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package io.udash
package rest
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.meta.Fallback
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.ImplicitNotFound
import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.{AsRaw, AsRawReal, AsReal, InvalidRpcCall}
import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.json.{JsonStringInput, JsonStringOutput}
import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.{GenCodec, GenKeyCodec}
import{OpenApiMetadata, RestSchema}
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
trait FloatingPointRestImplicits {
implicit final val floatPlainValueAsRealRaw: AsRawReal[PlainValue, Float] =
AsRawReal.create(v => PlainValue(v.toString), _.value.toFloat)
implicit final val doublePlainValueAsRealRaw: AsRawReal[PlainValue, Double] =
AsRawReal.create(v => PlainValue(v.toString), _.value.toDouble)
object FloatingPointRestImplicits extends FloatingPointRestImplicits
trait FutureRestImplicits {
* This `Scheduler` is used only on client-side, effectively only to translate between [[RestRequest]]/[[RestResponse]]
* and native representations of requests and responses for the HTTP client being used (e.g. Jetty).
* Despite that, it is recommended to override this method and provide a customized `Scheduler`
* (possibly shared with other parts of your application) in order to avoid creating too many thread pools.
implicit def clientScheduler: Scheduler =
implicit def futureFromTask: FromTask[Future] =
new FromTask[Future] {
override def fromTask[A](task: Task[A]): Future[A] = task.runToFuture
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid result type of HTTP REST method - it must be a Future")
implicit def httpResponseTypeNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[HttpResponseType[T]] =
object FutureRestImplicits extends FutureRestImplicits
* Defines `GenCodec` and `GenKeyCodec` based serialization for REST API traits.
trait GenCodecRestImplicits extends FloatingPointRestImplicits {
// read failure handling is now baked into macro-generated RPC `AsRaw` implementations but this
// method is left for backwards compatibility - for instances materialized with previous version of macro
protected final def handleReadFailure[T](expr: => T): T =
try expr catch {
case e: InvalidRpcCall => throw e
case NonFatal(cause) => throw new InvalidRpcCall(cause.getMessage, cause)
// Implicits wrapped into `Fallback` so that they don't get higher priority just because they're imported
// This way concrete classes may override these implicits with implicits in their companion objects
implicit def plainValueFallbackAsRealRaw[T: GenKeyCodec]: Fallback[AsRawReal[PlainValue, T]] =
v => PlainValue(GenKeyCodec.write[T](v)),
v => handleReadFailure([T](v.value))
implicit def jsonValueDefaultAsRealRaw[T: GenCodec]: Fallback[AsRawReal[JsonValue, T]] =
v => JsonValue(JsonStringOutput.write[T](v)),
v => handleReadFailure([T](v.value))
@implicitNotFound("Cannot serialize ${T} into PlainValue, most likely because:\n#{forKeyCodec}")
implicit def asRawPlainNotFound[T](
implicit forKeyCodec: ImplicitNotFound[GenKeyCodec[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[PlainValue, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("Cannot deserialize ${T} from PlainValue, most likely because:\n#{forKeyCodec}")
implicit def asRealPlainNotFound[T](
implicit forKeyCodec: ImplicitNotFound[GenKeyCodec[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[PlainValue, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("Cannot serialize ${T} into JsonValue, because:\n#{forGenCodec}")
implicit def asRawJsonNotFound[T](
implicit forGenCodec: ImplicitNotFound[GenCodec[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[JsonValue, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("Cannot deserialize ${T} from JsonValue, because:\n#{forGenCodec}")
implicit def asRealJsonNotFound[T](
implicit forGenCodec: ImplicitNotFound[GenCodec[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[JsonValue, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
object GenCodecRestImplicits extends GenCodecRestImplicits
trait DefaultRestImplicits extends FutureRestImplicits with GenCodecRestImplicits {
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid server REST API trait, does its companion extend " +
"DefaultRestApiCompanion, DefaultRestServerApiCompanion or other companion base?")
implicit def rawRestAsRawNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[RawRest, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid REST API trait, does it have a companion object which extends " +
"DefaultRestApiCompanion or other companion base?")
implicit def restMetadataNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[RestMetadata[T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid REST API trait for OpenAPI generation, does it have a companion object " +
"which extends DefaultRestApiCompanion or other companion base?")
implicit def openapiMetadataNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[OpenApiMetadata[T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid client REST API trait, does it have a companion object that extends " +
"DefaultRestApiCompanion, DefaultRestClientApiCompanion or other companion base?")
implicit def rawRestAsRealNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[RawRest, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("RestSchema for ${T} not found. To provide it for case classes and sealed hierarchies " +
"use RestDataCompanion (which also provides GenCodec)")
implicit def schemaNotFound[T]: ImplicitNotFound[RestSchema[T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
object DefaultRestImplicits extends DefaultRestImplicits