scalaparsers.ParsingUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaparsers
import scala.collection.immutable.List
import Document.{ text }
import Diagnostic._
import java.util.TimeZone
import cats.{Monad, StackSafeMonad}
import cats.kernel.Comparison.{EqualTo, GreaterThan, LessThan}
import cats.implicits._
trait Parsing[S] {
type Parser[+A] = scalaparsers.Parser[S, A]
type ParseState = scalaparsers.ParseState[S]
def unit[A](a: A): Parser[A] = new Parser[A] {
def apply[B >: A](s: ParseState, vs: Supply) = Free.pure(Pure(a))
override def map[B](f: A => B) = unit(f(a))
override def flatMap[B](f: A => Parser[B]) = f(a)
implicit def parserDiagnostic: Diagnostic[Parser] = new Diagnostic[Parser] {
override def raise(p: Pos, d: Document, aux: List[Document]) = Parser((_,_) => {
val err =, Some(d), aux)
// println("pending: " + err.toString) // reporting this
def fail(msg: Document) = Parser((_,_) => Fail(Some(msg), List(), Set()))
def empty = Parser((_:ParseState,_:Supply) => Fail(None, List(), Set()))
implicit def parserMonad: Monad[Parser] = new StackSafeMonad[Parser] {
def flatMap[A, B](m: Parser[A])(f: A => Parser[B]) = m flatMap f
def pure[A](a: A) = new Parser[A] {
def apply[B >: A](s: ParseState, vs: Supply) = Free.pure(Pure(a))
override def map[B](f : A => B) = pure(f(a))
override def map[A, B](m: Parser[A])(f: A => B) = m map f
def get: Parser[ParseState] = Parser((s:ParseState, _:Supply) => Pure(s))
def gets[A](f: ParseState => A): Parser[A] = Parser((s:ParseState,_:Supply) => Pure(f(s)))
def getSupply: Parser[Supply] = Parser((_:ParseState, vs:Supply) => Pure(vs))
def loc: Parser[Pos] = Parser((s:ParseState, _:Supply) => Pure(s.loc))
def modify(f: ParseState => ParseState) = Parser((s:ParseState,_:Supply) => Commit(f(s),(), Set()))
def put(s: ParseState) = Parser((_:ParseState,_:Supply) => Commit(s,(),Set()))
def freshId = Parser((_:ParseState,vs:Supply) => Pure(vs.fresh))
def rawSatisfy(p: Char => Boolean) = Parser((s:ParseState, _:Supply) => {
val si = s.input
if (s.offset == si.length) Fail(None, List(), Set())
else {
val so = s.offset
val c = si.charAt(so)
val sop = so + 1
if (p(c)) Commit(s.copy(loc = s.loc.bump(c, si, sop), offset = sop), c, Set())
else Fail(None, List(), Set())
def satisfy(p: Char => Boolean) = rawSatisfy(p) << setBol(false)
def realEOF: Parser[Unit] = Parser((s, _) =>
if (s.offset == s.input.length) Pure(())
else Fail(None, List(), Set("end of input"))
def warn(msg: Document) = Parser((s:ParseState, _:Supply) => { println(msg.toString); Pure(()) })
def info(msg: Document) = Parser((s:ParseState, _:Supply) => { println(msg.toString); Pure(()) })
def choice[A](xs: Parser[A]*) = xs.toList.foldRight[Parser[A]](empty)(_ | _)
def assert(p: => Boolean): Parser[Unit] = if (p) unit(()) else empty
def attempt[A](p: Parser[A]) = p attempt
def attempt[A](p: Parser[A], s: String) = p attempt s
def liftOption[A](p: Option[A]): Parser[A] = p match {
case Some(a) => unit(a)
case None => empty
def handle[A](p: Parser[A], f: ParseFailure => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p handle f
def notFollowedBy[A](p: Parser[A]) = p not
def stillOnside: Parser[Unit] = for {
b <- gets(s => !s.bol || s.loc.column > s.depth)
_ <- guard[Parser](b)
} yield ()
def rawCh(c: Char): Parser[Char] = rawSatisfy(_ == c) scope ("'"+c.toString+"'")
implicit def ch(c: Char): Parser[Char] = stillOnside >> rawCh(c) << setBol(false)
def rawNewline = rawSatisfy(_ == '\n') scope "newline"
// def tab = rawSatisfy(_ == '\t') scope "tab"
def rawWord(s: String): Parser[String] = s.toList.traverse[Parser,Char](ch(_)) attempt ('"'+s+'"') as s
