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io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletOutputStreamImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.servlet.spec;

import static org.xnio.Bits.allAreClear;
import static org.xnio.Bits.anyAreClear;
import static org.xnio.Bits.anyAreSet;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import javax.servlet.DispatcherType;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.WriteListener;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import org.xnio.Buffers;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.channels.Channels;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSinkChannel;
import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http.HttpAttachments;
import io.undertow.servlet.UndertowServletMessages;
import io.undertow.servlet.handlers.ServletRequestContext;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;

 * This stream essentially has two modes. When it is being used in standard blocking mode then
 * it will buffer in the pooled buffer. If the stream is closed before the buffer is full it will
 * set a content-length header if one has not been explicitly set.

* If a content-length header was present when the stream was created then it will automatically * close and flush itself once the appropriate amount of data has been written. *

* Once the listener has been set it goes into async mode, and writes become non blocking. Most methods * have two different code paths, based on if the listener has been set or not *

* Once the write listener has been set operations must only be invoked on this stream from the write * listener callback. Attempting to invoke from a different thread will result in an IllegalStateException. *

* Async listener tasks are queued in the {@link AsyncContextImpl}. At most one lister can be active at * one time, which simplifies the thread safety requirements. * * @author Stuart Douglas */ public class ServletOutputStreamImpl extends ServletOutputStream implements BufferWritableOutputStream { private final ServletRequestContext servletRequestContext; private PooledByteBuffer pooledBuffer; private ByteBuffer buffer; private Integer bufferSize; private StreamSinkChannel channel; private long written; private volatile int state; private AsyncContextImpl asyncContext; private WriteListener listener; private WriteChannelListener internalListener; /** * buffers that are queued up to be written via async writes. This will include * {@link #buffer} as the first element, and maybe a user supplied buffer that * did not fit */ private ByteBuffer[] buffersToWrite; private FileChannel pendingFile; private static final int FLAG_CLOSED = 1; private static final int FLAG_WRITE_STARTED = 1 << 1; private static final int FLAG_READY = 1 << 2; private static final int FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN = 1 << 3; private static final int FLAG_IN_CALLBACK = 1 << 4; //TODO: should this be configurable? private static final int MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE = 6; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater stateUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ServletOutputStreamImpl.class, "state"); /** * Construct a new instance. No write timeout is configured. */ public ServletOutputStreamImpl(final ServletRequestContext servletRequestContext) { this.servletRequestContext = servletRequestContext; } /** * Construct a new instance. No write timeout is configured. */ public ServletOutputStreamImpl(final ServletRequestContext servletRequestContext, int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.servletRequestContext = servletRequestContext; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void write(final int b) throws IOException { write(new byte[]{(byte) b}, 0, 1); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void write(final byte[] b) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED) || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamIsClosed(); } if (len < 1) { return; } if (listener == null) { ByteBuffer buffer = buffer(); if (buffer.remaining() < len) { writeTooLargeForBuffer(b, off, len, buffer); } else { buffer.put(b, off, len); if (buffer.remaining() == 0) { writeBufferBlocking(false); } } updateWritten(len); } else { writeAsync(b, off, len); } } private void writeTooLargeForBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { //so what we have will not fit. //We allocate multiple buffers up to MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE //and put it in them //if it still dopes not fit we loop, re-using these buffers StreamSinkChannel channel =; if (channel == null) { = channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } final ByteBufferPool bufferPool = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getConnection().getByteBufferPool(); ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE + 1]; PooledByteBuffer[] pooledBuffers = new PooledByteBuffer[MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE]; try { buffers[0] = buffer; int bytesWritten = 0; int rem = buffer.remaining(); buffer.put(b, bytesWritten + off, rem); buffer.flip(); bytesWritten += rem; int bufferCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE; ++i) { PooledByteBuffer pooled = bufferPool.allocate(); pooledBuffers[bufferCount - 1] = pooled; buffers[bufferCount++] = pooled.getBuffer(); ByteBuffer cb = pooled.getBuffer(); int toWrite = len - bytesWritten; if (toWrite > cb.remaining()) { rem = cb.remaining(); cb.put(b, bytesWritten + off, rem); cb.flip(); bytesWritten += rem; } else { cb.put(b, bytesWritten + off, toWrite); bytesWritten = len; cb.flip(); break; } } Channels.writeBlocking(channel, buffers, 0, bufferCount); while (bytesWritten < len) { //ok, it did not fit, loop and loop and loop until it is done bufferCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS_TO_ALLOCATE + 1; ++i) { ByteBuffer cb = buffers[i]; cb.clear(); bufferCount++; int toWrite = len - bytesWritten; if (toWrite > cb.remaining()) { rem = cb.remaining(); cb.put(b, bytesWritten + off, rem); cb.flip(); bytesWritten += rem; } else { cb.put(b, bytesWritten + off, toWrite); bytesWritten = len; cb.flip(); break; } } Channels.writeBlocking(channel, buffers, 0, bufferCount); } buffer.clear(); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pooledBuffers.length; ++i) { PooledByteBuffer p = pooledBuffers[i]; if (p == null) { break; } p.close(); } } } private void writeAsync(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (anyAreClear(state, FLAG_READY)) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamNotReady(); } //even though we are in async mode we are still buffering try { ByteBuffer buffer = buffer(); if (buffer.remaining() > len) { buffer.put(b, off, len); } else { buffer.flip(); final ByteBuffer userBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(b, off, len); final ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[]{buffer, userBuffer}; long toWrite = Buffers.remaining(bufs); long res; long written = 0; createChannel(); setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); do { res = channel.write(bufs); written += res; if (res == 0) { //write it out with a listener //but we need to copy any extra data final ByteBuffer copy = ByteBuffer.allocate(userBuffer.remaining()); copy.put(userBuffer); copy.flip(); this.buffersToWrite = new ByteBuffer[]{buffer, copy}; clearFlags(FLAG_READY); return; } } while (written < toWrite); buffer.clear(); } } finally { updateWrittenAsync(len); } } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer[] buffers) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED) || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamIsClosed(); } int len = 0; for (ByteBuffer buf : buffers) { len += buf.remaining(); } if (len < 1) { return; } if (listener == null) { //if we have received the exact amount of content write it out in one go //this is a common case when writing directly from a buffer cache. if (this.written == 0 && len == servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getContentLength()) { if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } Channels.writeBlocking(channel, buffers, 0, buffers.length); setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); } else { ByteBuffer buffer = buffer(); if (len < buffer.remaining()) { Buffers.copy(buffer, buffers, 0, buffers.length); } else { if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } if (buffer.position() == 0) { Channels.writeBlocking(channel, buffers, 0, buffers.length); } else { final ByteBuffer[] newBuffers = new ByteBuffer[buffers.length + 1]; buffer.flip(); newBuffers[0] = buffer; System.arraycopy(buffers, 0, newBuffers, 1, buffers.length); Channels.writeBlocking(channel, newBuffers, 0, newBuffers.length); buffer.clear(); } setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); } } updateWritten(len); } else { if (anyAreClear(state, FLAG_READY)) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamNotReady(); } //even though we are in async mode we are still buffering try { ByteBuffer buffer = buffer(); if (buffer.remaining() > len) { Buffers.copy(buffer, buffers, 0, buffers.length); } else { final ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[buffers.length + 1]; buffer.flip(); bufs[0] = buffer; System.arraycopy(buffers, 0, bufs, 1, buffers.length); long toWrite = Buffers.remaining(bufs); long res; long written = 0; createChannel(); setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); do { res = channel.write(bufs); written += res; if (res == 0) { //write it out with a listener //but we need to copy any extra data //TODO: should really allocate from the pool here final ByteBuffer copy = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) Buffers.remaining(buffers)); Buffers.copy(copy, buffers, 0, buffers.length); copy.flip(); this.buffersToWrite = new ByteBuffer[]{buffer, copy}; clearFlags(FLAG_READY); channel.resumeWrites(); return; } } while (written < toWrite); buffer.clear(); } } finally { updateWrittenAsync(len); } } } @Override public void write(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws IOException { write(new ByteBuffer[]{byteBuffer}); } void updateWritten(final long len) throws IOException { this.written += len; long contentLength = servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getContentLength(); if (contentLength != -1 && this.written >= contentLength) { close(); } } void updateWrittenAsync(final long len) throws IOException { this.written += len; long contentLength = servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getContentLength(); if (contentLength != -1 && this.written >= contentLength) { setFlags(FLAG_CLOSED); //if buffersToWrite is set we are already flushing //so we don't have to do anything if (buffersToWrite == null && pendingFile == null) { if (flushBufferAsync(true)) { channel.shutdownWrites(); setFlags(FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN); channel.flush(); if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); buffer = null; pooledBuffer = null; } } } } } private boolean flushBufferAsync(final boolean writeFinal) throws IOException { ByteBuffer[] bufs = buffersToWrite; if (bufs == null) { ByteBuffer buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer == null || buffer.position() == 0) { return true; } buffer.flip(); bufs = new ByteBuffer[]{buffer}; } long toWrite = Buffers.remaining(bufs); if (toWrite == 0) { //we clear the buffer, so it can be written to again buffer.clear(); return true; } setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); createChannel(); long res; long written = 0; do { if (writeFinal) { res = channel.writeFinal(bufs); } else { res = channel.write(bufs); } written += res; if (res == 0) { //write it out with a listener clearFlags(FLAG_READY); buffersToWrite = bufs; channel.resumeWrites(); return false; } } while (written < toWrite); buffer.clear(); return true; } /** * Returns the underlying buffer. If this has not been created yet then * it is created. *

