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 * This is the "brain" of the number formatting pipeline. It ties all the pieces together, taking in a
 * MacroProps and a DecimalQuantity and outputting a properly formatted number string.

* This class, as well as NumberPropertyMapper, could go into the impl package, but they depend on too * many package-private members of the public APIs. */ class NumberFormatterImpl { /** Builds a "safe" MicroPropsGenerator, which is thread-safe and can be used repeatedly. */ public static NumberFormatterImpl fromMacros(MacroProps macros) { MicroPropsGenerator microPropsGenerator = macrosToMicroGenerator(macros, true); return new NumberFormatterImpl(microPropsGenerator); } /** * Builds and evaluates an "unsafe" MicroPropsGenerator, which is cheaper but can be used only once. */ public static MicroProps applyStatic( MacroProps macros, DecimalQuantity inValue, NumberStringBuilder outString) { MicroPropsGenerator microPropsGenerator = macrosToMicroGenerator(macros, false); MicroProps micros = microPropsGenerator.processQuantity(inValue); microsToString(micros, inValue, outString); return micros; } private static final Currency DEFAULT_CURRENCY = Currency.getInstance("XXX"); final MicroPropsGenerator microPropsGenerator; private NumberFormatterImpl(MicroPropsGenerator microPropsGenerator) { this.microPropsGenerator = microPropsGenerator; } public MicroProps apply(DecimalQuantity inValue, NumberStringBuilder outString) { MicroProps micros = microPropsGenerator.processQuantity(inValue); microsToString(micros, inValue, outString); return micros; } ////////// private static boolean unitIsCurrency(MeasureUnit unit) { // TODO: Check using "instanceof" operator instead? return unit != null && "currency".equals(unit.getType()); } private static boolean unitIsNoUnit(MeasureUnit unit) { // NOTE: In ICU4C, units cannot be null, and the default unit is a NoUnit. // In ICU4J, return TRUE for a null unit from this method. return unit == null || "none".equals(unit.getType()); } private static boolean unitIsPercent(MeasureUnit unit) { return unit != null && "percent".equals(unit.getSubtype()); } private static boolean unitIsPermille(MeasureUnit unit) { return unit != null && "permille".equals(unit.getSubtype()); } /** * Synthesizes the MacroProps into a MicroPropsGenerator. All information, including the locale, is * encoded into the MicroPropsGenerator, except for the quantity itself, which is left abstract and * must be provided to the returned MicroPropsGenerator instance. * * @see MicroPropsGenerator * @param macros * The {@link MacroProps} to consume. This method does not mutate the MacroProps instance. * @param safe * If true, the returned MicroPropsGenerator will be thread-safe. If false, the returned * value will not be thread-safe, intended for a single "one-shot" use only. * Building the thread-safe object is more expensive. */ private static MicroPropsGenerator macrosToMicroGenerator(MacroProps macros, boolean safe) { MicroProps micros = new MicroProps(safe); MicroPropsGenerator chain = micros; // TODO: Normalize the currency (accept symbols from DecimalFormatSymbols)? // currency = CustomSymbolCurrency.resolve(currency, input.loc, micros.symbols); // Pre-compute a few values for efficiency. boolean isCurrency = unitIsCurrency(macros.unit); boolean isNoUnit = unitIsNoUnit(macros.unit); boolean isPercent = isNoUnit && unitIsPercent(macros.unit); boolean isPermille = isNoUnit && unitIsPermille(macros.unit); boolean isCldrUnit = !isCurrency && !isNoUnit; boolean isAccounting = macros.sign == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING || macros.sign == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS || macros.sign == SignDisplay.ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO; Currency currency = isCurrency ? (Currency) macros.unit : DEFAULT_CURRENCY; UnitWidth unitWidth = UnitWidth.SHORT; if (macros.unitWidth != null) { unitWidth = macros.unitWidth; } PluralRules rules = macros.rules; // Select the numbering system. NumberingSystem ns; if (macros.symbols instanceof NumberingSystem) { ns = (NumberingSystem) macros.symbols; } else { // TODO: Is there a way to avoid creating the NumberingSystem object? ns = NumberingSystem.getInstance(macros.loc); } String nsName = ns.getName(); // Resolve the symbols. Do this here because currency may need to customize them. if (macros.symbols instanceof DecimalFormatSymbols) { micros.