implicit def word(s: String): Parser[String] = stillOnside >> rawWord(s) << setBol(false)
def upper = satisfy(_.isUpper) scope "uppercase letter"
def lower = satisfy(_.isLower) scope "lowercase letter"
def letter = satisfy(_.isLetter) scope "letter"
def rawLetter = rawSatisfy(_.isLetter) scope "letter"
def digit = satisfy(_.isDigit) scope "digit"
def simpleSpace = satisfy(java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(_)) scope "simple space"
// layout
def setBol(b: Boolean): Parser[Unit] = for {
old <- gets(_.bol)
_ <- modify(s => s.copy(bol = b)).when(old != b) // avoid committing if we haven't changed it
} yield ()
// TODO: properly parse and check for operators that start with --
private def comment: Parser[Unit] = rawWord("--").attempt >> rawSatisfy(_ != '\n').skipMany >> (rawNewline | realEOF) >> unit(())
private def blockComment: Parser[Boolean] = {
def restComment(hadnl: Boolean): Parser[Boolean] =
rawWord("-}") |
(blockComment >>= restComment) |
((rawSatisfy(_ != '\n').as(hadnl) | >>= restComment)
rawWord("{-").attempt >> restComment(false)
private def someRealWhitespace = rawSatisfy(x => java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(x) && x != '\n').skipSome
def whiteSpace(spaced: Boolean, side: Boolean): Parser[Token] =
| blockComment
).scope("whitespace").many.flatMap {
case List() if side => offside(spaced)
case List() => onside (spaced)
case xs if xs.foldLeft(side)(_ || _) => offside(true)
case xs => onside (true)
private def offside(spaced: Boolean) = get.flatMap(s => {
val col = s.loc.column
s.layoutStack match {
case IndentedLayout(n, _) :: xs => (col comparison n) match {
case LessThan => modify(_.copy(layoutStack = xs, bol = true)) as VBrace // pop the layout stack, and we're at bol
case EqualTo =>
if (s.offset != s.input.length) setBol(false) as VSemi
else unit(Other)
case GreaterThan => onside(spaced)
case _ => onside(spaced)
private def onside(spaced: Boolean): Parser[Token] = get.flatMap(s => {
if (s.offset == s.input.length)
s.layoutStack match {
case IndentedLayout(n, desc) :: xs => modify(_.copy(layoutStack = xs, bol = true)) as VBrace
case BracedLayout(_,_,missing,_) :: _ => missing
case List() => unit(Other)
else s.layoutEndsWith.wouldSucceed.flatMap { b =>
if (b)
s.layoutStack match {
case IndentedLayout(_,desc) :: xs => modify(_.copy(layoutStack = xs, bol = true)) as VBrace
case _ => if (spaced) unit(WhiteSpace)
else setBol(false) as Other
else if (spaced) unit(WhiteSpace)
else setBol(false) as Other
def layout: Parser[Token] = get.flatMap(s => whiteSpace(false, s.bol))
def virtualLeftBrace(n: String): Parser[Unit] =
modify(s => s.copy(layoutStack = IndentedLayout[S](s.loc.column max s.depth, n) :: s.layoutStack))
def virtualRightBrace: Parser[Unit] = get.flatMap(s =>
case VBrace => unit(unit(())) // the layout parser already popped our stack
case VSemi => loc.flatMap(p => unit(raise(p, "panic: trailing virtual semicolon")))
case Other|WhiteSpace => for {
sp <- get
b <- sp.layoutEndsWith.wouldSucceed
_ <- failUnless[Parser](b,"end of layout not found")
} yield raiseWhen[Parser](sp.layoutStack.isEmpty || sp.layoutStack.head.isInstanceOf[BracedLayout[S]], sp.loc, "panic: incorrect layout context for virtual right brace") >>
modify(_.copy(layoutStack = sp.layoutStack.tail)) // bol remains false
case BracedLayout(l, _, _, r) => "end of layout (between '" + l + "' and '" + r + "')"
}).getOrElse("end of layout")
).flatMap(x => x)
// :3:3: error: unmatched '{'
// :5:6: note: expected '}'
// :5:6: error: expected infixl (<=) 6 term, end of top level layout, or ...