* Callers that use this method must call {@link #updateWritten(long)} to update the written * amount. *

* This allows the buffer to be filled directly, which can be more efficient. *

* This method is basically a hack that should only be used by the print writer * * @return The underlying buffer */ ByteBuffer underlyingBuffer() { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED)) { return null; } return buffer(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void flush() throws IOException { //according to the servlet spec we ignore a flush from within an include if (servletRequestContext.getOriginalRequest().getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.INCLUDE || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { return; } if (servletRequestContext.getDeployment().getDeploymentInfo().isIgnoreFlush() && servletRequestContext.getExchange().isRequestComplete() && servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getHeader(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING_STRING) == null) { //we mark the stream as flushed, but don't actually flush //because in most cases flush just kills performance //we only do this if the request is fully read, so that http tunneling scenarios still work servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().setIgnoredFlushPerformed(true); return; } flushInternal(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void flushInternal() throws IOException { if (listener == null) { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED)) { //just return return; } if (buffer != null && buffer.position() != 0) { writeBufferBlocking(false); } if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } Channels.flushBlocking(channel); } else { if (anyAreClear(state, FLAG_READY)) { return; } createChannel(); if (buffer == null || buffer.position() == 0) { //nothing to flush, we just flush the underlying stream //it does not matter if this succeeds or not channel.flush(); return; } //we have some data in the buffer, we can just write it out //if the write fails we just compact, rather than changing the ready state setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); buffer.flip(); long res; do { res = channel.write(buffer); } while (buffer.hasRemaining() && res != 0); if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { channel.flush(); } buffer.compact(); } } @Override public void transferFrom(FileChannel source) throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED) || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamIsClosed(); } if (listener == null) { if (buffer != null && buffer.position() != 0) { writeBufferBlocking(false); } if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } long position = source.position(); long count = source.size() - position; Channels.transferBlocking(channel, source, position, count); updateWritten(count); } else { setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); createChannel(); long pos = 0; try { long size = source.size(); pos = source.position(); while (size - pos > 0) { long ret = channel.transferFrom(pendingFile, pos, size - pos); if (ret <= 0) { clearFlags(FLAG_READY); pendingFile = source; source.position(pos); channel.resumeWrites(); return; } pos += ret; } } finally { updateWrittenAsync(pos - source.position()); } } } private void writeBufferBlocking(final boolean writeFinal) throws IOException { if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } buffer.flip(); while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { if (writeFinal) { channel.writeFinal(buffer); } else { channel.write(buffer); } if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { channel.awaitWritable(); } } buffer.clear(); setFlags(FLAG_WRITE_STARTED); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws IOException { if (servletRequestContext.getOriginalRequest().getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.INCLUDE || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { return; } if (listener == null) { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED)) return; setFlags(FLAG_CLOSED); clearFlags(FLAG_READY); if (allAreClear(state, FLAG_WRITE_STARTED) && channel == null && servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getHeader(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING) == null) { if (servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getHeader(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING_STRING) == null && servletRequestContext.getExchange().getAttachment(HttpAttachments.RESPONSE_TRAILERS) == null) { if (buffer == null) { servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, "0"); } else { servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(buffer.position())); } } } try { if (buffer != null) { writeBufferBlocking(true); } if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); } setFlags(FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN); StreamSinkChannel channel =; if (channel != null) { //mock requests channel.shutdownWrites(); Channels.flushBlocking(channel); } } catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) { IoUtils.safeClose(; throw e; } finally { if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); buffer = null; } else { buffer = null; } } } else { closeAsync(); } } /** * Closes the channel, and flushes any data out using async IO *

