com.github.kristofa.brave.SpanId Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.kristofa.brave;
import com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.Util.checkNotNull;
* Contains trace data that's propagated in-band across requests, sometimes known as Baggage.
* This implementation is biased towards a fixed-length binary serialization format that doesn't
* have a way to represent an absent parent (root span). In this serialized form, a root span is
* when all three ids are the same. Alternatively, you can use {@link #nullableParentId}.
Particularly, this includes sampled state, and a portable binary representation. The
* implementation is a port of {@code com.twitter.finagle.tracing.TraceId}.
* @deprecated Replaced by {@code brave.propagation.TraceContext}
public final class SpanId {
public static final int FLAG_DEBUG = 1 << 0;
/** When set, we can interpret {@link #FLAG_SAMPLED} as a set value. */
public static final int FLAG_SAMPLING_SET = 1 << 1;
public static final int FLAG_SAMPLED = 1 << 2;
* When set, we can ignore the value of the {@link #parentId}
While many zipkin systems re-use a trace id as the root span id, we know that some don't.
* With this flag, we can tell for sure if the span is root as opposed to the convention trace id
* == span id == parent id.
public static final int FLAG_IS_ROOT = 1 << 3;
* Creates a new span id.
* @param traceId Trace Id.
* @param spanId Span Id.
* @param parentSpanId Nullable parent span id.
* @deprecated Please use {@link SpanId.Builder}
public static SpanId create(long traceId, long spanId, @Nullable Long parentSpanId) {
return SpanId.builder().traceId(traceId).parentId(parentSpanId).spanId(spanId).build();
* @deprecated Please use {@link SpanId.Builder}
public SpanId(long traceId, long parentId, long spanId, long flags) {
this(new Builder().traceId(parentId == traceId ? parentId : traceId)
.parentId(parentId == spanId ? null : parentId)
SpanId(Builder builder) {
checkNotNull(builder.spanId, "spanId");
this.traceIdHigh = builder.traceIdHigh;
this.traceId = builder.traceId != null ? builder.traceId : builder.spanId;
this.parentId = builder.nullableParentId != null ? builder.nullableParentId : this.traceId;
this.spanId = builder.spanId;
this.flags = builder.flags;
this.shared = builder.shared;
/** Deserializes this from a big-endian byte array */
public static SpanId fromBytes(byte[] bytes) {
checkNotNull(bytes, "bytes");
if (bytes.length != 32 && bytes.length != 40) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes.length " + bytes.length + " != 32 or 40");
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
Builder builder = new Builder();
if (bytes.length == 32) {
} else {
return new SpanId(builder);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Get Trace id.
* @return Trace id.
* @deprecated use {@link #traceId}
public long getTraceId() {
return traceId;
* Get span id.
* @return span id.
* @deprecated use {@link #spanId}
public long getSpanId() {
return spanId;
* Get parent span id.
* @return Parent span id. Can be null
* @deprecated use {@link #nullableParentId()}
public Long getParentSpanId() {
return nullableParentId();
* When non-zero, the trace containing this span uses 128-bit trace identifiers.
* @since 3.15
public final long traceIdHigh;
* Unique 8-byte identifier for a trace, set on all spans within it.
public final long traceId;
* The parent's {@link #spanId} or {@link #spanId} if this the root span in a trace.
public final long parentId;
/** Returns null when this is a root span. */
public Long nullableParentId() {
return root() ? null : parentId;
* Unique 8-byte identifier of this span within a trace.
A span is uniquely identified in storage by ({@linkplain #traceId}, {@code #id}).
public final long spanId;
/** Returns true if this is the root span. */
public final boolean root() {
return (flags & FLAG_IS_ROOT) == FLAG_IS_ROOT || (parentId == traceId && parentId == spanId);
* True is a request to store this span even if it overrides sampling policy. Implies {@link
* #sampled()}.
public final boolean debug() {
return (flags & FLAG_DEBUG) == FLAG_DEBUG;
* Should we sample this request or not? True means sample, false means don't, null means we defer
* decision to someone further down in the stack.
public final Boolean sampled() {
if (debug()) return true;
: null;
/** Raw flags encoded in {@link #bytes()} */
public final long flags;
* True if we are contributing to a span started by another tracer (ex on a different host).
* Defaults to false.