// TODO: allow right to succeed when the closing brace parser fails in a 'corrected' mode that can only consume text and report further errors?
def left(lp: Parser[Any], ld: String, rp: Parser[Any], rd: String): Parser[Unit] = for {
start <- loc
_ <- lp.scope(ld)
_ <- modify(s =>
layoutStack = BracedLayout(
Parser((s: ParseState, _: Supply) => Fail(None,List("note: unmatched " + ld)), Set(rd))),
// l => raise(start, "error: unmatched " + ld, List("note: expected corresponding " + rd + " here"))),
) :: s.layoutStack
} yield ()
def leftToken(ld: String, rd: String) = left(token(ld), "'" + ld + "'", rawWord(rd), "'" + rd + "'")
def leftBrace = leftToken("{","}")
def leftCurlyBanana = leftToken("{|","|}")
def leftBracket = leftToken("[","]")
def leftBanana = leftToken("(|","|)")
def leftEnvelope = leftToken("[|","|]")
def right: Parser[Unit] = get.flatMap { s =>
s.layoutStack match {
case b@BracedLayout(_,p,missing,r) :: xs =>
( p.scope(r) >>
modify(_.copy(layoutStack = xs)) >>
) | missing
case stk => raise[Parser](s.loc, "panic: expected braced layout, but found: " + stk.mkString(",")) // , but found:" above nest(2, vsep(
def semi: Parser[Char] = layout.flatMatch({
case Other => token(';')
case VSemi => unit(';')
def eofIgnoringLayout: Parser[Unit] = realEOF // eof // realEOF
// def eof: Parser[Unit] = realEOF scope "eof" // | layout.flatMatch({ case EOF => unit(()) }) attempt "eof"
def optionalSpace: Parser[Unit] = layout.flatMatch({
case WhiteSpace => unit(())
case Other => unit(())
case VSemi =>[Parser]("vsemi in optional space")
case VBrace =>[Parser]("vbrace in optional space")
}) attempt "whitespace"
def eof: Parser[Unit] = realEOF scope "eof" // (layout.collect({ case WhiteSpace | Other => ()}).attempt.skipOptional >> realEOF) scope "end of input"
def laidout[T](s: String, p: Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] = (
brace(p.scope(s).sepBy(token(';'))) |
p.scope(s).sepBy(semi).between(virtualLeftBrace(s), virtualRightBrace)
) scope "layout(" + s + ")"
def phrase[A](p: Parser[A]) = modify(_.copy(layoutStack = List())) >> simpleSpace.skipMany >> p << eof
def token[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p << optionalSpace.skipOptional
def banana[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftBanana,right)
def paren[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftToken("(",")"),right)
def brace[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftBrace,right)
def bracket[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftBracket,right)
def envelope[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftEnvelope, right)
def curlyBanana[A](p: => Parser[A]): Parser[A] = p.between(leftCurlyBanana, right)
private val charEscMagic: Map[Char, Char] = "bfnrt\\\"'".zip("\b\f\n\r\t\\\"'").toMap
private val charEscUnmagic: Map[Char, Char] = charEscMagic map (_.swap)
private def charControl = (ch('^') >> upper).map(c => (c.toInt - 'A'.toInt).toChar)
private def charEsc = choice( { case (c,d) => ch(c) as d } :_*)
private def escapeCode = (charControl | charEsc) scope "escape code" // TODO: charNum, charAscii
private def charEscape = ch('\\') >> escapeCode
private def charLetter = satisfy(c => (c != '\'') && (c != '\\') && (c > '\u0016'))
private def charChar = (charLetter | charEscape) scope "character literal character"
private def stringLetter = satisfy(c => (c != '"') && (c != '\\') && (c > '\u0016'))
private def stringEscape = ch('\\') >> (
(simpleSpace.skipSome >> (ch('\\') scope "end of string gap")).as(None) | // escape gap
ch('&').as(None) | // empty escape
private def stringChar = ( | stringEscape) scope "string literal character"
/** token parser for parsing a character literal */
def charLiteral = token(charChar.between('\'','\'') scope "character literal")
/** token parser for parsing a string literal */
