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io.vertigo.planning.agenda.services.fo.plugin.RedisUnifiedFoConsultationPlanningPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* vertigo - application development platform
* Copyright (C) 2013-2024, Vertigo.io, [email protected]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.vertigo.planning.agenda.services.fo.plugin;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import io.vertigo.commons.eventbus.EventBusSubscribed;
import io.vertigo.commons.transaction.Transactional;
import io.vertigo.connectors.redis.RedisConnector;
import io.vertigo.connectors.redis.RedisConnectorUtil;
import io.vertigo.core.analytics.trace.Trace;
import io.vertigo.core.daemon.DaemonScheduled;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.Tuple;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.VSystemException;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.json.CoreJsonAdapters;
import io.vertigo.core.node.component.Activeable;
import io.vertigo.core.node.config.discovery.NotDiscoverable;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.criteria.Criterions;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.data.model.DtList;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.data.model.DtListState;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.data.model.UID;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.dao.AgendaDAO;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.domain.Agenda;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.domain.CritereTrancheHoraire;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.domain.PublicationRange;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.domain.TrancheHoraire;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.services.TrancheHoraireEvent;
import io.vertigo.planning.agenda.services.TrancheHoraireEvent.HoraireImpacte;
import io.vertigo.stella.master.MasterManager;
import io.vertigo.stella.master.WorkResultHandler;
import redis.clients.jedis.args.ExpiryOption;
import redis.clients.jedis.args.ListDirection;
import redis.clients.jedis.params.ScanParams;
import redis.clients.jedis.util.KeyValue;
public class RedisUnifiedFoConsultationPlanningPlugin extends DbFoConsultationPlanningPlugin implements Activeable {
private static final Gson V_CORE_GSON = CoreJsonAdapters.V_CORE_GSON;
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RedisUnifiedFoConsultationPlanningPlugin.class);
private static final boolean USE_DISTRIBUTED_WORK = true;
private static final String PREFIX_REDIS_KEY = SynchroDbRedisCreneauHelper.PREFIX_REDIS_KEY;
private static final int SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND = 60;
private static final int SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE = 5;
private static final int EXPIRATION_DELAY_PRECEDENTE_PUBLI_SECONDE = 10 * 60; //10 min de cache pour les dates de publication
private static final int EXPIRATION_DELAY_PROCHAINE_PUBLI_SECONDE = 10 * 60; //10 min de cache pour les dates de publication
private static final long TTL_MINIMUM_TO_INCR_DISPO = 5;
private static final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
private RedisConnector redisConnector;
private AgendaDAO agendaDAO;
private MasterManager masterManager;
//init at start
private SynchroDbRedisCreneauHelper synchroDbRedisCreneauHelper;
private static final int MAX_LOOP = 100;
public void start() {
synchroDbRedisCreneauHelper = new SynchroDbRedisCreneauHelper();
public void stop() {
@Trace(category = "redis", name = "getTrancheHoraireDisponibles")
public DtList getTrancheHoraireDisponibles(final CritereTrancheHoraire critereTrancheHoraire) {
final var tranchesResult = new DtList(TrancheHoraire.class);
final LocalDate minDisplayDay = critereTrancheHoraire.getDateMin();
int minDisplayMinute = critereTrancheHoraire.getMinutesMin();
final var jedis = redisConnector.getClient();
for (var jourToAdd = 0; jourToAdd < 7; ++jourToAdd) {
final var localDateToLookup = critereTrancheHoraire.getPremierJour().plusDays(jourToAdd);
if (localDateToLookup.isBefore(minDisplayDay)) {
} else if (!localDateToLookup.isEqual(minDisplayDay)) {
//le minDisplayMinute ne sert que si localDateToLookup == minDisplayDay
minDisplayMinute = 0;
for (final Long ageId : critereTrancheHoraire.getAgeIds()) {
// on boucle sur les agendas
final var prefixCleFonctionelle = SynchroDbRedisCreneauHelper.getPrefixCleFonctionnelle(ageId, localDateToLookup);
var cursor = "0";
final var scanParams = new ScanParams();
final int filterMinDisplayMinute = minDisplayMinute;
var loop = 0;
do {
final var scanResult = jedis.sscan(prefixCleFonctionelle + ":horaire", cursor, scanParams);
cursor = scanResult.getCursor();
.filter(minAndTrhId -> minAndTrhId.contains("$"))
.map(minAndTrhId -> {
final String[] minTrhIdArray = minAndTrhId.split("\\$");
return Tuple.of(Integer.parseInt(minTrhIdArray[0]), Long.valueOf(minTrhIdArray[1]));
.filter(tuple -> tuple.val1() >= filterMinDisplayMinute)
.forEach(tuple -> tranchesResult.add(fromMapAndKey(tuple.val1(), localDateToLookup, tuple.val2())));
if (++loop > MAX_LOOP) {
throw new VSystemException("Too many loop for " + localDateToLookup.toString());
