io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerRequest.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.vertx.groovy.core.http;
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import io.vertx.lang.groovy.InternalHelper
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
import io.vertx.groovy.core.MultiMap
import io.vertx.groovy.core.buffer.Buffer
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpVersion
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod
import io.vertx.groovy.core.streams.ReadStream
import io.vertx.core.Handler
import io.vertx.groovy.core.net.SocketAddress
import io.vertx.groovy.core.net.NetSocket
* Represents a server-side HTTP request.
* Instances are created for each request and passed to the user via a handler.
* Each instance of this class is associated with a corresponding {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerResponse} instance via
* {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerRequest#response}.
* It implements {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.streams.ReadStream} so it can be used with
* {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.streams.Pump} to pump data with flow control.
public class HttpServerRequest implements ReadStream {
private final def io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest delegate;
public HttpServerRequest(Object delegate) {
this.delegate = (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) delegate;
public Object getDelegate() {
return delegate;
public HttpServerRequest exceptionHandler(Handler handler) {
( /* Work around for https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-6970 */ (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) this.delegate).exceptionHandler(handler);
return this;
public HttpServerRequest handler(Handler handler) {
( /* Work around for https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-6970 */ (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) this.delegate).handler(new Handler() {
public void handle(io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer event) {
handler.handle(new io.vertx.groovy.core.buffer.Buffer(event));
return this;
public HttpServerRequest pause() {
( /* Work around for https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-6970 */ (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) this.delegate).pause();
return this;
public HttpServerRequest resume() {
( /* Work around for https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-6970 */ (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) this.delegate).resume();
return this;
public HttpServerRequest endHandler(Handler endHandler) {
( /* Work around for https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-6970 */ (io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest) this.delegate).endHandler(endHandler);
return this;
* @return the HTTP version of the request
* @return
public HttpVersion version() {
def ret = this.delegate.version();
return ret;
* @return the HTTP method for the request.
* @return
public HttpMethod method() {
def ret = this.delegate.method();
return ret;
* @return true if this {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.net.NetSocket} is encrypted via SSL/TLS
* @return
public boolean isSSL() {
def ret = this.delegate.isSSL();
return ret;
* @return the URI of the request. This is usually a relative URI
* @return
public String uri() {
def ret = this.delegate.uri();
return ret;
* @return The path part of the uri. For example /somepath/somemorepath/someresource.foo
* @return
public String path() {
def ret = this.delegate.path();
return ret;
* @return the query part of the uri. For example someparam=32&someotherparam=x
* @return
public String query() {
def ret = this.delegate.query();
return ret;
* @return the response. Each instance of this class has an {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerResponse} instance attached to it. This is used
* to send the response back to the client.
* @return
public HttpServerResponse response() {
if (cached_0 != null) {
return cached_0;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.response(), io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerResponse.class);
cached_0 = ret;
return ret;
* @return the headers in the request.
* @return
public MultiMap headers() {
if (cached_1 != null) {
return cached_1;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.headers(), io.vertx.groovy.core.MultiMap.class);
cached_1 = ret;
return ret;
* Return the first header value with the specified name
* @param headerName the header name
* @return the header value
public String getHeader(String headerName) {
def ret = this.delegate.getHeader(headerName);
return ret;
* @return the query parameters in the request
* @return
public MultiMap params() {
if (cached_2 != null) {
return cached_2;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.params(), io.vertx.groovy.core.MultiMap.class);
cached_2 = ret;
return ret;
* Return the first param value with the specified name
* @param paramName the param name
* @return the param value
public String getParam(String paramName) {
def ret = this.delegate.getParam(paramName);
return ret;
* @return the remote (client side) address of the request
* @return
public SocketAddress remoteAddress() {
if (cached_3 != null) {
return cached_3;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.remoteAddress(), io.vertx.groovy.core.net.SocketAddress.class);
cached_3 = ret;
return ret;
* @return the local (server side) address of the server that handles the request
* @return
public SocketAddress localAddress() {
if (cached_4 != null) {
return cached_4;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.localAddress(), io.vertx.groovy.core.net.SocketAddress.class);
cached_4 = ret;
return ret;
* @return the absolute URI corresponding to the the HTTP request
* @return
public String absoluteURI() {
def ret = this.delegate.absoluteURI();
return ret;
* Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.
* This saves the user having to manually setting a data and end handler and append the chunks of the body until
* the whole body received. Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM.
* @param bodyHandler This handler will be called after all the body has been received
* @return
public HttpServerRequest bodyHandler(Handler bodyHandler) {
this.delegate.bodyHandler(new Handler() {
public void handle(io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer event) {
bodyHandler.handle(new io.vertx.groovy.core.buffer.Buffer(event));
return this;
* Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request.
* Once you have called this method, you must handle writing to the connection yourself using the net socket,
* the server request instance will no longer be usable as normal.
* Writing to the socket directly if you don't know what you're doing can easily break the HTTP protocol.
* @return the net socket
public NetSocket netSocket() {
if (cached_5 != null) {
return cached_5;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.netSocket(), io.vertx.groovy.core.net.NetSocket.class);
cached_5 = ret;
return ret;
* Call this with true if you are expecting a multi-part body to be submitted in the request.
* This must be called before the body of the request has been received
* @param expect true - if you are expecting a multi-part body
* @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
public HttpServerRequest setExpectMultipart(boolean expect) {
return this;
* @return true if we are expecting a multi-part body for this request. See {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerRequest#setExpectMultipart}.
* @return
public boolean isExpectMultipart() {
def ret = this.delegate.isExpectMultipart();
return ret;
* Set an upload handler. The handler will get notified once a new file upload was received to allow you to deal
* with the file upload.
* @param uploadHandler
* @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
public HttpServerRequest uploadHandler(Handler uploadHandler) {
this.delegate.uploadHandler(new Handler() {
public void handle(io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload event) {
uploadHandler.handle(new io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload(event));
return this;
* Returns a map of all form attributes in the request.
* Be aware that the attributes will only be available after the whole body has been received, i.e. after
* the request end handler has been called.
* {@link io.vertx.groovy.core.http.HttpServerRequest#setExpectMultipart} must be called first before trying to get the form attributes.
* @return the form attributes
public MultiMap formAttributes() {
if (cached_6 != null) {
return cached_6;
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.formAttributes(), io.vertx.groovy.core.MultiMap.class);
cached_6 = ret;
return ret;
* Return the first form attribute value with the specified name
* @param attributeName the attribute name
* @return the attribute value
public String getFormAttribute(String attributeName) {
def ret = this.delegate.getFormAttribute(attributeName);
return ret;
* Upgrade the connection to a WebSocket connection.
* This is an alternative way of handling WebSockets and can only be used if no websocket handlers are set on the
* Http server, and can only be used during the upgrade request during the WebSocket handshake.
* @return the WebSocket
public ServerWebSocket upgrade() {
def ret= InternalHelper.safeCreate(this.delegate.upgrade(), io.vertx.groovy.core.http.ServerWebSocket.class);
return ret;
* Has the request ended? I.e. has the entire request, including the body been read?
* @return true if ended
public boolean isEnded() {
def ret = this.delegate.isEnded();
return ret;
private HttpServerResponse cached_0;
private MultiMap cached_1;
private MultiMap cached_2;
private SocketAddress cached_3;
private SocketAddress cached_4;
private NetSocket cached_5;
private MultiMap cached_6;