com.ibm.icu.text.DateIntervalFormat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
package com.ibm.icu.text;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUCache;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUData;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUResourceBundle;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.SimpleCache;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.SimpleFormatterImpl;
import com.ibm.icu.text.DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo;
import com.ibm.icu.util.Calendar;
import com.ibm.icu.util.DateInterval;
import com.ibm.icu.util.Output;
import com.ibm.icu.util.TimeZone;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale.Category;
import com.ibm.icu.util.UResourceBundle;
* DateIntervalFormat is a class for formatting and parsing date
* intervals in a language-independent manner.
* Only formatting is supported. Parsing is not supported.
* Date interval means from one date to another date,
* for example, from "Jan 11, 2008" to "Jan 18, 2008".
* We introduced class DateInterval to represent it.
* DateInterval is a pair of UDate, which is
* the standard milliseconds since 24:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970.
* DateIntervalFormat formats a DateInterval into
* text as compactly as possible.
* For example, the date interval format from "Jan 11, 2008" to "Jan 18,. 2008"
* is "Jan 11-18, 2008" for English.
* And it parses text into DateInterval,
* although initially, parsing is not supported.
* There is no structural information in date time patterns.
* For any punctuations and string literals inside a date time pattern,
* we do not know whether it is just a separator, or a prefix, or a suffix.
* Without such information, so, it is difficult to generate a sub-pattern
* (or super-pattern) by algorithm.
* So, formatting a DateInterval is pattern-driven. It is very
* similar to formatting in SimpleDateFormat.
* We introduce class DateIntervalInfo to save date interval
* patterns, similar to date time pattern in SimpleDateFormat.
* Logically, the interval patterns are mappings
* from (skeleton, the_largest_different_calendar_field)
* to (date_interval_pattern).
* A skeleton
* -
* only keeps the field pattern letter and ignores all other parts
* in a pattern, such as space, punctuations, and string literals.
* hides the order of fields.
* might hide a field's pattern letter length.
* For those non-digit calendar fields, the pattern letter length is
* important, such as MMM, MMMM, and MMMMM; EEE and EEEE,
* and the field's pattern letter length is honored.
* For the digit calendar fields, such as M or MM, d or dd, yy or yyyy,
* the field pattern length is ignored and the best match, which is defined
* in date time patterns, will be returned without honor the field pattern
* letter length in skeleton.
* The calendar fields we support for interval formatting are:
* year, month, date, day-of-week, am-pm, hour, hour-of-day, minute, and
* second (though we do not currently have specific intervalFormat data for
* skeletons with seconds).
* Those calendar fields can be defined in the following order:
* year > month > date > hour (in day) > minute > second
* The largest different calendar fields between 2 calendars is the
* first different calendar field in above order.
* For example: the largest different calendar fields between "Jan 10, 2007"
* and "Feb 20, 2008" is year.
* For other calendar fields, the compact interval formatting is not
* supported. And the interval format will be fall back to fall-back
* patterns, which is mostly "{date0} - {date1}".
* There is a set of pre-defined static skeleton strings in DateFormat,
* There are pre-defined interval patterns for those pre-defined skeletons
* in locales' resource files.
* For example, for a skeleton YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, which is "yMMMd",
* in en_US, if the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2
* is "year", the date interval pattern is "MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy",
* such as "Jan 10, 2007 - Jan 10, 2008".
* If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "month",
* the date interval pattern is "MMM d - MMM d, yyyy",
* such as "Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2007".
* If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "day",
* the date interval pattern is ""MMM d-d, yyyy", such as "Jan 10-20, 2007".
* For date skeleton, the interval patterns when year, or month, or date is
* different are defined in resource files.
* For time skeleton, the interval patterns when am/pm, or hour, or minute is
* different are defined in resource files.
* If a skeleton is not found in a locale's DateIntervalInfo, which means
* the interval patterns for the skeleton is not defined in resource file,
* the interval pattern will falls back to the interval "fallback" pattern
* defined in resource file.
* If the interval "fallback" pattern is not defined, the default fall-back
* is "{date0} - {data1}".
* For the combination of date and time,
* The rule to genearte interval patterns are:
* -
* when the year, month, or day differs, falls back to fall-back
* interval pattern, which mostly is the concatenate the two original
* expressions with a separator between,
* For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
* to "Jan 11, 2007 10:10am" is
* "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - Jan 11, 2007 10:10am"
* otherwise, present the date followed by the range expression
* for the time.
* For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
* to "Jan 10, 2007 11:10am" is "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - 11:10am"
* If two dates are the same, the interval pattern is the single date pattern.
* For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007" to "Jan 10, 2007" is
* "Jan 10, 2007".
* Or if the presenting fields between 2 dates have the exact same values,
* the interval pattern is the single date pattern.
* For example, if user only requests year and month,
* the interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007" to "Jan 20, 2007" is "Jan 2007".
* DateIntervalFormat needs the following information for correct
* formatting: time zone, calendar type, pattern, date format symbols,
* and date interval patterns.
* It can be instantiated in several ways:
* -
* create an instance using default or given locale plus given skeleton.
* Users are encouraged to created date interval formatter this way and
* to use the pre-defined skeleton macros, such as
* YEAR_NUM_MONTH, which consists the calendar fields and
* the format style.
* -
* create an instance using default or given locale plus given skeleton
* plus a given DateIntervalInfo.
* This factory method is for powerful users who want to provide their own
* interval patterns.
* Locale provides the timezone, calendar, and format symbols information.
* Local plus skeleton provides full pattern information.
* DateIntervalInfo provides the date interval patterns.
* For the calendar field pattern letter, such as G, y, M, d, a, h, H, m, s etc.
* DateIntervalFormat uses the same syntax as that of
* DateTime format.
* Code Sample: general usage
* // the date interval object which the DateIntervalFormat formats on
* // and parses into
* DateInterval dtInterval = new DateInterval(1000*3600*24L, 1000*3600*24*2L);
* DateIntervalFormat dtIntervalFmt = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(
* YEAR_MONTH_DAY, Locale("en", "GB", ""));
* StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("");
* FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(0);
* // formatting
* dtIntervalFmt.format(dtInterval, dateIntervalString, pos);
* Code Sample: for powerful users who wants to use their own interval pattern
* import com.ibm.icu.text.DateIntervalInfo;
* import com.ibm.icu.text.DateIntervalFormat;
* ....................
