io.vertigo.ui.impl.springmvc.util.UiUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* vertigo - application development platform
* Copyright (C) 2013-2021, Vertigo.io, [email protected]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.vertigo.ui.impl.springmvc.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
import io.vertigo.basics.formatter.FormatterDefault;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.Assertion;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.BasicType;
import io.vertigo.core.lang.WrappedException;
import io.vertigo.core.locale.LocaleManager;
import io.vertigo.core.node.Node;
import io.vertigo.core.util.StringUtil;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.smarttype.SmartTypeManager;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.smarttype.definitions.SmartTypeDefinition;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.structure.definitions.DtDefinition;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.structure.definitions.DtField;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.structure.definitions.DtProperty;
import io.vertigo.datamodel.structure.definitions.Formatter;
import io.vertigo.ui.core.AbstractUiListUnmodifiable;
import io.vertigo.ui.core.ViewContext;
import io.vertigo.vega.webservice.model.UiList;
import io.vertigo.vega.webservice.model.UiObject;
* Class utilitaire pour le rendu des pages en jsp/ftl.
* @author npiedeloup
public final class UiUtil implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5677843485950859547L;
private static final Formatter DEFAULT_FORMATTER = new FormatterDefault(null);//by convention : no args
* Constructor.
//can't be private, because an instance must be put into struts context, for access from tags.
public UiUtil() {
* @param uiObject Object du context
* @return Nom de l'object dans le context
public static String contextKey(final UiObject> uiObject) {
final ViewContext viewContext = UiRequestUtil.getCurrentViewContext();
return viewContext.findKey(uiObject);
* @param object Object in context
* @param field field of object
* @param row index in list (nullable)
* @return Name in context (use for input name)
public static String generateComponentUID(final String component, final String object, final String field, final String row) {
final StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(component)
return contextGet(prefix.toString(), object, field, row, true);
* @param object Object in context
* @param field field of object
* @param row index in list (nullable)
* @return Name in context (use for input name)
public static String contextKey(final String object, final String field, final String row) {
return contextGet("vContext", object, field, row, true); //use quote because it's evaluated by vueJs
* @param object Object in context
* @param field field of object
* @param row index in list (nullable)
* @return Name in context (use for input name)
public static String contextGet(final String object, final String field, final String row) {
final boolean useQuotes = row != null && !row.matches("[0-9]+"); //row is not number
return contextGet("model.vContext", object, field, row, useQuotes); //no quotes, when it's evaluated server side
* @param object Object in context
* @param field field of object
* @param row index in list (nullable)
* @return Name in vueData
public static String vueDataKey(final String object, final String field, final String row) {
return "vueData." + object + (row != null ? "[" + row + "]" : "") + (field != null ? "." + field : "");
private static String contextGet(final String prefix, final String object, final String field, final String row, final boolean useQuotes) {
final StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
if (useQuotes) {
if (row != null) {
if (!useQuotes) {//row is number
} else {//row is expression
if (field != null) {
if (useQuotes) {
return output.toString();
* @param uiList List du context
* @param uiObject Objet de la liste
* @return index de l'objet dans sa liste
public static int indexOf(final List> uiList, final UiObject> uiObject) {
return uiList.indexOf(uiObject);
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return Label du champs
public static String label(final String fieldPath) {
return getDtField(fieldPath).getLabel().getDisplay();
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return unit of the field
public static String smartTypeUnit(final String object, final String fieldName, final String overrideValue) {
if (overrideValue != null) {
return overrideValue;
} else if (fieldName != null) {
return getDtField(object + '.' + fieldName).getSmartTypeDefinition().getProperties().getValue(DtProperty.UNIT);
return "";
