io.vertx.stack.command.package-info Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The original author or authors
* ------------------------------------------------------
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* The Apache License v2.0 is available at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* == Stack Manager
* The stack manager is a tool to manage your vert.x distribution. It maintains the set of jar files contained in the
* `lib` directory. The stack manager takes as input a YAML file describing the _dependencies_ that should be
* included in the stack. Then, during the resolution it resolves new dependencies and delete the files that are not
* used anymore.
* If you have downloaded a vert.x distribution, it comes with a `vertx-stack.json` in the root directory. This file
* contains all the official dependencies you can add. By default it _includes_ only the minimal stack.
* === Adding artifacts
* To add an artifact to your stack, just add the dependency if not there already, and set the `included` value to
* `true`:
* [source]
* ----
* {
* "groupId": "io.vertx",
* "artifactId": "vertx-sync",
* "version": "${vertx.version}",
* "included": true
* }
* ----
* The dependency is described using the Maven coordinates. The `groupId`, `artifactId` and `versions` attributes are
* mandatory. You can also set the `type` (`jar` by default) and `classifier` (none by default).
* === Removing artifacts
* To remove an artifact, remove the dependency or set the `included` attribute to `false`:
* [source]
* ----
* {
* "groupId": "io.vertx",
* "artifactId": "vertx-sync",
* "version": "${vertx.version}",
* "included": false
* }
* ----
* During the resolution, all files that are not associated to a dependency (or a transitive dependency) are removed.
* That means don't add files manually, they are going to be deleted.
* === Launching the resolution
* To launch the resolution, launch:
* [source]
* ----
* ./bin/vertx resolve --dir=lib
* ----
* The `resolve` command supports a set of options:
* * `--dir <value>` - The directory containing the artifacts composing the stack. Defaults to the `./lib`
* directory
* * `--fail-on-conflict` - Set whether or not the resolver should fail or conflict or just log a warning. Disabled by default.
* * `--http-proxy <value>` - Set the HTTP proxy address if any.
* * `--https-proxy <value>` - Set the HTTPS proxy address if any.
* * `--local-repo <value>` - Set the path to the local Maven repository. Defaults to `~/.m2/repository`
* * `--remote-repo <value>` - Set the path to a remote Maven repository. Can be set multiple times
* * `<vertx-stack.json>` - The path to the stack descriptor. Defaults to `vertx-stack.json`.
* * `--no-cache` - Disable the resolver cache
* * `--no-cache-for-snapshots` - Disable the caching of snapshot resolution
* If you have set `VERTX_HOME` as environment variable (or system variable), it uses: `$VERTX_HOME/lib` and
* `$VERTX_HOME/vertx-stack.json`.
* === Exclusions and Transitives
* Each dependency can declare a set of exclusions that won't be resolved during the resolution process:
* [source]
* ----
* {
* "groupId": "org.acme",
* "artifactId": "acme-lib",
* "version": "1.0.0",
* "included": true,
* "exclusions": [{
* "groupId": "org.acme",
* "artifactId": "acme-not-required"
* }]
* }
* ----
* You can also set the `transitive` attribute to `false` on a dependency to not resolve the transitive dependencies.
* This is useful when using fat jars or shaded artifacts:
* [source]
* ----
* {
* "groupId": "io.vertx",
* "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-thymeleaf",
* "version": "${vertx.version}",
* "included": true,
* "classifier": "shaded",
* "transitive": false
* }
* ----
* === Using variables
* The stack definition allows you to declare variables:
* [source]
* ----
* {
* "variables": {
* "vertx.version": "3.3.0"
* }
* ----
* Then your dependency can uses this variable using the `${}` notation.
* Variables can be set or overridden using system variables. System variables can be set with `-D`
* === A note about the JSON format
* The descriptor format supports:
* * comments using `//`
* * non quoted keys (such as `groupId : "org.acme"`)
* * single quotes for values (such as `groupId : 'org.acme'`)
@Document(fileName = "index.adoc")
package io.vertx.stack.command;
import io.vertx.docgen.Document;