Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator;
import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutableTriple;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
* A read-only email template ready to be customized into an {@link Email}. An email template already defines the
* sender, subject, HTML body template, text body template, reference properties to interpolate into the body templates,
* and extra attachments to include. To create a template, use {@link #builder()} to obtain a new {@link Builder
* template builder}, invoke the builder's method to set the required values, then {@link Builder#build() build} the
* template. To instantiate a template into an actual email for a specific subject ready to be sent, use
* {@link #getEmailBuilderForSubject}. This already looks up all the answers for the questions referenced in
* {@link #getExtraProperties()} and interpolates the body templates.
* An alternative way to configure an email template is through {@code cards:EmailTemplate} nodes. Each such node
* defines all the required properties like the Sender and {@link #getSubject() Subject}, the {@link #getHtmlTemplate()
* HTML} and {@link #getTextTemplate() text templates}, can hold other properties to be used as
* {@link #getExtraProperties() extra properties}, and any other children will be used as {@link #getInlineAttachments()
* attachments}. To build a template starting from such a Node, use {@link #builder(Node, ResourceResolver)}.
* @see Email
* @version $Id: 69ed4cda81f05bf9a191cd556151efce7f8bec89 $
public class EmailTemplate
/** JCR nodetype for nodes holding email templates. */
public static final String NODETYPE = "cards:EmailTemplate";
/** JCR nodetype for nodes holding extra attachments to include in the email. */
public static final String OTHER_ATTACHMENTS_NODETYPE = "nt:file";
/** Property of template nodes holding the sender email address. */
public static final String SENDER_ADDRESS_PROPERTY = "senderAddress";
/** Property of template nodes holding the sender display name. */
public static final String SENDER_NAME_PROPERTY = "senderName";
/** Property of template nodes holding the (optional) reply-to email address. */
public static final String REPLY_TO_ADDRESS_PROPERTY = "replyToAddress";
/** Property of template nodes holding the (optional) reply-to display name. */
public static final String REPLY_TO_NAME_PROPERTY = "replyToName";
/** Property of template nodes holding the subject line. */
public static final String SUBJECT_PROPERTY = "subject";
/** Name of the child node holding the HTML body template. */
public static final String HTML_TEMPLATE_NODE = "bodyTemplate.html";
/** Name of the child node holding the fallback plain text template. */
public static final String TEXT_TEMPLATE_NODE = "bodyTemplate.txt";
/** The node where elements common to all email templates can be placed. */
public static final String COMMON_TEMPLATE_NODE = "/apps/cards/mailTemplates/";
/** The node where inline attachments common to all email templates can be placed. */
public static final String COMMON_ATTACHMENTS_NODE = COMMON_TEMPLATE_NODE + "commonAttachments";
* An optional child node of the email template, holding a prefix for the HTML body template. If present, this will
* override the common HTML header and will be added before the HTML body template of each email template.
public static final String HTML_BODY_HEADER = "bodyTemplate.header.html";
* An optional node holding a common prefix for the HTML body template. If present, this will be added before the
* HTML body template of each email template.
* An optional child node of the email template, holding a suffix for the HTML body template. If present, this will
* override the common HTML footer and will be added after the HTML body template of each email template.
public static final String HTML_BODY_FOOTER = "bodyTemplate.footer.html";
* An optional node holding a common suffix for the HTML body template. If present, this will be added after the
* HTML body template of each email template.
* An optional child node of the email template, holding a prefix for the plain text body template. If present, this
* will override the common plain text header and will be added before the body template of each email template.
public static final String TEXT_BODY_HEADER = "bodyTemplate.header.txt";
* An optional node holding a common prefix for the plain text body template. If present, this will be added before
* the text body template of each email template.
* An optional child node of the email template, holding a suffix for the plain text body template. If present, this
* will override the common plain text footer and will be added after the body template of each email template.
public static final String TEXT_BODY_FOOTER = "bodyTemplate.footer.txt";
* An optional node holding a common suffix for the plain text body template. If present, this will be added after
* the text body template of each email template.
private String senderAddress;
private String senderName;
private String replyToAddress;
private String replyToName;
private String subject;
private String htmlTemplate;
private String textTemplate;
private final Map properties = new HashMap<>();
private final List> inlineAttachments = new LinkedList<>();
protected EmailTemplate()
// Nothing to do, this just makes the class uninstantiable
protected EmailTemplate(final EmailTemplate other)
this.senderAddress = other.senderAddress;
this.senderName = other.senderName;
this.replyToAddress = other.replyToAddress;
this.replyToName = other.replyToName;
this.subject = other.subject;
this.htmlTemplate = other.htmlTemplate;
this.textTemplate = other.textTemplate;
* The email address the email is sent from, part of the {@code From} email header together with
* {@link #getSenderName()}.
