
* Grants the specified privilege to the specified user on the specified table
void grantTablePrivileges(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption);
* Deny the specified privilege to the specified principal on the specified table
void denyTablePrivileges(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee);
* Revokes the specified privilege on the specified table from the specified user.
void revokeTablePrivileges(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption);
* Gets the privileges for the specified table available to the given grantee considering the selected session role
List listTablePrivileges(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Gets all the EntityPrivileges associated with an entityKind. Defines ALL PRIVILEGES
* for the entityKind
default Set getAllEntityKindPrivileges(String entityKind)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Grants the specified privileges to the specified user on the specified grantee.
* If the set of privileges is empty, it is interpreted as all privileges for the entityKind.
default void grantEntityPrivileges(Session session, EntityKindAndName entity, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Deny the specified privileges to the specified principal on the specified entity.
* If the set of privileges is empty, it is interpreted as all privileges for the entityKind.
default void denyEntityPrivileges(Session session, EntityKindAndName entity, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Revokes the specified privilege on the specified entity from the specified grantee.
* If the set of privileges is empty, it is interpreted as all privileges for the entityKind.
default void revokeEntityPrivileges(Session session, EntityKindAndName entity, Set privileges, TrinoPrincipal grantee, boolean grantOption)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Functions
Collection listGlobalFunctions(Session session);
Collection listFunctions(Session session, CatalogSchemaName schema);
Collection getFunctions(Session session, CatalogSchemaFunctionName catalogSchemaFunctionName);
ResolvedFunction resolveBuiltinFunction(String name, List parameterTypes);
ResolvedFunction resolveOperator(OperatorType operatorType, List extends Type> argumentTypes)
throws OperatorNotFoundException;
default ResolvedFunction getCoercion(Type fromType, Type toType)
return getCoercion(CAST, fromType, toType);
ResolvedFunction getCoercion(OperatorType operatorType, Type fromType, Type toType);
ResolvedFunction getCoercion(CatalogSchemaFunctionName name, Type fromType, Type toType);
AggregationFunctionMetadata getAggregationFunctionMetadata(Session session, ResolvedFunction resolvedFunction);
FunctionDependencyDeclaration getFunctionDependencies(Session session, CatalogHandle catalogHandle, FunctionId functionId, BoundSignature boundSignature);
Collection getLanguageFunctions(Session session, QualifiedObjectName name);
boolean languageFunctionExists(Session session, QualifiedObjectName name, String signatureToken);
void createLanguageFunction(Session session, QualifiedObjectName name, LanguageFunction function, boolean replace);
void dropLanguageFunction(Session session, QualifiedObjectName name, String signatureToken);
* Creates the specified materialized view with the specified view definition.
void createMaterializedView(
Session session,
QualifiedObjectName viewName,
MaterializedViewDefinition definition,
Map properties,
boolean replace,
boolean ignoreExisting);
* Drops the specified materialized view.
void dropMaterializedView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
* Get the names that match the specified table prefix (never null).
List listMaterializedViews(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Get the materialized view definitions that match the specified table prefix (never null).
Map getMaterializedViews(Session session, QualifiedTablePrefix prefix);
* Is the specified table a materialized view.
default boolean isMaterializedView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName)
return getMaterializedView(session, viewName).isPresent();
* Returns the materialized view definition for the specified view name.
Optional getMaterializedView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName);
Map getMaterializedViewProperties(Session session, QualifiedObjectName objectName, MaterializedViewDefinition materializedViewDefinition);
* Method to get difference between the states of table at two different points in time/or as of given token-ids.
* The method is used by the engine to determine if a materialized view is current with respect to the tables it depends on.
MaterializedViewFreshness getMaterializedViewFreshness(Session session, QualifiedObjectName name);
* Rename the specified materialized view.
void renameMaterializedView(Session session, QualifiedObjectName existingViewName, QualifiedObjectName newViewName);
* Sets the properties of the specified materialized view.
void setMaterializedViewProperties(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName, Map> properties);
* Comments to the specified materialized view column.
void setMaterializedViewColumnComment(Session session, QualifiedObjectName viewName, String columnName, Optional comment);
* Returns the result of redirecting the table scan on a given table to a different table.
* This method is used by the engine during the plan optimization phase to allow a connector to offload table scans to any other connector.
* This method is called after security checks against the original table.
Optional applyTableScanRedirect(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Get the target table handle after performing redirection.
RedirectionAwareTableHandle getRedirectionAwareTableHandle(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName);
* Get the target table handle after performing redirection with a table version.
RedirectionAwareTableHandle getRedirectionAwareTableHandle(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Optional startVersion, Optional endVersion);
* Returns a table handle for the specified table name with a specified version
Optional getTableHandle(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Optional startVersion, Optional endVersion);
* Returns maximum number of tasks that can be created while writing data to specific connector.
* Note: It is ignored when retry policy is set to TASK
OptionalInt getMaxWriterTasks(Session session, String catalogName);
* Workaround to lack of statistics about IO and CPU operations performed by the connector.
* In the long term, this should be replaced by improvements in the cost model.
* @return true if the cumulative cost of splitting a read of the specified tableHandle into multiple reads,
* each of which projects a subset of the required columns, is not significantly more than the cost of reading the specified tableHandle
boolean allowSplittingReadIntoMultipleSubQueries(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);
* Returns writer scaling options for the specified table. This method is called when table handle is not available during CTAS.
WriterScalingOptions getNewTableWriterScalingOptions(Session session, QualifiedObjectName tableName, Map tableProperties);
* Returns writer scaling options for the specified table.
WriterScalingOptions getInsertWriterScalingOptions(Session session, TableHandle tableHandle);