io.vertx.ext.mongo.package-info Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* The Apache License v2.0 is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* = Vert.x MongoDB Client
* A Vert.x client allowing applications to interact with a MongoDB instance, whether that's
* saving, retrieving, searching, or deleting documents. Mongo is a great match for persisting data in a Vert.x application
* as it natively handles JSON (BSON) documents.
* *Features*
* * Completely non-blocking
* * Custom codec to support fast serialization to/from Vert.x JSON
* * Supports a majority of the configuration options from the MongoDB Java Driver
* == Creating a client
* You can create a client in several ways:
* === Using the default shared pool
* In most cases you will want to share a pool between different client instances.
* E.g. you scale your application by deploying multiple instances of your verticle and you want each verticle instance
* to share the same pool so you don't end up with multiple pools
* The simplest way to do this is as follows:
* [source,java]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#exampleCreateDefault}
* ----
* The first call to {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#createShared(io.vertx.core.Vertx, io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)}
* will actually create the pool, and the specified config will be used.
* Subsequent calls will return a new client instance that uses the same pool, so the configuration won't be used.
* === Specifying a pool source name
* You can create a client specifying a pool source name as follows
* [source,java]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#exampleCreatePoolName}
* ----
* If different clients are created using the same Vert.x instance and specifying the same pool name, they will
* share the same pool.
* The first call to {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#createShared(io.vertx.core.Vertx, io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)}
* will actually create the pool, and the specified config will be used.
* Subsequent calls will return a new client instance that uses the same pool, so the configuration won't be used.
* Use this way of creating if you wish different groups of clients to have different pools, e.g. they're
* interacting with different databases.
* === Creating a client with a non shared data pool
* In most cases you will want to share a pool between different client instances.
* However, it's possible you want to create a client instance that doesn't share its pool with any other client.
* In that case you can use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#createNonShared(io.vertx.core.Vertx, io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)}.
* [source,java]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#exampleCreateNonShared}
* ----
* This is equivalent to calling {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#createShared(io.vertx.core.Vertx, io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject, String)}
* with a unique pool name each time.
* == Using the API
* The client API is represented by {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient}.
* === Saving documents
* To save a document you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#save}.
* If the document has no `\_id` field, it is inserted, otherwise, it is _upserted_. Upserted means it is inserted
* if it doesn't already exist, otherwise it is updated.
* If the document is inserted and has no id, then the id field generated will be returned to the result handler.
* Here's an example of saving a document and getting the id back
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example1}
* ----
* And here's an example of saving a document which already has an id.
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example2}
* ----
* === Inserting documents
* To insert a document you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#insert}.
* If the document is inserted and has no id, then the id field generated will be returned to the result handler.
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example3}
* ----
* If a document is inserted with an id, and a document with that id already eists, the insert will fail:
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example4}
* ----
* === Updating documents
* To update a documents you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#update}.
* This updates one or multiple documents in a collection. The json object that is passed in the `update`
* parameter must contain[Update Operators] and determines
* how the object is updated.
* The json object specified in the query parameter determines which documents in the collection will be updated.
* Here's an example of updating a document in the books collection:
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example5}
* ----
* To specify if the update should upsert or update multiple documents, use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#updateWithOptions}
* and pass in an instance of {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.UpdateOptions}.
* This has the following fields:
* `multi`:: set to true to update multiple documents
* `upsert`:: set to true to insert the document if the query doesn't match
* `writeConcern`:: the write concern for this operation
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example6}
* ----
* === Replacing documents
* To replace documents you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#replace}.
* This is similar to the update operation, however it does not take any update operators like `update`.
* Instead it replaces the entire document with the one provided.
* Here's an example of replacing a document in the books collection
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example7}
* ----
* === Finding documents
* To find documents you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#find}.
* The `query` parameter is used to match the documents in the collection.