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return maxLength of the field
public static Integer smartTypeMaxLength(final String object, final String fieldName) {
if (fieldName != null) {
return getDtField(object + '.' + fieldName).getSmartTypeDefinition().getProperties().getValue(DtProperty.MAX_LENGTH);
return null;
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return css of the field
public static String smartTypeCss(final String object, final String fieldName, final String overrideValue, final String defaultValue) {
if (overrideValue != null) {
return overrideValue;
} else if (fieldName != null) {
return "col_" + getDtField(object + '.' + fieldName).getSmartTypeDefinition().getName();
return defaultValue;
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return align direction of the field
public static String smartTypeAlign(final String object, final String fieldName, final String overrideValue) {
if (overrideValue != null) {
return overrideValue;
} else if (fieldName != null) {
final SmartTypeDefinition smartTypeDefinition = getDtField(object + '.' + fieldName).getSmartTypeDefinition();
if (smartTypeDefinition.getScope().isPrimitive()) {
final BasicType dataType = smartTypeDefinition.getBasicType();
switch (dataType) {
case Long:
case Integer:
case Double:
case BigDecimal:
return "right";
case Boolean:
case Instant:
case LocalDate:
case String:
case DataStream:
return "left";
return "left";
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ boolean
* @param value Valeur à formater
* @return rendu du champs boolean
public static String formatBoolean(final String fieldPath, final Boolean value) {
final SmartTypeManager smartTypeManager = Node.getNode().getComponentSpace().resolve(SmartTypeManager.class);
if (!fieldPath.contains(".")) { //cas des ContextRef sans domain
return DEFAULT_FORMATTER.valueToString(value, BasicType.Boolean);
return smartTypeManager.valueToString(getDtField(fieldPath).getSmartTypeDefinition(), value);
public static Double getMinValue(final String fieldPath) {
return getDtField(fieldPath).getSmartTypeDefinition().getProperties().getValue(DtProperty.MIN_VALUE);
public static Double getMaxValue(final String fieldPath) {
return getDtField(fieldPath).getSmartTypeDefinition().getProperties().getValue(DtProperty.MAX_VALUE);
public static Double getStep(final Double minValue, final Double maxValue) {
.isTrue(maxValue > minValue, "Unable to calculate step : maxValue '{0}' must be superior to minValue '{1}'", maxValue, minValue);
final double rawStep = (maxValue - minValue) / 200; // we allow at max 200 possible values
final double index = Math.floor(Math.log10(rawStep));
final double step = Math.pow(10, index);
if (rawStep <= step) {
return step;
} else if (rawStep <= 2 * step) {
return 2 * step;
} else if (rawStep <= 5 * step) {
return 5 * step;
} else {
return 10 * step;
* @param fieldPath Chemin du champ
* @return Si le champs est obligatoire
public static boolean required(final String fieldPath) {
Assertion.check().isTrue(fieldPath.indexOf('.') != 0, "FieldPath shouldn't starts with . ({0})", fieldPath);
if (fieldPath.indexOf('.') > 0) { //Le champs est porté par un Object
return getDtField(fieldPath).getCardinality().hasOne();
return false; //on ne sait pas dire, mais on ne force pas à obligatoire
* @param uiList liste du context
* @return Nom du champ display de cette liste
public static String getDisplayField(final String uiListKey) {
final DtDefinition dtDefinition = getUiList(uiListKey).getDtDefinition();
return dtDefinition.getDisplayField().get().getName();
* @param uiList liste du context
* @return Nom du champ de l'id de cette liste
public static String getIdField(final String uiListKey) {
final UiList uiList = getUiList(uiListKey);
if (uiList instanceof AbstractUiListUnmodifiable) {
return ((AbstractUiListUnmodifiable) uiList).getIdFieldName();
final DtDefinition dtDefinition = getUiList(uiListKey).getDtDefinition();
return dtDefinition.getIdField().get().getName();
* Get the current locale prefix (either the user's or the node (see LocaleManager javadoc)
* ex : fr, en-us, en-gb, es, it
* @return the locale (in the quasar's style) to download the right js file
public static String getCurrentLocalePrefixForQuasar() {
final LocaleManager localeManager = Node.getNode().getComponentSpace().resolve(LocaleManager.class);
final String currentLocaleTag = localeManager.getCurrentLocale().toLanguageTag();
// not so great but not other solutions (quasar's doesn't respect the standard...)
if (currentLocaleTag.startsWith("fr")) {
return "fr";
} else if (currentLocaleTag.startsWith("es")) {
return "es";
} else if (currentLocaleTag.startsWith("it")) {
return "it";
} else if ("en".equals(currentLocaleTag)) {
return "en-us"; //we need to make a choice...
