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io.trino.tests.product.hive.TestCreateDropSchema Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.trino.tests.product.hive;
import io.trino.tempto.ProductTest;
import io.trino.tempto.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsClient;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static io.trino.tempto.assertions.QueryAssert.assertQueryFailure;
import static io.trino.testing.TestingNames.randomNameSuffix;
import static io.trino.tests.product.utils.QueryExecutors.onTrino;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class TestCreateDropSchema
extends ProductTest
private HdfsClient hdfsClient;
private String warehouseDirectory;
public void testCreateDropSchema()
String schemaName = "test_drop_schema_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = format("%s/%s.db", warehouseDirectory, schemaName);
onTrino().executeQuery("CREATE SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, true, "schema directory exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE TABLE %s.test_drop (col1 int)", schemaName));
assertQueryFailure(() -> onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName))
.hasMessageContaining("line 1:1: Cannot drop non-empty schema '%s'", schemaName);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("DROP TABLE %s.test_drop", schemaName));
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, false, "schema directory exists after dropping schema");
public void testDropSchemaFiles()
String schemaName = "schema_without_location_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = format("%s/%s.db/", warehouseDirectory, schemaName);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s", schemaName));
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, true, "schema directory exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, false, "schema directory exists after dropping schema");
public void testDropSchemaFilesWithLocation()
String schemaName = "schema_with_empty_location_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = warehouseDirectory + "/schema-with-empty-location/";
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s WITH (location = '%s')", schemaName, schemaDir));
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, true, "schema directory exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, false, "schema directory exists after dropping schema");
@Test // specified location, external file in subdir
public void testDropWithExternalFilesInSubdirectory()
String schemaName = "schema_with_nonempty_location_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = warehouseDirectory + "/schema-with-nonempty-location/";
// Use subdirectory to make sure file check is recursive
String subDir = schemaDir + "subdir/";
String externalFile = subDir + "external-file";
// Create file below schema directory before creating schema
hdfsClient.saveFile(externalFile, "");
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s WITH (location = '%s')", schemaName, schemaDir));
assertFileExistence(externalFile, true, "external file exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(externalFile, true, "external file exists after dropping schema");
@Test // default location, empty external subdir
public void testDropSchemaFilesWithEmptyExternalSubdir()
String schemaName = "schema_with_empty_subdirectory_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = format("%s/%s.db/", warehouseDirectory, schemaName);
String externalSubdir = schemaDir + "external-subdir/";
onTrino().executeQuery("CREATE SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(externalSubdir, true, "external subdirectory exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(externalSubdir, true, "external subdirectory exists after dropping schema");
@Test // default location, transactions without external files
public void testDropSchemaFilesTransactions()
String schemaName = "schema_directory_transactions_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = format("%s/%s.db/", warehouseDirectory, schemaName);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s", schemaName));
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, true, "schema directory exists after creating schema");
onTrino().executeQuery("START TRANSACTION");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, true, "schema directory exists after rollback");
// Sanity check: schema is still working
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (i integer)", schemaName));
onTrino().executeQuery(format("DROP TABLE %s.test_table", schemaName));
onTrino().executeQuery("START TRANSACTION");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(schemaDir, false, "schema directory exists after dropping schema");
@Test // specified location, transaction with top-level external file
public void testDropTransactionsWithExternalFiles()
String schemaName = "schema_transactions_with_external_files_" + randomNameSuffix();
String schemaDir = warehouseDirectory + "/schema-transactions-with-external-files/";
// Create file in schema directory before creating schema
String externalFile = schemaDir + "external-file";
hdfsClient.saveFile(externalFile, "");
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE SCHEMA %s WITH (location = '%s')", schemaName, schemaDir));
onTrino().executeQuery("START TRANSACTION");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(externalFile, true, "external file exists after rolling back drop schema");
// Sanity check: schema is still working
onTrino().executeQuery(format("CREATE TABLE %s.test_table (i integer)", schemaName));
onTrino().executeQuery(format("DROP TABLE %s.test_table", schemaName));
onTrino().executeQuery("START TRANSACTION");
onTrino().executeQuery("DROP SCHEMA " + schemaName);
assertFileExistence(externalFile, true, "schema directory exists after committing drop schema");
private void assertFileExistence(String path, boolean exists, String description)
assertThat(hdfsClient.exist(path)).as("%s (%s)", description, path).isEqualTo(exists);