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package io.udash
package rest.raw
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.collection.CrossFactory
import scala.collection.Factory
* Represents an immutable, ordered sequence of key-value pairs with textual keys. Mapping additionally holds a lazy
* initialized map which allows fast lookup by key. When looking up values by key, duplicate entries are dropped and
* only the last value for given key is returned.
* Mappings have O(1) prepend, append and concatenation operations.
final case class Mapping[V](entries: ISeq[(String, V)]) extends AbstractMapping[V] {
type Self = Mapping[V]
def caseSensitive: Boolean = true
protected def createNew(entries: ISeq[(String, V)]): Mapping[V] = Mapping(entries)
object Mapping extends AbstractMappingCompanion[Mapping]
* A version of [[Mapping]] which is case-insensitive when looking up values by key.
* Used primarily to represent [[ Header]] parameter values.
final case class IMapping[V](entries: ISeq[(String, V)]) extends AbstractMapping[V] {
type Self = IMapping[V]
def caseSensitive: Boolean = false
protected def createNew(entries: ISeq[(String, V)]): IMapping[V] = IMapping(entries)
object IMapping extends AbstractMappingCompanion[IMapping]
sealed abstract class AbstractMapping[V] extends PartialFunction[String, V] {
type Self >: this.type <: AbstractMapping[V]
def entries: ISeq[(String, V)]
def caseSensitive: Boolean
protected def createNew(rawEntries: ISeq[(String, V)]): Self
private def normKey(key: String): String =
if (caseSensitive) key else key.toLowerCase
lazy val toMap: IMap[String, V] = { case (name, value) => (normKey(name), value) }.toMap
def isEmpty: Boolean = entries.isEmpty
def nonEmpty: Boolean = entries.nonEmpty
def iterator: Iterator[(String, V)] = entries.iterator
def isDefinedAt(key: String): Boolean =
def apply(key: String): V =
override def applyOrElse[A <: String, B >: V](key: A, default: A => B): B =
if (caseSensitive) toMap.applyOrElse(key, default)
else toMap.applyOrElse(normKey(key), (_: String) => default(key))
def append(key: String, value: V): Self =
if (entries.isEmpty) createNew(List((key, value)))
else createNew(new ConcatSeq(entries, List((key, value))))
def prepend(key: String, value: V): Self =
if (entries.isEmpty) createNew(List((key, value)))
else createNew(new ConcatSeq(List((key, value)), entries))
def ++(other: Self): Self =
if (entries.isEmpty) other
else if (other.entries.isEmpty) this
else createNew(new ConcatSeq(entries, other.entries))
override def hashCode(): Int =
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case mapping: AbstractMapping[_] =>
caseSensitive == mapping.caseSensitive && entries == mapping.entries
case _ => false
override def toString(): String = {
val pref = if (caseSensitive) "Mapping(" else "IMapping("{ case (k, v) => s"$k->$v" }).mkString(pref, ",", ")")
object AbstractMapping {
private class ConcatSeq[+V](first: ISeq[V], second: ISeq[V]) extends ISeq[V] {
require(first.nonEmpty && second.nonEmpty)
def length: Int = first.length + second.length
def apply(idx: Int): V = if (idx < first.length) first(idx) else second(idx)
def iterator: Iterator[V] = first.iterator ++ second.iterator
override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
abstract class AbstractMappingCompanion[M[V] <: AbstractMapping[V]] { companion =>
def apply[V](entries: ISeq[(String, V)]): M[V]
def create[V](entries: (String, V)*): M[V] = apply(
def empty[V]: M[V] = create()
def newBuilder[V]: MBuilder[(String, V), M[V]] =
new MListBuffer[(String, V)].mapResult(create)
private val reusableFactory = new CrossFactory[(String, Any), M[Any]] {
def fromSpecific(it: IterableOnce[(String, Any)]): M[Any] = {
val b = newBuilder
b ++= it
def newBuilder: MBuilder[(String, Any), M[Any]] = companion.newBuilder
implicit def canBuildFrom[V]: Factory[(String, V), M[V]] =
reusableFactory.asInstanceOf[Factory[(String, V), M[V]]]
implicit def toFactory[V](companion: AbstractMappingCompanion[M]): Factory[(String, V), M[V]] =