* // Get DateIntervalFormat instance using default locale
* DateIntervalFormat dtitvfmt = DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(YEAR_MONTH_DAY);
* // Create an empty DateIntervalInfo object, which does not have any interval patterns inside.
* dtitvinf = new DateIntervalInfo();
* // a series of set interval patterns.
* MINUTE and SECOND are supported.
* dtitvinf.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.YEAR, "'y ~ y'");
* dtitvinf.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.MONTH, "yyyy 'diff' MMM d - MMM d");
* dtitvinf.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.DATE, "yyyy MMM d ~ d");
* dtitvinf.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, "yyyy MMM d HH:mm ~ HH:mm");
* // Set fallback interval pattern. Fallback pattern is used when interval pattern is not found.
* // If the fall-back pattern is not set, falls back to {date0} - {date1} if interval pattern is not found.
* dtitvinf.setFallbackIntervalPattern("{0} - {1}");
* // Set above DateIntervalInfo object as the interval patterns of date interval formatter
* dtitvfmt.setDateIntervalInfo(dtitvinf);
* // Prepare to format
* pos = new FieldPosition(0);
* str = new StringBuffer("");
* // The 2 calendars should be equivalent, otherwise, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown by format()
* Calendar fromCalendar = (Calendar) dtfmt.getCalendar().clone();
* Calendar toCalendar = (Calendar) dtfmt.getCalendar().clone();
* fromCalendar.setTimeInMillis(....);
* toCalendar.setTimeInMillis(...);
* //Formatting given 2 calendars
* dtitvfmt.format(fromCalendar, toCalendar, str, pos);
* Synchronization
* The format methods of DateIntervalFormat may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
* Functions that alter the state of a DateIntervalFormat object (setters)
* may not be used concurrently with any other functions.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public class DateIntervalFormat extends UFormat {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
* Used to save the information for a skeleton's best match skeleton.
* It is package accessible since it is used in DateIntervalInfo too.
static final class BestMatchInfo {
// the best match skeleton
final String bestMatchSkeleton;
// 0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
// 1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
// 2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
// -1 means there are other fields difference
final int bestMatchDistanceInfo;
BestMatchInfo(String bestSkeleton, int difference) {
bestMatchSkeleton = bestSkeleton;
bestMatchDistanceInfo = difference;
* Used to save the information on a skeleton and its best match.
private static final class SkeletonAndItsBestMatch {
final String skeleton;
final String bestMatchSkeleton;
SkeletonAndItsBestMatch(String skeleton, String bestMatch) {
this.skeleton = skeleton;
bestMatchSkeleton = bestMatch;
// Cache for the locale interval pattern
private static ICUCache> LOCAL_PATTERN_CACHE =
new SimpleCache>();
* The interval patterns for this locale.
private DateIntervalInfo fInfo;
* The DateFormat object used to format single pattern.
* Because fDateFormat is modified during format operations, all
* access to it from logically const, thread safe functions must be synchronized.
private SimpleDateFormat fDateFormat;
* The 2 calendars with the from and to date.
* could re-use the calendar in fDateFormat,
* but keeping 2 calendars make it clear and clean.
* Because these Calendars are modified during format operations, all
* access to them from logically const, thread safe functions must be synchronized.
private Calendar fFromCalendar;
private Calendar fToCalendar;
* Following are transient interval information
* relevant (locale) to this formatter.
private String fSkeleton = null;
* Needed for efficient deserialization. If set, it means we can use the
* cache to initialize fIntervalPatterns.
private boolean isDateIntervalInfoDefault;
* Interval patterns for this instance's locale.
private transient Map fIntervalPatterns = null;
* Patterns for fallback formatting.
private String fDatePattern = null;
private String fTimePattern = null;
private String fDateTimeFormat = null;
* default constructor; private because we don't want anyone to use
private DateIntervalFormat() {
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from DateFormat,
* a DateIntervalInfo, and skeleton.
* DateFormat provides the timezone, calendar,
* full pattern, and date format symbols information.
* It should be a SimpleDateFormat object which
* has a pattern in it.
* the DateIntervalInfo provides the interval patterns.
* @param skeleton the skeleton of the date formatter
* @param dtItvInfo the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
* @param simpleDateFormat will be used for formatting
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public DateIntervalFormat(String skeleton, DateIntervalInfo dtItvInfo,
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat)
fDateFormat = simpleDateFormat;
// freeze date interval info
fSkeleton = skeleton;
fInfo = dtItvInfo;
isDateIntervalInfoDefault = false;
fFromCalendar = (Calendar) fDateFormat.getCalendar().clone();
fToCalendar = (Calendar) fDateFormat.getCalendar().clone();
private DateIntervalFormat(String skeleton, ULocale locale,
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat)
fDateFormat = simpleDateFormat;
fSkeleton = skeleton;
fInfo = new DateIntervalInfo(locale).freeze();
isDateIntervalInfoDefault = true;
fFromCalendar = (Calendar) fDateFormat.getCalendar().clone();
fToCalendar = (Calendar) fDateFormat.getCalendar().clone();
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton and the default FORMAT
* This is a convenient override of
* getInstance(String skeleton, ULocale locale)
* with the value of locale as default FORMAT
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat
getInstance(String skeleton)
return getInstance(skeleton, ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton and a given locale.
* This is a convenient override of
* getInstance(String skeleton, ULocale locale)
* Example code:{@.jcite com.ibm.icu.samples.text.dateintervalformat.DateIntervalFormatSample:---dtitvfmtPreDefinedExample}
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @param locale the given locale
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat
getInstance(String skeleton, Locale locale)
return getInstance(skeleton, ULocale.forLocale(locale));
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton and a given locale.
* In this factory method,
* the date interval pattern information is load from resource files.
* Users are encouraged to created date interval formatter this way and
* to use the pre-defined skeleton macros.
* There are pre-defined skeletons in DateFormat,
* Those skeletons have pre-defined interval patterns in resource files.
* Users are encouraged to use them.
* For example:
* DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(DateFormat.MONTH_DAY, false, loc);
* The given Locale provides the interval patterns.
