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package io.udash.bootstrap
package table
import io.udash._
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.{BootstrapStyles, UdashBootstrapComponent}
import org.scalajs.dom._
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
final class UdashTable[ItemType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[ItemType]] private(
items: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[ItemType, ElemType],
responsive: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.ResponsiveBreakpoint]],
dark: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
striped: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
bordered: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
borderless: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
hover: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
small: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
override val componentId: ComponentId
captionFactory: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier],
headerFactory: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier],
rowFactory: (ElemType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Element
) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
import io.udash.css.CssView._
override val render: Element = {
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Table.responsive _).reactiveOptionApply(responsive)),
)( => caption(content(nestedInterceptor)).render), => thead(head(nestedInterceptor)).render),
repeatWithNested(items) { case (item, nested) =>
rowFactory(item, nested)
object UdashTable {
* Creates a table component.
* More: Bootstrap Docs.
* @param items Elements which will be rendered as the table rows.
* @param responsive If defined, the table will be horizontally scrollable on selected screen size.
* @param dark Switch table to the dark theme.
* @param striped Turn on zebra-striping.
* @param bordered Add vertical borders.
* @param borderless Removes all borders.
* @param hover Highlight row on hover.
* @param small Makes table more compact.
* @param componentId An id of the root DOM node.
* @param rowFactory Creates row representation of the table element - it should create the `tr` tag.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param headerFactory Creates table header - it should create the `tr` tag.
* Table without header will be rendered if `None` passed.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param captionFactory Creates table caption - the result will be wrapped into the `caption` tag.
* Table without caption will be rendered if `None` passed.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @tparam ItemType A single element's type in the `items` sequence.
* @tparam ElemType A type of a property containing an element in the `items` sequence.
* @return A `UdashTable` component, call `render` to create a DOM element.
def apply[ItemType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[ItemType]](
items: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[ItemType, ElemType],
responsive: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.ResponsiveBreakpoint]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
dark: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
striped: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
bordered: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
borderless: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
hover: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
small: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
componentId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
rowFactory: (ElemType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Element,
headerFactory: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
captionFactory: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None
): UdashTable[ItemType, ElemType] = {
new UdashTable(
items, responsive, dark, striped, bordered, borderless, hover, small, componentId
)(captionFactory, headerFactory, rowFactory)