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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.trino.testing;
import io.trino.Session;
import io.trino.execution.QueryManager;
import io.trino.server.BasicQueryInfo;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Execution;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static;
import static io.trino.SystemSessionProperties.ENABLE_DYNAMIC_FILTERING;
import static io.trino.SystemSessionProperties.ENABLE_LARGE_DYNAMIC_FILTERS;
import static io.trino.execution.QueryState.RUNNING;
import static io.trino.sql.planner.OptimizerConfig.JoinDistributionType.BROADCAST;
import static io.trino.testing.TestingNames.randomNameSuffix;
import static io.trino.testing.assertions.Assert.assertEventually;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newCachedThreadPool;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.ExecutionMode.CONCURRENT;
public abstract class AbstractDistributedEngineOnlyQueries
extends AbstractTestEngineOnlyQueries
private ExecutorService executorService;
public void setUp()
executorService = newCachedThreadPool();
public void shutdown()
if (executorService != null) {
executorService = null;
* Ensure the tests are run with {@link io.trino.testing.DistributedQueryRunner} with multiple workers.
public void ensureDistributedQueryRunner()
assertThat(getQueryRunner().getNodeCount()).as("query runner node count")
public void testTimestampWithTimeZoneLiteralsWithDifferentZone()
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123 Europe/Warsaw'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123+01:00[Europe/Warsaw]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123 Europe/Paris'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123+01:00[Europe/Paris]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456 Europe/Warsaw'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123456+01:00[Europe/Warsaw]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456 Europe/Paris'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123456+01:00[Europe/Paris]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789 Europe/Warsaw'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123456789+01:00[Europe/Warsaw]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789 Europe/Paris'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo(ZonedDateTime.parse("2017-01-02T09:12:34.123456789+01:00[Europe/Paris]"));
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789012 Europe/Warsaw'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo("2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789012 Europe/Warsaw");
assertThat(getQueryRunner().execute("SELECT TIMESTAMP '2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789012 Europe/Paris'").getOnlyValue()).isEqualTo("2017-01-02 09:12:34.123456789012 Europe/Paris");
public void testUse()
assertQueryFails("USE", "Catalog 'invalid' not found");
assertQueryFails("USE tpch.invalid", "Schema does not exist: tpch.invalid");
public void testRoles()
Session invalid = Session.builder(getSession()).setCatalog("invalid").build();
assertQueryFails(invalid, "CREATE ROLE test", "System roles are not enabled");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "CREATE ROLE test", "System roles are not enabled");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "DROP ROLE test", "line 1:1: Role 'test' does not exist");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "GRANT test TO USER foo", "line 1:1: Role 'test' does not exist");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "REVOKE test FROM USER foo", "line 1:1: Role 'test' does not exist");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "SET ROLE test", "line 1:1: Role 'test' does not exist");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "CREATE ROLE test IN invalid", "line 1:1: Catalog 'invalid' not found");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "DROP ROLE test IN invalid", "line 1:1: Catalog 'invalid' not found");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "GRANT test TO USER foo IN invalid", "line 1:1: Catalog 'invalid' not found");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "REVOKE test FROM USER foo IN invalid", "line 1:1: Catalog 'invalid' not found");
assertQueryFails(invalid, "SET ROLE test IN invalid", "line 1:1: Catalog 'invalid' not found");
public void testDuplicatedRowCreateTable()
assertQueryFails("CREATE TABLE test (a integer, a integer)",
"line 1:31: Column name 'a' specified more than once");
assertQueryFails("CREATE TABLE test (a integer, orderkey integer, LIKE orders INCLUDING PROPERTIES)",
"line 1:49: Column name 'orderkey' specified more than once");
assertQueryFails("CREATE TABLE test (a integer, A integer)",
"line 1:31: Column name 'A' specified more than once");
assertQueryFails("CREATE TABLE test (a integer, OrderKey integer, LIKE orders INCLUDING PROPERTIES)",
"line 1:49: Column name 'orderkey' specified more than once");
public void testTooLongQuery()
// Generate a super-long query: SELECT x,x,x,x,x,... FROM (VALUES 1,2,3,4,5) t(x)
@Language("SQL") String longQuery = "SELECT x" + ",x".repeat(500_000) + " FROM (VALUES 1,2,3,4,5) t(x)";
