io.xtech.babel.camel.CamelDSL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2014 Crossing-Tech SA, EPFL QI-J, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
* All rights reserved.
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package io.xtech.babel.camel
import io.xtech.babel.camel.model._
import io.xtech.babel.camel.parsing.{ Aggregation, _ }
import io.xtech.babel.fish.model._
import io.xtech.babel.fish.parsing.{ StepInformation, StepProcessor }
import io.xtech.babel.fish.{ DSL, NamingStrategy }
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder
import org.apache.camel.model.{ ModelCamelContext, ProcessorDefinition }
import scala.collection.immutable
// TODO will be fixed in 2.12 https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-6541
import scala.language.{ existentials, implicitConversions }
* Babel Camel is the way to create a Camel route with the Babel fish DSL.
* '''CamelDSL usage example :'''
* {{{
* import io.xtech.babel.camel.builder.RouteBuilder
* val routeDef = new RouteBuilder {
* from("direct:input").to("mock:output")
* }
* }}}
trait CamelDSL extends StepProcessor[RouteBuilder] with Basics
with Aggregation
with Transaction
with Transformation
with Throttler
with Marshaller
with RouteId
with Enricher
with Log
with Sort
with Resequencer
with Handler
with RecipientList
with RouteConfiguration
with WireTap
with Validation {
self: DSL =>
protected implicit def namingStrategy: NamingStrategy = DefaultIds.noDefaultIds
protected implicit def toNamedCamelProcessor(processor: ProcessorDefinition[_]) = new Named(processor)
protected implicit def stringSource(uri: String): CamelSource = CamelSource(uri)
protected implicit def stringSink(uri: String): CamelSink[Any] = CamelSink(uri)
protected implicit def stringSinks(uris: Seq[String]): immutable.Seq[CamelSink[Any]] = immutable.Seq(uris.map(new CamelSink(_)): _*)
//transforms a Camel Expression to a Babel Expression, but does not apply on instances which inherit of the Camel Expression
//otherwise, scala implicits would not be able to differ camelPredicateExpression and camelPredicate
// on a Camel Predicate which extends Camel Expression
protected implicit def camelPredicateExpression(exp: org.apache.camel.Expression with org.apache.camel.Predicate) = new CamelExpressionWrapper(exp)
protected implicit def camelPredicate(pred: org.apache.camel.Predicate) = new CamelPredicateWrapper(pred)
protected[camel] def process[T](step: StepDefinition, previous: T)(implicit routeBuilder: RouteBuilder) = {
processSteps(StepInformation(step, previous)(routeBuilder))
* Creates a Camel RouteBuilder from DSL Definition. The RouteBuilder can be used to declare the routes in a CamelContext.
* @param routeDefinitions A Seq of route definition builded by the Babel fish DSL.
* @return a new camel route builder.
protected[camel] def routeBuilder(routeDefinitions: immutable.Seq[RouteDefinition])(implicit camelContext: ModelCamelContext): RouteBuilder = {
val routeBuilder = new RouteBuilder() {
def configure(): Unit = {
routeDefinitions.foreach(routeDefinition => processSteps(StepInformation(routeDefinition.from, None)(this)))
protected implicit def camelMessage[I](msg: Message[I]): CamelMessage[I] = CamelHelper.camelMessage(msg)
class Named(processor: ProcessorDefinition[_]) {
def withId(step: StepDefinition)(implicit namingStrategy: NamingStrategy): ProcessorDefinition[_] = {
object CamelHelper {
implicit def camelMessage[I](msg: Message[I]): CamelMessage[I] = msg match {
case m: CamelMessage[I] => m
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Messages in Babel Camel should always be CamelMessage, but was $other")
object CamelException {
* An exception thrown when a when is not known in the fish.
class UnknownWhenProps extends Exception("An unknown when strategy was given")
class ErorrHandlingDefinedTwice extends Exception("The handle may be used only once in the RouteBuilder")
object DefaultIds {
val noDefaultIds = new NamingStrategy {
override def name(stepDefinition: StepDefinition): Option[String] = None
override def newRoute(): Unit = {}
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