} while (!"0".equals(cursor));
return tranchesResult;
private static TrancheHoraire fromMapAndKey(final int minutesDebut, final LocalDate localDate, final Long trhId) {
final var trancheHoraire = new TrancheHoraire();
return trancheHoraire;
@Trace(category = "redis", name = "getDateDePremiereDisponibilite")
public Optional getDateDePremiereDisponibilite(final CritereTrancheHoraire critereTrancheHoraire) {
final var premierJour = critereTrancheHoraire.getPremierJour();
// we make a hashcode of the list of ageId for the key, because here redis is a simple cache over the db
final var keyProchaineDispo = "{" + PREFIX_REDIS_KEY + critereTrancheHoraire.getAgeIds().hashCode() + "}:" + FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE.format(premierJour) + ":prochaine-dispo";
critereTrancheHoraire, super::getDateDePremiereDisponibilite,
date -> FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE.format(date),
dateStr -> LocalDate.parse(dateStr, FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE));
@Trace(category = "redis", name = "getDateDeDernierePublication")
public Optional getDateDeDernierePublication(final List> agendaUids) {
final var keyDernierePublication = "{" + PREFIX_REDIS_KEY + agendaUids.hashCode() + "}:derniere-publication";
return applyCache(keyDernierePublication, EXPIRATION_DELAY_DATE_DERNIERE_PUBLI_SECONDE,
agendaUids, super::getDateDeDernierePublication,
date -> FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE.format(date),
dateStr -> LocalDate.parse(dateStr, FORMATTER_LOCAL_DATE));
@Trace(category = "redis", name = "getPrecedentePublication")
public Optional getPrecedentePublication(final List> agendaUids) {
final var keyPrecedentePublication = "{" + PREFIX_REDIS_KEY + agendaUids.hashCode() + "}:precedente-publication";
return applyCache(keyPrecedentePublication, EXPIRATION_DELAY_PRECEDENTE_PUBLI_SECONDE,
agendaUids, super::getPrecedentePublication,
(Function) this::formatPublicationRange,
(Function) this::parsePublicationRange);
@Trace(category = "redis", name = "getProchainePublication")
public Optional getProchainePublication(final List> agendaUids) {
final var keyProchainePublication = "{" + PREFIX_REDIS_KEY + agendaUids.hashCode() + "}:prochaine-publication";
return applyCache(keyProchainePublication, EXPIRATION_DELAY_PROCHAINE_PUBLI_SECONDE,
agendaUids, super::getProchainePublication,
(Function) this::formatPublicationRange,
(Function) this::parsePublicationRange);
private String formatPublicationRange(final PublicationRange publicationRange) {
return V_CORE_GSON.toJson(publicationRange);
private PublicationRange parsePublicationRange(final String publicationRangeStr) {
return V_CORE_GSON.fromJson(publicationRangeStr, PublicationRange.class);
private Optional applyCache(final String cacheKey, final long cacheSecond, final I param, final Function> function, final Function toString,
final Function fromString) {
final var jedis = redisConnector.getClient();
final var cachedValue = jedis.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedValue == null) {
final var resultOpt = function.apply(param);
resultOpt.ifPresentOrElse(result -> {
jedis.set(cacheKey, toString.apply(result));
}, () -> {
jedis.set(cacheKey, "none");
jedis.expire(cacheKey, cacheSecond);
return resultOpt;
} else if ("none".equals(cachedValue)) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(fromString.apply(cachedValue));
@DaemonScheduled(name = "DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau", periodInSeconds = SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND/*60s*/)
public void synchroDbRedisCreneau() {
} else {
private static final WorkResultHandler EMPTY_WORK_RESULT_HANDLER = new WorkResultHandler<>() {
public void onStart() {
public void onDone(final Boolean result, final Throwable error) {
private void synchroDbRedisCreneauDistributedWork() {
//1- On tente de prendre un lock dans Redis : pour lire les taches à faire et remplir la todoList
final var jedis = redisConnector.getClient();
final boolean lock = RedisConnectorUtil.obtainLock(jedis, "DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.lock", SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND - 1);
if (lock) { //lock récupéré
LOG.debug("HAVE LOCK");
// pour l'instant on prend toutes les agendas
final DtList agendas = agendaDAO.findAll(Criterions.alwaysTrue(), DtListState.of(null));
IntStream.range(0, (agendas.size() + SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE - 1) / SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE)
.mapToObj(i -> agendas.subList(i * SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE, Math.min(SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE * (i + 1), agendas.size()))) //crée une list> tout les SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE éléments
.map(listAgenda -> listAgenda.stream().map(agenda -> agenda.getUID().urn() + "->" + agenda.getNom()).collect(Collectors.toList())) //transforme en list> avec les urn->nom
.forEach(todoList -> masterManager.schedule(todoList, WorkEngineSynchroDbRedisCreneau.class, EMPTY_WORK_RESULT_HANDLER)); //enregistre les paquets de chose à faire