* For example, for en_GB, if skeleton is YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY,
* which is "yMMMEEEd",
* the interval patterns defined in resource file to above skeleton are:
* "EEE, d MMM, yyyy - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for year differs,
* "EEE, d MMM - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for month differs,
* "EEE, d - EEE, d MMM, yyyy" for day differs,
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @param locale the given locale
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat
getInstance(String skeleton, ULocale locale)
DateTimePatternGenerator generator = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
return new DateIntervalFormat(skeleton, locale, new SimpleDateFormat(generator.getBestPattern(skeleton), locale));
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton
* DateIntervalInfo, and the default FORMAT
* This is a convenient override of
* getInstance(String skeleton, ULocale locale, DateIntervalInfo dtitvinf)
* with the locale value as default FORMAT
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @param dtitvinf the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat getInstance(String skeleton,
DateIntervalInfo dtitvinf)
return getInstance(skeleton, ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT), dtitvinf);
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton
* a DateIntervalInfo, and the given locale.
* This is a convenient override of
* getInstance(String skeleton, ULocale locale, DateIntervalInfo dtitvinf)
Example code:{@.jcite com.ibm.icu.samples.text.dateintervalformat.DateIntervalFormatSample:---dtitvfmtCustomizedExample}
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @param locale the given locale
* @param dtitvinf the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat getInstance(String skeleton,
Locale locale,
DateIntervalInfo dtitvinf)
return getInstance(skeleton, ULocale.forLocale(locale), dtitvinf);
* Construct a DateIntervalFormat from skeleton
* a DateIntervalInfo, and the given locale.
* In this factory method, user provides its own date interval pattern
* information, instead of using those pre-defined data in resource file.
* This factory method is for powerful users who want to provide their own
* interval patterns.
* There are pre-defined skeleton in DateFormat,
* Those skeletons have pre-defined interval patterns in resource files.
* Users are encouraged to use them.
* For example:
* DateIntervalFormat.getInstance(DateFormat.MONTH_DAY, false, loc,itvinf);
* the DateIntervalInfo provides the interval patterns.
* User are encouraged to set default interval pattern in DateIntervalInfo
* as well, if they want to set other interval patterns ( instead of
* reading the interval patterns from resource files).
* When the corresponding interval pattern for a largest calendar different
* field is not found ( if user not set it ), interval format fallback to
* the default interval pattern.
* If user does not provide default interval pattern, it fallback to
* "{date0} - {date1}"
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval format based.
* @param locale the given locale
* @param dtitvinf the DateIntervalInfo object to be adopted.
* @return a date time interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public static final DateIntervalFormat getInstance(String skeleton,
ULocale locale,
DateIntervalInfo dtitvinf)
// clone. If it is frozen, clone returns itself, otherwise, clone
// returns a copy.
dtitvinf = (DateIntervalInfo)dtitvinf.clone();
DateTimePatternGenerator generator = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
return new DateIntervalFormat(skeleton, dtitvinf, new SimpleDateFormat(generator.getBestPattern(skeleton), locale));
* Clone this Format object polymorphically.
* @return A copy of the object.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public synchronized Object clone()
DateIntervalFormat other = (DateIntervalFormat) super.clone();
other.fDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) fDateFormat.clone();
other.fInfo = (DateIntervalInfo) fInfo.clone();
other.fFromCalendar = (Calendar) fFromCalendar.clone();
other.fToCalendar = (Calendar) fToCalendar.clone();
other.fDatePattern = fDatePattern;
other.fTimePattern = fTimePattern;
other.fDateTimeFormat = fDateTimeFormat;
return other;
* Format an object to produce a string. This method handles Formattable
* objects with a DateInterval type.
* If a the Formattable object type is not a DateInterval,
* IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
* @param obj The object to format.
* Must be a DateInterval.
* @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
* Result is appended to existing contents.
* @param fieldPosition On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* There may be multiple instances of a given field type
* in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
* offsets refer to the first instance.
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the formatted object is not
* DateInterval object
* @stable ICU 4.0
public final StringBuffer
format(Object obj, StringBuffer appendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition)
if ( obj instanceof DateInterval ) {
return format( (DateInterval)obj, appendTo, fieldPosition);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot format given Object (" + obj.getClass().getName() + ") as a DateInterval");
* Format a DateInterval to produce a string.
* @param dtInterval DateInterval to be formatted.
* @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
* Result is appended to existing contents.
* @param fieldPosition On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* There may be multiple instances of a given field type
* in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
* offsets refer to the first instance.
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public final synchronized StringBuffer format(DateInterval dtInterval,
StringBuffer appendTo,
FieldPosition fieldPosition)
return format(fFromCalendar, fToCalendar, appendTo, fieldPosition);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public String getPatterns(Calendar fromCalendar,
Calendar toCalendar,
Output part2) {
// First, find the largest different calendar field.
int field;
if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA) != toCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA) ) {
field = Calendar.ERA;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) ) {
field = Calendar.YEAR;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) ) {
field = Calendar.MONTH;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) ) {
field = Calendar.DATE;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM) ) {
field = Calendar.AM_PM;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) ) {
field = Calendar.HOUR;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) ) {
field = Calendar.MINUTE;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) ) {
field = Calendar.SECOND;
} else {
return null;
PatternInfo intervalPattern = fIntervalPatterns.get(
part2.value = intervalPattern.getSecondPart();
return intervalPattern.getFirstPart();
* Format 2 Calendars to produce a string.
* @param fromCalendar calendar set to the from date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param toCalendar calendar set to the to date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
* Result is appended to existing contents.
* @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* There may be multiple instances of a given field type
* in an interval format; in this case the fieldPosition
* offsets refer to the first instance.
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the two calendars are not equivalent.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public final synchronized StringBuffer format(Calendar fromCalendar,
Calendar toCalendar,
StringBuffer appendTo,
FieldPosition pos)
// not support different calendar types and time zones
if ( !fromCalendar.isEquivalentTo(toCalendar) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can not format on two different calendars");
// First, find the largest different calendar field.
int field = -1; //init with an invalid value.
if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA) != toCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA) ) {
field = Calendar.ERA;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) ) {
field = Calendar.YEAR;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) ) {
field = Calendar.MONTH;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) ) {
field = Calendar.DATE;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM) ) {
field = Calendar.AM_PM;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) ) {
field = Calendar.HOUR;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) ) {
field = Calendar.MINUTE;
} else if ( fromCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) !=
toCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) ) {
field = Calendar.SECOND;
} else {
/* ignore the millisecond etc. small fields' difference.