* This is used in two situations, if an output stream is not closed when a * request is done, and when performing a close on a stream that is in async * mode * * @throws IOException */ public void closeAsync() throws IOException { if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED) || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { return; } if (!servletRequestContext.getExchange().isInIoThread()) { servletRequestContext.getExchange().getIoThread().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { closeAsync(); } catch (IOException e) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.closeAsyncFailed(e); } } }); return; } try { setFlags(FLAG_CLOSED); clearFlags(FLAG_READY); if (allAreClear(state, FLAG_WRITE_STARTED) && channel == null) { if (servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().getHeader(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING_STRING) == null) { if (buffer == null) { servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().setHeader(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, "0"); } else { servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().setHeader(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(buffer.position())); } } } createChannel(); if (buffer != null) { if (!flushBufferAsync(true)) { return; } if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); buffer = null; } else { buffer = null; } } channel.shutdownWrites(); setFlags(FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN); if (!channel.flush()) { channel.resumeWrites(); } } catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) { if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; buffer = null; } throw e; } } private void createChannel() { if (channel == null) { channel = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getResponseChannel(); if (internalListener != null) { channel.getWriteSetter().set(internalListener); } } } private ByteBuffer buffer() { ByteBuffer buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer != null) { return buffer; } if (bufferSize != null) { this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize); return this.buffer; } else { this.pooledBuffer = servletRequestContext.getExchange().getConnection().getByteBufferPool().allocate(); this.buffer = pooledBuffer.getBuffer(); return this.buffer; } } public void resetBuffer() { if (allAreClear(state, FLAG_WRITE_STARTED)) { if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; } buffer = null; this.written = 0; } else { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.responseAlreadyCommited(); } } public void setBufferSize(final int size) { if (buffer != null || servletRequestContext.getOriginalResponse().isTreatAsCommitted()) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.contentHasBeenWritten(); } this.bufferSize = size; } public boolean isClosed() { return anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED); } @Override public boolean isReady() { if (listener == null) { //TODO: is this the correct behaviour? throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.streamNotInAsyncMode(); } if (!anyAreSet(state, FLAG_READY)) { if (channel != null) { channel.resumeWrites(); } return false; } return true; } @Override public void setWriteListener(final WriteListener writeListener) { if (writeListener == null) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.listenerCannotBeNull(); } if (listener != null) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.listenerAlreadySet(); } final ServletRequest servletRequest = servletRequestContext.getOriginalRequest(); if (!servletRequest.isAsyncStarted()) { throw UndertowServletMessages.MESSAGES.asyncNotStarted(); } asyncContext = (AsyncContextImpl) servletRequest.getAsyncContext(); listener = writeListener; //we register the write listener on the underlying connection //so we don't have to force the creation of the response channel //under normal circumstances this will break write listener delegation this.internalListener = new WriteChannelListener(); if ( != null) {; } //we resume from an async task, after the request has been dispatched asyncContext.addAsyncTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (channel == null) { servletRequestContext.getExchange().getIoThread().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { internalListener.handleEvent(null); } }); } else { channel.resumeWrites(); } } }); } ServletRequestContext getServletRequestContext() { return servletRequestContext; } private class WriteChannelListener implements ChannelListener { @Override public void handleEvent(final StreamSinkChannel aChannel) { //flush the channel if it is closed if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN)) { try { //either it will work, and the channel is closed //or it won't, and we continue with writes resumed channel.flush(); return; } catch (Throwable t) { handleError(t); return; } } //if there is data still to write if (buffersToWrite != null) { long toWrite = Buffers.remaining(buffersToWrite); long written = 0; long res; if (toWrite > 0) { //should always be true, but just to be defensive do { try { res = channel.write(buffersToWrite); written += res; if (res == 0) { return; } } catch (Throwable t) { handleError(t); return; } } while (written < toWrite); } buffersToWrite = null; buffer.clear(); } if (pendingFile != null) { try { long size = pendingFile.size(); long pos = pendingFile.position(); while (size - pos > 0) { long ret = channel.transferFrom(pendingFile, pos, size - pos); if (ret <= 0) { pendingFile.position(pos); return; } pos += ret; } pendingFile = null; } catch (Throwable t) { handleError(t); return; } } if (anyAreSet(state, FLAG_CLOSED)) { try { if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); buffer = null; } else { buffer = null; } channel.shutdownWrites(); setFlags(FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN); channel.flush(); } catch (Throwable t) { handleError(t); return; } } else { if (asyncContext.isDispatched()) { //this is no longer an async request //we just return for now //TODO: what do we do here? Revert back to blocking mode? channel.suspendWrites(); return; } setFlags(FLAG_READY); try { setFlags(FLAG_IN_CALLBACK); //if the stream is still ready then we do not resume writes //this is per spec, we only call the listener once for each time //isReady returns true if (channel != null) { channel.suspendWrites(); } servletRequestContext.getCurrentServletContext().invokeOnWritePossible(servletRequestContext.getExchange(), listener); } catch (Throwable e) { IoUtils.safeClose(channel); } finally { clearFlags(FLAG_IN_CALLBACK); } } } private void handleError(final Throwable t) { try { servletRequestContext.getCurrentServletContext().invokeRunnable(servletRequestContext.getExchange(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { listener.onError(t); } }); } finally { IoUtils.safeClose(channel, servletRequestContext.getExchange().getConnection()); if (pooledBuffer != null) { pooledBuffer.close(); pooledBuffer = null; buffer = null; } } } } private void setFlags(int flags) { int old; do { old = state; } while (!stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, old, old | flags)); } private void clearFlags(int flags) { int old; do { old = state; } while (!stateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, old, old & ~flags)); } }

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