* @return an email address
public String getSenderAddress()
return this.senderAddress;
* The name displayed as the sender, part of the {@code From} email header together with
* {@link #getSenderAddress()}.
* @return a name
public String getSenderName()
return this.senderName;
* The email address to send replies to, part of the {@code Reply-To} email header together with
* {@link #getReplyToName()}.
* @return an email address
public String getReplyToAddress()
return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(this.replyToAddress, getSenderAddress());
* The name displayed as the reply-to destination, part of the {@code Reply-To} email header together with
* {@link #getReplyToAddress()}.
* @return a name
public String getReplyToName()
return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(this.replyToName, getSenderName());
* The title of the email, the {@code Subject} email header.
* @return a subject
public String getSubject()
// TODO Add support for variable interpolation in the subject
return this.subject;
* A set of extra properties to include as variables available for substitution in the email body templates. The key
* of the map is the variable name exposed in the template. The value can be either a path to a JCR question node, a
* path to a JCR property, or a simple value. when instantiating the template into an actual email for a specific
* subject:
* - If it's a question reference, an answer to it for the subject will be looked up, and the first such answer,
* if any, will be used in the template.
- If it's a JCR property, the value of the property will be used.
- If it's a simple value, not a JCR reference, the value is used as-is.
* @return a map from a variable name to a path to a question node
public Map getExtraProperties()
return new HashMap<>(;
* A set of extra attachments to include inline in the email. Usually, these are images displayed inline with
* {@code src="cid:imageName.png"} in the HTML body. Each attachments has three parts: the name of the attachment,
* which is how the attachment can be referenced with the {@code cid:} syntax; the MIME type of the attachment; and
* the actual content as a byte array.
* @return a list of triples [name, MIME type, content]
public List> getInlineAttachments()
return new LinkedList<>(this.inlineAttachments);
* The template for the HTML part of the email body. The template can contain placeholders for variables to be
* filled in for a specific email instance, using the ${variable} syntax. Such variables can be set in
* {@link #getExtraProperties()} or passed in {@link #getEmailBuilderForSubject(Node, Map, FormUtils)}.
* @return a large string, may be {@code null} if no HTML body is to be used
public String getHtmlTemplate()
return this.htmlTemplate;
* The template for the plain text part of the email body. The template can contain placeholders for variables to be
* filled in for a specific email instance, using the ${variable} syntax. Such variables can be set in
* {@link #getExtraProperties()} or passed in {@link #getEmailBuilderForSubject(Node, Map, FormUtils)}.
* @return a large string, may be {@code null} if no plain text body is to be used
public String getTextTemplate()
return this.textTemplate;
* Start instantiating the template into an actual email by obtaining an email builder based on this template. No
* extra processing of the template is done, the body templates must be manually
* {@link EmailUtils#renderEmailTemplate(String, Map) interpolated} and
* {@link Email.Builder#withBody(String, String) passed into the email builder}.
* @return an email builder based on this template
public Email.Builder getEmailBuilder()
return new Email.Builder(this);
* Start instantiating the template into an actual email for a specific subject by obtaining an email builder based
* on this template, with the body templates already interpolated with answers to the referenced questions for the
* targeted subject and the additional properties passed to this method. A specific recipient name and email address
* {@link Email.Builder#withRecipient(String, String) must be set} before the email can be built.
* @param subject a subject node whose answers will be used in the body template
* @param extraProperties additional properties to interpolate in the body template, a map from variable name to
* actual value
* @param formUtils utilities for working with forms
* @return an email builder based on this template, interpolated for the target subject
public Email.Builder getEmailBuilderForSubject(Node subject, Map extraProperties,
FormUtils formUtils)
final Email.Builder builder = getEmailBuilder();
final Map actualProperties = getProperties(subject, extraProperties, formUtils);
EmailUtils.renderEmailTemplate(this.htmlTemplate, actualProperties),
EmailUtils.renderEmailTemplate(this.textTemplate, actualProperties));
return builder;
* Start building a template from scratch.
* @return a new template builder
public static final Builder builder()
return new Builder();
* Start building a template based on the stored template node. If the template node is fully configured, the
* template can be directly {@link Builder#build() built} after this, but, if needed, other properties or
* attachments may be manually added before finalizing the template.