assertQueryFails(longQuery, "Query text length \\(1000037\\) exceeds the maximum length \\(1000000\\)");
public void testTooManyStages()
@Language("SQL") String query = "WITH\n" +
" t1 AS (SELECT nationkey AS x FROM nation where name='UNITED STATES'),\n" +
" t2 AS (SELECT a.x+b.x+c.x+d.x AS x FROM t1 a, t1 b, t1 c, t1 d),\n" +
" t3 AS (SELECT a.x+b.x+c.x+d.x AS x FROM t2 a, t2 b, t2 c, t2 d),\n" +
" t4 AS (SELECT a.x+b.x+c.x+d.x AS x FROM t3 a, t3 b, t3 c, t3 d),\n" +
" t5 AS (SELECT a.x+b.x+c.x+d.x AS x FROM t4 a, t4 b, t4 c, t4 d)\n" +
"SELECT x FROM t5\n";
assertQueryFails(query, "Number of stages in the query \\([0-9]+\\) exceeds the allowed maximum \\([0-9]+\\).*");
public void testRowSubscriptWithReservedKeyword()
// Subscript over field named after reserved keyword. This test needs to run in distributed
// mode, as it uncovers a problem during deserialization plan expressions
"SELECT cast(row(1) AS row(\"cross\" bigint))[1]",
"VALUES 1");
public void testRowTypeWithReservedKeyword()
// This test is here because it only reproduces the issue (
// when running in distributed mode
"SELECT cast(row(1) AS row(\"cross\" bigint)).\"cross\"",
"VALUES 1");
public void testExplain()
"explain select name from nation where abs(nationkey) = 22",
"Estimates: \\{rows: .* \\(.*\\), cpu: .*, memory: .*, network: .*}",
"Trino version: .*");
public void testExplainDistributed()
"explain (type distributed) select name from nation where abs(nationkey) = 22",
"Estimates: \\{rows: .* \\(.*\\), cpu: .*, memory: .*, network: .*}",
"Trino version: .*");
// explain analyze can only run on coordinator
public void testExplainAnalyze()
"EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM (SELECT nationkey, regionkey FROM nation GROUP BY nationkey, regionkey) a, nation b WHERE a.regionkey = b.regionkey",
"Trino version: .*");
"EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM nation a, nation b WHERE a.nationkey = b.nationkey",
"Left \\(probe\\) Input avg\\.: .* rows, Input std\\.dev\\.: .*",
"Right \\(build\\) Input avg\\.: .* rows, Input std\\.dev\\.: .*");
.setSystemProperty(ENABLE_DYNAMIC_FILTERING, "false")
"EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM nation a, nation b WHERE a.nationkey = b.nationkey",
"Left \\(probe\\) Input avg\\.: .* rows, Input std\\.dev\\.: .*",
"Right \\(build\\) Input avg\\.: .* rows, Input std\\.dev\\.: .*");
"EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM nation a, nation b WHERE a.nationkey = b.nationkey",
"Estimates: \\{rows: .* \\(.*\\), cpu: .*, memory: .*, network: .*}");
public void testExplainAnalyzeDynamicFilterInfo()
// ExplainAnalyzeOperator may finish before dynamic filter stats are reported to QueryInfo
assertEventually(() -> assertExplainAnalyze(
.setSystemProperty(ENABLE_LARGE_DYNAMIC_FILTERS, "true")
"EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM nation a, nation b WHERE a.nationkey = b.nationkey",
"Dynamic filters: \n.*ranges=25, \\{\\[0], ..., \\[24]}.* collection time=\\d+.*"));
public void testExplainAnalyzeVerbose()
"'Input rows distribution' = \\{count=.*, p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, min=.*, max=.*}",
"'CPU time distribution \\(s\\)' = \\{count=.*, p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, min=.*, max=.*}",
"'Scheduled time distribution \\(s\\)' = \\{count=.*, p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, min=.*, max=.*}",
"Output buffer active time: .*, buffer utilization distribution \\(%\\): \\{p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, max=.*}",
"Task output distribution: \\{count=.*, p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, max=.*}",
"Task input distribution: \\{count=.*, p01=.*, p05=.*, p10=.*, p25=.*, p50=.*, p75=.*, p90=.*, p95=.*, p99=.*, max=.*}",
"Trino version: .*");
public void testExplainAnalyzeTopLevelTimes()
"Queued: .*s, Analysis: .*s, Planning: .*s, Execution: .*s\n");
public void testInsertWithCoercion()
String tableName = "test_insert_with_coercion_" + randomNameSuffix();
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (" +
"tinyint_column tinyint, " +
"integer_column integer, " +
"decimal_column decimal(5, 3), " +
"real_column real, " +
"char_column char(3), " +
"bounded_varchar_column varchar(3), " +
"unbounded_varchar_column varchar, " +
"date_column date)");
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (tinyint_column, integer_column, decimal_column, real_column) VALUES (1e0, 2e0, 3e0, 4e0)", 1);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (char_column, bounded_varchar_column, unbounded_varchar_column) VALUES (VARCHAR 'aa ', VARCHAR 'aa ', VARCHAR 'aa ')", 1);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (char_column, bounded_varchar_column, unbounded_varchar_column) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL)", 1);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (char_column, bounded_varchar_column, unbounded_varchar_column) VALUES (CAST(NULL AS varchar), CAST(NULL AS varchar), CAST(NULL AS varchar))", 1);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (date_column) VALUES (TIMESTAMP '2019-11-18 22:13:40')", 1);