* use single date when all the above are the same.
return fDateFormat.format(fromCalendar, appendTo, pos);
boolean fromToOnSameDay = (field==Calendar.AM_PM || field==Calendar.HOUR || field==Calendar.MINUTE || field==Calendar.SECOND);
// get interval pattern
PatternInfo intervalPattern = fIntervalPatterns.get(
if ( intervalPattern == null ) {
if ( fDateFormat.isFieldUnitIgnored(field) ) {
/* the largest different calendar field is small than
* the smallest calendar field in pattern,
* return single date format.
return fDateFormat.format(fromCalendar, appendTo, pos);
return fallbackFormat(fromCalendar, toCalendar, fromToOnSameDay, appendTo, pos);
// If the first part in interval pattern is empty,
// the 2nd part of it saves the full-pattern used in fall-back.
// For a 'real' interval pattern, the first part will never be empty.
if ( intervalPattern.getFirstPart() == null ) {
// fall back
return fallbackFormat(fromCalendar, toCalendar, fromToOnSameDay, appendTo, pos,
Calendar firstCal;
Calendar secondCal;
if ( intervalPattern.firstDateInPtnIsLaterDate() ) {
firstCal = toCalendar;
secondCal = fromCalendar;
} else {
firstCal = fromCalendar;
secondCal = toCalendar;
// break the interval pattern into 2 parts
// first part should not be empty,
String originalPattern = fDateFormat.toPattern();
fDateFormat.format(firstCal, appendTo, pos);
if ( intervalPattern.getSecondPart() != null ) {
FieldPosition otherPos = new FieldPosition(pos.getField());
fDateFormat.format(secondCal, appendTo, otherPos);
if (pos.getEndIndex() == 0 && otherPos.getEndIndex() > 0) {
return appendTo;
private void adjustPosition(String combiningPattern, // has {0} and {1} in it
String pat0, FieldPosition pos0, // pattern and pos corresponding to {0}
String pat1, FieldPosition pos1, // pattern and pos corresponding to {1}
FieldPosition posResult) {
int index0 = combiningPattern.indexOf("{0}");
int index1 = combiningPattern.indexOf("{1}");
if (index0 < 0 || index1 < 0) {
int placeholderLen = 3; // length of "{0}" or "{1}"
if (index0 < index1) {
if (pos0.getEndIndex() > 0) {
posResult.setBeginIndex(pos0.getBeginIndex() + index0);
posResult.setEndIndex(pos0.getEndIndex() + index0);
} else if (pos1.getEndIndex() > 0) {
// here index1 >= 3
index1 += pat0.length() - placeholderLen; // adjust for pat0 replacing {0}
posResult.setBeginIndex(pos1.getBeginIndex() + index1);
posResult.setEndIndex(pos1.getEndIndex() + index1);
} else {
if (pos1.getEndIndex() > 0) {
posResult.setBeginIndex(pos1.getBeginIndex() + index1);
posResult.setEndIndex(pos1.getEndIndex() + index1);
} else if (pos0.getEndIndex() > 0) {
// here index0 >= 3
index0 += pat1.length() - placeholderLen; // adjust for pat1 replacing {1}
posResult.setBeginIndex(pos0.getBeginIndex() + index0);
posResult.setEndIndex(pos0.getEndIndex() + index0);
* Format 2 Calendars to using fall-back interval pattern
* The full pattern used in this fall-back format is the
* full pattern of the date formatter.
* @param fromCalendar calendar set to the from date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param toCalendar calendar set to the to date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
* Result is appended to existing contents.
* @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
private final StringBuffer fallbackFormat(Calendar fromCalendar,
Calendar toCalendar,
boolean fromToOnSameDay,
StringBuffer appendTo,
FieldPosition pos) {
String fullPattern = null; // for saving the pattern in fDateFormat
boolean formatDatePlusTimeRange = (fromToOnSameDay && fDatePattern != null && fTimePattern != null);
// the fall back
if (formatDatePlusTimeRange) {
fullPattern = fDateFormat.toPattern(); // save current pattern, restore later
FieldPosition otherPos = new FieldPosition(pos.getField());
StringBuffer earlierDate = new StringBuffer(64);
earlierDate = fDateFormat.format(fromCalendar, earlierDate, pos);
StringBuffer laterDate = new StringBuffer(64);
laterDate = fDateFormat.format(toCalendar, laterDate, otherPos);
String fallbackPattern = fInfo.getFallbackIntervalPattern();
adjustPosition(fallbackPattern, earlierDate.toString(), pos, laterDate.toString(), otherPos, pos);
String fallbackRange = SimpleFormatterImpl.formatRawPattern(
fallbackPattern, 2, 2, earlierDate, laterDate);
if (formatDatePlusTimeRange) {
// fallbackRange has just the time range, need to format the date part and combine that
StringBuffer datePortion = new StringBuffer(64);
datePortion = fDateFormat.format(fromCalendar, datePortion, otherPos);
adjustPosition(fDateTimeFormat, fallbackRange, pos, datePortion.toString(), otherPos, pos);
fallbackRange = SimpleFormatterImpl.formatRawPattern(
fDateTimeFormat, 2, 2, fallbackRange, datePortion);
if (formatDatePlusTimeRange) {
// restore full pattern
return appendTo;
* Format 2 Calendars to using fall-back interval pattern
* This fall-back pattern is generated on a given full pattern,
* not the full pattern of the date formatter.
* @param fromCalendar calendar set to the from date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param toCalendar calendar set to the to date in date interval
* to be formatted into date interval string
* @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
* Result is appended to existing contents.
* @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired.
* On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* @param fullPattern the full pattern need to apply to date formatter
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
private final StringBuffer fallbackFormat(Calendar fromCalendar,
Calendar toCalendar,
boolean fromToOnSameDay,
StringBuffer appendTo,
FieldPosition pos,
String fullPattern) {
String originalPattern = fDateFormat.toPattern();
fallbackFormat(fromCalendar, toCalendar, fromToOnSameDay, appendTo, pos);
return appendTo;
* Date interval parsing is not supported.
* This method should handle parsing of
* date time interval strings into Formattable objects with
* DateInterval type, which is a pair of UDate.
* Before calling, set parse_pos.index to the offset you want to start
* parsing at in the source. After calling, parse_pos.index is the end of
* the text you parsed. If error occurs, index is unchanged.
* When parsing, leading whitespace is discarded (with a successful parse),
* while trailing whitespace is left as is.
* See Format.parseObject() for more.
* @param source The string to be parsed into an object.
* @param parse_pos The position to start parsing at. Since no parsing
* is supported, upon return this param is unchanged.
* @return A newly created Formattable* object, or NULL
* on failure.
