io.udash.bootstrap.card.UdashCard.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.udash.bootstrap
package card
import io.udash._
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding
import io.udash.bootstrap.list.UdashListGroup
import io.udash.bootstrap.nav.UdashNav
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.{BootstrapStyles, UdashBootstrapComponent}
import io.udash.css.CssView._
import org.scalajs.dom.Element
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
final class UdashCard private(
backgroundColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]],
borderColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]],
textAlignment: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Align]],
textColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]],
override val componentId: ComponentId
)(content: UdashCard#CardElementsFactory => Modifier) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
class CardElementsFactory {
/** Creates header of a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def header(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates footer of a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def footer(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates body of a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def body(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates title of a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def title(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates subtitle of a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def subtitle(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates text paragraph for a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def text(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates link with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def link(link: ReadableProperty[String])(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Creates top image for a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def imgTop(imageSrc: ReadableProperty[String], alternativeText: ReadableProperty[String])(
additionalModifiers: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier
): Modifier =
/** Creates bottom image for a card with a provided content.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def imgBottom(imageSrc: ReadableProperty[String], alternativeText: ReadableProperty[String])(
additionalModifiers: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier
): Modifier =
/** Wraps provided content into an element with `card-img-overlay` style.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def imgOverlay(content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier): Modifier =
/** Puts the provided list group into the card with additional `list-group-flush` style.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def listGroup(list: Binding.NestedInterceptor => UdashListGroup[_, _]): Modifier =
/** Puts the provided navigation tabs into the card with additional `card-header-tabs` style.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def navigationTabs(navigation: Binding.NestedInterceptor => UdashNav[_, _]): Modifier =
/** Puts the provided navigation tabs into the card with additional `card-header-pills` style.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def navigationPills(navigation: Binding.NestedInterceptor => UdashNav[_, _]): Modifier =
override val render: Element = div(
BootstrapStyles.Card.card, componentId,
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Text.align(_: BootstrapStyles.Align, BootstrapStyles.ResponsiveBreakpoint.All)).reactiveOptionApply(textAlignment)),
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Text.color _).reactiveOptionApply(textColor)),
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Background.color _).reactiveOptionApply(backgroundColor)),
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Border.color _).reactiveOptionApply(borderColor)),
content(new CardElementsFactory)
object UdashCard {
* Creates a card component.
* More: Bootstrap Docs.
* @param backgroundColor A card style, one of the standard bootstrap colors `BootstrapStyles.Color`.
* @param borderColor A color of the borders. One of the standard bootstrap colors `BootstrapStyles.Color`.
* @param textAlignment Alignment of a content of tthe card. One of the `BootstrapStyles.Align` values.
* @param textColor A color of the texts inside the card. One of the standard bootstrap colors `BootstrapStyles.Color`.
* @param componentId An id of the root DOM node.
* @param content A factory of the card elements. All elements created with the factory will be cleaned up on the card cleanup.
* @return A `UdashCard` component, call `render` to create a DOM element representing this button.
def apply(
backgroundColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
borderColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
textAlignment: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Align]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
textColor: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Color]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
componentId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
)(content: UdashCard#CardElementsFactory => Modifier): UdashCard = {
new UdashCard(backgroundColor, borderColor, textAlignment, textColor, componentId)(content)
/** Puts the provided cards into a group.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def group(cards: Modifier*): Element =
/** Puts the provided cards into a deck.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def deck(cards: Modifier*): Element =
/** Puts the provided cards into a columns layout.
* More: Bootstrap Docs. */
def columns(cards: Modifier*): Element =