// Copyright © 2012-2020 VLINGO LABS. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the
// Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL
// was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
// one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package io.vlingo.lattice.model.projection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import io.vlingo.actors.Actor;
import io.vlingo.common.Outcome;
import io.vlingo.lattice.model.DomainEvent;
import io.vlingo.lattice.model.projection.ProjectionControl.Confirmer;
import io.vlingo.symbio.DefaultTextEntryAdapter;
import io.vlingo.symbio.DefaultTextStateAdapter;
import io.vlingo.symbio.Entry;
import io.vlingo.symbio.EntryAdapter;
import io.vlingo.symbio.Metadata;
import io.vlingo.symbio.Source;
import io.vlingo.symbio.State;
import io.vlingo.symbio.StateAdapter;
import io.vlingo.symbio.store.Result;
import io.vlingo.symbio.store.StorageException;
import io.vlingo.symbio.store.state.StateStore;
import io.vlingo.symbio.store.state.StateStore.ReadResultInterest;
import io.vlingo.symbio.store.state.StateStore.WriteResultInterest;
* Abstract {@code Actor} base class used by {@code Projection} types to handle
* {@code projectWith()} into the {@code StateStore}. Concrete extenders must:
* - Provide the {@code StateStore} for construction
- Implement {@code StateStoreProjectionActor#currentDataFor(Projectable)}
- Implement {@code StateStoreProjectionActor#merge(T, int, T, int)}
- Invoke {@code StateStoreProjectionActor#upsertFor(Projectable, ProjectionControl)} to cause the upsert
* @param the type to be persisted in the StateStore
public abstract class StateStoreProjectionActor extends Actor
implements Projection, ReadResultInterest, WriteResultInterest {
private final EntryAdapter, Entry>> entryAdapter;
private final StateAdapter> stateAdapter;
private final ReadResultInterest readInterest;
private final WriteResultInterest writeInterest;
private final StateStore stateStore;
* Construct my final state with the {@code StateStore}, which must
* be provided by my concrete extenders. I provide default state and
* entry adapters.
* @param stateStore the StateStore from which previous state is read and merged current state is written
public StateStoreProjectionActor(final StateStore stateStore) {
this(stateStore, defaultTextStateAdapter(), defaultTextEntryAdapter());
* Construct my final state with the {@code StateStore}, which must
* be provided by my concrete extenders, as well as with a
* {@code stateAdapter} and a {@code entryAdapter}.
* @param stateStore the StateStore from which previous state is read and merged current state is written
* @param stateAdapter the {@code StateAdapter>} used by my extenders to adapt persistent state
* @param entryAdapter the {@code EntryAdapter, Entry>>} used by my extenders to adapt persistent entries
public StateStoreProjectionActor(
final StateStore stateStore,
final StateAdapter> stateAdapter,
final EntryAdapter, Entry>> entryAdapter) {
this.stateStore = stateStore;
this.stateAdapter = stateAdapter;
this.entryAdapter = entryAdapter;
this.readInterest = selfAs(ReadResultInterest.class);
this.writeInterest = selfAs(WriteResultInterest.class);
* @see io.vlingo.lattice.model.projection.Projection#projectWith(io.vlingo.lattice.model.projection.Projectable, io.vlingo.lattice.model.projection.ProjectionControl)
public void projectWith(final Projectable projectable, final ProjectionControl control) {
upsertFor(projectable, control);
* Answer the {@code T} typed current data from the {@code projectable}.
* @param projectable the Projectable from which the current data is retrieved
* @return T
protected abstract T currentDataFor(final Projectable projectable);
* Answer the id to be associated with the data being projected.
* @param projectable the Projectable from which the data id is retrieved
* @return String
protected String dataIdFor(final Projectable projectable) {
return projectable.dataId();
* Answer the {@code EntryAdapter} previously registered by construction.
* @param the {@code Source>} type
* @param the {@code Entry>} type
* @return {@code EntryAdapter}
protected , E extends Entry>> EntryAdapter entryAdapter() {
return (EntryAdapter) this.entryAdapter;
* Answer the {@code T} result of merging the {@code T}-typed {@code previousData} and {@code currentData},
* which will be written into the {@code StateStore}. This method will not be invoked if the previous data
* of the projection is not found in the {@code StateStore}. The receiver may simple answer the
* {@code currentData} when no merging is required, resulting in {@code currentData} being written.
* @param previousData the T data read from the StateStore
* @param previousVersion the int version of the previousData
* @param currentData the T data being projected
* @param currentVersion the int version of the currentData
* @return T
protected abstract T merge(final T previousData, final int previousVersion, final T currentData, final int currentVersion);
* Prepare for the merge.
* @param projectable the Projectable used for merge preparation
protected void prepareForMergeWith(final Projectable projectable) { }
* Answer the {@code StateAdapter,ST>} previously registered by construction.
* @param the {@code State>} type
* @return {@code StateAdapter,ST>}
protected > StateAdapter,ST> stateAdapter() {
return (StateAdapter,ST>) this.stateAdapter;
* Upsert the {@code projectable} into the {@code StateStore}, which may be a
* @param projectable the Projectable to upsert
* @param control the ProjectionControl with Confirmer use to confirm projection is completed
protected void upsertFor(final Projectable projectable, final ProjectionControl control) {
final T currentData = currentDataFor(projectable);
final int currentDataVersion = projectable.dataVersion();
final String dataId = dataIdFor(projectable);
final BiConsumer upserter = (previousData, previousVersion) -> {
final T data = merge(previousData, previousVersion, currentData, currentDataVersion);
stateStore.write(dataId, data, currentDataVersion, writeInterest, control.confirmerFor(projectable));
stateStore.read(dataId, currentData.getClass(), readInterest, upserter);
* Answer the S typed state from the abstract {@code state}.
* @param state the Object to cast to type S
* @param the concrete type of the state
* @return S
protected S typed(final Object state) {
return (S) state;
* Answer the E typed {@code DomainEvent} from the abstract {@code event}.
* @param event the DomainEvent to cast to type E
* @param the concrete type of the event
* @return E
protected E typed(final DomainEvent event) {
return (E) event;
// ReadResultInterest
final public void readResultedIn(final Outcome outcome, final String id, final S state, final int stateVersion, final Metadata metadata, final Object object) {
outcome.andThen(result -> {
((BiConsumer) object).accept(state, stateVersion);
return result;
}).otherwise(cause -> {
if (cause.result.isNotFound()) {
((BiConsumer) object).accept(null, -1);
} else {
// log but don't retry, allowing re-delivery of Projectable
logger().info("Query state not read for update because: " + cause.getMessage(), cause);
return cause.result;
// WriteResultInterest
final public void writeResultedIn(final Outcome outcome, final String id, final S state, final int stateVersion, final List> sources, final Object object) {
outcome.andThen(result -> {
((Confirmer) object).confirm();
return result;
}).otherwise(cause -> {
// log but don't retry, allowing re-delivery of Projectable
logger().info("Query state not written for update because: " + cause.getMessage(), cause);
return cause.result;
// Internal Implementation
private static , E extends Entry>> EntryAdapter defaultTextEntryAdapter() {
return new DefaultTextEntryAdapter();
private static > StateAdapter defaultTextStateAdapter() {
return (StateAdapter) new DefaultTextStateAdapter();