* Here's a simple example with an empty query that will match all books:
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example8}
* ----
* Here's another example that will match all books by Tolkien:
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example9}
* ----
* The matching documents are returned as a list of json objects in the result handler.
* To specify things like what fields to return, how many results to return, etc use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#findWithOptions}
* and pass in the an instance of {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.FindOptions}.
* This has the following fields:
* `fields`:: The fields to return in the results. Defaults to `null`, meaning all fields will be returned
* `sort`:: The fields to sort by. Defaults to `null`.
* `limit`:: The limit of the number of results to return. Default to `-1`, meaning all results will be returned.
* `skip`:: The number of documents to skip before returning the results. Defaults to `0`.
* === Finding a single document
* To find a single document you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#findOne}.
* This works just like {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#find} but it returns just the first matching document.
* === Removing documents
* To remove documents use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#remove}.
* The `query` parameter is used to match the documents in the collection to determine which ones to remove.
* Here's an example of removing all Tolkien books:
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example10}
* ----
* === Removing a single document
* To remove a single document you use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#removeOne}.
* This works just like {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#remove} but it removes just the first matching document.
* === Counting documents
* To count documents use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#count}.
* Here's an example that counts the number of Tolkien books. The number is passed to the result handler.
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example11}
* ----
* === Managing MongoDB collections
* All MongoDB documents are stored in collections.
* To get a list of all collections you can use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#getCollections}
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example11_1}
* ----
* To create a new collection you can use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#createCollection}
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example11_2}
* ----
* To drop a collection you can use {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#dropCollection}
* NOTE: Dropping a collection will delete all documents within it!
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example11_3}
* ----
* === Running other MongoDB commands
* You can run arbitrary MongoDB commands with {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient#runCommand}.
* Commands can be used to run more advanced mongoDB features, such as using MapReduce.
* For more information see the mongo docs for supported[Commands].
* Here's an example of running an aggregate command. Note that the command name must be specified as a parameter
* and also be contained in the JSON that represents the command. This is because JSON is not ordered but BSON is
* ordered and MongoDB expects the first BSON entry to be the name of the command. In order for us to know which
* of the entries in the JSON is the command name it must be specified as a parameter.
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example12}
* ----
* === MongoDB Extended JSON support
* For now, only date type is supported (cf )
* Here's an example of inserting a document with a date field
* [source,$lang]
* ----
* {@link examples.Examples#example13_0}
* ----
* == Configuring the client
* The client is configured with a json object.
* The following configuration is supported by the mongo client:
* `db_name`:: Name of the database in the mongoDB instance to use. Defaults to `default_db`
* `useObjectId`:: Toggle this option to support persisting and retrieving ObjectId's as strings. Defaults to `false`.
* The mongo client tries to support most options that are allowed by the driver. There are two ways to configure mongo
* for use by the driver, either by a connection string or by separate configuration options.
* NOTE: If the connection string is used the mongo client will ignore any driver configuration options.
* `connection_string`:: The connection string the driver uses to create the client. E.g. `mongodb://localhost:27017`.
* For more information on the format of the connection string please consult the driver documentation.
* *Specific driver configuration options*
* ----
* {
* // Single Cluster Settings
* "host" : "", // string
* "port" : 27017, // int
* // Multiple Cluster Settings
* "hosts" : [
* {
* "host" : "cluster1", // string
* "port" : 27000 // int
* },
* {
* "host" : "cluster2", // string
* "port" : 28000 // int
* },
* ...