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) macros.symbols; } else { micros.symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.forNumberingSystem(macros.loc, ns); } // Load and parse the pattern string. It is used for grouping sizes and affixes only. // If we are formatting currency, check for a currency-specific pattern. String pattern = null; if (isCurrency) { CurrencyFormatInfo info = CurrencyData.provider.getInstance(macros.loc, true) .getFormatInfo(currency.getCurrencyCode()); if (info != null) { pattern = info.currencyPattern; // It's clunky to clone an object here, but this code is not frequently executed. micros.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) micros.symbols.clone(); micros.symbols.setMonetaryDecimalSeparatorString(info.monetaryDecimalSeparator); micros.symbols.setMonetaryGroupingSeparatorString(info.monetaryGroupingSeparator); } } if (pattern == null) { int patternStyle; if (isPercent || isPermille) { patternStyle = NumberFormat.PERCENTSTYLE; } else if (!isCurrency || unitWidth == UnitWidth.FULL_NAME) { patternStyle = NumberFormat.NUMBERSTYLE; } else if (isAccounting) { // NOTE: Although ACCOUNTING and ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS are only supported in currencies // right now, the API contract allows us to add support to other units in the future. patternStyle = NumberFormat.ACCOUNTINGCURRENCYSTYLE; } else { patternStyle = NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE; } pattern = NumberFormat .getPatternForStyleAndNumberingSystem(macros.loc, nsName, patternStyle); } ParsedPatternInfo patternInfo = PatternStringParser.parseToPatternInfo(pattern); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// START POPULATING THE DEFAULT MICROPROPS AND BUILDING THE MICROPROPS GENERATOR /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Multiplier (compatibility mode value). if (macros.multiplier != null) { chain = macros.multiplier.copyAndChain(chain); } // Rounding strategy if (macros.rounder != null) { micros.rounding = macros.rounder; } else if (macros.notation instanceof CompactNotation) { micros.rounding = Rounder.COMPACT_STRATEGY; } else if (isCurrency) { micros.rounding = Rounder.MONETARY_STANDARD; } else { micros.rounding = Rounder.MAX_FRAC_6; } micros.rounding = micros.rounding.withLocaleData(currency); // Grouping strategy if (macros.grouping instanceof Grouper) { micros.grouping = (Grouper) macros.grouping; } else if (macros.grouping instanceof GroupingStrategy) { micros.grouping = Grouper.forStrategy((GroupingStrategy) macros.grouping); } else if (macros.notation instanceof CompactNotation) { // Compact notation uses minGrouping by default since ICU 59 micros.grouping = Grouper.forStrategy(GroupingStrategy.MIN2); } else { micros.grouping = Grouper.forStrategy(GroupingStrategy.AUTO); } micros.grouping = micros.grouping.withLocaleData(macros.loc, patternInfo); // Padding strategy if (macros.padder != null) { micros.padding = macros.padder; } else { micros.padding = Padder.NONE; } // Integer width if (macros.integerWidth != null) { micros.integerWidth = macros.integerWidth; } else { micros.integerWidth = IntegerWidth.DEFAULT; } // Sign display if (macros.sign != null) { micros.sign = macros.sign; } else { micros.sign = SignDisplay.AUTO; } // Decimal mark display if (macros.decimal != null) { micros.decimal = macros.decimal; } else { micros.decimal = DecimalSeparatorDisplay.AUTO; } // Use monetary separator symbols micros.useCurrency = isCurrency; // Inner modifier (scientific notation) if (macros.notation instanceof ScientificNotation) { chain = ((ScientificNotation) macros.notation).withLocaleData(micros.symbols, safe, chain); } else { // No inner modifier required micros.modInner = ConstantAffixModifier.EMPTY; } // Middle modifier (patterns, positive/negative, currency symbols, percent) // The default middle modifier is weak (thus the false argument). MutablePatternModifier patternMod = new MutablePatternModifier(false); patternMod.setPatternInfo((macros.affixProvider != null) ? macros.affixProvider : patternInfo); patternMod.setPatternAttributes(micros.sign, isPermille); if (patternMod.needsPlurals()) { if (rules == null) { // Lazily create PluralRules rules = PluralRules.forLocale(macros.loc); } patternMod.setSymbols(micros.symbols, currency, unitWidth, rules); } else { patternMod.setSymbols(micros.symbols, currency, unitWidth, null); } if (safe) { chain = patternMod.createImmutableAndChain(chain); } else { chain = patternMod.addToChain(chain); } // Outer modifier (CLDR units and currency long names) if (isCldrUnit) { if (rules == null) { // Lazily create PluralRules rules = PluralRules.forLocale(macros.loc); } chain = LongNameHandler .forMeasureUnit(macros.loc, macros.unit, macros.perUnit, unitWidth, rules, chain); } else if (isCurrency && unitWidth == UnitWidth.FULL_NAME) { if (rules == null) { // Lazily create