zio.spark.sql.DataFrameReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.spark.sql
import org.apache.spark.sql.{
DataFrameReader => UnderlyingDataFrameReader,
Dataset => UnderlyingDataset,
SparkSession => UnderlyingSparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import zio.Trace
import zio.spark.sql.DataFrameReader.SchemaState
import zio.spark.sql.SchemaFromCaseClass.ToStructSchema
import java.util.Properties
final case class DataFrameReader[State <: SchemaState] private[sql] (
options: Map[String, String],
userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType]
) {
import DataFrameReader._
private def construct(ss: UnderlyingSparkSession): UnderlyingDataFrameReader = {
val base = ss.read.options(options)
userSpecifiedSchema match {
case None => base
case Some(schema) => base.schema(schema)
* Loads a dataframe from a CSV file.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.csv]] for more information.
def csv(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = csv(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataframe from CSV files.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.csv]] for more information.
def csv(paths: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.csv(paths: _*))
* Loads a dataframe from Dataset[String].
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.csv]] for more information.
def csv(csvDataset: Dataset[String])(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.csv(csvDataset.underlying))
* Loads a dataframe from a JSON file.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.json]] for more information.
def json(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = json(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataframe from JSON files.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.json]] for more information.
def json(paths: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.json(paths: _*))
* Loads a dataframe from a Dataset[String].
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.json]] for more information.
def json(jsonDataset: Dataset[String])(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] =
* Loads a dataframe from a PARQUET file.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.parquet]] for more information.
def parquet(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = parquet(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataframe from PARQUET files.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.parquet]] for more information.
def parquet(paths: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.parquet(paths: _*))
* Loads a dataframe from a ORC file.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.orc]] for more information.
def orc(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = orc(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataframe from ORC files.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.orc]] for more information.
def orc(paths: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.orc(paths: _*))
* Loads a dataframe from a text file.
* The underlying schema of the Dataset contains a single string
* column named "value". The text files must be encoded as UTF-8.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.textFile]] for more information.
def text(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace, ev: State =:= WithoutSchema): SIO[DataFrame] = text(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataframe from text files.
* The underlying schema of the Dataset contains a single string
* column named "value". The text files must be encoded as UTF-8.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.textFile]] for more information.
def text(path: String*)(implicit trace: Trace, ev: State =:= WithoutSchema): SIO[DataFrame] =
loadUsing(_.text(path: _*))
* Loads a dataset[String] from a text file.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.textFile]] for more information.
def textFile(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace, ev: State =:= WithoutSchema): SIO[Dataset[String]] =
textFile(Seq(path): _*)
* Loads a dataset[String] from text files.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.textFile]] for more information.
def textFile(path: String*)(implicit trace: Trace, ev: State =:= WithoutSchema): SIO[Dataset[String]] = {
import zio.spark.sql.TryAnalysis.syntax._
import zio.spark.sql.implicits._
import scala3encoders.given // scalafix:ok
text(path: _*).map(_.select("value").as[String])
* Returns the specified table/view as a `DataFrame`.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.table]] for more information.
def table(tableName: String)(implicit trace: Trace, ev: State =:= WithoutSchema): SIO[DataFrame] =
* Construct a `DataFrame` representing the database table accessible
* via JDBC.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.jdbc]] for more information.
def jdbc(url: String, table: String, properties: Properties)(implicit
trace: Trace,
ev: State =:= WithoutSchema
): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.jdbc(url, table, properties))
* Construct a `DataFrame` representing the database table accessible
* via JDBC.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.jdbc]] for more information.
def jdbc(url: String, table: String, predicates: Array[String], connectionProperties: Properties)(implicit
trace: Trace,
ev: State =:= WithoutSchema
): SIO[DataFrame] = loadUsing(_.jdbc(url, table, predicates, connectionProperties))
* Construct a `DataFrame` representing the database table accessible
* via JDBC.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.jdbc]] for more information.
def jdbc(
url: String,
table: String,
columnName: String,
lowerBound: Long,
upperBound: Long,
numPartitions: Int,
connectionProperties: Properties
trace: Trace,
ev: State =:= WithoutSchema
): SIO[DataFrame] =
loadUsing(_.jdbc(url, table, columnName, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions, connectionProperties))
/** Loads a dataframe using one of the dataframe loader. */
def loadUsing[T](f: UnderlyingDataFrameReader => UnderlyingDataset[T])(implicit
trace: Trace
): SIO[Dataset[T]] = fromSpark(ss => Dataset(f(construct(ss))))
* Replace the data schema of the DataFrameReader.
* We advice you to always use a schema even if some data sources can
* infer the schema. It allows you to increase your job speed, it
* ensures that the schema is the expected one and it is useful as
* documentation.
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.schema]] for more information.
def schema(schema: StructType): DataFrameReader[WithSchema] = copy(userSpecifiedSchema = Some(schema))
* Replace the data schema of the DataFrameReader.
* We advice you to always use a schema even if some data sources can
* infer the schema. It allows you to increase your job speed, it
* ensures that the schema is the expected one and it is useful as
* documentation.
* E.g.:
* {{{
* schema("a INT, b STRING, c DOUBLE").csv("test.csv")
* }}}
* See [[UnderlyingDataFrameReader.schema]] for more information.
def schema(schemaString: String): Either[ParseException, DataFrameReader[WithSchema]] =
try Right(schema(StructType.fromDDL(schemaString)))
catch { case e: ParseException => Left(e) }
* ZIO-Spark specifics function to generate the schema from a case
* class.
* E.g.:
* {{{
* import zio.spark._
* case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
* val ds: Dataset[Person] = SparkSession.read.schema[Person].csv("./path.csv").as[Person].getOrThrow
* }}}
def schema[T](implicit T: ToStructSchema[T]): DataFrameReader[WithSchema] = schema(T.toSchema)
/** Adds multiple options to the DataFrameReader. */
def options(options: Map[String, String]): DataFrameReader[State] = copy(options = this.options ++ options)
/** Adds any type of option to the DataFrameReader. */
private def addOption(key: String, value: Any): DataFrameReader[State] = options(Map(key -> value.toString))
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameReader. */
def option(key: String, value: String): DataFrameReader[State] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameReader. */
def option(key: String, value: Boolean): DataFrameReader[State] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameReader. */
def option(key: String, value: Int): DataFrameReader[State] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameReader. */
def option(key: String, value: Float): DataFrameReader[State] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameReader. */
def option(key: String, value: Double): DataFrameReader[State] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to delimit the column from a csv file. */
def withDelimiter(delimiter: String): DataFrameReader[State] = option("delimiter", delimiter)
/** Adds an option to say that the file has a header. */
def withHeader: DataFrameReader[State] = option("header", value = true)
/** Adds an option to say that spark should infer the schema. */
def inferSchema: DataFrameReader[State] = option("inferSchema", value = true)
object DataFrameReader {
sealed trait SchemaState
sealed trait WithSchema extends SchemaState
sealed trait WithoutSchema extends SchemaState
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