"SELECT * FROM " + tableName,
"(1, 2, 3, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), " +
"(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'aa ', 'aa ', 'aa ', NULL), " +
"(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DATE '2019-11-18')");
assertQueryFails("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (integer_column) VALUES (3e9)", "Out of range for integer: 3.0E9");
assertQueryFails("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (char_column) VALUES ('abcd')", "\\QCannot truncate non-space characters when casting from varchar(4) to char(3) on INSERT");
assertQueryFails("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (bounded_varchar_column) VALUES ('abcd')", "\\QCannot truncate non-space characters when casting from varchar(4) to varchar(3) on INSERT");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE " + tableName);
public void testCreateTableAsTable()
// Ensure CTA works when the table exposes hidden fields
// First, verify that the table 'nation' contains the expected hidden column 'row_number'
assertThat(query("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns " +
"WHERE table_catalog = 'tpch' and table_schema = 'tiny' and table_name = 'nation' and column_name = 'row_number'"))
.matches("VALUES BIGINT '0'");
assertThat(query("SELECT min(row_number) FROM tpch.tiny.nation"))
.matches("VALUES BIGINT '0'");
assertUpdate(getSession(), "CREATE TABLE n AS TABLE tpch.tiny.nation", 25);
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM n"))
.matches("SELECT * FROM tpch.tiny.nation");
// Verify that hidden column is not present in the created table
assertThat(query("SELECT min(row_number) FROM n"))
.failure().hasMessage("line 1:12: Column 'row_number' cannot be resolved");
assertUpdate(getSession(), "DROP TABLE n");
public void testInsertTableIntoTable()
// Ensure INSERT works when the source table exposes hidden fields
// First, verify that the table 'nation' contains the expected hidden column 'row_number'
assertThat(query("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns " +
"WHERE table_catalog = 'tpch' and table_schema = 'tiny' and table_name = 'nation' and column_name = 'row_number'"))
.matches("VALUES BIGINT '0'");
assertThat(query("SELECT min(row_number) FROM tpch.tiny.nation"))
.matches("VALUES BIGINT '0'");
// Create empty target table for INSERT
assertUpdate(getSession(), "CREATE TABLE n AS TABLE tpch.tiny.nation WITH NO DATA", 0);
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM n"))
.matches("SELECT * FROM tpch.tiny.nation LIMIT 0");
// Verify that the hidden column is not present in the created table
assertThat(query("SELECT row_number FROM n"))
.failure().hasMessage("line 1:8: Column 'row_number' cannot be resolved");
// Insert values from the original table into the created table
assertUpdate(getSession(), "INSERT INTO n TABLE tpch.tiny.nation", 25);
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM n"))
.matches("SELECT * FROM tpch.tiny.nation");
assertUpdate(getSession(), "DROP TABLE n");
public void testImplicitCastToRowWithFieldsRequiringDelimitation()
// source table uses char(4) as ROW fields
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE source_table(r ROW(a char(4), b char(4)))");
// target table uses varchar as ROW fields which will enforce implicit CAST on INSERT
// field names in target table require delimitation
// - "a b" has whitespace
// - "from" is a reserved key word
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE target_table(r ROW(\"a b\" varchar, \"from\" varchar))");
// run INSERT to verify that field names in generated CAST expressions are properly delimited
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO target_table SELECT * from source_table", 0);
public void testQueryTransitionsToRunningState()
String query = format(
// use random marker in query for unique matching below
"SELECT count(*) c_%s FROM lineitem CROSS JOIN lineitem CROSS JOIN lineitem",
QueryRunner queryRunner = getDistributedQueryRunner();
ListenableFuture> queryFuture = Futures.submit(
() -> queryRunner.execute(getSession(), query), executorService);
QueryManager queryManager = queryRunner.getCoordinator().getQueryManager();
assertEventually(() -> {
List queryInfos = queryManager.getQueries().stream()
.filter(q -> q.getQuery().equals(query))
// we are good. Let's kill the query
assertThatThrownBy(queryFuture::get).hasMessageContaining("Query was canceled");
public void testSelectiveLimit()
assertQuery("" +
" (SELECT orderkey AS a FROM tpch.sf10000.orders WHERE orderkey=-1)" +
" UNION ALL SELECT * FROM (values -1) AS t(a))" +
"WHERE a=-1 " +
"LIMIT 1",
"VALUES -1");
public void testRowConstructorColumnLimit()
// Generate a query with 859 columns: SELECT row(col1, col2, ....col859) from t
String colNames = "orderkey, custkey, orderstatus, totalprice, orderpriority, clerk, shippriority, comment, orderdate";
String rowFields = colNames + (", " + colNames).repeat(94) + ", orderkey, custkey, orderstatus, totalprice";
@Language("SQL") String query = "SELECT row(" + rowFields + ") FROM (select * from tpch.tiny.orders limit 1) t(" + colNames + ")";