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import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;


 * Primary number parsing implementation class.
 * @author sffc
public class NumberParserImpl {

    public static NumberParserImpl removeMeWhenMerged(ULocale locale, String pattern, int parseFlags) {
        NumberParserImpl parser = new NumberParserImpl(parseFlags);
        DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        IgnorablesMatcher ignorables = IgnorablesMatcher.DEFAULT;

        MatcherFactory factory = new MatcherFactory();
        factory.currency = Currency.getInstance("USD");
        factory.symbols = symbols;
        factory.ignorables = ignorables;
        factory.locale = locale;

        ParsedPatternInfo patternInfo = PatternStringParser.parseToPatternInfo(pattern);
        AffixMatcher.newGenerate(patternInfo, parser, factory, ignorables, parseFlags);

        Grouper grouper = Grouper.forStrategy(GroupingStrategy.AUTO).withLocaleData(locale, patternInfo);
        parser.addMatcher(DecimalMatcher.getInstance(symbols, grouper, parseFlags));
        parser.addMatcher(NanMatcher.getInstance(symbols, parseFlags));

        return parser;

    // TODO: Find a better place for this enum.
    /** Controls the set of rules for parsing a string. */
    public static enum ParseMode {
         * Lenient mode should be used if you want to accept malformed user input. It will use heuristics
         * to attempt to parse through typographical errors in the string.