* @param template a JCR node of type {@code cards:EmailTemplate}
* @param resolver a resource resolver, needed for determining the MIME type of attachments
* @return a template builder already set up with the data from the node
* @throws RepositoryException if accessing the repository fails
* @throws IOException if reading attachments fails
public static final Builder builder(final Node template, final ResourceResolver resolver)
throws RepositoryException, IOException
return new Builder(template, resolver);
private Map getProperties(final Node subject, final Map extraProperties,
final FormUtils formUtils)
final Map actualProperties = new HashMap<>(extraProperties);, path) -> {
try {
final Session session = subject.getSession();
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
actualProperties.put(name, path);
} else if (session.nodeExists(path)) {
final Node questionNode = session.getNode(path);
final Collection answers =
formUtils.findAllSubjectRelatedAnswers(subject, questionNode,
if (!answers.isEmpty()) {
Object answer = formUtils.getValue(answers.iterator().next());
actualProperties.put(name, getAnswerValue(answer));
} else if (session.propertyExists(path)) {
actualProperties.put(name, getPropertyValue(session.getProperty(path)));
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
return actualProperties;
private String getAnswerValue(final Object value)
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
final Object[] values = (Object[]) value;
final List results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object v : values) {
return StringUtils.join(results, ", ");
} else {
return getSingleAnswerValue(value);
private String getSingleAnswerValue(final Object value)
if (value instanceof Calendar) {
final DateFormat sdf = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
sdf.setTimeZone(((Calendar) value).getTimeZone());
return sdf.format(((Calendar) value).getTime());
} else {
return value.toString();
private String getPropertyValue(final Property property) throws RepositoryException
if (property.isMultiple()) {
final List results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Value v : property.getValues()) {
return StringUtils.join(results, ", ");
} else {
return getSinglePropertyValue(property.getValue());
private String getSinglePropertyValue(final Value value) throws RepositoryException
if (value.getType() == PropertyType.DATE) {
Calendar date = value.getDate();
final DateFormat sdf = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
return sdf.format(date.getTime());
} else {
return value.getString();
* A builder for {@link EmailTemplate}. New instances can be obtained by calling {@link EmailTemplate#builder()} or
* {@link EmailTemplate#builder(Node, ResourceResolver)}.
* @version $Id: 69ed4cda81f05bf9a191cd556151efce7f8bec89 $
public static final class Builder
private final EmailTemplate instance;
private Builder()
this.instance = new EmailTemplate();
private Builder(final Node template, final ResourceResolver resolver) throws RepositoryException, IOException
readTemplateAttachments(template, resolver);
* Set a HTML body template for the email template. Optional, a template can have only a text body, or an actual
* email body may be set directly on the email builder.
* @param body a large string
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withHtmlTemplate(String body)
this.instance.htmlTemplate = body;
return this;
* Set a plain text body template for the email template. Optional, a template can have only a HTML body, or an
* actual email body may be set directly on the email builder.
* @param body a large string
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withTextTemplate(final String body)
this.instance.textTemplate = body;
return this;
* Set the sender email address. Mandatory.
* @param address a valid email address
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withSenderAddress(final String address)
this.instance.senderAddress = address;
return this;
* Set the sender's display name. Optional.
* @param name a display name
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withSenderName(final String name)
this.instance.senderName = name;
return this;
* Set the sender email address and display name.
* @param address a valid email address
* @param name a display name
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withSender(final String address, final String name)
this.instance.senderAddress = address;
this.instance.senderName = name;
return this;
* Set the email address to reply to. Optional, defaults to the sender address.
* @param address a valid email address
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withReplyToAddress(final String address)
this.instance.replyToAddress = address;
return this;
* Set the display name for the reply-to email. Optional, defaults to the sender name.
* @param name a display name
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withReplyToName(final String name)
this.instance.replyToName = name;
return this;
* Set the reply-to email address and display name.
* @param address a valid email address
* @param name a display name
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withReplyTo(final String address, final String name)
this.instance.replyToAddress = address;
this.instance.replyToName = name;
return this;
* Set the email Subject.
* @param subject a short string
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withSubject(final String subject)
this.instance.subject = subject;
return this;
* Add an additional property to be used in the email body when instantiating the template.
* @param name the name of the variable to be used in the body template
* @param value a path to a JCR question node, a path to a JCR property, or just a simple string value
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withProperty(final String name, final String value)
{, value);
return this;
* Add an additional inline attachment to be used in the email.