} else {
return currentLocaleTag.toLowerCase();
* Get the current locale tag (either the user's or the node (see LocaleManager javadoc)
* ex : fr, enUs, enGb, es, it
* @return the locale (in the quasar's style) to select the right language in quasar
public static String getCurrentLocaleForQuasar() {
return StringUtil.constToLowerCamelCase(getCurrentLocalePrefixForQuasar().toUpperCase().replace('-', '_'));
public static String compileVueJsTemplate(final String template) {
final JsonObject requestParameter = new JsonObject();
requestParameter.add("template", new JsonPrimitive(template));
final JsonObject compiledTemplate = callRestWS("http://localhost:8083/", GSON.toJson(requestParameter), JsonObject.class);
final String render = compiledTemplate.get("render").getAsString();
final List staticRenderFns = StreamSupport.stream(compiledTemplate.get("staticRenderFns").getAsJsonArray().spliterator(), false)
final StringBuilder renderJsFunctions = new StringBuilder(",\r\n");
renderJsFunctions.append("render (h) {\r\n")
.append(render).append(" \r\n")
.append(" staticRenderFns : [\r\n");
staticRenderFns.forEach(staticFn -> renderJsFunctions
.append(" function () {\r\n")
.append(staticFn).append(" \r\n")
.append(" }\r\n"));
return renderJsFunctions.toString();
private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().create();
private static R callRestWS(final String wsUrl, final String jsonPayload, final Type returnType) {
// ---
try {
final URL url = new URL(wsUrl);
final HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
try (OutputStream os = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream()) {
final byte[] input = jsonPayload.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
os.write(input, 0, input.length);
final ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
try (InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream()) {
int length;
while ((length = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
result.write(buffer, 0, length);
return GSON.fromJson(result.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), returnType);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw WrappedException.wrap(e);
private static UiList getUiList(final String uiListKey) {
final ViewContext viewContext = UiRequestUtil.getCurrentViewContext();
return (UiList) viewContext.get(uiListKey);
private static DtField getDtField(final String fieldPath) {
Assertion.check().isTrue(fieldPath.indexOf('.') > 0, "Le champs n'est pas porté par un Object ({0})", fieldPath);
//Assertion.check().argument(fieldPath.indexOf('.') == fieldPath.lastIndexOf('.'), "Seul un point est autorisé ({0})", fieldPath);
final String contextKey = fieldPath.substring(0, fieldPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
final String fieldName = fieldPath.substring(fieldPath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
final ViewContext viewContext = UiRequestUtil.getCurrentViewContext();
final Object contextObject = viewContext.get(contextKey);
.isNotNull(contextObject, "{0} n''est pas dans le context", contextKey)
.isTrue(contextObject instanceof UiObject || contextObject instanceof UiList, "{0}({1}) doit être un UiObject ou une UiList ", contextKey,
final DtDefinition dtDefinition;
if (contextObject instanceof UiObject) {
dtDefinition = ((UiObject>) contextObject).getDtDefinition();
} else {
dtDefinition = ((UiList>) contextObject).getDtDefinition();
.isNotNull(dtDefinition) //, "{0}({1}) doit être un UiObject ou un UiList ", contextKey, contextObject.getClass().getSimpleName());
.isNotNull(dtDefinition, "{0}({1}) doit être un UiObject ou un UiList ", contextKey, contextObject.getClass().getSimpleName());
return dtDefinition.getField(fieldName);
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