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition parse_pos)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("parsing is not supported");
* Gets the date time interval patterns.
* @return a copy of the date time interval patterns associated with
* this date interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public DateIntervalInfo getDateIntervalInfo()
return (DateIntervalInfo)fInfo.clone();
* Set the date time interval patterns.
* @param newItvPattern the given interval patterns to copy.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public void setDateIntervalInfo(DateIntervalInfo newItvPattern)
// clone it. If it is frozen, the clone returns itself.
// Otherwise, clone returns a copy
fInfo = (DateIntervalInfo)newItvPattern.clone();
this.isDateIntervalInfoDefault = false;
fInfo.freeze(); // freeze it
if ( fDateFormat != null ) {
* Get the TimeZone
* @return A copy of the TimeZone associated with this date interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 53
public TimeZone getTimeZone()
if ( fDateFormat != null ) {
// Here we clone, like other getters here, but unlike
// DateFormat.getTimeZone() and Calendar.getTimeZone()
// which return the TimeZone from the Calendar's zone variable
return (TimeZone)(fDateFormat.getTimeZone().clone());
// If fDateFormat is null (unexpected), return default timezone.
return TimeZone.getDefault();
* Set the TimeZone for the calendar used by this DateIntervalFormat object.
* @param zone The new TimeZone, will be cloned for use by this DateIntervalFormat.
* @stable ICU 53
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
// zone is cloned once for all three usages below:
TimeZone zoneToSet = (TimeZone)zone.clone();
if (fDateFormat != null) {
// fDateFormat has the master calendar for the DateIntervalFormat;
// fFromCalendar and fToCalendar are internal work clones of that calendar.
if (fFromCalendar != null) {
if (fToCalendar != null) {
* Gets the date formatter
* @return a copy of the date formatter associated with
* this date interval formatter.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public synchronized DateFormat getDateFormat()
return (DateFormat)fDateFormat.clone();
* Below are for generating interval patterns locale to the formatter
* Initialize interval patterns locale to this formatter.
private void initializePattern(ICUCache> cache) {
String fullPattern = fDateFormat.toPattern();
ULocale locale = fDateFormat.getLocale();
String key = null;
Map patterns = null;
if (cache != null) {
if ( fSkeleton != null ) {
key = locale.toString() + "+" + fullPattern + "+" + fSkeleton;
} else {
key = locale.toString() + "+" + fullPattern;
patterns = cache.get(key);
if (patterns == null) {
Map intervalPatterns = initializeIntervalPattern(fullPattern, locale);
patterns = Collections.unmodifiableMap(intervalPatterns);
if (cache != null) {
cache.put(key, patterns);
fIntervalPatterns = patterns;
* Initialize interval patterns locale to this formatter
* This code is a bit complicated since
* 1. the interval patterns saved in resource bundle files are interval
* patterns based on date or time only.
* It does not have interval patterns based on both date and time.
* Interval patterns on both date and time are algorithm generated.
* For example, it has interval patterns on skeleton "dMy" and "hm",
* but it does not have interval patterns on skeleton "dMyhm".
* The rule to generate interval patterns for both date and time skeleton are
* 1) when the year, month, or day differs, concatenate the two original
* expressions with a separator between,
* For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
* to "Jan 11, 2007 10:10am" is
* "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - Jan 11, 2007 10:10am"
* 2) otherwise, present the date followed by the range expression
* for the time.
* For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
* to "Jan 10, 2007 11:10am" is
* "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - 11:10am"
* 2. even a pattern does not request a certain calendar field,
* the interval pattern needs to include such field if such fields are
* different between 2 dates.
* For example, a pattern/skeleton is "hm", but the interval pattern
* includes year, month, and date when year, month, and date differs.
* @param fullPattern formatter's full pattern
* @param locale the given locale.
* @return interval patterns' hash map
private Map initializeIntervalPattern(String fullPattern, ULocale locale) {
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpng = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
if ( fSkeleton == null ) {
// fSkeleton is already set by getDateIntervalInstance()
// or by getInstance(String skeleton, .... )
fSkeleton = dtpng.getSkeleton(fullPattern);
String skeleton = fSkeleton;
HashMap intervalPatterns = new HashMap();
/* Check whether the skeleton is a combination of date and time.
* For the complication reason 1 explained above.
StringBuilder date = new StringBuilder(skeleton.length());
StringBuilder normalizedDate = new StringBuilder(skeleton.length());
StringBuilder time = new StringBuilder(skeleton.length());
StringBuilder normalizedTime = new StringBuilder(skeleton.length());
/* the difference between time skeleton and normalizedTimeSkeleton are:
* 1. (Formerly, normalized time skeleton folded 'H' to 'h'; no longer true)
* 2. 'a' is omitted in normalized time skeleton.
* 3. there is only one appearance for 'h', 'm','v', 'z' in normalized
* time skeleton
* The difference between date skeleton and normalizedDateSkeleton are:
* 1. both 'y' and 'd' appear only once in normalizeDateSkeleton
* 2. 'E' and 'EE' are normalized into 'EEE'
* 3. 'MM' is normalized into 'M'
getDateTimeSkeleton(skeleton, date, normalizedDate,
time, normalizedTime);
String dateSkeleton = date.toString();
String timeSkeleton = time.toString();
String normalizedDateSkeleton = normalizedDate.toString();
String normalizedTimeSkeleton = normalizedTime.toString();
// move this up here since we need it for fallbacks
if (time.length() != 0 && date.length() != 0) {
// Need the Date/Time pattern for concatenating the date with
// the time interval.
// The date/time pattern ( such as {0} {1} ) is saved in
// calendar, that is why need to get the CalendarData here.
fDateTimeFormat = getConcatenationPattern(locale);
boolean found = genSeparateDateTimePtn(normalizedDateSkeleton,
intervalPatterns, dtpng);
// for skeletons with seconds, found is false and we enter this block
if ( found == false ) {
// use fallback
// TODO: if user asks "m", but "d" differ
//StringBuffer skeleton = new StringBuffer(skeleton);
if ( time.length() != 0 ) {
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.MINUTE, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.HOUR, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.AM_PM, skeleton);
if ( date.length() == 0 ) {
// prefix with yMd
timeSkeleton = DateFormat.YEAR_NUM_MONTH_DAY + timeSkeleton;
String pattern =dtpng.getBestPattern(timeSkeleton);
// for fall back interval patterns,
// the first part of the pattern is empty,
// the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
// should be used in fall-back.
