io.udash.bootstrap.list.UdashListGroup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.udash.bootstrap
package list
import io.udash._
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.{BootstrapStyles, UdashBootstrapComponent}
import org.scalajs.dom.Element
final class UdashListGroup[ItemType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[ItemType]] private(
items: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[ItemType, ElemType],
flush: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
override val componentId: ComponentId
)(itemFactory: (ElemType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Element) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
import io.udash.css.CssView._
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
override val render: Element =
componentId, BootstrapStyles.ListGroup.listGroup,
repeatWithNested(items) { (item, nested) =>
itemFactory(item, nested).styles(BootstrapStyles.ListGroup.item)
object UdashListGroup {
* Creates a list group component, synchronised with a provided items sequence.
* More: Bootstrap Docs.
* @param items Data items which will be represented as DOM elements in this group.
* @param flush If true, applies `list-group-flush` style.
* @param componentId An id of the root DOM node.
* @param itemFactory Creates DOM representation of the provided element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @tparam ItemType A single element's type in the `items` sequence.
* @tparam ElemType A type of a property containing an element in the `items` sequence.
* @return A `UdashBreadcrumbs` component, call `render` to create a DOM element.
def apply[ItemType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[ItemType]](
items: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[ItemType, ElemType],
flush: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
componentId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
)(itemFactory: (ElemType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Element): UdashListGroup[ItemType, ElemType] =
new UdashListGroup(items, flush, componentId)(itemFactory)