PluralRules rules = PluralRules.forLocale(macros.loc); } chain = LongNameHandler.forCurrencyLongNames(macros.loc, currency, rules, chain); } else { // No outer modifier required micros.modOuter = ConstantAffixModifier.EMPTY; } // Compact notation // NOTE: Compact notation can (but might not) override the middle modifier and rounding. // It therefore needs to go at the end of the chain. if (macros.notation instanceof CompactNotation) { if (rules == null) { // Lazily create PluralRules rules = PluralRules.forLocale(macros.loc); } CompactType compactType = (macros.unit instanceof Currency && macros.unitWidth != UnitWidth.FULL_NAME) ? CompactType.CURRENCY : CompactType.DECIMAL; chain = ((CompactNotation) macros.notation).withLocaleData(macros.loc, nsName, compactType, rules, safe ? patternMod : null, chain); } return chain; } ////////// /** * Synthesizes the output string from a MicroProps and DecimalQuantity. * * @param micros * The MicroProps after the quantity has been consumed. Will not be mutated. * @param quantity * The DecimalQuantity to be rendered. May be mutated. * @param string * The output string. Will be mutated. */ private static void microsToString( MicroProps micros, DecimalQuantity quantity, NumberStringBuilder string) { micros.rounding.apply(quantity); if (micros.integerWidth.maxInt == -1) { quantity.setIntegerLength(micros.integerWidth.minInt, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { quantity.setIntegerLength(micros.integerWidth.minInt, micros.integerWidth.maxInt); } int length = writeNumber(micros, quantity, string); // NOTE: When range formatting is added, these modifiers can bubble up. // For now, apply them all here at once. // Always apply the inner modifier (which is "strong"). length += micros.modInner.apply(string, 0, length); if (micros.padding.isValid()) { micros.padding.padAndApply(micros.modMiddle, micros.modOuter, string, 0, length); } else { length += micros.modMiddle.apply(string, 0, length); length += micros.modOuter.apply(string, 0, length); } } private static int writeNumber( MicroProps micros, DecimalQuantity quantity, NumberStringBuilder string) { int length = 0; if (quantity.isInfinite()) { length += string.insert(length, micros.symbols.getInfinity(), NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER); } else if (quantity.isNaN()) { length += string.insert(length, micros.symbols.getNaN(), NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER); } else { // Add the integer digits length += writeIntegerDigits(micros, quantity, string); // Add the decimal point if (quantity.getLowerDisplayMagnitude() < 0 || micros.decimal == DecimalSeparatorDisplay.ALWAYS) { length += string.insert(length, micros.useCurrency ? micros.symbols.getMonetaryDecimalSeparatorString() : micros.symbols.getDecimalSeparatorString(), NumberFormat.Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR); } // Add the fraction digits length += writeFractionDigits(micros, quantity, string); } return length; } private static int writeIntegerDigits( MicroProps micros, DecimalQuantity quantity, NumberStringBuilder string) { int length = 0; int integerCount = quantity.getUpperDisplayMagnitude() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < integerCount; i++) { // Add grouping separator if (micros.grouping.groupAtPosition(i, quantity)) { length += string.insert(0, micros.useCurrency ? micros.symbols.getMonetaryGroupingSeparatorString() : micros.symbols.getGroupingSeparatorString(), NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR); } // Get and append the next digit value byte nextDigit = quantity.getDigit(i); if (micros.symbols.getCodePointZero() != -1) { length += string.insertCodePoint(0, micros.symbols.getCodePointZero() + nextDigit, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER); } else { length += string.insert(0, micros.symbols.getDigitStringsLocal()[nextDigit], NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER); } } return length; } private static int writeFractionDigits( MicroProps micros, DecimalQuantity quantity, NumberStringBuilder string) { int length = 0; int fractionCount = -quantity.getLowerDisplayMagnitude(); for (int i = 0; i < fractionCount; i++) { // Get and append the next digit value byte nextDigit = quantity.getDigit(-i - 1); if (micros.symbols.getCodePointZero() != -1) { length += string.appendCodePoint(micros.symbols.getCodePointZero() + nextDigit, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION); } else { length += string.append(micros.symbols.getDigitStringsLocal()[nextDigit], NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION); } } return length; } }

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