PatternInfo ptn = new PatternInfo(null, pattern,
// share interval pattern
// share interval pattern
} else {
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.DATE, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.MONTH, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.YEAR, skeleton);
} else {
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.DATE, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.MONTH, skeleton);
//genFallbackForNotFound(Calendar.YEAR, skeleton);
return intervalPatterns;
} // end of skeleton not found
// interval patterns for skeleton are found in resource
if ( time.length() == 0 ) {
// done
} else if ( date.length() == 0 ) {
// need to set up patterns for y/M/d differ
/* result from following looks confusing.
* for example: 10 10:10 - 11 10:10, it is not
* clear that the first 10 is the 10th day
time.insert(0, 'd');
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.DATE, time);
time.insert(0, 'M');
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.MONTH, time);
time.insert(0, 'y');
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.YEAR, time);
// prefix with yMd
timeSkeleton = DateFormat.YEAR_NUM_MONTH_DAY + timeSkeleton;
String pattern =dtpng.getBestPattern(timeSkeleton);
// for fall back interval patterns,
// the first part of the pattern is empty,
// the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
// should be used in fall-back.
PatternInfo ptn = new PatternInfo(
null, pattern, fInfo.getDefaultOrder());
} else {
/* if both present,
* 1) when the year, month, or day differs,
* concatenate the two original expressions with a separator between,
* 2) otherwise, present the date followed by the
* range expression for the time.
* 1) when the year, month, or day differs,
* concatenate the two original expressions with a separator between,
// if field exists, use fall back
if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(Calendar.DATE, dateSkeleton) ) {
// prefix skeleton with 'd'
skeleton = DateIntervalInfo.
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.DATE, skeleton, intervalPatterns, dtpng);
if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(Calendar.MONTH, dateSkeleton) ) {
// then prefix skeleton with 'M'
skeleton = DateIntervalInfo.
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.MONTH, skeleton, intervalPatterns, dtpng);
if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(Calendar.YEAR, dateSkeleton) ) {
// then prefix skeleton with 'y'
skeleton = DateIntervalInfo.
genFallbackPattern(Calendar.YEAR, skeleton, intervalPatterns, dtpng);
* 2) otherwise, present the date followed by the
* range expression for the time.
if (fDateTimeFormat == null) {
fDateTimeFormat = "{1} {0}";
String datePattern =dtpng.getBestPattern(dateSkeleton);
concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(fDateTimeFormat, datePattern, Calendar.AM_PM, intervalPatterns);
concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(fDateTimeFormat, datePattern, Calendar.HOUR, intervalPatterns);
concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(fDateTimeFormat, datePattern, Calendar.MINUTE, intervalPatterns);
return intervalPatterns;
* Retrieves the concatenation DateTime pattern from the resource bundle.
* @param locale Locale to retrieve.
* @return Concatenation DateTime pattern.
private String getConcatenationPattern(ULocale locale) {
ICUResourceBundle rb = (ICUResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUData.ICU_BASE_NAME, locale);
ICUResourceBundle dtPatternsRb = rb.getWithFallback("calendar/gregorian/DateTimePatterns");
ICUResourceBundle concatenationPatternRb = (ICUResourceBundle) dtPatternsRb.get(8);
if (concatenationPatternRb.getType() == UResourceBundle.STRING) {
return concatenationPatternRb.getString();
} else {
return concatenationPatternRb.getString(0);
* Generate fall back interval pattern given a calendar field,
* a skeleton, and a date time pattern generator
* @param field the largest different calendar field
* @param skeleton a skeleton
* @param dtpng date time pattern generator
* @param intervalPatterns interval patterns
private void genFallbackPattern(int field, String skeleton,
Map intervalPatterns,
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpng) {
String pattern = dtpng.getBestPattern(skeleton);
// for fall back interval patterns,
// the first part of the pattern is empty,
// the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
// should be used in fall-back.
PatternInfo ptn = new PatternInfo(
null, pattern, fInfo.getDefaultOrder());
DateIntervalInfo.CALENDAR_FIELD_TO_PATTERN_LETTER[field], ptn);
private void genFallbackForNotFound(String field, StringBuffer skeleton) {
if ( SimpleDateFormat.isFieldUnitIgnored(skeleton.toString(), field) ) {
// single date
DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo ptnInfo =
new DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo(null, fDateFormat.toPattern(),
fIntervalPatterns.put(field, ptnInfo);
} else if ( skeleton.indexOf(field) == -1 ) {
genFallbackPattern(field, skeleton, dtpng);
* get separated date and time skeleton from a combined skeleton.
* The difference between date skeleton and normalizedDateSkeleton are:
* 1. both 'y' and 'd' are appeared only once in normalizeDateSkeleton
* 2. 'E' and 'EE' are normalized into 'EEE'
* 3. 'MM' is normalized into 'M'
** the difference between time skeleton and normalizedTimeSkeleton are:
* 1. both 'H' and 'h' are normalized as 'h' in normalized time skeleton,
* 2. 'a' is omitted in normalized time skeleton.
* 3. there is only one appearance for 'h', 'm','v', 'z' in normalized time
* skeleton
* @param skeleton given combined skeleton.
* @param date Output parameter for date only skeleton.
* @param normalizedDate Output parameter for normalized date only
* @param time Output parameter for time only skeleton.
* @param normalizedTime Output parameter for normalized time only
* skeleton.
private static void getDateTimeSkeleton(String skeleton,
StringBuilder dateSkeleton,
StringBuilder normalizedDateSkeleton,
StringBuilder timeSkeleton,
StringBuilder normalizedTimeSkeleton)
// dateSkeleton follows the sequence of y*M*E*d*
// timeSkeleton follows the sequence of hm*[v|z]?
int i;
int ECount = 0;
int dCount = 0;
int MCount = 0;
int yCount = 0;
int hCount = 0;
int HCount = 0;
int mCount = 0;
int vCount = 0;
int zCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < skeleton.length(); ++i) {
char ch = skeleton.charAt(i);
switch ( ch ) {
case 'E':
case 'd':
case 'M':
case 'y':
case 'G':
case 'Y':
case 'u':
case 'Q':
case 'q':
case 'L':
case 'l':
case 'W':
case 'w':
case 'D':
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'e':
case 'c':
case 'U':
case 'r':
case 'a':
// 'a' is implicitly handled
case 'h':
case 'H':
case 'm':
case 'z':
case 'v':
case 'V':
case 'Z':
case 'k':
case 'K':
case 'j':
case 's':
case 'S':
case 'A':
/* generate normalized form for date*/
if ( yCount != 0 ) {
for (i = 0; i < yCount; i++) {
if ( MCount != 0 ) {
if ( MCount < 3 ) {
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < MCount && i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( ECount != 0 ) {
if ( ECount <= 3 ) {
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < ECount && i < 5; ++i ) {
if ( dCount != 0 ) {
/* generate normalized form for time */
if ( HCount != 0 ) {
else if ( hCount != 0 ) {
if ( mCount != 0 ) {
if ( zCount != 0 ) {
if ( vCount != 0 ) {
* Generate date or time interval pattern from resource.