         * Strict mode should be used if you want to require that the input is well-formed. More
         * specifically, it differs from lenient mode in the following ways:
  • Grouping widths must match the grouping settings. For example, "12,3,45" will fail if the * grouping width is 3, as in the pattern "#,##0". *
  • The string must contain a complete prefix and suffix. For example, if the pattern is * "{#};(#)", then "{123}" or "(123)" would match, but "{123", "123}", and "123" would all fail. * (The latter strings would be accepted in lenient mode.) *
  • Whitespace may not appear at arbitrary places in the string. In lenient mode, whitespace * is allowed to occur arbitrarily before and after prefixes and exponent separators. *
  • Leading grouping separators are not allowed, as in ",123". *
  • Minus and plus signs can only appear if specified in the pattern. In lenient mode, a plus * or minus sign can always precede a number. *
  • The set of characters that can be interpreted as a decimal or grouping separator is * smaller. *
  • If currency parsing is enabled, currencies must only appear where * specified in either the current pattern string or in a valid pattern string for the current * locale. For example, if the pattern is "¤0.00", then "$1.23" would match, but "1.23$" would * fail to match. *
*/ STRICT, } @Deprecated public static NumberParserImpl createParserFromPattern( ULocale locale, String pattern, boolean strictGrouping) { // Temporary frontend for testing. int parseFlags = ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE | ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INCLUDE_UNPAIRED_AFFIXES | ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_OPTIMIZE; if (strictGrouping) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_STRICT_GROUPING_SIZE; } NumberParserImpl parser = new NumberParserImpl(parseFlags); DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale); IgnorablesMatcher ignorables = IgnorablesMatcher.DEFAULT; MatcherFactory factory = new MatcherFactory(); factory.currency = Currency.getInstance("USD"); factory.symbols = symbols; factory.ignorables = ignorables; factory.locale = locale; ParsedPatternInfo patternInfo = PatternStringParser.parseToPatternInfo(pattern); AffixMatcher.newGenerate(patternInfo, parser, factory, ignorables, parseFlags); Grouper grouper = Grouper.forStrategy(GroupingStrategy.AUTO).withLocaleData(locale, patternInfo); parser.addMatcher(ignorables); parser.addMatcher(DecimalMatcher.getInstance(symbols, grouper, parseFlags)); parser.addMatcher(MinusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false)); parser.addMatcher(NanMatcher.getInstance(symbols, parseFlags)); parser.addMatcher(ScientificMatcher.getInstance(symbols, grouper)); parser.addMatcher(CurrencyTrieMatcher.getInstance(locale)); parser.addMatcher(new RequireNumberMatcher()); parser.freeze(); return parser; } public static Number parseStatic( String input, ParsePosition ppos, DecimalFormatProperties properties, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) { NumberParserImpl parser = createParserFromProperties(properties, symbols, false, false); ParsedNumber result = new ParsedNumber(); parser.parse(input, true, result); if (result.success()) { ppos.setIndex(result.charEnd); return result.getNumber(); } else { ppos.setErrorIndex(result.charEnd); return null; } } public static CurrencyAmount parseStaticCurrency( String input, ParsePosition ppos, DecimalFormatProperties properties, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) { NumberParserImpl parser = createParserFromProperties(properties, symbols, true, false); ParsedNumber result = new ParsedNumber(); parser.parse(input, true, result); if (result.success()) { ppos.setIndex(result.charEnd); // TODO: Clean this up Currency currency; if (result.currencyCode != null) { currency = Currency.getInstance(result.currencyCode); } else { assert 0 != (result.flags & ParsedNumber.FLAG_HAS_DEFAULT_CURRENCY); currency = CustomSymbolCurrency .resolve(properties.getCurrency(), symbols.getULocale(), symbols); } return new CurrencyAmount(result.getNumber(), currency); } else { ppos.setErrorIndex(result.charEnd); return null; } } public static NumberParserImpl createDefaultParserForLocale(ULocale loc, boolean optimize) { DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(loc); DecimalFormatProperties properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties("0"); return createParserFromProperties(properties, symbols, false, optimize); } public static NumberParserImpl createParserFromProperties( DecimalFormatProperties properties, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols, boolean parseCurrency, boolean optimize) { ULocale locale = symbols.getULocale(); AffixPatternProvider patternInfo = new PropertiesAffixPatternProvider(properties); Currency currency = CustomSymbolCurrency.resolve(properties.getCurrency(), locale, symbols); boolean isStrict = properties.getParseMode() == ParseMode.STRICT; Grouper grouper = Grouper.forProperties(properties); int parseFlags = 0; // Fraction grouping is disabled by default because it has never been supported in DecimalFormat parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_FRACTION_GROUPING_DISABLED; if (!properties.getParseCaseSensitive()) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE; } if (properties.getParseIntegerOnly()) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INTEGER_ONLY; } if (properties.getSignAlwaysShown()) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_PLUS_SIGN_ALLOWED; } if (isStrict) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_STRICT_GROUPING_SIZE; parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_STRICT_SEPARATORS; parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_USE_FULL_AFFIXES; parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_EXACT_AFFIX; } else { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_INCLUDE_UNPAIRED_AFFIXES; } if (grouper.getPrimary() <= 0) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_GROUPING_DISABLED; } if (parseCurrency || patternInfo.hasCurrencySign()) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_MONETARY_SEPARATORS; } if (optimize) { parseFlags |= ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_OPTIMIZE; } IgnorablesMatcher ignorables = isStrict ? IgnorablesMatcher.STRICT : IgnorablesMatcher.DEFAULT; NumberParserImpl parser = new NumberParserImpl(parseFlags); MatcherFactory factory = new MatcherFactory(); factory.currency = currency; factory.symbols = symbols; factory.ignorables = ignorables; factory.locale = locale; ////////////////////// /// AFFIX MATCHERS /// ////////////////////// // Set up a pattern modifier with mostly defaults to generate AffixMatchers. AffixMatcher.newGenerate(patternInfo, parser, factory, ignorables, parseFlags); //////////////////////// /// CURRENCY MATCHER /// //////////////////////// if (parseCurrency || patternInfo.hasCurrencySign()) { parser.addMatcher(CurrencyMatcher.getInstance(currency, locale)); parser.addMatcher(CurrencyTrieMatcher.getInstance(locale)); } /////////////////////////////// /// OTHER STANDARD MATCHERS /// /////////////////////////////// if (!isStrict) { parser.addMatcher(PlusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false)); parser.addMatcher(MinusSignMatcher.getInstance(symbols, false)); parser.addMatcher(NanMatcher.getInstance(symbols, parseFlags)); parser.addMatcher(PercentMatcher.getInstance(symbols)); parser.addMatcher(PermilleMatcher.getInstance(symbols)); } parser.addMatcher(InfinityMatcher.getInstance(symbols)); String padString = properties.getPadString(); if (padString != null && !ignorables.getSet().contains(padString)) { parser.addMatcher(PaddingMatcher.getInstance(padString)); } parser.addMatcher(ignorables); parser.addMatcher(DecimalMatcher.getInstance(symbols, grouper, parseFlags)); if (!properties.getParseNoExponent()) { parser.addMatcher(ScientificMatcher.getInstance(symbols, grouper)); } ////////////////// /// VALIDATORS /// ////////////////// parser.addMatcher(new RequireNumberMatcher()); if (isStrict) { parser.addMatcher(new RequireAffixMatcher()); } if (isStrict && properties.getMinimumExponentDigits() > 0) { parser.addMatcher(new RequireExponentMatcher()); } if (parseCurrency) { parser.addMatcher(new RequireCurrencyMatcher()); } if (properties.getDecimalPatternMatchRequired()) { boolean patternHasDecimalSeparator = properties.getDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() || properties.getMaximumFractionDigits() != 0; parser.addMatcher(RequireDecimalSeparatorMatcher.getInstance(patternHasDecimalSeparator)); } if (properties.getMultiplier() != null) { // We need to use a math context in order to prevent non-terminating decimal expansions. // This is only used when dividing by the multiplier. parser.addMatcher(new MultiplierHandler(properties.getMultiplier(), RoundingUtils.getMathContextOr34Digits(properties))); } parser.freeze(); return parser; } private final int parseFlags; private final List matchers; private final List leadCodePointses; private Comparator comparator; private boolean frozen; /** * Creates a new, empty parser. * * @param parseFlags * The parser settings defined in the PARSE_FLAG_* fields. */ public NumberParserImpl(int parseFlags) { matchers = new ArrayList(); if (0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_OPTIMIZE)) { leadCodePointses = new ArrayList(); } else { leadCodePointses = null; } comparator = ParsedNumber.COMPARATOR; // default value this.parseFlags = parseFlags; frozen = false; } public void addMatcher(NumberParseMatcher matcher) { assert !frozen; this.matchers.add(matcher); if (leadCodePointses != null) { addLeadCodePointsForMatcher(matcher); } } public void addMatchers(Collection matchers) { assert !frozen; this.matchers.addAll(matchers); if (leadCodePointses != null) { for (NumberParseMatcher matcher : matchers) { addLeadCodePointsForMatcher(matcher); } } } private void addLeadCodePointsForMatcher(NumberParseMatcher matcher) { UnicodeSet leadCodePoints = matcher.getLeadCodePoints(); assert leadCodePoints.isFrozen(); // TODO: Avoid the clone operation here. if (0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE)) { leadCodePoints = leadCodePoints.cloneAsThawed().closeOver(UnicodeSet.ADD_CASE_MAPPINGS) .freeze(); } this.leadCodePointses.add(leadCodePoints); } public void setComparator(Comparator comparator) { assert !frozen; this.comparator = comparator; } public void freeze() { frozen = true; } public void parse(String input, boolean greedy, ParsedNumber result) { parse(input, 0, greedy, result); } /** * Primary entrypoint to parsing code path. * * @param input * The string to parse. This is a String, not CharSequence, to enforce assumptions about * immutability (CharSequences are not guaranteed to be immutable). * @param start * The index into the string at which to start parsing. * @param greedy * Whether to use the faster but potentially less accurate greedy code path. * @param result * Output variable to store results. */ public void parse(String input, int start, boolean greedy, ParsedNumber result) { assert frozen; assert start >= 0 && start < input.length(); StringSegment segment = new StringSegment(input, 0 != (parseFlags & ParsingUtils.PARSE_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE)); segment.adjustOffset(start); if (greedy) { parseGreedyRecursive(segment, result); } else { parseLongestRecursive(segment, result); } for (NumberParseMatcher matcher : matchers) { matcher.postProcess(result); } } private void parseGreedyRecursive(StringSegment segment, ParsedNumber result) { // Base Case if (segment.length() == 0) { return; } int initialOffset = segment.getOffset(); int leadCp = segment.getCodePoint(); for (int i = 0; i < matchers.size(); i++) { if (leadCodePointses != null && !leadCodePointses.get(i).contains(leadCp)) { continue; } NumberParseMatcher matcher = matchers.get(i); matcher.match(segment, result); if (segment.getOffset() != initialOffset) { // In a greedy parse, recurse on only the first match. parseGreedyRecursive(segment, result); // The following line resets the offset so that the StringSegment says the same across // the function // call boundary. Since we recurse only once, this line is not strictly necessary. segment.setOffset(initialOffset); return; } } // NOTE: If we get here, the greedy parse completed without consuming the entire string. } private void parseLongestRecursive(StringSegment segment, ParsedNumber result) { // Base Case if (segment.length() == 0) { return; } // TODO: Give a nice way for the matcher to reset the ParsedNumber? ParsedNumber initial = new ParsedNumber(); initial.copyFrom(result); ParsedNumber candidate = new ParsedNumber(); int initialOffset = segment.getOffset(); for (int i = 0; i < matchers.size(); i++) { NumberParseMatcher matcher = matchers.get(i); // In a non-greedy parse, we attempt all possible matches and pick the best. for (int charsToConsume = 0; charsToConsume < segment.length();) { charsToConsume += Character.charCount(Character.codePointAt(segment, charsToConsume)); // Run the matcher on a segment of the current length. candidate.copyFrom(initial); segment.setLength(charsToConsume); boolean maybeMore = matcher.match(segment, candidate); segment.resetLength(); // If the entire segment was consumed, recurse. if (segment.getOffset() - initialOffset == charsToConsume) { parseLongestRecursive(segment, candidate); if (, result) > 0) { result.copyFrom(candidate); } } // Since the segment can be re-used, reset the offset. // This does not have an effect if the matcher did not consume any chars. segment.setOffset(initialOffset); // Unless the matcher wants to see the next char, continue to the next matcher. if (!maybeMore) { break; } } } } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } }

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