io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.shell.ScpCommandBuilderImpl.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.shell
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.credentials.Credential
import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.credentials.CredentialAware
import io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.logging.Logger
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
* Utility for building scp commands
class ScpCommandBuilderImpl implements CommandBuilder, CredentialAware, ConfigAwareCommandBuilder, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L
* Default executable
public static final String EXECUTABLE = "scp"
* The host to connect to
String host = null
* The user to use
String user = null
* The scp destination path
String destinationPath = null
* The source path on the local machine
String sourcePath = null
* Logger instance
Logger log = new Logger(this)
* Wrapped command builder since inheritance causes problems in Groovy Sandbox
CommandBuilderImpl commandBuilder
* Credentials for SSH
Credential credentials
* @param dsl The DSL object of the current pipeline script (available via this.steps in pipeline scripts)
* @param executable The executable, default: 'scp'
ScpCommandBuilderImpl(DSL dsl, String executable = null) {
commandBuilder = new CommandBuilderImpl(dsl, executable ?: EXECUTABLE)
* Applies a given map configuration to the command builder
* @param config Map with configration values
ConfigAwareCommandBuilder applyConfig(Map config) {
commandBuilder.executable = config[SCP_EXECUTABLE] ?: "scp"
this.user = config[SCP_USER] ?: null
this.host = config[SCP_HOST] ?: null
this.sourcePath = config[SCP_SOURCE] ?: null
this.destinationPath = config[SCP_DESTINATION] ?: null
Integer port = (Integer) config[SCP_PORT] ?: 22
Boolean recursive = config[SCP_RECURSIVE] ?: false
List arguments = (List) config[SCP_ARGUMENTS] ?: []
Boolean scpHostKeyCheck = config[SCP_HOST_KEY_CHECK] ?: false
// add arguments
// add port
this.addArgument("-P", port.toString())
// add recursive if configured
if (recursive) {
// check if ssh host key checking has to be disabled
if (!scpHostKeyCheck) {
this.addArgument("-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no")
this.addArgument("-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null")
return this
* Used to set the username based on a Credential found by auto lookup
* @param credential The credential object to use the username from (if set)
void setCredential(Credential credential) {
this.credentials = credential
if (this.user == null && this.credentials != null && credential.getUserName() != null) {
this.user = credential.getUserName()
Credential getCredential() {
return this.credentials
* Builds the commandline by first calling the build function of superclass and then adding
* - shell escaped source path
* - user and host
* - shell escaped destination path
* @return The scp command line
CommandBuilder addArgument(String argument) {
return this
* @see CommandBuilder#addPathArgument(java.lang.String)
CommandBuilder addPathArgument(String argument) {
return this
* @see CommandBuilder#addPathArgument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
CommandBuilder addPathArgument(String argumentName, String value) {
commandBuilder.addPathArgument(argumentName, value)
return this
* @see CommandBuilder#addArgument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
CommandBuilder addArgument(String argumentName, String argumentValue) {
commandBuilder.addArgument(argumentName, argumentValue)
return this
* Builds the command line for SCP by using the wrapped command builder and
* adding the specific scp arguments.
* @see CommandBuilder#build()
String build() {
String baseCommand = commandBuilder.build()
if (host == null || destinationPath == null || sourcePath == null) {
log.fatal("One of the mandatory properties is not set! (host: $host, destinationPath: $destinationPath, sourcePath: $sourcePath)")
// exits and throws HudsonAbortException
commandBuilder.dsl.error("One of the mandatory properties is not set! (host: $host, destinationPath: $destinationPath, sourcePath: $sourcePath)")
String escapedDestinationPath = ShellUtils.escapePath(destinationPath)
String escapedSourcePath = ShellUtils.escapePath(sourcePath)
// calculate destination
// add user when defined
String destination = user ? "$user@" : ""
// add the host
destination = "$destination$host:"
// add the destination path surrounded by double quotes since it should be evaluated on target server
destination = destination + "\"$escapedDestinationPath\""
// append to the existing command and return
return "$baseCommand $escapedSourcePath $destination"
CommandBuilder addArguments(String arguments) {
return this
CommandBuilder addArguments(List arguments) {
return this
CommandBuilder reset() {
host = null
user = null
destinationPath = null
sourcePath = null
credentials = null
return this
CommandBuilder setExecutable(String executable) {
return this
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