* It needs to handle the following:
* 1. need to adjust field width.
* For example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
* includes "dMMMy", but not "dMMMMy".
* Need to get interval patterns for dMMMMy from dMMMy.
* Another example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
* includes "hmv", but not "hmz".
* Need to get interval patterns for "hmz' from 'hmv'
* 2. there might be no pattern for 'y' differ for skeleton "Md",
* in order to get interval patterns for 'y' differ,
* need to look for it from skeleton 'yMd'
* @param dateSkeleton normalized date skeleton
* @param timeSkeleton normalized time skeleton
* @param intervalPatterns interval patterns
* @return whether there is interval patterns for the skeleton.
* true if there is, false otherwise
private boolean genSeparateDateTimePtn(String dateSkeleton,
String timeSkeleton,
Map intervalPatterns,
DateTimePatternGenerator dtpng)
String skeleton;
// if both date and time skeleton present,
// the final interval pattern might include time interval patterns
// ( when, am_pm, hour, minute, second differ ),
// but not date interval patterns ( when year, month, day differ ).
// For year/month/day differ, it falls back to fall-back pattern.
if ( timeSkeleton.length() != 0 ) {
skeleton = timeSkeleton;
} else {
skeleton = dateSkeleton;
/* interval patterns for skeleton "dMMMy" (but not "dMMMMy")
* are defined in resource,
* interval patterns for skeleton "dMMMMy" are calculated by
* 1. get the best match skeleton for "dMMMMy", which is "dMMMy"
* 2. get the interval patterns for "dMMMy",
* 3. extend "MMM" to "MMMM" in above interval patterns for "dMMMMy"
* getBestSkeleton() is step 1.
// best skeleton, and the difference information
BestMatchInfo retValue = fInfo.getBestSkeleton(skeleton);
String bestSkeleton = retValue.bestMatchSkeleton;
int differenceInfo = retValue.bestMatchDistanceInfo;
// Set patterns for fallback use, need to do this
// before returning if differenceInfo == -1
if (dateSkeleton.length() != 0 ) {
fDatePattern = dtpng.getBestPattern(dateSkeleton);
if (timeSkeleton.length() != 0 ) {
fTimePattern = dtpng.getBestPattern(timeSkeleton);
// difference:
// 0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
// 1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
// 2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
// -1 means there are other fields difference
// (this will happen, for instance, if the supplied skeleton has seconds,
// but no skeletons in the intervalFormats data do)
if ( differenceInfo == -1 ) {
// skeleton has different fields, not only v/z difference
return false;
if ( timeSkeleton.length() == 0 ) {
// only has date skeleton
genIntervalPattern(Calendar.DATE, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo, intervalPatterns);
SkeletonAndItsBestMatch skeletons = genIntervalPattern(
Calendar.MONTH, skeleton,
bestSkeleton, differenceInfo,
if ( skeletons != null ) {
bestSkeleton = skeletons.skeleton;
skeleton = skeletons.bestMatchSkeleton;
genIntervalPattern(Calendar.YEAR, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo, intervalPatterns);
} else {
genIntervalPattern(Calendar.MINUTE, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo, intervalPatterns);
genIntervalPattern(Calendar.HOUR, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo, intervalPatterns);
genIntervalPattern(Calendar.AM_PM, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo, intervalPatterns);
return true;
* Generate interval pattern from existing resource
* It not only save the interval patterns,
* but also return the skeleton and its best match skeleton.
* @param field largest different calendar field
* @param skeleton skeleton
* @param bestSkeleton the best match skeleton which has interval pattern
* defined in resource
* @param differenceInfo the difference between skeleton and best skeleton
* 0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
* 1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
* 2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
* -1 means there are other fields difference
* @param intervalPatterns interval patterns
* @return an extended skeleton or extended best skeleton if applicable.
* null otherwise.
private SkeletonAndItsBestMatch genIntervalPattern(
int field, String skeleton, String bestSkeleton,
int differenceInfo, Map intervalPatterns) {
SkeletonAndItsBestMatch retValue = null;
PatternInfo pattern = fInfo.getIntervalPattern(
bestSkeleton, field);
if ( pattern == null ) {
// single date
if ( SimpleDateFormat.isFieldUnitIgnored(bestSkeleton, field) ) {
PatternInfo ptnInfo =
new PatternInfo(fDateFormat.toPattern(),
return null;
// for 24 hour system, interval patterns in resource file
// might not include pattern when am_pm differ,
// which should be the same as hour differ.
// add it here for simplicity
if ( field == Calendar.AM_PM ) {
pattern = fInfo.getIntervalPattern(bestSkeleton,
if ( pattern != null ) {
// share
return null;
// else, looking for pattern when 'y' differ for 'dMMMM' skeleton,
// first, get best match pattern "MMMd",
// since there is no pattern for 'y' differs for skeleton 'MMMd',
// need to look for it from skeleton 'yMMMd',
// if found, adjust field width in interval pattern from
// "MMM" to "MMMM".