* ],
* "replicaSet" : "foo" // string
* // Connection Pool Settings
* "maxPoolSize" : 50, // int
* "minPoolSize" : 25, // int
* "maxIdleTimeMS" : 300000, // long
* "maxLifeTimeMS" : 3600000, // long
* "waitQueueMultiple" : 10, // int
* "waitQueueTimeoutMS" : 10000, // long
* "maintenanceFrequencyMS" : 2000, // long
* "maintenanceInitialDelayMS" : 500, // long
* // Credentials / Auth
* "username" : "john", // string
* "password" : "passw0rd", // string
* "authSource" : "some.db" // string
* // Auth mechanism
* "authMechanism" : "GSSAPI", // string
* "gssapiServiceName" : "myservicename", // string
* // Socket Settings
* "connectTimeoutMS" : 300000, // int
* "socketTimeoutMS" : 100000, // int
* "sendBufferSize" : 8192, // int
* "receiveBufferSize" : 8192, // int
* "keepAlive" : true // boolean
* // Heartbeat socket settings
* "heartbeat.socket" : {
* "connectTimeoutMS" : 300000, // int
* "socketTimeoutMS" : 100000, // int
* "sendBufferSize" : 8192, // int
* "receiveBufferSize" : 8192, // int
* "keepAlive" : true // boolean
* }
* // Server Settings
* "heartbeatFrequencyMS" : 1000 // long
* "minHeartbeatFrequencyMS" : 500 // long
* }
* ----
* *Driver option descriptions*
* `host`:: The host the mongoDB instance is running. Defaults to ``. This is ignored if `hosts` is specified
* `port`:: The port the mongoDB instance is listening on. Defaults to `27017`. This is ignored if `hosts` is specified
* `hosts`:: An array representing the hosts and ports to support a mongoDB cluster (sharding / replication)
* `host`:: A host in the cluster
* `port`:: The port a host in the cluster is listening on
* `replicaSet`:: The name of the replica set, if the mongoDB instance is a member of a replica set
* `maxPoolSize`:: The maximum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is `100`
* `minPoolSize`:: The minimum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is `0`
* `maxIdleTimeMS`:: The maximum idle time of a pooled connection. The default value is `0` which means there is no limit
* `maxLifeTimeMS`:: The maximum time a pooled connection can live for. The default value is `0` which means there is no limit
* `waitQueueMultiple`:: The maximum number of waiters for a connection to become available from the pool. Default value is `500`
* `waitQueueTimeoutMS`:: The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available. Default value is `120000` (2 minutes)
* `maintenanceFrequencyMS`:: The time period between runs of the maintenance job. Default is `0`.
* `maintenanceInitialDelayMS`:: The period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool. Default is `0`.
* `username`:: The username to authenticate. Default is `null` (meaning no authentication required)
* `password`:: The password to use to authenticate.
* `authSource`:: The database name associated with the user's credentials. Default value is `admin`
* `authMechanism`:: The authentication mechanism to use. See [Authentication]( for more details.
* `gssapiServiceName`:: The Kerberos service name if `GSSAPI` is specified as the `authMechanism`.
* `connectTimeoutMS`:: The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out. Default is `10000` (10 seconds)
* `socketTimeoutMS`:: The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out. Default is `0` meaning there is no timeout
* `sendBufferSize`:: Sets the send buffer size (SO_SNDBUF) for the socket. Default is `0`, meaning it will use the OS default for this option.
* `receiveBufferSize`:: Sets the receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF) for the socket. Default is `0`, meaning it will use the OS default for this option.
* `keepAlive`:: Sets the keep alive (SO_KEEPALIVE) for the socket. Default is `false`
* `heartbeat.socket`:: Configures the socket settings for the cluster monitor of the MongoDB java driver.
* `heartbeatFrequencyMS`:: The frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server. Default is `5000` (5 seconds)
* `minHeartbeatFrequencyMS`:: The minimum heartbeat frequency. The default value is `1000` (1 second)
* NOTE: Most of the default values listed above use the default values of the MongoDB Java Driver.
* Please consult the driver documentation for up to date information.
* @author Nick Scavelli
* @author Julien Viet
* @author Tim Fox
@Document(fileName = "index.adoc")
@GenModule(name = "vertx-mongo")
package io.vertx.ext.mongo;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenModule;
import io.vertx.docgen.Document;
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