// def stringLiteral: Parser[String] = satisfy('"' != _).skipMany.slice.between('"', '"')
def stringLiteral: Parser[String] = token(stringChar.many.between('"','"').map(
) scope "string literal")
/** Format a string back to its equivalent literal form. */
def inverseStringLiteral(s: String): String =
"\"" |+| augmentString(s).flatMap{
case c if charEscUnmagic contains c => "\\" + charEscUnmagic(c)
case c if 1 to 26 contains c => "^" + (c + ('A' - 1) toChar)
case c => c.toString} |+| "\""
def doubleLiteral_ : Parser[Double] = (digit.skipSome >> (((ch('.') >> digit.skipMany) >> (ch('e') >> digit.skipSome).skipOptional) | ((ch('e') >> digit.skipSome))))
def doubleLiteral: Parser[Double] = token(doubleLiteral_)
def dateLiteral_ = {
for {
y <- ch('@') >> nat_ << ch('/')
m <- nat_.filter(1L to 12L contains) << ch('/')
d <- nat_.filter(1L to 31L contains)
} yield {
import java.util.Calendar
val c = Calendar getInstance (TimeZone getTimeZone "GMT")
c set (Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
c set (y.toInt, m.toInt - 1, d.toInt, 0, 0, 0)
/** token parser for date literals
* (dates being year-month-day triples) */
def dateLiteral = token(dateLiteral_.attempt)
def nat_ =
def nat = token(nat_)
def tailChar: Parser[Char] = satisfy(c => c.isLetter || c.isDigit || c == '_' || c == '#' || c == '\'')
def rawTailChar: Parser[Char] = rawSatisfy(c => c.isLetter || c.isDigit || c == '_' || c == '#' || c == '\'')
def identTail: Parser[Unit] = tailChar.skipMany
def rawIdentTail: Parser[Unit] = rawTailChar.skipMany
val nonopChars = "()[]{};,\"".sorted.toArray[Char]
val opChars = ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~'`".sorted.toArray[Char]
def existsIn(chs: Array[Char], c: Char): Boolean =
java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(chs, c) >= 0
sealed trait Op[T] extends Located {
def loc: Pos
def prec: Int
def assoc: Assoc
def apply(xs: List[T]): Parser[List[T]]
object Op {
def unary[T](l: Pos, p: Int, f: T => T) = new Op[T] {
def loc = l
def prec = p
def assoc = AssocL // permits repeated prefixes/postfixes, AssocN would disable
def apply(xs: List[T]): Parser[List[T]] = xs match {
case x :: xs => unit(f(x) :: xs)
case _ => empty[Parser]
def infix[T](l: Pos, p: Int, a: Assoc, f: (T,T) => T) = new Op[T] {
def loc = l
def prec = p
def assoc = a
def apply(xs: List[T]): Parser[List[T]] = xs match {
case x :: y :: xs => unit(f(y,x) :: xs)
case _ => empty[Parser]
def shuntingYard[T](pre: Parser[Op[T]], inpost: Parser[Op[T]], operand: Parser[T]): Parser[T] = {
def clear(l: Pos, p: Op[T], rators: List[Op[T]], rands: List[T]): Parser[T] = rators match {
case f::fs => p.prec comparison f.prec match {
case LessThan => f(rands) flatMap { clear(l, p, fs, _) }
case EqualTo => (p.assoc, f.assoc) match {
case (AssocL, AssocL) => f(rands) flatMap { clear(l, p, fs, _) }
case (AssocR, AssocR) => postRator(l, p :: rators, rands)
case _ => raise(f.loc, "error: ambiguous operator of precedence " + p.prec,
List("note: is incompatible with this operator (add parentheses)")))
case GreaterThan => postRator(l, p :: rators, rands)
case Nil => postRator(l, List(p), rands)
def finish(l : Pos, rators: List[Op[T]], rands: List[T]): Parser[T] = rators match {
case f :: fs => f(rands) flatMap (finish(l, fs, _))
case Nil => rands match {
case List(x) => unit(x)
case _ => fail("error: ill-formed expression")
def postRator(l : Pos, rators: List[Op[T]], rands: List[T]): Parser[T] =
operand.flatMap(rand => postRand(l, rators, rand :: rands)) |
pre.flatMap(clear(l, _, rators, rands)) |
finish(l, rators, rands)
def postRand(l : Pos, rators: List[Op[T]], rands: List[T]): Parser[T] =
inpost.flatMap(clear(l, _, rators, rands)) |
finish(l, rators, rands)
loc.flatMap(postRator(_, List(), List()))
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