String fieldLetter =
bestSkeleton = fieldLetter + bestSkeleton;
skeleton = fieldLetter + skeleton;
// for example, looking for patterns when 'y' differ for
// skeleton "MMMM".
pattern = fInfo.getIntervalPattern(bestSkeleton, field);
if ( pattern == null && differenceInfo == 0 ) {
// if there is no skeleton "yMMMM" defined,
// look for the best match skeleton, for example: "yMMM"
BestMatchInfo tmpRetValue = fInfo.getBestSkeleton(skeleton);
String tmpBestSkeleton = tmpRetValue.bestMatchSkeleton;
differenceInfo = tmpRetValue.bestMatchDistanceInfo;
if ( tmpBestSkeleton.length() != 0 && differenceInfo != -1 ) {
pattern = fInfo.getIntervalPattern(tmpBestSkeleton, field);
bestSkeleton = tmpBestSkeleton;
if ( pattern != null ) {
retValue = new SkeletonAndItsBestMatch(skeleton, bestSkeleton);
if ( pattern != null ) {
if ( differenceInfo != 0 ) {
String part1 = adjustFieldWidth(skeleton, bestSkeleton,
pattern.getFirstPart(), differenceInfo);
String part2 = adjustFieldWidth(skeleton, bestSkeleton,
pattern.getSecondPart(), differenceInfo);
pattern = new PatternInfo(part1, part2,
} else {
// pattern is immutable, no need to clone;
// pattern = (PatternInfo)pattern.clone();
DateIntervalInfo.CALENDAR_FIELD_TO_PATTERN_LETTER[field], pattern);
return retValue;
* Adjust field width in best match interval pattern to match
* the field width in input skeleton.
* TODO (xji) make a general solution
* The adjusting rule can be:
* 1. always adjust
* 2. never adjust
* 3. default adjust, which means adjust according to the following rules
* 3.1 always adjust string, such as MMM and MMMM
* 3.2 never adjust between string and numeric, such as MM and MMM
* 3.3 always adjust year
* 3.4 do not adjust 'd', 'h', or 'm' if h presents
* 3.5 do not adjust 'M' if it is numeric(?)
* Since date interval format is well-formed format,
* date and time skeletons are normalized previously,
* till this stage, the adjust here is only "adjust strings, such as MMM
* and MMMM, EEE and EEEE.
* @param inputSkeleton the input skeleton
* @param bestMatchSkeleton the best match skeleton
* @param bestMatchIntervalpattern the best match interval pattern
* @param differenceInfo the difference between 2 skeletons
* 1 means only field width differs
* 2 means v/z exchange
* @return the adjusted interval pattern
private static String adjustFieldWidth(String inputSkeleton,
String bestMatchSkeleton,
String bestMatchIntervalPattern,
int differenceInfo ) {
if ( bestMatchIntervalPattern == null ) {
return null; // the 2nd part could be null
int[] inputSkeletonFieldWidth = new int[58];
int[] bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth = new int[58];
/* initialize as following
// A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// p q r s t u v w x y z
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
DateIntervalInfo.parseSkeleton(inputSkeleton, inputSkeletonFieldWidth);
DateIntervalInfo.parseSkeleton(bestMatchSkeleton, bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth);
if ( differenceInfo == 2 ) {
bestMatchIntervalPattern = bestMatchIntervalPattern.replace('v', 'z');
StringBuilder adjustedPtn = new StringBuilder(bestMatchIntervalPattern);
boolean inQuote = false;
char prevCh = 0;
int count = 0;
// loop through the pattern string character by character
int adjustedPtnLength = adjustedPtn.length();
for (int i = 0; i < adjustedPtnLength; ++i) {
char ch = adjustedPtn.charAt(i);
if (ch != prevCh && count > 0) {
// check the repeativeness of pattern letter
char skeletonChar = prevCh;
if ( skeletonChar == 'L' ) {
// for skeleton "M+", the pattern is "...L..."
skeletonChar = 'M';
int fieldCount = bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth[skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE];
int inputFieldCount = inputSkeletonFieldWidth[skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE];
if ( fieldCount == count && inputFieldCount > fieldCount ) {
count = inputFieldCount - fieldCount;
for ( int j = 0; j < count; ++j ) {
adjustedPtn.insert(i, prevCh);
i += count;
adjustedPtnLength += count;
count = 0;
if (ch == '\'') {
// Consecutive single quotes are a single quote literal,
// either outside of quotes or between quotes
if ((i+1) < adjustedPtn.length() && adjustedPtn.charAt(i+1) == '\'') {
} else {
inQuote = ! inQuote;
else if ( ! inQuote && ((ch >= 0x0061 /*'a'*/ && ch <= 0x007A /*'z'*/)
|| (ch >= 0x0041 /*'A'*/ && ch <= 0x005A /*'Z'*/))) {
// ch is a date-time pattern character
prevCh = ch;
if ( count > 0 ) {
// last item
// check the repeativeness of pattern letter
char skeletonChar = prevCh;
if ( skeletonChar == 'L' ) {
// for skeleton "M+", the pattern is "...L..."
skeletonChar = 'M';
int fieldCount = bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth[skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE];
int inputFieldCount = inputSkeletonFieldWidth[skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE];
if ( fieldCount == count && inputFieldCount > fieldCount ) {
count = inputFieldCount - fieldCount;
for ( int j = 0; j < count; ++j ) {
return adjustedPtn.toString();
* Concat a single date pattern with a time interval pattern,
* set it into the intervalPatterns, while field is time field.
* This is used to handle time interval patterns on skeleton with
* both time and date. Present the date followed by
* the range expression for the time.
* @param dtfmt date and time format
* @param datePattern date pattern
* @param field time calendar field: AM_PM, HOUR, MINUTE
* @param intervalPatterns interval patterns
private void concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(String dtfmt,
String datePattern,
int field,
Map intervalPatterns)
PatternInfo timeItvPtnInfo =
if ( timeItvPtnInfo != null ) {
String timeIntervalPattern = timeItvPtnInfo.getFirstPart() +
String pattern = SimpleFormatterImpl.formatRawPattern(
dtfmt, 2, 2, timeIntervalPattern, datePattern);
timeItvPtnInfo = DateIntervalInfo.genPatternInfo(pattern,
DateIntervalInfo.CALENDAR_FIELD_TO_PATTERN_LETTER[field], timeItvPtnInfo);
// else: fall back
// it should not happen if the interval format defined is valid
* check whether a calendar field present in a skeleton.
* @param field calendar field need to check
* @param skeleton given skeleton on which to check the calendar field
* @return true if field present in a skeleton.
private static boolean fieldExistsInSkeleton(int field, String skeleton)
String fieldChar = DateIntervalInfo.CALENDAR_FIELD_TO_PATTERN_LETTER[field];
return ( (skeleton.indexOf(fieldChar) == -1) ? false : true ) ;
* readObject.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
initializePattern(isDateIntervalInfoDefault ? LOCAL_PATTERN_CACHE : null);
* Get the internal patterns for the skeleton
* @internal CLDR
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public Map getRawPatterns() {
// this is unmodifiable, so ok to return directly
return fIntervalPatterns;