When an RPC trace is client-originated, it will be sampled and the same span ID is used for
* the server side. However, the server shouldn't set span.timestamp or duration since it didn't
* start the span.
public final boolean shared;
/** Serializes this into a big-endian byte array */
public byte[] bytes() {
boolean traceHi = traceIdHigh != 0;
byte[] result = new byte[traceHi ? 40 : 32];
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(result);
buffer.putLong(0, spanId);
buffer.putLong(8, parentId);
if (traceHi) {
buffer.putLong(16, traceIdHigh);
buffer.putLong(24, traceId);
buffer.putLong(32, flags);
} else {
buffer.putLong(16, traceId);
buffer.putLong(24, flags);
return result;
public Builder toBuilder() {
return new Builder(this);
/** Returns {@code $traceId.$spanId<:$parentId} */
public String toString() {
boolean traceHi = traceIdHigh != 0;
char[] result = new char[((traceHi ? 4 : 3) * 16) + 3]; // 3 ids and the constant delimiters
int pos = 0;
if (traceHi) {
writeHexLong(result, pos, traceIdHigh);
pos += 16;
writeHexLong(result, pos, traceId);
pos += 16;
result[pos++] = '.';
writeHexLong(result, pos, spanId);
pos += 16;
result[pos++] = '<';
result[pos++] = ':';
writeHexLong(result, pos, parentId);
return new String(result);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof SpanId) {
SpanId that = (SpanId) o;
return (this.traceIdHigh == that.traceIdHigh)
&& (this.traceId == that.traceId)
&& (this.spanId == that.spanId);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (traceIdHigh >>> 32) ^ traceIdHigh;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (traceId >>> 32) ^ traceId;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (spanId >>> 32) ^ spanId;
return h;
* Returns the hex representation of the span's trace ID
* @since 3.15
public String traceIdString() {
if (traceIdHigh != 0) {
char[] result = new char[32];
writeHexLong(result, 0, traceIdHigh);
writeHexLong(result, 16, traceId);
return new String(result);
char[] result = new char[16];
writeHexLong(result, 0, traceId);
return new String(result);
public static final class Builder {
long traceIdHigh = 0;
Long traceId;
Long nullableParentId;
Long spanId;
long flags;
boolean shared;
Builder(SpanId source) {
this.traceIdHigh = source.traceIdHigh;
this.traceId = source.traceId;
this.nullableParentId = source.nullableParentId();
this.spanId = source.spanId;
this.flags = source.flags;
this.shared = source.shared;
/** @see SpanId#traceIdHigh */
public Builder traceIdHigh(long traceIdHigh) {
this.traceIdHigh = traceIdHigh;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#traceId */
public Builder traceId(long traceId) {
this.traceId = traceId;
return this;
* If your trace ids are not span ids, you must call this method to indicate absent parent.
* @see SpanId#nullableParentId()
public Builder parentId(@Nullable Long parentId) {
if (parentId == null) {
this.flags |= FLAG_IS_ROOT;
} else {
this.flags &= ~FLAG_IS_ROOT;
this.nullableParentId = parentId;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#spanId */
public Builder spanId(long spanId) {
this.spanId = spanId;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#flags */
public Builder flags(long flags) {
this.flags = flags;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#debug() */
public Builder debug(boolean debug) {
if (debug) {
this.flags |= FLAG_DEBUG;
} else {
this.flags &= ~FLAG_DEBUG;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#shared */
public Builder shared(boolean shared) {
this.shared = shared;
return this;
/** @see SpanId#sampled */
public Builder sampled(@Nullable Boolean sampled) {
if (sampled != null) {
this.flags |= FLAG_SAMPLING_SET;
if (sampled) {
this.flags |= FLAG_SAMPLED;
} else {
this.flags &= ~FLAG_SAMPLED;
} else {
this.flags &= ~FLAG_SAMPLING_SET;
return this;
public SpanId build() {
return new SpanId(this);
Builder() {
/** Inspired by {@code okio.Buffer.writeLong} */
static void writeHexLong(char[] data, int pos, long v) {
writeHexByte(data, pos + 0, (byte) ((v >>> 56L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 2, (byte) ((v >>> 48L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 4, (byte) ((v >>> 40L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 6, (byte) ((v >>> 32L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 8, (byte) ((v >>> 24L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 10, (byte) ((v >>> 16L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 12, (byte) ((v >>> 8L) & 0xff));
writeHexByte(data, pos + 14, (byte) (v & 0xff));
static final char[] HEX_DIGITS =
{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};
static void writeHexByte(char[] data, int pos, byte b) {
data[pos + 0] = HEX_DIGITS[(b >> 4) & 0xf];
data[pos + 1] = HEX_DIGITS[b & 0xf];