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package io.wavebeans.execution.pod
import io.wavebeans.execution.config.ExecutionConfig
import io.wavebeans.lib.BeanStream
import mu.KotlinLogging
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.math.min
* Base implementation of the [Pod].
* **Supports partitioning**. If [partitionCount] is greater than 1, then [Pod] will attempt to partition data.
* It is implemented via windowing with the size=[partitionSize] and step=[partitionSize]. Each batch is packed into array via
* [converter] function.
* **Thread safe**.
* There a a few main points that are required to be thread safe:
* 1. Underlying iterator creation. We need to make sure that underlying bean is not read more than once.
* For that purpose mutex and double check locking is used.
* 2. Reading from the specific iterator buffer. As buffer is filled lazily when it's needed, need to make sure the same
* iterator doesn't try to do the same and the buffer will over-read the data.That is critical as partitioning is purely
* based on indexes and disobeying this rule may result in shift of the partition offset.
* It is achieved with simple [ReentrantLock] on per iterator basis.
* 3. The read operations is also in critical section, however each iteration supplies data for all iterators.
* We just need to make sure this operation happens sequentially. The same mutex object is used as to create the iterator for pod.
* @param podKey The [PodKey] the pod is registered under. It is used mainly for logging purposes.
* @param bean The [io.wavebeans.lib.Bean] to stream from. Can work only with [BeanStream] which are exposing iterator interface.
* @param partitionCount The number of partition this pod is handling at the same time. It should be at least one.
* @param converter the function that converts values to an array (not actually checked and required, it's just an intent),
* mainly to be able to use primitive arrays during transfer
* @param partitionSize the size of single partition. Must correspond to the value provided for [PodProxyIterator.partitionSize]
* via instantiation of any [PodProxy]
// ThreadSafe
abstract class AbstractPod>(
override val podKey: PodKey,
val bean: B,
val partitionCount: Int,
val partitionSize: Int = ExecutionConfig.partitionSize
) : Pod {
companion object {
private val idSeq = AtomicLong(0)
private val log = KotlinLogging.logger { }
* Is used inside [iteratorStart] and [iteratorNext] to make sure the iterator is accessed within only one thread.
private val iteratorLock = ReentrantLock()
* [bean] iterator or `null` if it's not initialized yet. Initialized lazily during first call to [Pod]
private var iterator: Iterator? = null
* Point to the partition index that will be read next. The value is in range `[0, partitionCount)`
private var partitionIdx = 0
* The buffers for all iterators. All buffers are represented as Queues, so the producer appends data to the end,
* and consumer polls data from the head. The queue currently is unlimited.
* * The `key` is iterator key
* * The `value` is pair of partition index and buffer (as queue) itself
private val buffers = ConcurrentHashMap>>()
* The set of iterator locks. The `key` is iterator key, the value is [ReentrantLock] which is used
* with timeout=1000ms during [iteratorNext]
private val locks = ConcurrentHashMap()
override fun iteratorStart(sampleRate: Float, partitionIdx: Int): Long {
val key = idSeq.incrementAndGet()
log.trace { "[POD=$podKey] iteratorStart?sampleRate=$sampleRate&partitionIdx=$partitionIdx [key=$key]" }
buffers[key] = Pair(partitionIdx, ConcurrentLinkedQueue()) // TODO use different queue
locks[key] = ReentrantLock()
if (iterator == null) {
try {
if (iterator == null) iterator = bean.asSequence(sampleRate).iterator()
} finally {
return key
override fun iteratorNext(iteratorKey: Long, buckets: Int): List? {
val buf = buffers[iteratorKey]?.second
val lock = locks[iteratorKey]
check(buf != null && lock != null) { "Iterator key $iteratorKey is unknown for the pod $this" }
log.trace {
"Starting [POD=$podKey] iteratorNext?iteratorKey=$iteratorKey&buckets=$buckets " +
"[buf.size=${buf.size}, forPartition=${buffers[iteratorKey]?.first}], " +
"lock=$lock, iteratorLock=$iteratorLock"
// only one thread can read from the buffer itself
check(lock.tryLock(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
"POD[$podKey][iteratorKey=$iteratorKey, forPartition=${buffers[iteratorKey]?.first}] Can't acquire lock"
try {
val i = iterator!!
if (buf.size < buckets) { // not enough data
// can't check if there are some elements in the iterator as it has side effect of starting fetching element
// avoid reading from different iterators
try {
if (buf.size < buckets && i.hasNext()) { // double check, if that wasn't read before
var iterations = buckets * partitionSize * partitionCount - buf.size * partitionSize // TODO should it make sure the iterations is divisible by partition size?
log.trace { "Reading... [POD=$podKey] Doing $iterations iterations to fill the buffer [buf.size=${buf.size}]" }
var list = ArrayList(partitionSize)
var leftToReadForPartition = partitionSize
while (iterations >= 0) {
if (i.hasNext()) {
// read the next batch from the stream and spread across consumer queues
if (leftToReadForPartition == 0 || iterations == 0) {
// if partition is full or no iterations left -- dump the partition to the buffer
.filter { partitionCount == 1 || it.value.first == partitionIdx }
.forEach { it.value.second.add(ExecutionConfig.mediumBuilder().from(list)) }
partitionIdx = (partitionIdx + 1) % partitionCount
list = ArrayList(partitionSize)
leftToReadForPartition = partitionSize
// if that's not the last iteration, for the last iteration it wouldn't
// have any buffer to pick it up
if (iterations > 0) {
} else {
if (list.isNotEmpty()) {
.filter { partitionCount == 1 || it.value.first == partitionIdx }
.forEach { it.value.second.add(ExecutionConfig.mediumBuilder().from(list)) }
log.trace {
"Reading... [POD=$podKey] Left $iterations iterations after filling the buffer, hasNext=${i.hasNext()}, " +
"buffers=${ { Triple("iteratorKey="+it.key, "partitionIndex="+it.value.first, "bufferSize="+it.value.second.size) }}"
} finally {
val elements = (0 until min(buckets, buf.size))
.mapNotNull { buf.poll() }
log.trace {
"Returning [POD=$podKey] iteratorNext?iteratorKey=$iteratorKey&buckets=$buckets " +
return if (elements.isEmpty()) null else elements
} finally {
override fun desiredSampleRate(): Float? = bean.desiredSampleRate
override fun close() {
log.debug { "POD[$podKey] Closed" }
override fun isFinished(): Boolean = true // TODO get rid of this method?