* @param name the name of the attachment, and the name to be used as the content ID (cid)
* @param mimeType the MIME type of the attachment
* @param value the actual body as a byte array
* @return same builder instance for method chaining
public Builder withInlineAttachment(final String name, final String mimeType, final byte[] value)
// Clean up any old version of the attachment to allow overriding a common attachment with an
// instance-specific one
this.instance.inlineAttachments.removeIf(attachment -> attachment.getLeft().equals(name));
this.instance.inlineAttachments.add(new ImmutableTriple<>(name, mimeType, value));
return this;
* Retrieve the built {@link EmailTemplate} instance. The builder should be discarded after this.
* @return an {@link EmailTemplate} instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if either the sender address or subject are not set
public EmailTemplate build() throws IllegalStateException
if (this.instance.senderAddress == null || this.instance.subject == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Email template isn't ready yet");
return this.instance;
private void readTemplateProperties(final Node template)
throws RepositoryException
PropertyIterator properties = template.getProperties();
while (properties.hasNext()) {
Property property = properties.nextProperty();
String name = property.getName();
if (name.startsWith("jcr:") || name.startsWith("sling:") || property.isMultiple()) {
String value = property.getValue().getString();
switch (name) {
case EmailTemplate.SENDER_NAME_PROPERTY:
case EmailTemplate.REPLY_TO_NAME_PROPERTY:
case EmailTemplate.SUBJECT_PROPERTY:
withProperty(name, property.getString());
private void readCommonAttachments(final ResourceResolver resolver)
throws RepositoryException, IOException
final Resource commonAttachmentsResource = resolver.getResource(COMMON_ATTACHMENTS_NODE);
if (commonAttachmentsResource == null) {
final NodeIterator children = commonAttachmentsResource.adaptTo(Node.class).getNodes();
while (children.hasNext()) {
Node child = children.nextNode();
if (child.isNodeType("nt:file")
&& !"skipAttachment_" + child.getName())) {
withInlineAttachment(child.getName(), getMimeType(child, resolver), readFileAsBytes(child));
private void readTemplateAttachments(final Node template, final ResourceResolver resolver)
throws RepositoryException, IOException
final Session session = template.getSession();
String htmlBodyHeader = session.nodeExists(COMMON_HTML_BODY_HEADER)
? readFileAsString(session.getNode(COMMON_HTML_BODY_HEADER)) : "";
String htmlBody = "";
String htmlBodyFooter = session.nodeExists(COMMON_HTML_BODY_FOOTER)
? readFileAsString(session.getNode(COMMON_HTML_BODY_FOOTER)) : "";
String textBodyHeader = session.nodeExists(COMMON_TEXT_BODY_HEADER)
? readFileAsString(session.getNode(COMMON_TEXT_BODY_HEADER)) : "";
String textBody = "";
String textBodyFooter = session.nodeExists(COMMON_TEXT_BODY_FOOTER)
? readFileAsString(session.getNode(COMMON_TEXT_BODY_FOOTER)) : "";
NodeIterator children = template.getNodes();
while (children.hasNext()) {
Node child = children.nextNode();
if (EmailTemplate.HTML_BODY_HEADER.equals(child.getName())) {
htmlBodyHeader = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (EmailTemplate.HTML_TEMPLATE_NODE.equals(child.getName())) {
htmlBody = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (EmailTemplate.HTML_BODY_FOOTER.equals(child.getName())) {
htmlBodyFooter = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (EmailTemplate.TEXT_BODY_HEADER.equals(child.getName())) {
textBodyHeader = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (EmailTemplate.TEXT_TEMPLATE_NODE.equals(child.getName())) {
textBody = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (EmailTemplate.TEXT_BODY_FOOTER.equals(child.getName())) {
textBodyFooter = readFileAsString(child);
} else if (child.isNodeType("nt:file")) {
withInlineAttachment(child.getName(), getMimeType(child, resolver), readFileAsBytes(child));
withHtmlTemplate(htmlBodyHeader + htmlBody + htmlBodyFooter);
withTextTemplate(textBodyHeader + textBody + textBodyFooter);
private String readFileAsString(final Node node) throws IOException, RepositoryException
try {
return IOUtils.toString(getFileStream(node), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
return "";
private byte[] readFileAsBytes(final Node node) throws IOException, RepositoryException
return getFileStream(node).readAllBytes();
private InputStream getFileStream(final Node node) throws RepositoryException
return node.getNode("jcr:content").getProperty("jcr:data").getBinary().getStream();
private String getMimeType(final Node node, final ResourceResolver resolver)
try {
return resolver.getResource(node.getPath()).getResourceMetadata().getContentType();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "application/octet-stream";
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