LOG.debug("push todo");
} else {
//2- Les Workers récupèrent les éléments de la todoList en boucle
private void synchroDbRedisCreneauLocal() {
//1- On tente de prendre un lock dans Redis : pour lire les taches à faire et remplir la todoList
final var jedis = redisConnector.getClient();
final boolean lock = RedisConnectorUtil.obtainLock(jedis, "DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.lock", SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND - 1);
if (lock) { //lock récupéré
LOG.debug("HAVE LOCK");
// pour l'instant on prend toutes les agendas
final DtList agendas = agendaDAO.findAll(Criterions.alwaysTrue(), DtListState.of(null));
final String[] ids = new String[agendas.size()];
agendas.stream().map(agenda -> agenda.getUID().urn() + "->" + agenda.getNom()).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(ids);
jedis.rpush("DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.todoList", ids);
LOG.debug("push todo");
} else {
//Si on a pas le lock, on attend la fin du TTL
//A fur et à mesure les nodes se synchronizeront et tomberont au même moment
//il est important que le deamon qui remplit la todoList, traite aussi la file
final long lockTTL = jedis.ttl("DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.lock");
if (lockTTL == -1) {
//pas le lock mais pas d'expire : il y a un pb : ne devrait pas arriver
LOG.debug("FIX expire");
jedis.expire("DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.lock", SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND - 1, ExpiryOption.NX);
} else if (lockTTL < 5) {
LOG.debug("lock libéré dans moins de 5s, on attend et on retente le lock");
sleepSeconds(lockTTL + 1);
return;//et on quite
} else if (lockTTL < SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND - 2) {
LOG.debug("locké posé il y a " + (SYNCHRO_FREQUENCE_SECOND - 1 - lockTTL) + "s on stop pour se faire rattraper");
return;//et on quite
} else {
LOG.debug("lock posé il y a moins de 2s : continue ");
//2- On récupère les éléments de la todoList en boucle
KeyValue> idsTodo;
do {
//on fait un pop bloquant avec un timeout de 1s sur un max de 5 éléments de la todoList
LOG.debug("pre blmpop");
idsTodo = jedis.blmpop(1, ListDirection.RIGHT, SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE /*~5*/, "DmnSynchroDbRedisCreneau.todoList");
if (idsTodo != null) {
final var workEngineSynchroDbRedisCreneau = new WorkEngineSynchroDbRedisCreneau();
} else {
LOG.debug("post blmpop : null");
} while (idsTodo != null && idsTodo.getValue().size() == SYNCHRO_AGENDA_CHUNCK_SIZE);
private void sleepSeconds(final long sleepSeconds) {
try {
Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, sleepSeconds) * 1000);
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
public void onTrancheHoraireEvent(final TrancheHoraireEvent trancheHoraireEvent) {
final var jedis = redisConnector.getClient();
final boolean setZero;
final int increment;
switch (trancheHoraireEvent.getType()) {
setZero = true;
increment = 0;
setZero = false;
increment = -1;
case LIBERE:
setZero = false;
increment = 1;
throw new VSystemException("type d'evenement de tranche horaire inconnu {0}", trancheHoraireEvent.getType());
final Map> horaireImpacteByAgeToResync = new HashMap<>();
for (final HoraireImpacte horaire : trancheHoraireEvent.getHoraires()) {
final var prefixCleFonctionelle = SynchroDbRedisCreneauHelper.getPrefixCleFonctionnelle(horaire.getAgeId(), horaire.getLocalDate());
final var cleFonctionelle = prefixCleFonctionelle + ":" + horaire.getMinutesDebut();
//cleFonctionelle and prefixCleFonctionelle
final long ttl = jedis.ttl(cleFonctionelle);
if (ttl < TTL_MINIMUM_TO_INCR_DISPO) { //si le creneau n'est plus là, ou si il expire dans moins de 5s, on ne fait pas de incr, on lance la resynchro
horaireImpacteByAgeToResync.computeIfAbsent(horaire.getAgeId(), demid -> new ArrayList<>())
} else {
long newVal = 0;
if (!setZero) {
newVal = jedis.hincrBy(cleFonctionelle, "nbDispos", increment);
if (increment == 1 && newVal == 1) {
final var trhId = jedis.hget(cleFonctionelle, "trhId");
// we need to add the key in the set used by consultation
jedis.sadd(prefixCleFonctionelle + ":horaire", horaire.getMinutesDebut().toString() + "$" + trhId);
if (setZero || newVal < 0) {
jedis.hset(cleFonctionelle, "nbDispos", "0");
if (newVal <= 0) {
final var trhId = jedis.hget(cleFonctionelle, "trhId");
// we need to delete the key in the set used by consultation
jedis.srem(prefixCleFonctionelle + ":horaire", horaire.getMinutesDebut().toString() + "$" + trhId);
//TODO to debug
LOG.info("update redis cache of {0} to {3} (increment {1}, setZero {2})", cleFonctionelle, increment, setZero, newVal);
if (!horaireImpacteByAgeToResync.isEmpty()) {
final StringBuilder logContent = new StringBuilder("Contenu de trancheHoraireByDemToResync:\n");
horaireImpacteByAgeToResync.forEach((id, trancheList) -> {
final List dates = trancheList.stream().map(HoraireImpacte::getLocalDate).distinct().toList();
logContent.append("ageId: ").append(id).append(" => Dates: ").append(dates).append("\n");
LOG.info("Resync redis cache {0}", logContent.toString());
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