zio.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamWriter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.spark.sql.streaming
import org.apache.spark.sql.ForeachWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{
DataStreamWriter => UnderlyingDataStreamWriter,
import zio.{Duration, Task, ZIO}
import zio.spark.sql.Dataset
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
final case class DataStreamWriter[T] private (
ds: Dataset[T],
options: Map[String, String],
source: Option[String],
outputMode: OutputMode,
trigger: Trigger,
partitioningColumns: Option[Seq[String]],
foreachWriter: Option[ForeachWriter[T]]
) { self =>
implicit private class UnderlyingDataStreamWriterAddons(writer: UnderlyingDataStreamWriter[T]) {
def maybeUse[U](
maybeValue: Option[U],
f: UnderlyingDataStreamWriter[T] => U => UnderlyingDataStreamWriter[T]
): UnderlyingDataStreamWriter[T] =
maybeValue match {
case None => writer
case Some(value) => f(writer)(value)
private def construct: UnderlyingDataStreamWriter[T] =
.maybeUse(source, _.format)
.maybeUse(partitioningColumns, _.partitionBy)
.maybeUse(foreachWriter, _.foreach)
/** Adds multiple options to the DataFrameWriter. */
def options(options: Map[String, String]): DataStreamWriter[T] = this.copy(options = this.options ++ options)
/** Adds any type of option to the DataFrameWriter. */
private def addOption(key: String, value: Any): DataStreamWriter[T] = options(Map(key -> value.toString))
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameWriter. */
def option(key: String, value: String): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameWriter. */
def option(key: String, value: Boolean): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameWriter. */
def option(key: String, value: Int): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameWriter. */
def option(key: String, value: Float): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption(key, value)
/** Adds an option to the DataFrameWriter. */
def option(key: String, value: Double): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption(key, value)
* Change the source (sink) of the stream.
* @since 2.0.0
def format(source: String): DataStreamWriter[T] = copy(source = Some(source))
* Specifies how data of a streaming DataFrame/Dataset is written to a
* streaming sink. - `OutputMode.Append()`: only the new rows
* in the streaming DataFrame/Dataset will be written to the
* sink.
- `OutputMode.Complete()`: all the rows in the
* streaming DataFrame/Dataset will be written to the sink every time
* there are some updates.
- `OutputMode.Update()`: only the
* rows that were updated in the streaming DataFrame/Dataset will be
* written to the sink every time there are some updates. If the query
* doesn't contain aggregations, it will be equivalent to
* `OutputMode.Append()` mode.
* @since 2.0.0
def outputMode(outputMode: OutputMode): DataStreamWriter[T] = copy(outputMode = outputMode)
* Set the trigger for the stream query. The default value is
* `ProcessingTime(0)` and it will run the query as fast as possible.
* Scala Example:
* {{{
* df.writeStream.trigger(ProcessingTime("10 seconds"))
* import scala.concurrent.duration._
* df.writeStream.trigger(ProcessingTime(10.seconds))
* }}}
* @since 2.0.0
def trigger(trigger: Trigger): DataStreamWriter[T] = copy(trigger = trigger)
* A ZIO-Spark specific function to describe a micro batch stream.
* Scala Example, using ZIO duration ops:
* {{{
* df.writeStream.triggerEvery(5.seconds)
* }}}
def triggerEvery(duration: Duration): DataStreamWriter[T] = trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(duration.toMillis))
* A ZIO-Spark specific function to describe a continuously stream
* with checkpoint.
* Scala Example, using ZIO duration ops:
* {{{
* df.writeStream.continuouslyWithCheckpointEvery(5.seconds)
* }}}
def continuouslyWithCheckpointEvery(duration: Duration): DataStreamWriter[T] =
* A ZIO-Spark specific function to run the streaming job only once.
def once: DataStreamWriter[T] = trigger(Trigger.Once())
* Specifies the name of the [[StreamingQuery]] that can be started
* with `start()`. This name must be unique among all the currently
* active queries in the associated SQLContext.
* @since 2.0.0
def queryName(queryName: String): DataStreamWriter[T] = addOption("queryName", queryName)
* Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If
* specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to
* Hive's partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a
* dataset by year and then month, the directory layout would look
* like:
* - year=2016/month=01/
- year=2016/month=02/
* Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize
* physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for
* skipping unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the
* partitioned columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the
* number of distinct values in each column should typically be less
* than tens of thousands.
* @since 2.0.0
def partitionBy(colName: String, colNames: String*): DataStreamWriter[T] =
copy(partitioningColumns = Some(colName +: colNames))
* Starts the execution of the streaming query, which will continually
* output results to the given path as new data arrives. The returned
* [[StreamingQuery]] object can be used to interact with the stream.
* @since 2.0.0
def start(path: String): Task[StreamingQuery] = ZIO.attempt(construct.start(path))
* Starts the execution of the streaming query, which will continually
* output results to the given path as new data arrives. The returned
* [[StreamingQuery]] object can be used to interact with the stream.
* Throws a `TimeoutException` if the following conditions are met:
* - Another run of the same streaming query, that is a streaming
* query sharing the same checkpoint location, is already active
* on the same Spark Driver
* - The SQL configuration
* `spark.sql.streaming.stopActiveRunOnRestart` is enabled
* - The active run cannot be stopped within the timeout controlled
* by the SQL configuration `spark.sql.streaming.stopTimeout`
* @since 2.0.0
def start: Task[StreamingQuery] = ZIO.attempt(construct.start())
* Generate a stream with only the available current input. Generally
* used for testing purpose.
def test: Task[Unit] = start.map(_.processAllAvailable())
* Generate the stream as a stoppable blocking task handled by ZIO.
def run: Task[Unit] =
for {
query <- start
_ <- ZIO.attempt(query.awaitTermination()).onInterrupt(ZIO.succeed(query.stop()))
} yield ()
* Sets the output of the streaming query to be processed using the
* provided writer object. object. See
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.ForeachWriter]] for more details on the
* lifecycle and semantics.
* @since 2.0.0
def foreach(writer: ForeachWriter[T]): DataStreamWriter[T] = copy(foreachWriter = Option(writer))
object DataStreamWriter {
def apply[T](ds: Dataset[T]): DataStreamWriter[T] =
ds = ds,
options = Map.empty,
source = None,
outputMode = OutputMode.Append(),
trigger = Trigger.ProcessingTime(0L),
partitioningColumns = None,
foreachWriter = None
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