Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.udash
package rest.raw
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.ImplicitNotFound
import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.{AsRaw, AsRawReal, AsReal}
import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.GenCodec.ReadFailure
import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.json.{JsonReader, JsonStringInput, JsonStringOutput}
import com.avsystem.commons.{JStringBuilder, Opt, OptArg, _}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* Value used to represent HTTP body. Also used as direct encoding of [[ Body]] parameter in
* [[ CustomBody]] methods.
* Types that have encoding to [[ JsonValue]] automatically have encoding to
* [[ HttpBody]] with `application/json` media type.
* There is also a specialized encoding provided for `Unit` which returns empty HTTP body when writing and ignores
* the body when reading.
sealed trait HttpBody {
def nonEmptyOpt: Opt[HttpBody.NonEmpty] = this match {
case ne: HttpBody.NonEmpty => Opt(ne)
case _ => Opt.Empty
final def textualContentOpt: Opt[String] =
final def readJson(defaultCharset: String = HttpBody.Utf8Charset): JsonValue =
JsonValue(readText(HttpBody.JsonType, defaultCharset))
final def readForm(defaultCharset: String = HttpBody.Utf8Charset): String =
readText(HttpBody.FormType, defaultCharset)
final def readText(requiredMediaType: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty, defaultCharset: String = HttpBody.Utf8Charset): String = this match {
case HttpBody.Empty =>
throw new ReadFailure("Expected non-empty textual body")
case ne: HttpBody.NonEmpty if requiredMediaType.forall(_ == ne.mediaType) =>
case ne: HttpBody.NonEmpty =>
throw new ReadFailure(s"Expected non-empty textual body" +
requiredMediaType.fold("")(mt => s" with media type $mt") +
s" but got body with content type ${ne.contentType}")
final def readBytes(requiredMediaType: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty): Array[Byte] = this match {
case HttpBody.Empty => throw new ReadFailure("Expected non-empty body")
case ne: HttpBody.NonEmpty if requiredMediaType.forall(_ == ne.mediaType) => ne.bytes
case ne: HttpBody.NonEmpty =>
throw new ReadFailure(s"Expected non-empty body" +
requiredMediaType.fold("")(mt => s" with media type $mt") +
s" but got body with content type ${ne.contentType}")
final def defaultStatus: Int = this match {
case HttpBody.Empty => 204
case _ => 200
final def defaultResponse: RestResponse =
RestResponse(defaultStatus, IMapping.empty, this)
object HttpBody extends HttpBodyLowPrio {
case object Empty extends HttpBody
* Non empty body can be either textual or binary. This is mostly an optimization to avoid unnecessary conversions
* between strings and byte arrays. Both [[Binary]] and [[Textual]] can be read as text and as raw bytes.
sealed trait NonEmpty extends HttpBody {
def mediaType: String
def contentType: String
def text(defaultCharset: String = Utf8Charset): String
def bytes: Array[Byte]
* Represents textual HTTP body. A body is considered textual if `Content-Type` has `charset` defined.
final case class Textual(content: String, mediaType: String, charset: String) extends NonEmpty {
def contentType: String = s"$mediaType;charset=$charset"
def text(defaultCharset: String): String = content
lazy val bytes: Array[Byte] = content.getBytes(charset)
* Represents binary HTTP body. A body is considered binary if `Content-Type` does not have `charset` defined.
final case class Binary(bytes: Array[Byte], contentType: String) extends NonEmpty {
def mediaType: String = mediaTypeOf(contentType)
def text(defaultCharset: String): String = defaultCharset match {
case Utf8Charset => utf8text
case _ => new String(bytes, defaultCharset)
lazy val utf8text: String = new String(bytes, Utf8Charset)
override def hashCode(): Int =
MurmurHash3.mixLast(MurmurHash3.bytesHash(bytes), MurmurHash3.stringHash(contentType))
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case Binary(otherBytes, otherContentType) =>
java.util.Arrays.equals(bytes, otherBytes) && contentType == otherContentType
case _ => false
override def toString: String =
s"Binary(${ => f"$b%02X").mkString},$contentType)"
def empty: HttpBody = Empty
def textual(content: String, mediaType: String = PlainType, charset: String = Utf8Charset): HttpBody =
Textual(content, mediaType, charset)
def binary(bytes: Array[Byte], contentType: String = OctetStreamType): HttpBody =
Binary(bytes, contentType)
final val PlainType = "text/plain"
final val JsonType = "application/json"
final val FormType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
final val OctetStreamType = "application/octet-stream"
final val CharsetParamRegex = """;\s*charset=([^;]*)""".r
final val Utf8Charset = "utf-8"
def mediaTypeOf(contentType: String): String =
contentType.indexOf(';') match {
case -1 => contentType.trim
case idx => contentType.substring(0, idx).trim
def charsetOf(contentType: String): Opt[String] =
.map { charset =>
if (charset.startsWith("\"") && charset.endsWith("\""))
charset.substring(1, charset.length - 1)
else charset
def plain(content: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty): HttpBody =, PlainType)).getOrElse(Empty)
def json(json: JsonValue): HttpBody = textual(json.value, JsonType)
def createFormBody(values: Mapping[PlainValue]): HttpBody =
if (values.isEmpty) HttpBody.Empty else textual(PlainValue.encodeQuery(values), FormType)
def parseFormBody(body: HttpBody): Mapping[PlainValue] = body match {
case HttpBody.Empty => Mapping.empty[PlainValue]
case _ => PlainValue.decodeQuery(body.readForm())
def createJsonBody(fields: Mapping[JsonValue]): HttpBody =
if (fields.isEmpty) HttpBody.Empty else {
val sb = new JStringBuilder
val oo = new JsonStringOutput(sb).writeObject()
fields.entries.foreach {
case (key, JsonValue(json)) =>
def parseJsonBody(body: HttpBody): Mapping[JsonValue] = body match {
case HttpBody.Empty => Mapping.empty
case _ =>
val oi = new JsonStringInput(new JsonReader(body.readJson().value)).readObject()
val builder = Mapping.newBuilder[JsonValue]
while (oi.hasNext) {
val fi = oi.nextField()
builder += ((fi.fieldName, JsonValue(fi.readRawJson())))
implicit val emptyBodyForUnit: AsRawReal[HttpBody, Unit] =
AsRawReal.create(_ => HttpBody.Empty, _ => ())
implicit val octetStreamBodyForByteArray: AsRawReal[HttpBody, Array[Byte]] =
AsRawReal.create(binary(_), body => body.readBytes(OctetStreamType))
trait HttpBodyLowPrio { this: HttpBody.type =>
implicit def httpBodyJsonAsRaw[T](implicit jsonAsRaw: AsRaw[JsonValue, T]): AsRaw[HttpBody, T] =
v => HttpBody.json(jsonAsRaw.asRaw(v))
implicit def httpBodyJsonAsReal[T](implicit jsonAsReal: AsReal[JsonValue, T]): AsReal[HttpBody, T] =
v => jsonAsReal.asReal(v.readJson())
@implicitNotFound("Cannot deserialize ${T} from HttpBody, because:\n#{forJson}")
implicit def asRealNotFound[T](
implicit forJson: ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[JsonValue, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[HttpBody, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("Cannot serialize ${T} into HttpBody, because:\n#{forJson}")
implicit def asRawNotFound[T](
implicit forJson: ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[JsonValue, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[HttpBody, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()